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成昱轩 许辉 于鸿飞 黄林琴 谷志超 陈玉峰 贺龙辉 陈智全 侯海良



成昱轩, 许辉, 于鸿飞, 黄林琴, 谷志超, 陈玉峰, 贺龙辉, 陈智全, 侯海良

Tri-band terahertz sensing and slow light based on graphene artificial microstructure

Chegn Yuxuan, Xu Hui, Yu Hongfei, Huang Linqin, Gu Zhichao, Chen Yufeng, He Longhui, Chen Zhiquan, Hou Hailiang
  • 本文提出了一种三频段太赫兹双重等离激元诱导透明的单层石墨烯器件,本器件结构简单且拥有优秀的慢光与传感性能。器件中的长石墨烯带能够直接被入射光激发,进而产生一个明模式;短石墨烯带则无法被入射光直接激发产生暗模式,但能够被明模式间接激发,明暗模式相互干涉从而形成表面等离子体诱导透明现象。本文通过耦合模理论推导此现象产生的机理,发现计算的结果与时域有限差分法基本一致。该结构不仅存在外部动态调节的优点,同时慢光与传感性能也十分优异。本文发现提高石墨烯器件的费米能级能够显著提高慢光效应,群折射率在石墨烯费米能级为1.1eV时达到最大值327.1。本结构还拥有优秀的传感性能,其灵敏度与品质因子最高分别达到1.442THz/RIU与39.6921。本研究有望为慢光与传感等领域的应用提供思路与理论基础。
    In this paper, a monolayer graphene-based tunable triple-band terahertz plasmons device with superior sensing and slow light performance. A very obvious dual PIT phenomenon was obtained by adjusting the device structure. Then, the transmission curves and electric field distributions of the long and short graphene bands at the three transmission windows are analyzed, to further investigate the mechanism of the light and dark modes of this structure(Fig. 3). Afterward, By comparing the Coupled-Mode Theory(CMT) theoretical data with the Finite difference time domain(FDTD) simulation data, it can be found that they show a high degree of agreement(Fig. 4). In addition, by analyzing the magnitude of the effective refractive indices of the real and imaginary parts at different Fermi energy levels. It can be found that it has a linear relationship with the Fermi energy level(Fig. 5). Research findings the phase of the electromagnetic wave fluctuates strongly when it is at the transmission window. Along with the increase of the Fermi energy level, the peak frequency of the group refractive index peak value also increases. When the Fermi energy level is at 1.1eV, the peak value of the group refractive index reaches 327.1(Fig. 6). In order to study the sensing effect of this device in more depth, a variety of different refractive indices of the medium are to be tested in this paper(Fig. 7). Based on the results it can be seen that the device has excellent sensing performance. Its sensitivity and Figure of Merit(FOM) reach up to 1.442 THz/RIU and 39.6921, respectively(Table 1). And by having superior performance compared to other sensors of the same type(Table 2). The structure compared with the traditional structure is capable of regulating the Fermi energy levels very conveniently by applying a voltage, to modulate the resonant frequency of the dual PIT. This study hopes to add a theoretical basis and provide a design reference for potential applications in fields such as slow light technology and sensing.
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