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First-principles study of NH3 adsorption on Ag- and Cu doped graphene oxide

WAN Yuwei WANG Rui ZHOU Wenquan WANG Yiping CAI Yanan WANG Chang


First-principles study of NH3 adsorption on Ag- and Cu doped graphene oxide

WAN Yuwei, WANG Rui, ZHOU Wenquan, WANG Yiping, CAI Yanan, WANG Chang
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  • Graphene has attracted great attention due to its large specific surface area, high charge carrier mobility, and excellent electrical conductivity. However, the inherent structural integrity and zero bandgap characteristics of graphene limit its gas sensing properties. Consequently, researchers have embarked on exploring avenues such as doping graphene or using graphene oxide as a gas-sensitive material to design gas sensors that respond optimally to ammonia. This work, based on first-principle density functional theory, focuses on the field of ammonia gas sensors, investigating in detail the adsorption characteristics of ammonia molecules on graphene oxide (GO) and graphene oxide doped with Ag and Cu (AgGO, CuGO). By calculating parameters including charge distribution, density of states, band structures, and adsorption energy, this work delves into the influences of diverse oxygen-containing groups and metal doping on the gas sensing properties of graphene oxide. The research results show that there is a substantial charge density overlap between the density of states of hydroxyl groups in graphene oxide and NH3 molecules, indicating a clear tendency towards chemical adsorption. It is particularly noteworthy that after NH3 adsorption, the graphene oxide containing hydroxyl shows the highest charge transfer (0.078e) and adsorption energy (0.60 eV), which indicates that the adsorption efficacy of NH3 is higher, followed by carboxyl groups and epoxy groups, which mainly participate in physical adsorption. Furthermore, this work delves into the influence of metal doping on graphene oxide, demonstrating that the adsorption capability of doped graphene oxide hinges upon the synergistic influence of oxygen-containing groups and metal atoms, with Ag-doped graphene oxide showing a several-fold increase in adsorption energy. Through the analysis of density of states, it is found that Ag atoms resonate with s, p, and d orbitals of the N atom in NH3, proving the formation of a chemical bond between Ag atom and N atom. Moreover, a comparative analysis shows that Cu-doped graphene oxide (CuGO) has an increased charge transfer of about 0.020e and slightly higher adsorption energy than Ag-doped graphene oxide (AgGO) when adsorbing NH3. Intriguingly, under the same doping concentration, CuGO exhibits superior adsorption performance to NH3. It is worth noting that in graphene oxide doped with Ag or Cu, the adsorption mechanism of carboxyl and epoxy groups transforms from physical adsorption into chemical adsorption, while the hydroxyl groups maintain consistent chemical adsorption properties before and after doping. This indicates that doping with Ag or Cu atoms can significantly enhance the adsorption capability of graphene oxide to NH3.
  • 图 1  优化前相关建模图 (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3; (e) AgGO-O-NH3; (f) AgGO-OH-NH3; (g) AgGO-COOH-NH3; (h) CuGO-O-NH3; (i) CuGO-OH-NH3; (j) CuGO-COOH-NH3

    Figure 1.  Related model diagrams before optimization: (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3; (e) AgGO-O-NH3; (f) AgGO-OH-NH3; (g) AgGO-COOH-NH3; (h) CuGO-O-NH3; (i) CuGO-OH-NH3; (j) CuGO-COOH-NH3.

    图 2  优化后G和含有不同含氧基团的GO吸附NH3的俯视图和侧视图 (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3

    Figure 2.  Top and side views of optimized G and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3: (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3.

    图 3  G和含有不同含氧基团的GO吸附NH3的电荷总密度图(等值面为0.2) (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3

    Figure 3.  Total charge density of G and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3 (The isosurface value is 0.2): (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3.

    图 4  G和含有不同含氧基团的GO吸附NH3的差分电荷密度图(等值面为0.05) (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3

    Figure 4.  Charge density difference of G and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3 (The isosurface value is 0.05): (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3.

    图 5  G和GO的能带结构 (a) G; (b) GO-O; (c) GO-OH; (d) GO-COOH

    Figure 5.  Band structures of G and GO: (a) G; (b) GO-O; (c) GO-OH; (d) GO-COOH.

    图 6  G和GO吸附NH3的态密度图 (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3

    Figure 6.  Density of states of G and GO adsorbing NH3: (a) G-NH3; (b) GO-O-NH3; (c) GO-OH-NH3; (d) GO-COOH-NH3.

    图 7  优化后含不同含氧基团的AgGO和GO吸附NH3的俯视图 (a) GO-O-NH3; (b) GO-OH-NH3; (c) GO-COOH-NH3; (d) AgGO-O-NH3; (e) AgGO-OH-NH3; (f) AgGO-COOH-NH3

    Figure 7.  Top views of optimized AgGO and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3: (a) GO-O-NH3; (b) GO-OH-NH3; (c) GO-COOH-NH3; (d) AgGO-O-NH3; (e) AgGO-OH-NH3; (f) AgGO-COOH-NH3.


    Figure 8.  DOS and PDOS of GO and AgGO: (a) DOS of GO-O-NH3 and AgGO-O-NH3; (b) DOS of GO-OH-NH3 and AgGO-OH-NH3; (c) DOS of GO-COOH-NH3 and AgGO-COOH-NH3; (d) DOS and PDOS of Ag in AgGO-O-NH3; (e) DOS and PDOS of Ag in AgGO-OH-NH3; (f) DOS and PDOS of Ag in AgGO-COOH-NH3; (g) DOS and PDOS of N in AgGO-O-NH3; (h) DOS and PDOS of N in AgGO-OH-NH3; (i) DOS and PDOS of N in AgGO-COOH-NH3.

    图 9  含有不同含氧基团的AgGO和CuGO吸附NH3的电荷总密度图(等值面为0.2) (a) AgGO-O-NH3; (b)AgGO-OH-NH3; (c) AgGO-COOH-NH3; (d) CuGO-O-NH3; (e) CuGO-OH-NH3; (f) CuGO-COOH-NH3.

    Figure 9.  Total charge density of AgGO and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3 (The isosurface value is 0.2): (a) AgGO-O-NH3; (b) AgGO-OH-NH3; (c) AgGO-COOH-NH3; (d) CuGO-O-NH3; (e) CuGO-OH-NH3; (f) CuGO-COOH-NH3.

    图 10  AgGO和CuGO的能带结构 (a) AgGO-O; (b) AgGO-OH; (c) AgGO-COOH; (d) CuGO-O; (e) CuGO-OH; (f) CuGO-COOH

    Figure 10.  Band structures of AgGO and CuGO: (a) AgGO-O; (b) AgGO-OH; (c) AgGO-COOH; (d) CuGO-O; (e) CuGO-OH; (f) CuGO-COOH.

    图 11  AgGO与CuGO的DOS (a) AgGO-O-NH3中Ag和NH3的DOS; (b) AgGO-OH-NH3中Ag和NH3的DOS; (c) AgGO-COOH-NH3中Ag和NH3的DOS; (d) CuGO-O-NH3中Cu和NH3的DOS; (e) CuGO-OH-NH3中Cu和NH3的DOS; (f) CuGO-COOH-NH3中Cu和NH3的DOS

    Figure 11.  DOS of AgGO and CuGO: (a) DOS of Ag and NH3 in AgGO-O-NH3; (b) DOS of Ag and NH3 in AgGO-OH-NH3; (c) DOS of Ag and NH3 in AgGO-COOH-NH3; (d) DOS of Cu and NH3 in CuGO-O-NH3; (e) DOS of Cu and NH3 in CuGO-OH-NH3; (f) DOS of Cu and NH3 in CuGO-COOH-NH3.

    表 1  G和含有不同含氧基团的GO吸附NH3的几何参数. C1, C2和C3为与含氧基团相连的最近的三个碳原子; D表示吸附距离

    Table 1.  Structural parameters of G and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3: C1, C2, and C3 are the three nearest carbon atoms connected to the oxygen-containing group; D represents the adsorption distance.

    Species Bond angles/(°) D
    C1-C2 C2-C3 C3-C1
    G-NH3 120.06 119.98 119.94 3.24 (N—C)
    GO-O-NH3 118.75 118.19 118.17 2.28 (H—O)
    GO-OH-NH3 112.95 112.72 112.77 1.80 (N—H)
    GO-COOH-NH3 119.57 2.44 (H—O)
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    表 2  G和含有不同含氧基团的GO吸附NH3的吸附能和电荷布居

    Table 2.  Adsorption energy and Mulliken charge of G and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3.

    System Mulliken charge/e Eads /eV
    C1 C2 C3 NH3
    G-NH3 0.013 0.004 –0.039 0.022 –0.15
    GO-O-NH3 0.112 0.024 0.026 0.005 –0.11
    GO-OH-NH3 0.004 –0.035 0.006 0.078 –0.60
    GO-COOH-NH3 0.125 –0.016 0.036 –0.17
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    表 3  带有不同含氧基团的AgGO和GO吸附NH3的吸附距离D、电荷转移Q和吸附能Eads

    Table 3.  Adsorption distance D, charge transfer Q, and adsorption energy Eads of AgGO and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3.

    Species D/Å Q/e Eads/eV
    NH3 Ag
    GO-O-NH3 2.28 (H-O) 0.005 –0.11
    AgGO-O-NH3 2.29 (N-Ag) 0.171 –0.038 –1.25
    GO-OH-NH3 1.80 (N-H) 0.078 –0.60
    AgGO-OH-NH3 2.29 (N-Ag) 0.160 –0.033 –1.26
    GO-COOH-NH3 2.44 (H-O) 0.036 –0.17
    AgGO-COOH-NH3 2.29 (N-Ag) 0.170 –0.082 –1.39
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    表 4  带有不同含氧基团AgGO和CuGO吸附NH3的电荷转移Q和吸附能Eads

    Table 4.  Charge transfer Q and adsorption energy Eads of AgGO and GO with different oxygen-containing groups adsorbing NH3.

    Species Q /e Eads/eV
    NH3 Ag/Cu
    AgGO-O-NH3 0.171 –0.038 –1.25
    CuGO-O-NH3 0.192 0.020 –1.39
    AgGO-OH-NH3 0.160 –0.033 –1.26
    CuGO-OH-NH3 0.180 –0.001 –1.43
    AgGO-COOH-NH3 0.170 –0.082 –1.39
    CuGO-COOH-NH3 0.192 0.034 –1.34
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  • Received Date:  17 December 2024
  • Accepted Date:  11 January 2025
  • Available Online:  09 February 2025

