The adsorption properties of toxic gases on the surface of low-dimensional nanomaterials are a research hot topic and key issue for developing semiconductor sensors to detect toxic gas molecules. Recently, a novel orthorhombic BN monolayer has attracted extensive attention from researchers. Using first principles calculations, we investigate the adsorption properties of typical toxic gas molecules, such as CO, H2S, NH3, NO, NO2, and SO2 molecules, on the surface of two-dimensional (2D) orthorhombic BN monolayer adsorption. The calculated adsorption energy show that the adsorptions of the above six molecules on the surface of BN monolayer are energy-favorable exothermic processes. It is found that NO2 and NH3 molecules are of chemical adsorption, while other systems are of physical adsorption, and NO adsorbing system exhibits a spin-polarized electronic band structure. The calculated density of states reveals that the adsorption of NO molecule and SO2 molecule have significant influences on the electronic structure near the Fermi level. Moreover, the adsorption of the NO2 molecule on the substrate exhibits remarkable variation of the work function, suggesting that the o-BN monolayer possesses excellent selectivity and sensitivity to NO2 molecule. In addition, we use first principles combined with non-equilibrium Green’s function to simulate the electrical transport properties of monolayered o-BN semiconductor based nanodevice with adsorption of typical toxic gas molecules. The I-Vb curve shows that the current through the nanodevice is 6500 nA for the NO2 molecule adsorbing system under 1 V bias voltage. The calculation results reveal that the adsorption of NO2 molecule on the o-BN monolayer can significantly enhance its electrical transport performance, and the o-BN monolayer possesses excellent sensitivity and selectivity to the NO2 gas molecule. The work function and the charge transfer can be effectively manipulated by tensile strain, indicating its potential application in anisotropic electronics. Our results indicate that the o-BN monolayer has excellent adsorption performance to toxic gases, showing its practical application in capturing toxic gas molecules as a gas sensor in future.
- adsorption /
- orthorhombic BN /
- first-principles /
- electrical transport /
- gas sensor
[1] Radisavljevic B, Radenovic A, Brivio J, Giacometti V, Kis A 2011 Nat. Nanotechnol. 6 147
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[36] Brandbyge M, Mozos J L, Ordejón P, Taylor J, Stokbro K 2002 Phys. Rev. B 65 165401
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[41] Ayesh A I 2022 Superlattice Microst. 162 107098
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[42] Xu Y, Jiang S X, Yin W J, Sheng W, Wu L X, Nie G Z, Ao Z M 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 501 144199
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[43] Xu K, Liao N B, Zheng B R, Zhou H M 2020 Phys. Lett. A 384 126533
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[45] Liu L, Yang Q, Wang Z P, Ye H Y, Chen X P, Fan X J, Zhang G Q 2018 Appl. Surf. Sci. 433 575
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[46] Kumar V, Rajput K, Roy D R 2022 Appl. Surf. Sci. 606 154741
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Li X L, Yuan K, He J L, Liu H F, Zhang J B, Zhou Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 017103
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[48] Guo H Y, Zhang W H, Lu N, Zhuo Z W, Zeng X C, Wu X J, Yang J L 2015 J. Phys. Chem. C 119 6912
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[50] Yu X F, Li Y C, Cheng J B, Liu Z B, Li Q Z, Li W Z, Yang X, Xiao B 2015 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 13707
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[51] Sajjad M, Montes E, Singh N, Schwingenschlögl U 2016 Adv. Mater. Interfaces 4 1600911
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[52] Meng R S, Cai M, Jiang J K, Liang Q H, Sun X, Yang Q, Tan C J, Chen X P 2016 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 38 134
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[53] Castro Neto A H, Guinea F, Peres N M R, Novoselov K S, Geim A K 2009 Rev. Mod. Phys. 81 109
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Cui X Q, Liu Q, Fan Z Q, Zhang Z H 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 248501
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[56] Cui Z, Wu H, Yang K Q, Wang X, Lv Y J 2024 Sens. Actuators A Phys. 366 114954
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[57] Tit N, Othman W, Shaheen A, Ali M 2018 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 270 167
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图 1 正交相BN单层原子结构球棍模型的顶视图和侧视图. 绿球和银球分别表示B原子和N原子, 对于气体分子吸附问题, 分子分别放置在3种不同的初始位置(T1, T2, H1), 图中T1和T2分别表示N原子和B原子的顶位, H1表示在六元环中心的空位
Figure 1. Top view and side views of optimized structure of the pristine BN monolayer. Green and silver balls indicating B and N atoms, respectively. Three different absorption sites are considered, namely, T1, T2, H1, and the gas molecules are initially at these sites. T1 and T2 represent the top sites above the N and B atom, respectively, and H1 represents the hollow site.
图 2 纳米电子器件模型示意图, 它包含左电极、右电极和中心散射区. 左右电极与中心区域无缝连接, 中心区域分子的吸附会对器件的电输运性能产生影响
Figure 2. Schematic demonstration of the nanodevice consisting of left-, right-electrode and the central region. The left and right electrodes are seamlessly connected with the central region, and the molecule adsorption at the central region will have impacts on the electrical performance of device.
图 4 气体在单层o-BN上稳定吸附构象的俯视图和侧视图 (a) CO; (b) H2S; (c) NH3; (d) NO; (e) NO2; (f) SO2; 绿色、银色、棕色、红色、白色、黄色球分别表示B, N, C, O, H和S原子
Figure 4. Top and side views of the most stable adsorption sites for (a) CO, (b) H2S, (c) NH3, (d) NO, (e) NO2 and (f) SO2 molecules adsorbed on the monolayered BN. The green, silver, brown, red, white, yellow balls indicate B, N, C, O, H and S atoms, respectively.
图 6 o-BN单层吸附气体分子的差分电荷密度的俯视图和侧视图 (a) CO; (b) H2S; (c) NH3; (d) NO; (e) NO2; (f) SO2; 其中等值线为0.0005 e·Bohr–3, 黄色和青色分别表示电子聚集和电子耗尽的程度
Figure 6. Charge density difference contours for (a) CO, (b) H2S, (c) NH3, (d) NO, (e) NO2, and (f) SO2 adsorbed on the o-BN monolayer (0.0003 e·Bohr–3 is set for isosurface value). Yellow and cyan represent electron accumulation and electron depletion, respectively.
图 10 (a), (b)气体分子吸附前后o-BN单层器件的$ I{\text{-}}{V}_{{\mathrm{b}}} $曲线, 图(b)中插图展示了NO2吸附的o-BN单层器件完整的$ I{\text{-}}{V}_{{\mathrm{b}}} $结果
Figure 10. Electrical performance of $ I{\text{-}}{V}_{{\mathrm{b}}} $ curves of (a) pristine o-BN monolayer device and (b) gas molecule adsorbed o-BN monolayer devices. The inset in panel (b) exhibits the $ I{\text{-}}{V}_{{\mathrm{b}}} $ curve of the NO2 adsorbed o-BN monolayer device.
表 1 吸附能$ {E}_{{\mathrm{a}}{\mathrm{d}}} $ (eV)、气体与衬底之间的距离d (Å)和电荷转移Q (e), 正值表示气体分子从o-BN衬底获得电子
Table 1. Adsorption energy $ {E}_{{\mathrm{a}}{\mathrm{d}}} $ (eV), distances between gas and the substrate d (Å) and the charge transfer Q (e). The positive value means the gas molecule obtains electron from the BN substrate.
$ {E}_{{\mathrm{a}}{\mathrm{d}}} $/eV d/Å Q/e CO –0.151 2.999 0.032 H2S –0.186 2.488 0.014 NH3 –0.222 1.762 –0.102 NO –0.258 2.284 0.133 NO2 –0.893 1.679 0.780 SO2 –0.380 2.922 0.165 表 2 气体在300—600 K之间吸附后的恢复时间τ(s)
Table 2. Recovery time τ(s) after gas adsorption ranging from 300 to 600 K.
moleculeTemperature/K 300 400 500 600 CO 3.44×10–11 7.99×10–12 3.33×10–12 1.85×10–12 H2S 1.33×10–10 2.20×10–11 7.49×10–12 3.65×10–12 NH3 5.36×10–10 6.26×10–11 1.73×10–11 7.32×10–12 NO 2.16×10–9 1.78×10–10 3.98×10–11 1.47×10–11 NO2 100.13 0.02 1.00×10–4 3.16×10–6 SO2 2.42×10–7 6.13×10–9 6.76×10–10 1.55×10–10 表 3 气体分子吸附在o-BN单层后的功函数$ \varPhi $(eV)、功函数差$ {{\Delta }}\varPhi $(eV)和灵敏度S(%)
Table 3. Work function $ \varPhi~{\mathrm{(eV)}}$, work function difference $ {{\Delta }}\varPhi $ (eV) and sensitivity S (%) of the gas molecules adsorbed on the o-BN monolayer.
Adsorbed gas $ \varPhi $/eV $ {{\Delta }}\varPhi $/eV S/% CO 4.141 0.032 0.78 H2S 4.465 0.356 8.66 NH3 4.203 0.094 2.29 NO 4.103 –0.006 0.15 NO2 5.366 1.257 30.59 SO2 4.599 0.450 10.95 -
[1] Radisavljevic B, Radenovic A, Brivio J, Giacometti V, Kis A 2011 Nat. Nanotechnol. 6 147
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[2] Tombros N, Jozsa C, Popinciuc M, Jonkman H T, Wees B 2007 Nature 448 571
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[11] 徐强, 段康, 谢浩, 张秦蓉, 梁本权, 彭祯凯, 李卫 2021 70 157101
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Xu Q, Duan K, Xie H, Zhang Q R, Liang B Q, Peng Z K, Li W 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 157101
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[12] Zhang D Z, Pan W J, Tang M C, Wang D Y, Yu S J, Mi Q, Pan Q N, Hu Y Q 2023 Nano Res. 16 11959
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[48] Guo H Y, Zhang W H, Lu N, Zhuo Z W, Zeng X C, Wu X J, Yang J L 2015 J. Phys. Chem. C 119 6912
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[51] Sajjad M, Montes E, Singh N, Schwingenschlögl U 2016 Adv. Mater. Interfaces 4 1600911
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[53] Castro Neto A H, Guinea F, Peres N M R, Novoselov K S, Geim A K 2009 Rev. Mod. Phys. 81 109
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[54] 崔兴倩, 刘乾, 范志强, 张振华 2020 69 248501
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Cui X Q, Liu Q, Fan Z Q, Zhang Z H 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 248501
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Wu H F, Feng P J, Zhang S, Liu D P, Gao M, Yan X W 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 036801
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[56] Cui Z, Wu H, Yang K Q, Wang X, Lv Y J 2024 Sens. Actuators A Phys. 366 114954
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[57] Tit N, Othman W, Shaheen A, Ali M 2018 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 270 167
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