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Design of compact high resolution imaging system for cold atom experiments

Shen Xiao-Yang Cheng Yi-Hao Xia Lin

Design of compact high resolution imaging system for cold atom experiments

Shen Xiao-Yang, Cheng Yi-Hao, Xia Lin
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In cold atom experiments, high resolution imaging systems have been used to extract in-situ density information when studying quantum gases, which is one of the hot topics in this field. Such a system is usually called “quantum-gas microscope”. In order to achieve a long working distance and large magnification, high resolution imaging of cold atoms through a vacuum window usually requires a long distance between the atoms and the camera. However, due to space limitation caused by a large number of nearby optical elements, it may be difficult to realize a long imaging system, which is a common case in cold atom experiments. Herein we present an imaging system that can achieve a short distance between the atoms and the image plane with diffraction-limited 1 μm resolution and 50 magnification. The telephoto lens design is adopted to reduce the back focal length and enhance the pointing stability of the imaging lens. The system is optimized at an operating wavelength of 767 nm and corrects aberrations induced by a 5-mm-thick silica vacuum window. At a working distance of 32 mm, a diffraction-limited field of view of 408 μm is obtained. The simulation result shows that by changing the air space between lenses, our design operates across a wide range of window thicknesses (0–15 mm), which makes it robust enough to be used in typical laboratories. This compact imaging system is made from commercial on-shelf Φ2 in (1 in = 2.54 cm) singlets and consists of two components: a microscope objective with a numerical aperture of 0.47 and a telephoto objective with a long effective focal length of 1826 mm. Both are infinitely corrected, allowing the distance between them to be adjusted to insert optical elements for irradiating atoms with laser beams of different wavelengths without affecting the imaging resolution. Taking the manufacturing and assembling tolerances into consideration, the Monte Carlo analyses show that more than 95% of the random samples are diffraction-limited within the field of view. This high success rate ensures that these two objectives can be achieved easily in the experiment. Combined with its performance with other wavelengths (470–1064 nm), this imaging system can be used for imaging different atom species, such as sodium, lithium, and cesium.
      Corresponding author: Xia Lin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2021YFA1400900, 2021YFA0718302) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11874418).

    Sherson J F, Weitenberg C, Endres M, Cheneau M, Bloch I, Kuhr S 2010 Nature 467 68Google Scholar


    Cheuk L W, Nichols M A, Okan M, Gersdorf T, Ramasesh V V, Bakr W S, Lompe T, Zwierlein M W 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 193001Google Scholar


    Wei D, Rubio-Abadal A, Ye B, Machado F, Kemp J, Srakaew K, Hollerith S, Rui J, Gopalakrishnan S, Yao N Y, Bloch I, Zeiher J 2022 Science 376 716Google Scholar


    Bakr W S, Gillen J I, Peng A, Fölling S, Greiner M 2009 Nature 462 74Google Scholar


    Bakr W S, Peng A, Tai M E, Ma R, Simon J, Gillen J I, Folling S, Pollet L, Greiner M 2010 Science 329 547Google Scholar


    Salim E A, Caliga S C, Pfeiffer J B, Anderson D Z 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 084104Google Scholar


    Preiss P M, Ma R C, Tai M E, Lukin A, Rispoli M, Zupancic P, Lahini Y, Islam R, Greiner M 2015 Science 347 1229Google Scholar


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    Weiss D S, Saffman M 2017 Phys. Today 70 44Google Scholar


    Wu X L, Liang X H, Tian Y Q, Yang F, Chen C, Liu Y C, Tey M K, You L 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 020305Google Scholar


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    Raithel G, Duspayev A, Dash B, Carrasco S C, Goerz M H, Vuletić V, Malinovsky V S 2023 Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 014001Google Scholar


    Rispoli M, Lukin A, Schittko R, Kim S, Tai M E, Léonard J, Greiner M 2019 Nature 573 385Google Scholar


    Lukin A, Rispoli M, Schittko R, Tai M E, Kaufman A M, Choi S, Khemani V, Léonard J, Greiner M 2019 Science 364 256Google Scholar


    Kaufman A M, Tai M E, Lukin A, Rispoli M, Schittko R, Preiss P M, Greiner M 2016 Science 353 794Google Scholar


    Gemelke N, Zhang X B, Hung C L, Chin C 2009 Nature 460 995Google Scholar


    Preiss P M, Ma R C, Tai M E, Simon J, Greiner M 2015 Phys. Rev. A 91 041602Google Scholar


    Gempel M W, Hartmann T, Schulze T A, Voges K K, Zenesini A, Ospelkaus S 2019 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90 053201Google Scholar


    Knottnerus I H A, Pyatchenkov S, Onishchenko O, Urech A, Schreck F, Siviloglou G A 2020 Opt. Express 28 11106Google Scholar


    Li S K, Li G, Yang P F, Wang Z H, Zhang P F, Zhang T C 2020 Opt. Express 28 36122Google Scholar


    Li X, Zhou F, Ke M, Xu P, He X D, Wang J, Zhan M S 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 7584Google Scholar


    Bennie L M, Starkey P T, Jasperse M, Billington C J, Anderson R P, Turner L D 2013 Opt. Express 21 9011Google Scholar


    Shen C Y, Chen C, Wu X L, Dong S, Cui Y, You L, Tey M K 2020 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 063202Google Scholar


    Li S K, Li G, Wu W, Fan Q, Tian Y L, Yang P, Zhang P F, Zhang T C 2020 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 043104Google Scholar


    Pritchard J D, Isaacs J A, Saffman M 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 073107Google Scholar


    Müller T 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Zurich: ETH Zurich


    徐睆垚, 徐亮, 沈先春, 徐寒杨, 孙永丰, 刘文清, 刘建国 2021 70 184201Google Scholar

    Xu H Y, Xu L, Shen X C, Xu H Y, Sun Y F, Liu W Q, Liu J G 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 184201Google Scholar


    Fischer R, Tadic-Galeb B, Yoder P 2008 Optical System Design (2nd Ed.) (New York: McGraw-Hill Education) pp136–137


    Knottnerus I 2018 M. S. Thesis (Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam


    Alt W 2002 Optik 113 142Google Scholar


    Gross H, Zügge H, Peschka M, Blechinger F 2006 Image Quality Criteria (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH) pp91–99


    Öttl T 2019 M. S. Thesis (Innsbruck: University of Innsbruck

  • 图 1  成像系统的光路结构

    Figure 1.  Layout of the imaging system.

    图 2  显微物镜的光路结构

    Figure 2.  Layout of the microscope objective.

    图 3  显微物镜的仿真结果 (a) 不同视场角下出瞳不同位置光线的波像差(单位为767 nm); (b) 不同视场角下的点列图, 圆圈表示艾里斑大小; (c) 0.13°视场角时的MTF曲线, 插图为1000 cycles/mm处的MTF曲线

    Figure 3.  Simulated results of the microscope objective. (a) Wavefront error at different positions of the exit pupil at different fields (The unit is 767 nm). (b) Spot diagrams at different fields. The black circles represent the Airy disks. (c) MTF curves at 1.0 field. The inset plots the MTF near 1000 cycles/mm.

    图 4  远摄物镜示意图

    Figure 4.  Telephoto lens group.

    图 5  远摄物镜的光路结构

    Figure 5.  Layout of the telephoto objective.

    图 6  远摄物镜的仿真结果 (a) 不同视场角下出瞳不同位置光线的波像差; (b)不同视场角下的点列图; (c) 0.13°视场角时的MTF曲线

    Figure 6.  Simulated results of the telephoto objective: (a) Wavefront error inside the circular pupil at different fields; (b) spot diagrams at different fields; (c) MTF curves at 1.0 field.

    图 7  中心视场处的分辨率仿真 (a) 物平面上的USAF 1951分辨率板; (b) 像平面上的仿真结果; (c) 像平面上PSF的径向分布, 插图为PSF在像平面上的投影, 峰值对应斯特列尔比率

    Figure 7.  Simulation of the system’s resolution at 0 field: (a) The USAF 1951 resolution target in the object plane; (b) the simulation result in the image plane; (c) PSF along the radial direction in the image plane. The inset in panel (c) shows the projection of the PSF on the image plane, where the peak value corresponds to the Strehl ratio.

    表 1  相机附近长焦成像镜组光路长度(L)的比对

    Table 1.  Comparison of the optical path lengths (L) of the long foci imaging lens group near the camera.

    Magnification L/mm Ref.
    40.6 1678 [21]
    32 1000 [23]
    18.9 1000 [24]
    21.4 1000 [25]
    14.9 1000 [28]
    50 874 This work
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  真空窗厚度范围(R)的比对

    Table 2.  Comparison of the vacuum window thickness ranges (R).

    0.470—15This work
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  成像系统的设计要求

    Table 3.  Design requirements of the imaging system.

    Working distance/mm>20
    Track length/m<1
    Image diameter/mm8.2
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  显微物镜的参数

    Table 4.  Specifications of the microscope objective.

    Surface No. Radius/mm Thickness/mm Material
    1 Infinity 4.00 N-BK7
    2 51.46 31.50(d1) Air
    3 127.37 8.12 N-BK7
    4 –127.37 0.50 Air
    5 256.59 5.52 N-BK7
    6 –256.59 0.50 Air
    7 47.87 7.29 N-BK7
    8 119.32 1.40 Air
    9 30.34 9.70 N-BK7
    10 65.80 17.0264 Air
    11 Infinity 5.00 Silica
    12 Infinity 15.00 Vacuum
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  公差分析中使用的公差值

    Table 5.  Tolerances used in the tolerance analysis.

    Tolerance typeItemsValue
    Manufacturing toleranceLens thickness±0.1 mm
    Air space±0.05 mm
    Refractive index±0.001
    Centering±3 arcmin
    Assembling toleranceDecentration±0.05 mm
    Clear aperture tilt±0.02°
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 6  远摄物镜的参数

    Table 6.  Specifications of the telephoto objective.

    Surface No. Radius/mm Thicknesses/mm Material
    1 64.38 8.22 N-BK7
    2 Infinity 9.60(d2) Air
    3 –517.255 2.50 N-BK7
    4 517.255 71.00(d3) Air
    5 –38.59 3.50 N-BK7
    6 Infinity 772.016 Air
    7 Infinity 1.50 Silica
    8 Infinity 5.55 Vacuum
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 7  不同真空窗厚度与波长下的表现

    Table 7.  Performance of the imaging system at different window thicknesses and wavelengths.

    Wavelength/nm Window thickness/mm d1/mm d2/mm d3/mm Diffraction-limited FOV/μm Magnification Track length/mm
    470 0 26.1 226 –48.8 963
    5 31.4 0.624 83.9 230 –51.5 969
    15 50.8 173 –50.0 827
    767 0 26.2 398 –47.7 986
    5 31.5 9.6 71.0 408 –50.6 993
    15 50.8 404 –61.6 1013
    1064 0 26.2 440 –48.9 1022
    5 31.4 11.0 69.4 440 –51.7 1028
    15 50.5 502 –63.0 1048
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Sherson J F, Weitenberg C, Endres M, Cheneau M, Bloch I, Kuhr S 2010 Nature 467 68Google Scholar


    Cheuk L W, Nichols M A, Okan M, Gersdorf T, Ramasesh V V, Bakr W S, Lompe T, Zwierlein M W 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 193001Google Scholar


    Wei D, Rubio-Abadal A, Ye B, Machado F, Kemp J, Srakaew K, Hollerith S, Rui J, Gopalakrishnan S, Yao N Y, Bloch I, Zeiher J 2022 Science 376 716Google Scholar


    Bakr W S, Gillen J I, Peng A, Fölling S, Greiner M 2009 Nature 462 74Google Scholar


    Bakr W S, Peng A, Tai M E, Ma R, Simon J, Gillen J I, Folling S, Pollet L, Greiner M 2010 Science 329 547Google Scholar


    Salim E A, Caliga S C, Pfeiffer J B, Anderson D Z 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 084104Google Scholar


    Preiss P M, Ma R C, Tai M E, Lukin A, Rispoli M, Zupancic P, Lahini Y, Islam R, Greiner M 2015 Science 347 1229Google Scholar


    Britton J W, Sawyer B C, Keith A C, Wang C C J, Freericks J K, Uys H, Biercuk M J, Bollinger J J 2012 Nature 484 489Google Scholar


    Graham T M, Song Y, Scott J, Poole C, Phuttitarn L, Jooya K, Eichler P, Jiang X, Marra A, Grinkemeyer B, Kwon M, Ebert M, Cherek J, Lichtman M T, Gillette M, Gilbert J, Bowman D, Ballance T, Campbell C, Dahl E D, Crawford O, Blunt N S, Rogers B, Noel T, Saffman M 2022 Nature 604 457Google Scholar


    Weiss D S, Saffman M 2017 Phys. Today 70 44Google Scholar


    Wu X L, Liang X H, Tian Y Q, Yang F, Chen C, Liu Y C, Tey M K, You L 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 020305Google Scholar


    Meng Z M, Wang L W, Han W, Liu F D, Wen K, Gao C, Wang P J, Chin C, Zhang J 2023 Nature 615 231Google Scholar


    王良伟, 刘方德, 李云达, 韩伟, 孟增明, 张靖 2023 72 064201Google Scholar

    Wang L W, Liu F D, Li Y D, Han W, Meng Z M, Zhang J 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 064201Google Scholar


    Trisnadi J, Zhang M, Weiss L, Chin C 2022 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93 083203Google Scholar


    Raithel G, Duspayev A, Dash B, Carrasco S C, Goerz M H, Vuletić V, Malinovsky V S 2023 Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 014001Google Scholar


    Rispoli M, Lukin A, Schittko R, Kim S, Tai M E, Léonard J, Greiner M 2019 Nature 573 385Google Scholar


    Lukin A, Rispoli M, Schittko R, Tai M E, Kaufman A M, Choi S, Khemani V, Léonard J, Greiner M 2019 Science 364 256Google Scholar


    Kaufman A M, Tai M E, Lukin A, Rispoli M, Schittko R, Preiss P M, Greiner M 2016 Science 353 794Google Scholar


    Gemelke N, Zhang X B, Hung C L, Chin C 2009 Nature 460 995Google Scholar


    Preiss P M, Ma R C, Tai M E, Simon J, Greiner M 2015 Phys. Rev. A 91 041602Google Scholar


    Gempel M W, Hartmann T, Schulze T A, Voges K K, Zenesini A, Ospelkaus S 2019 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90 053201Google Scholar


    Knottnerus I H A, Pyatchenkov S, Onishchenko O, Urech A, Schreck F, Siviloglou G A 2020 Opt. Express 28 11106Google Scholar


    Li S K, Li G, Yang P F, Wang Z H, Zhang P F, Zhang T C 2020 Opt. Express 28 36122Google Scholar


    Li X, Zhou F, Ke M, Xu P, He X D, Wang J, Zhan M S 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 7584Google Scholar


    Bennie L M, Starkey P T, Jasperse M, Billington C J, Anderson R P, Turner L D 2013 Opt. Express 21 9011Google Scholar


    Shen C Y, Chen C, Wu X L, Dong S, Cui Y, You L, Tey M K 2020 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 063202Google Scholar


    Li S K, Li G, Wu W, Fan Q, Tian Y L, Yang P, Zhang P F, Zhang T C 2020 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 043104Google Scholar


    Pritchard J D, Isaacs J A, Saffman M 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 073107Google Scholar


    Müller T 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Zurich: ETH Zurich


    徐睆垚, 徐亮, 沈先春, 徐寒杨, 孙永丰, 刘文清, 刘建国 2021 70 184201Google Scholar

    Xu H Y, Xu L, Shen X C, Xu H Y, Sun Y F, Liu W Q, Liu J G 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 184201Google Scholar


    Fischer R, Tadic-Galeb B, Yoder P 2008 Optical System Design (2nd Ed.) (New York: McGraw-Hill Education) pp136–137


    Knottnerus I 2018 M. S. Thesis (Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam


    Alt W 2002 Optik 113 142Google Scholar


    Gross H, Zügge H, Peschka M, Blechinger F 2006 Image Quality Criteria (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH) pp91–99


    Öttl T 2019 M. S. Thesis (Innsbruck: University of Innsbruck

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  • Received Date:  23 October 2023
  • Accepted Date:  01 December 2023
  • Available Online:  15 December 2023
  • Published Online:  20 March 2024

