In order to analyze the causes of star sensor performance degradation and attitude measurement accuracy reduction in space radiation environment, the total ionizing dose effects on complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) star sensor performance are studied. By using an established outfield star sensor test system, the Orion Nebula and the zenith direction of the sky are imaged. Through the experimental processes of star map data acquisition, star point extraction and star map matching, the influence mechanisms of complementary metal oxide semiconductor active pixel sensor (CMOS APS) noises on background gray mean value of star map and number of identified stars are analyzed. A recognition algorithm for finding stars annihilated by radiated noise is proposed. Through theoretical derivation, the quantitative relationships between CMOS APS dark current noise, dark signal non-uniformity noise and photon response non-uniformity noise and star centroid positioning error are established. The γ radiation results show that the image gray-mean of the whole star map increases, the number of identified stars decreases, and the star point centroid positioning accuracy decreases, which seriously affect star map recognition of star sensor. This research provides a theoretical basis for the radiation-resistant reinforcement design of high precision star sensors.
- star sensor /
- radiation damage mechanism /
- star map recognition /
- complementary metal oxide semiconductor active pixel sensor /
- recognition algorithm
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[14] Yuan Z, Zhang H, Sun Y 2020 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering (ICMCCE) Harbin, China Dec 25–27, 2020 p2485
[15] EMVA1288 Working Group 2010 EMVA Standard 1288 (Frankfurt: European Machine Vision Association)
图 1 8T CMOS图像传感器像素单元结构示意图(PMD, 金属前介质; TG, 传输栅; RS, 行选择器; RST, 复位晶体管; VDD, 器件内部工作电压; PC, 预充电晶体管)
Figure 1. Structure diagram of 8T CMOS image sensor pixel unit (PMD, pre-metal dielectric; TG, transfer gate; RS, row select transistor; RST, reset transistor; VDD, device internal operating voltage; PC, pre-charge transistor).
表 1 星敏感器每个剂量点不同积分时间所采集星图的背景灰度均值
Table 1. Image gray-mean of the whole star map with different integration time and different dose levels.
累积剂量/krad(Si) 积分时间/ms 背景灰度均值/e– 7.5 95.6 5381.3 143.4 5381.7 525.6 5413.7 10.0 95.6 6850.6 143.4 6842.1 525.6 6911.3 20.0 95.6 15337.5 143.4 15385.2 525.6 15394.1 50.0 95.6 26813.5 143.4 26828.3 525.6 26836.6 表 2 不同累积剂量下星敏感器识别星点数目
Table 2. Number of star points identified by star sensors at different cumulative doses.
累积剂量/krad(Si) 识别星点数目 0 11 7.5 10 10.0 9 20.0 7 50.0 5 -
[1] 于朝霞, 王有峰, 韩飞, 梁彦, 贺亮 2013 上海航天 30 65
Google Scholar
Yu Z X, Wang Y F, Han F, Liang Y, He L 2013 Aerospace Shanghai 30 65
Google Scholar
[2] Zheng X, Huang Y, Mao X, He F, Ye Z 2020 JPCS 1510 012027
Google Scholar
[3] Hancock B R, Stirbl R C, Cunningham T J, Pain B, Wrigley C J, Ringold P G 2001 Functional Integration of Opto-electro-mechanical Devices & Systems 4284 43
Google Scholar
[4] Eisenman A R, Liebe C C 1998 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings Snowmass, CO, USA, March 28, 1998 p111
[5] Liebe C C 1995 IEEE Aerosp. Electron. Syst. Mag. 10 10
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[6] 刘垒, 张路, 郑辛, 余凯, 葛升民 2007 红外与激光工程 36 529
Google Scholar
Liu L, Zhang L, Zheng X, Xu K, Ge S M 2007 Infrared and Laser Engineering 36 529
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[7] 曹中祥, 钟红军, 张运方, 李全良 2018 空间控制技术与应用 44 46
Google Scholar
Cao Z X, Zhong H J, Zhang Y F, Li Q L 2018 Aerospace Control and Application 44 46
Google Scholar
[8] Virmontois C, Goiffon V, Magnan P, Girard S, Inguimbert C, Petit S, Rolland G, Saint-Pe O 2010 IEEE TNS. 7 3101
Google Scholar
[9] Virmontois C, Goiffon V, Magnan P, Girard S, Saint-Pe O, Petit S, Rolland G, Bardoux A 2012 IEEE TNS. 59 927
Google Scholar
[10] 周建涛, 蔡伟, 武延鹏, 卢欣 2010 宇航学报 31 24
Google Scholar
Zhou J T, Cai W, Wu Y P, Lu X 2010 J. Astron. 31 24
Google Scholar
[11] Belenky A, Fish A, Spivak A, Yadid-Pecht O 2007 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Express Briefs. 54 1032
Google Scholar
[12] Goiffon V, Virmontois C, Magnan P, Cervantes P, Place S, Gaillardin M, Girard S, Paillet P, Estribeau M, Martin-Gonthier P 2012 Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59 918
Google Scholar
[13] 刘金国, 李杰, 郝志航 2016 光学精密工程 14 553
Liu J Q, Li J, Hao Z H 2016 Optics and Precision Engineering 14 553
[14] Yuan Z, Zhang H, Sun Y 2020 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering (ICMCCE) Harbin, China Dec 25–27, 2020 p2485
[15] EMVA1288 Working Group 2010 EMVA Standard 1288 (Frankfurt: European Machine Vision Association)
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