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吴宇阳 李卫 任青颖 李金泽 许巍 许杰



吴宇阳, 李卫, 任青颖, 李金泽, 许巍, 许杰

First-principles study on adsorption of gas molecules by metal Sc modified Ti2CO2

Wu Yu-Yang, Li Wei, Ren Qing-Ying, Li Jin-Ze, Xu Wei, Xu Jie
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 基于第一性原理计算研究了Ti2CO2和金属Sc修饰的Ti2CO2的几何结构和电子性质, 分析了不同有害气体(CO, NH3, NO, SO2, CH4, H2S)在这两种材料表面的吸附过程, 讨论了金属修饰对Ti2CO2二维过渡金属碳化物(MXene)电子性能和气体吸附性能的影响. 计算结果表明, Sc原子位于空心位C原子上方的结构具有较大的结合能, 但小于固体Sc的内聚能实验值(3.90 eV), Sc原子可以有效避免成簇. 表面Sc金属为气体吸附提供了活性位点. 通过分析不同气体的最佳吸附点位、吸附能等参数, 分析金属Sc修饰的Ti2CO2对这些气体的吸附效果. 其中对SO2的吸附效果更好, 吸附能从–0.314 eV提升到–2.043 eV, 其他气体的吸附效果均有改善. 通过电荷转移、态密度和功函数等参数解释了其吸附能增加的原因. 由于在表面引入了新的原子, 增大了材料的载流子密度和载流子迁移率, 从而提高了材料表面的电荷转移, 为金属Sc修饰的Ti2CO2材料的气敏性能提供理论参考.
    MXene materials have received increasing attention due to their unique properties and potential applications. Ti2CO2, as a typical MXene material that has been prepared, has been widely studied. The adsorption characteristics of two-dimensional materials for gas molecules can be significantly improved through transition metal modification. However, there are few studies on the use of transition metals to modify Ti2CO2. In this work, the adsorption processes of different harmful gases (CO, NH3, NO, SO2, CH4, H2S) on the surfaces of these two materials, i.e. Ti2CO2 and metal Sc modified Ti2CO2, are studied and analyzed based on first-principles density functional theory and generalized gradient method. The geometric optimization calculation of the metal-modified adsorption harmful gas structure is carried out, and the kinetic energy cutoff energy of the plane wave basis set is taken as 450 eV. The calculation results show that the structure in which Sc atoms are located above the C atoms in the hollow position has a large binding energy, but it is smaller than the experimental value of the cohesive energy of solid Sc (3.90 eV). Sc atoms can effectively avoid clustering. Surface Sc metal provides active sites for gas adsorption. By analyzing the optimal adsorption points, adsorption energy and other parameters of different gases, the adsorption effects of metal Sc-modified Ti2CO2 on these gases are analyzed. Among them, the adsorption effect of SO2 is better, the adsorption energy is increased from –0.314 eV to –2.043 eV, and the adsorption effects of other gases are improved. Due to the introduction of new atoms on the surface of Ti2CO2, the carrier density and carrier mobility of the material are increased, thereby improving the charge transfer on the surface of the material, which is beneficial to its sensitivity to gas molecules. The results of density of states and work function further verify that the carrier density and carrier mobility of Sc-Ti2CO2 are increased, which is beneficial to gas adsorption. It is expected that the metal Sc-modified Ti2CO2 becomes an excellent gas-sensing material for the detection of CO, NH3, NO, SO2, CH4 and H2S, and the present work can provide a reference for theoretically studying the gas-sensing performance of metal Sc-modified Ti2CO2 materials.
      通信作者: 李卫, liw@njupt.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目(批准号: 20KJA510001)、江苏省“六大人才”高峰高层次人才计划和江苏省高校青蓝工程中青年学术带头人计划资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Wei, liw@njupt.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Major Project of Natural Science Research in Universities of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. 20KJA510001), the “Six Talents” High-level Talent Program of Jiangsu Province, and the Young and Middle-aged Academic Leader Program of Jiangsu University Blue Project, China.

    徐强, 段康, 谢浩, 张秦蓉, 梁本权, 彭祯凯, 李卫 2021 70 157101Google Scholar

    Xu Q, Duan K, Xie H, Zhang Q R, Liang B Q, Peng Z K, Li W 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 157101Google Scholar


    丁超, 李卫, 刘菊燕, 王琳琳, 蔡云, 潘沛锋 2018 67 213102Google Scholar

    Ding C, Li W, Liu J Y, Wang L L, Cai Y, Pan P F 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 213102Google Scholar


    Naguib M, Kurtoglu M, Presser V, Lu J, Niu J, Heon M, Barsoum M W 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 4248Google Scholar


    Anasori B, Lukatskaya M R, Gogotsi Y 2017 Nat. Rev. Mater. 2 1


    Naguib M, Mochalin V N, Barsoum M W, Gogotsi Y 2014 Adv. Mater. 26 992Google Scholar


    Verger L, Natu V, Carey M, Barsoum M W 2019 Trends Chem. 1 656Google Scholar


    Alhabeb M, Maleski K, Anasori B, Lelyukh P, Clark L, Sin S, Gogotsi Y 2017 Chem. Mater. 29 7633Google Scholar


    Chen J, Chen K, Tong D Y, Huang Y J, Zhang J W, Xue J M, Chen T 2015 Chem. Commun. 51 314Google Scholar


    Xu B Z, Zhu M S, Zhang W C, Zhen X, Pei Z X, Xue Q, Zhi C Y, Shi P 2016 Advanced Materials. 28 3411Google Scholar


    Li N, Chen X, Ong W J, MacFarlane D R, Zhao X, Cheetham A K, Sun C 2017 Acs Nano 11 10825Google Scholar


    Azofra L M, Li N, MacFarlane D R, Sun C 2016 Energy Environ. Sci. 9 2545Google Scholar


    Ren C E, Zhao M Q, Makaryan T, Halim J, Boota M, Kota S, Gogotsi Y 2016 Chem. Electro. Chem. 3 689Google Scholar


    Huang K, Li Z, Lin J, Han G, Huang P 2018 Chem. Soc. Rev. 47 5109Google Scholar


    Lee E, VahidMohammadi A, Prorok B C, Yoon Y S, Beidaghi M, Kim D J 2017 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 37184Google Scholar


    Naguib M, Mashtalir O, Carle J, Presser V, Lu J, Hultman L, Barsoum M W 2012 ACS Nano 6 1322Google Scholar


    Tang Q, Zhou Z, Shen P W 2012 J. Am. Chem. So. 134 16909Google Scholar


    Xie Y, Naguib M, Mochalin V N, Barsoum M W, Gogotsi Y, Yu X, Kent P R 2014 J. Am. Chem. So. 136 6385Google Scholar


    Zhang Y Q, Zha X H, Luo K, Qiu N X, Zhou Y H, He J, Chai Z F, Huang Z R, Huang Q, Liang Y X, Du S Y 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 6802Google Scholar


    Li X H, Zhang R Z, Cui H L 2020 ACS Omega 5 18403Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Zhang Z H, Li J L, Zhao X D, Wu D H, Zhou Z 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 12899Google Scholar


    Yu X F, Li Y C, Cheng J B, Liu Z B, Li Q Z, Li W Z, Xiao B 2015 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 13707Google Scholar


    谢浩, 李卫, 任青颖, 郑加金, 解其云, 王祥夫 2023 微纳电子技术 60 549

    Xie H, Li W, Ren Q Y, Zheng J J, Xie Q Y, Wang X F 2023 Micronanoelectron. Tech. 60 549


    Zhao J, Li W, Feng Y, Li J, Bai G, Xu J 2020 Appl. Phys. A 126 1Google Scholar


    Zhu C, Liang J X, Wang Y G, Li J 2022 Chin. J. Catal. 43 1830Google Scholar


    Hussain T, Vovusha H, Kaewmaraya T, Karton A, Amornkitbamrung V, Ahuja R 2018 Nanotechnology 29 415502Google Scholar


    Segall M D, Lindan P J, Probert M A, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Clark S J, Payne M C 2002 J. Phys-Cond. Mat. 14 2717Google Scholar


    Perdew J P, Chevary J A, Vosko S H, Jackson K A, Pederson M R, Singh D J, Fiolhais C 1992 Phys. Rev. B 46 6671Google Scholar


    Zhou Q X, Wang L, Ju W W, Zhao Z H, Hou J, Yong Y L, Miao H Y 2023 Phys. Lett. A 477 128919Google Scholar


    Sun Q, Wang Q, Jena P, Kawazoe Y 2005 J. Am. Chem. So. 127 14582Google Scholar


    Philipsen P H T, Baerends E J 2006 Phys. Rev. B 54 5326


    王怡然, 王丽芳, 袁东玉, 孔月月, 马淑红 2019 原子与分子 36 568Google Scholar

    Wang Y R, Wang L F, Yuan D Y, Kong Y Y, Ma S H 2019 J. Atom. Mol. Phys. 36 568Google Scholar


    Li X H, Cui H L, Zhang R Z, Li S S 2020 Vacuum 179 109574Google Scholar


    Ali S, Xie Z, Xu H 2021 Chem. Phys. Chem. 22 2352Google Scholar


    Khazaei M, Arai M, Sasaki T, Ranjbar A, Liang Y, Yunoki S 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 075411Google Scholar


    Peng S, Cho K, Qi P, Dai H 2004 Chem. Phys. Lett. 387 271Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) Ti2CO2结构图; (b) Sc-Ti2CO2结构图

    Fig. 1.  (a) Ti2CO2 structure diagram; (b) Sc-Ti2CO2 structure diagram.

    图 2  (a) Sc原子在C顶位和下层Ti顶位; (b) Sc原子在C顶位和上层Ti顶位; (c) Sc原子在下层Ti顶位和上层Ti顶位

    Fig. 2.  (a) Sc atoms on top of C and lower Ti; (b) Sc atoms on top of C and upper Ti; (c) Sc atoms on top of lower Ti and upper Ti.

    图 3  Ti2CO2和Sc-Ti2CO2能带图

    Fig. 3.  Ti2CO2 and Sc-Ti2CO2 energy band map.

    图 4  3个不同吸附点位

    Fig. 4.  Three different adsorption sites.

    图 5  不同气体在Ti2CO2上的吸附图

    Fig. 5.  Adsorption diagram of different gases on Ti2CO2.

    图 6  不同气体在Sc-Ti2CO2上的吸附图

    Fig. 6.  Adsorption diagram of different gases on Sc-Ti2CO2.

    图 7  O2在Sc-Ti2CO2上的吸附图

    Fig. 7.  Adsorption diagram of O2 on Sc-Ti2CO2.

    图 8  气体分子在不同温度下的恢复时间

    Fig. 8.  Recovery time of gas molecules at different temperatures.

    图 9  Sc-Ti2CO2的态密度和分态密度图

    Fig. 9.  Plot of state density and fractal density of Sc-Ti2CO2.

    图 10  不同气体吸附在本征Ti2CO2表面和 Sc-Ti2CO2表面的态密度和分态密度图 (a) CO; (b) NH3; (c) NO; (d) SO2; (e) CH4; (f) H2S

    Fig. 10.  State densities and fractal densities of different gases adsorbed on the surface of intrinsic Ti2CO2 and Sc-Ti2CO2: (a) CO; (b) NH3; (c) NO; (d) SO2; (e) CH4; (f) H2S.

    图 11  不同吸附体系的功函数

    Fig. 11.  Work functions of different adsorption systems.

    表 1  不同气体与Ti2CO2和Sc-Ti2CO2单层间的吸附能和电荷转移

    Table 1.  Adsorption energy and charge transfer between different gases and Ti2CO2 and Sc-Ti2CO2 monolayer.

    基底材料 吸附气体 Ead/eV CT(e)
    Ti2CO2 NO –0.026 0.12
    CO –0.238 0.04
    NH3 –0.108 0.20
    SO2 –0.314 0.04
    CH4 –0.291 0.00
    H2S –0.140 0.04
    Sc-Ti2CO2 NO –1.421 –0.150
    CO –0.735 –0.130
    NH3 –1.385 0.310
    SO2 –2.043 –0.170
    CH4 –0.537 –0.380
    H2S –0.898 0.320
    下载: 导出CSV
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    徐强, 段康, 谢浩, 张秦蓉, 梁本权, 彭祯凯, 李卫 2021 70 157101Google Scholar

    Xu Q, Duan K, Xie H, Zhang Q R, Liang B Q, Peng Z K, Li W 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 157101Google Scholar


    丁超, 李卫, 刘菊燕, 王琳琳, 蔡云, 潘沛锋 2018 67 213102Google Scholar

    Ding C, Li W, Liu J Y, Wang L L, Cai Y, Pan P F 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 213102Google Scholar


    Naguib M, Kurtoglu M, Presser V, Lu J, Niu J, Heon M, Barsoum M W 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 4248Google Scholar


    Anasori B, Lukatskaya M R, Gogotsi Y 2017 Nat. Rev. Mater. 2 1


    Naguib M, Mochalin V N, Barsoum M W, Gogotsi Y 2014 Adv. Mater. 26 992Google Scholar


    Verger L, Natu V, Carey M, Barsoum M W 2019 Trends Chem. 1 656Google Scholar


    Alhabeb M, Maleski K, Anasori B, Lelyukh P, Clark L, Sin S, Gogotsi Y 2017 Chem. Mater. 29 7633Google Scholar


    Chen J, Chen K, Tong D Y, Huang Y J, Zhang J W, Xue J M, Chen T 2015 Chem. Commun. 51 314Google Scholar


    Xu B Z, Zhu M S, Zhang W C, Zhen X, Pei Z X, Xue Q, Zhi C Y, Shi P 2016 Advanced Materials. 28 3411Google Scholar


    Li N, Chen X, Ong W J, MacFarlane D R, Zhao X, Cheetham A K, Sun C 2017 Acs Nano 11 10825Google Scholar


    Azofra L M, Li N, MacFarlane D R, Sun C 2016 Energy Environ. Sci. 9 2545Google Scholar


    Ren C E, Zhao M Q, Makaryan T, Halim J, Boota M, Kota S, Gogotsi Y 2016 Chem. Electro. Chem. 3 689Google Scholar


    Huang K, Li Z, Lin J, Han G, Huang P 2018 Chem. Soc. Rev. 47 5109Google Scholar


    Lee E, VahidMohammadi A, Prorok B C, Yoon Y S, Beidaghi M, Kim D J 2017 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 37184Google Scholar


    Naguib M, Mashtalir O, Carle J, Presser V, Lu J, Hultman L, Barsoum M W 2012 ACS Nano 6 1322Google Scholar


    Tang Q, Zhou Z, Shen P W 2012 J. Am. Chem. So. 134 16909Google Scholar


    Xie Y, Naguib M, Mochalin V N, Barsoum M W, Gogotsi Y, Yu X, Kent P R 2014 J. Am. Chem. So. 136 6385Google Scholar


    Zhang Y Q, Zha X H, Luo K, Qiu N X, Zhou Y H, He J, Chai Z F, Huang Z R, Huang Q, Liang Y X, Du S Y 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 6802Google Scholar


    Li X H, Zhang R Z, Cui H L 2020 ACS Omega 5 18403Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Zhang Z H, Li J L, Zhao X D, Wu D H, Zhou Z 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 12899Google Scholar


    Yu X F, Li Y C, Cheng J B, Liu Z B, Li Q Z, Li W Z, Xiao B 2015 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 13707Google Scholar


    谢浩, 李卫, 任青颖, 郑加金, 解其云, 王祥夫 2023 微纳电子技术 60 549

    Xie H, Li W, Ren Q Y, Zheng J J, Xie Q Y, Wang X F 2023 Micronanoelectron. Tech. 60 549


    Zhao J, Li W, Feng Y, Li J, Bai G, Xu J 2020 Appl. Phys. A 126 1Google Scholar


    Zhu C, Liang J X, Wang Y G, Li J 2022 Chin. J. Catal. 43 1830Google Scholar


    Hussain T, Vovusha H, Kaewmaraya T, Karton A, Amornkitbamrung V, Ahuja R 2018 Nanotechnology 29 415502Google Scholar


    Segall M D, Lindan P J, Probert M A, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Clark S J, Payne M C 2002 J. Phys-Cond. Mat. 14 2717Google Scholar


    Perdew J P, Chevary J A, Vosko S H, Jackson K A, Pederson M R, Singh D J, Fiolhais C 1992 Phys. Rev. B 46 6671Google Scholar


    Zhou Q X, Wang L, Ju W W, Zhao Z H, Hou J, Yong Y L, Miao H Y 2023 Phys. Lett. A 477 128919Google Scholar


    Sun Q, Wang Q, Jena P, Kawazoe Y 2005 J. Am. Chem. So. 127 14582Google Scholar


    Philipsen P H T, Baerends E J 2006 Phys. Rev. B 54 5326


    王怡然, 王丽芳, 袁东玉, 孔月月, 马淑红 2019 原子与分子 36 568Google Scholar

    Wang Y R, Wang L F, Yuan D Y, Kong Y Y, Ma S H 2019 J. Atom. Mol. Phys. 36 568Google Scholar


    Li X H, Cui H L, Zhang R Z, Li S S 2020 Vacuum 179 109574Google Scholar


    Ali S, Xie Z, Xu H 2021 Chem. Phys. Chem. 22 2352Google Scholar


    Khazaei M, Arai M, Sasaki T, Ranjbar A, Liang Y, Yunoki S 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 075411Google Scholar


    Peng S, Cho K, Qi P, Dai H 2004 Chem. Phys. Lett. 387 271Google Scholar

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