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Molecular dynamics simulation study on mechanical properties of Janus MoSSe monolayer

Zhang Yu-Hang Li Xiao-Bao Zhan Chun-Xiao Wang Mei-Qin Pu Yu-Xue


Molecular dynamics simulation study on mechanical properties of Janus MoSSe monolayer

Zhang Yu-Hang, Li Xiao-Bao, Zhan Chun-Xiao, Wang Mei-Qin, Pu Yu-Xue
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • This work systematically studies the mechanical responses of a novel semiconducting Janus MoSSe monolayer subjected to uniaxial tensile loadings by molecular dynamics simulations. It is found that the Janus MoSSe monolayer shows clearly anisotropic responses along armchair direction and the zigzag direction. The phase transition behavior is observed when the Janus MoSSe monolayer is under the action of tension along the zigzag direction at temperatures below 100 K, while it does not exist in any other conditions. The Young’s modulus, ultimate strength and ultimate strain decrease with temperature increasing. Particularly, the ductile-to-brittle fracture behavior is observed when uniaxial tension is applied along the zigzag direction depending on temperatures. The underline fracture mechanism is analyzed. Moreover, mechanical properties of Janus MoSSe monolayer with various grain boundaries are also carefully explored. It is found that the ultimate strength and ultimate strain depend more sensitively on narrow grains than on those wider ones. The crack is initialized near the grain boundaries and propagates along the direction almost perpendicular to the grain boundaries. The findings of this work may shed light on design and optimization of nanoscale electronic devices based on the Janus MoSSe monolayers.
      Corresponding author: Li Xiao-Bao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant Nos. 2208085MA17, 2208085ME129), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. PA2021KCPY0029 ).

    Castro Neto A H, Guinea F, Peres N M R, Novoselov K S, Geim A K 2009 Rev. Mod. Phys. 81 109Google Scholar


    Geim A K 2009 Science 324 1530Google Scholar


    Avouris P, Dimitrakopoulos C 2012 Mater. Today 15 86Google Scholar


    Akinwande D, Brennan C J, Bunch J S, Egberts P, Felts J R, Gao H J, Huang R, Kim J S, Li T, Li Y, Liechti K M, Lu N S, Park H S, Reed E J, Wang P, Yakobson B I, Zhang T, Zhang Y W, Zhou Y, Zhu Y 2017 Extreme Mech. Lett. 13 42Google Scholar


    Molle A, Grazianetti C, Tao L, Taneja D, Alam M H, Akinwande D 2018 Chem. Soc. Rev. 47 6370Google Scholar


    Liu H, Neal A T, Zhu Z, Luo Z, Xu X F, Tomanek D, Ye P D 2014 ACS Nano 8 4033Google Scholar


    Zhang K L, Feng Y L, Wang F, Yang Z C, Wang J 2017 J. Mater. Chem. C 5 11992Google Scholar


    Wyatt B C, Rosenkranz A, Anasori B 2021 Adv. Mater. 33 2007973Google Scholar


    Manzeli S, Ovchinnikov D, Pasquier D, Yazyev O V, Kis A 2017 Nature Rev. Mater. 2 17033Google Scholar


    Wang H T, Yuan H T, Hong S S, Li Y B, Cui Y 2015 Chem. Soc. Rev. 44 2664Google Scholar


    Huang H H, Fan X F, Singh D J, Zheng W T 2020 Nanoscale 12 1247Google Scholar


    Chen H J, Chen C Z, Li Y, Fang X W 2016 J. Semicond. 37 114004Google Scholar


    Shen Y, Tian H, Ren T L 2022 J. Semicond. 43 082002Google Scholar


    Lu A Y, Zhu H Y, Xiao J, Chuu C P, Han Y M, Chiu M H, Cheng C C, Yang C W, Wei K H, Yang Y M, Wang Y, Sokaras D, Nordlund D, Yang P D, Muller D A, Chou M Y, Zhang X, Li L J 2017 Nat. Nanotech. 12 744Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Jia S, Kholmanov I, Dong L, Er D Q, Chen W B, Guo H, Jin Z H, Shenoy V B, Shi L, Lou J 2017 ACS Nano 11 8192Google Scholar


    Hu T, Jia F H, Zhao G D, Wu J Y, Stroppa A, Ren W 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 235404Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Xia Y, Li X D, Li L Y, Fu X, Cheng J J, Pan R K 2022 J. Appl. Phys. 131 230902Google Scholar


    王盼, 宗易昕, 文宏玉, 夏建白, 魏钟鸣 2021 70 026801Google Scholar

    Wang P, Zong Y X, Wen H Y, Xia J B, Wei Z M 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 026801Google Scholar


    Cheng Y C, Zhu Z Y, Tahir M, Schwingenschlogl U 2013 Europhys. Lett. 102 57001Google Scholar


    Xia C X, Xiong W Q, Du J, Wang T X, Peng Y T, Li J B 2018 Phys. Rev. B 98 165424Google Scholar


    Shi W W, Li G Q, Wang Z G 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C. 123 12261Google Scholar


    Guan S S, Ke S S, Yu F F, Deng H X, Guo Y, Lu H F 2019 Appl. Sur. Sci. 496 143692Google Scholar


    Dong L, Lou J, Shenoy V B 2017 ACS Nano 11 8242Google Scholar


    Javvaji B, He B, Zhuang X Y, Park S H 2019 Phys. Rev. Mater. 3 125402Google Scholar


    Li R P, Cheng Y C, Huang W 2018 Small 14 1802091Google Scholar


    Ji Y J, Yang M Y, Lin H P, Hou T J, Wang L, Li Y Y, Lee S T 2018 J. Phys. Chem. C 122 3123Google Scholar


    Cai H F, Gao Y F, Gao H J, Guo W L 2019 Nano Energy 56 33Google Scholar


    Thanh V V, Van N D, Truong D V, Saito R, Hung N T 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 526 146730Google Scholar


    韩同伟, 贺鹏飞 2010 59 3408Google Scholar

    Han T W, He P F 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3408Google Scholar


    王卫东, 郝跃, 纪翔, 易成龙, 牛翔宇 2012 61 200207Google Scholar

    Wang W D, Hao Y, Ji X, Yi C L Niu X Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 200207Google Scholar


    Zhao J H, Kou L Z, Jiang J W, Rabczuk T 2014 Nanotechnology 25 295701Google Scholar


    李明林, 万亚玲, 胡建玥, 王卫东 2016 65 176201Google Scholar

    Li M L, Wan Y L, Hu J Y, Wang W D 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 176201Google Scholar


    Xiong Q L, Zhou J L, Zhang J, Kitamura T, Li Z H 2018 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 20988Google Scholar


    Yang F, Shang J, Kou L Z, Li C, Deng Z C 2022 Nanomaterials 12 1910Google Scholar


    Fox A, Ray U, Li T 2019 Carbon 142 388Google Scholar


    Gibb A L, Alem N, Chen J H, Erickson K J, Ciston J, Gautam A, Linck M, Zettl A 2013 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 6758Google Scholar


    Zou X L, Liu Y Y, Yakobson B I 2013 Nano Lett. 13 253Google Scholar


    Liang Q J, Zhang Q, Zhao X X, Liu M Z, Wee A T S 2021 ACS Nano 15 2165Google Scholar


    邵宇飞, 孟凡顺, 李久会, 赵星 2019 68 8Google Scholar

    Shao Y F, Meng F S, Li J H, Zhao X 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 8Google Scholar


    Hao W J, Wu Z G, Li X B, Pu Y X 2021 J. Appl. Phys. 129 185101Google Scholar


    Khossossi N, Singh D, Ainane A, Ahuja R 2020 Chem. Asian J. 15 3390Google Scholar


    Barik G, Pal S 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 21852Google Scholar


    Plimpton S 1995 J. Comput. Phys. 117 1Google Scholar


    Stukowski A 2010 Model. Simul. Mater. Sc. 18 015012Google Scholar


    Jiang J W, Park H S, Rabczuk T 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 114 064307Google Scholar


    Jiang J W, Zhou Y P 2017 arXiv: 1704.03147 [cond-mat. mtrl-sci]


    Han Y K, Chen P J, Zhang C, Dong J W, Liu H 2021 Comput. Mater. Sci. 188 110188Google Scholar


    Giannozzi P, Baroni S, Bonini N, Calandra M, Car R, Cavazzoni C, Ceresoli D, Chiarotti G L, Cococcioni M, Dabo I, Dal Corso A, De Gironcoli S, Fabris S, Fratesi G, Gebauer R, Gerstmann U, Gougoussis C, Kokalj A, Lazzeri M, Martin-Samos L, Marzari N, Mauri F, Mazzarello R, Paolini S, Pasquarello A, Paulatto L, Sbraccia C, Scandolo S, Sclauzero G, Seitsonen A P, Smogunov A, Umari P, Wentzcovitch R M 2009 J. Phys. Condens. Matter. 21 395502Google Scholar


    Lukyanov S I, Bandura A V, Evarestov R A 2016 RSC Adv. 6 16037Google Scholar


    谭一云, 于虹, 黄庆安, 刘同庆 2007 电子器件 30 755

    Tan Y Y, Yu H, Huang Q A, Liu T Q 2007 Chin. J. Electron. 30 755


    Yang L, Liu J J, Lin Y W, Xu K, Cao X Z, Zhang Z S, Wu J Y 2021 Chem. Mater. 33 8758Google Scholar

  • 图 1  单层MoSSe的原子结构模型(左侧为俯视图, 右侧为侧视图), 蓝色、淡灰色和淡黄色球分别代表钼(Mo)原子, 硒(Se)原子和硫(S)原子

    Figure 1.  Top (left panel) and side views (right panel) of atomic structure of the Janus MoSSe monolayer. The blue, light gray and light yellow balls represent Mo, Se and S atoms, respectively.

    图 2  完美单层MoSSe在1—800 K温度下沿(a) AC向和 (b) ZZ向受拉伸作用的应力-应变曲线

    Figure 2.  Stress-strain curves for perfect Janus MoSSe monolayer subjected to uniaxial tension along AC and ZZ directions respectively, at temperatures between 1 and 800 K.

    图 3  (a) 完美单层MoSSe结构的杨氏模量对温度的依赖规律; (b) 热膨胀系数的拟合

    Figure 3.  (a) Temperature effect on Young’s modulus of perfect Janus MoSSe monolayer under uniaxial tension along AC and ZZ directions, respectively; (b) thermal expansion coefficients.

    图 4  (a) 完美单层MoSSe在1 K温度下沿AC向受拉的应力-应变曲线, 以及(b) 18.96%, (c) 18.97% 和(d) 19.16%应变状态下的原子结构演变与应力分布图

    Figure 4.  (a) Stress-strain curve for perfect Janus MoSSe monolayer under tension along AC direction at 1 K; atomic snapshot and associated stress distribution under each strain state of (b) 18.96%, (c) 18.97%, and (d) 19.16%.

    图 5  单层MoSSe在1 K温度下沿ZZ向受拉伸作用应力-应变曲线(a), 以及(b) 22.4%, (c) 33.9%, (d) 35.0%, (e) 44.0% 和 (f) 53.0%应变状态下的原子结构与相应的应力分布图

    Figure 5.  (a) Stress-strain curve for perfect Janus MoSSe monolayer under tension along ZZ direction at 1 K; atomic snapshot and associated stress distribution under strain states of (b) 22.4%; (c) 33.9%; (d) 35.0%; (e) 44.0% and (f) 53.0%.

    图 6  (a) 沿锯齿形向受单轴拉伸作用下对应的最优结构; 此处仅展示相变前后几种应变状态所对应的结构(b) 沿扶手椅向受单轴拉伸作用下对应的最优结构

    Figure 6.  Taking a few snapshots of MoSSe monolayer under uniaxial strain states as examples: (a) Relaxed structures under uniaxial strain along zigzag direction before and after phase transtion; (b) relaxed structures under uniaxial strain along armchair direction.

    图 7  (a) 300 K 温度下沿锯齿形向受拉伸作用应力-应变曲线和对应特殊应变状态下(14.7%, 14.8%和15.5%)的原子构型图(b)—(d)

    Figure 7.  (a) Stress-strain curve of MoSSe monoalayer when subjected to tension along ZZ direction at 300 K and associated snapshots at strains of (b) 14.7%, (c) 14.8 % and (d) 15.5%.

    图 8  完美单层MoSSe沿AC和ZZ方向在拉伸作用下随温度的变化趋势 (a)强度极限; (b)极限应变

    Figure 8.  Perfect Janus MoSSe monolayer under uniaxial tension along both AC and ZZ directions at various temperatures: (a) The ultimate strength; (b) ultimate strain.

    图 9  1 K温度下 (a) 完美单层MoSSe结构, (b) 10% 的Se原子被去除, (c) 20%的Se原子被去除, (d) 50%的Se原子被替换为S原子和 (e) 全部Se原子被S原子替换即本征对称MoS2, 经过400 ps的弛豫平衡后原子形貌

    Figure 9.  Atomic snapshots of (a) perfect MoSSe monolayer, (b) 10% Se atoms removed, (c) 20% Se atoms removed, (d) 50% Se atoms replaced by S atoms and (e) 100% Se atoms replaced by S atoms, i.e. MoS2 monolayer, after 400 ps equilibrium simulation time at 1 K

    图 10  1 K温度下 (a) 完美单层MoSSe结构; (b) 单层MoS2结构经过400 ps弛豫平衡后变形的计算

    Figure 10.  The deformations of (a) perfect MoSSe monolayer and (b) perfect MoS2 monolayer calculated after equilibrium simulation time of 400 ps at 1 K.

    图 11  (a) 扶手椅形方向(0°)、锯齿形方向(60°)和晶界倾斜角度定义示意图; 3种含镜像对称晶界的单层MoSSe结构 (b) 晶界倾斜角为13.2°; (c) 晶界倾斜角为16.4°; (d) 晶界倾斜角21.8°; 两种非镜像对称晶界的MoSSe (e) 晶界倾斜角为32.2°; (f) 晶界倾斜角为38.2°

    Figure 11.  (a) Definition diagram of armchair (0°), zigzag (60°) directions and other tilt angles; grain boundary structures with tilt angles (b) 13.2°, (c) 16.4°, (d) 21.8°, (e) 32.2° and (f) 38.2°.

    图 12  不同温度下4种镜像对称晶界MoSSe (a) 倾斜角为5.0°, (b) 倾斜角为13.2°, (c) 倾斜角为16.8°和(d) 倾斜角为21.8°; 4种镜像非对称晶界MoSSe (e) 倾斜角为32.2°, (f) 倾斜角为38.2°, (g) 倾斜角为49.6°和(h) 倾斜角为54.3°的应力-应变曲线

    Figure 12.  Stress-strain curves for Janus MoSSe monolayer with four kinds of symmetric grain boundaries with tilt angles of (a) 5.0°, (b) 13.2°, (c) 16.8° and (d) 21.8°, and four kinds of asymmetric grain boundaries with tilt angles of (e) 32.2°, (f) 38.2°, (g) 49.6° and (h) 54.3° at various temperatures.

    图 13  晶界间宽度为15 nm, 倾斜角度为38.2°的结构受20%拉伸应变模拟时刻的原子结构

    Figure 13.  Snapshot of Janus MoSSe monolayer with GB of tilt angle of 38.2° and width of 15 nm when subjected to 20% strain.

    图 14  含不同晶界结构的单层MoSSe杨氏模量对温度的依赖性

    Figure 14.  The temperature effect on Young’s modulus of Janus MoSSe monolayer with various grain boundaries.

    图 15  含不同晶界结构的单层MoSSe的(a) 强度极限、(b) 极限应变对温度的依赖性

    Figure 15.  The temperature effect on Janus MoSSe monolayer with various grain boundaries: (a) Ultimate strength; (b) ultimate strain.

    图 16  1 K温度下含晶界单层MoSSe结构的杨氏模量对晶界宽度的依赖性

    Figure 16.  The effect of grain’s width on Young’s modulus of Janus MoSSe monolayer with various grain boundaries at 1 K.

    图 17  1 K温度下含晶界单层MoSSe结构的(a) 强度极限、(b) 极限应变对晶界宽度的依赖性

    Figure 17.  The dependence on grain width of Janus MoSSe monolayer with various grain boundaries at 1 K: (a) Ultimate strength; (b) ultimate strain.

    图 18  (a) 杨氏模量和强度极限与(b)极限应变随晶界角度的变化趋势

    Figure 18.  The dependence of (a) Young’s modulus, ultimate strength and (b) ultimate strain on the tilt angles.

    图 19  极限应变(上图)和强度极限(下图)对应变率的依赖性

    Figure 19.  The dependence of ultimate strength (upper) and ultimate strain (lower) on strain rates.

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    Molle A, Grazianetti C, Tao L, Taneja D, Alam M H, Akinwande D 2018 Chem. Soc. Rev. 47 6370Google Scholar


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    Manzeli S, Ovchinnikov D, Pasquier D, Yazyev O V, Kis A 2017 Nature Rev. Mater. 2 17033Google Scholar


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    Hu T, Jia F H, Zhao G D, Wu J Y, Stroppa A, Ren W 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 235404Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Xia Y, Li X D, Li L Y, Fu X, Cheng J J, Pan R K 2022 J. Appl. Phys. 131 230902Google Scholar


    王盼, 宗易昕, 文宏玉, 夏建白, 魏钟鸣 2021 70 026801Google Scholar

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    Zhao J H, Kou L Z, Jiang J W, Rabczuk T 2014 Nanotechnology 25 295701Google Scholar


    李明林, 万亚玲, 胡建玥, 王卫东 2016 65 176201Google Scholar

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    Liang Q J, Zhang Q, Zhao X X, Liu M Z, Wee A T S 2021 ACS Nano 15 2165Google Scholar


    邵宇飞, 孟凡顺, 李久会, 赵星 2019 68 8Google Scholar

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    Hao W J, Wu Z G, Li X B, Pu Y X 2021 J. Appl. Phys. 129 185101Google Scholar


    Khossossi N, Singh D, Ainane A, Ahuja R 2020 Chem. Asian J. 15 3390Google Scholar


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    Han Y K, Chen P J, Zhang C, Dong J W, Liu H 2021 Comput. Mater. Sci. 188 110188Google Scholar


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    Tan Y Y, Yu H, Huang Q A, Liu T Q 2007 Chin. J. Electron. 30 755


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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  17 September 2022
  • Accepted Date:  28 November 2022
  • Available Online:  09 December 2022
  • Published Online:  20 February 2023

