Over the past two decades significant advances have been made in the research of superconducting quantum computing and quantum simulation, in particular of the device design and fabrication that leads to ever-increasing superconducting qubit coherence times and scales. With Google’s announcement of the realization of “quantum supremacy”, superconducting quantum computing has attracted even more attention. Superconducting qubits are macroscopic objects with quantum properties such as quantized energy levels and quantum-state superposition and entanglement. Their quantum states can be precisely manipulated by tuning the magnetic flux, charge, and phase difference of the Josephson junctions with nonlinear inductance through electromagnetic pulse signals, thereby implementing the quantum information processing. They have advantages in many aspects and are expected to become the central part of universal quantum computing. Superconducting qubits and auxiliary devices prepared with niobium or other hard metals like tantalum as bottom layers of large-area components have unique properties and potentials for further development. In this paper the research work in this area is briefly reviewed, starting from the design and working principle of a variety of superconducting qubits, to the detailed procedures of substrate selection and pretreatment, film growth, pattern transfer, etching, and Josephson junction fabrication, and finally the practical superconducting qubit and their auxiliary device fabrications with niobium base layers are also presented. We aim to provide a clear overview for the fabrication process of these superconducting devices as well as an outlook for further device improvement and optimization in order to help establish a perspective for future progress.
- superconducting qubit /
- device fabrication /
- quantum computing
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图 7 (a)铌基位相量子位中心区域的光学显微镜照片, 硅基片呈绿色, 而较暗和较亮的金属部分是Nb和Al薄膜; (b)位相量子比特能谱与能量弛豫时间的测量结果[38]
Figure 7. (a) Optical microscope image of the central region of Nb-based phase qubit, the substrate appears greenish in color while the darker and brighter parts are the Nb and Al films; (b) measurement results of energy spectrum and energy relaxation time of phase qubit[38].
图 8 (a) 铌基nSQUID量子比特中心部分的假色光学照片, 衬底、Nb层、Al层和α-Si层分别呈灰色、浅黄色、白色和棕色; (b)—(e) nSQUID量子比特不同条件下的典型二维势阱[40]
Figure 8. (a) False-colored optical photograph of the central part of Nb-based nSQUID qubit with the substrate, Nb layer, Al layers, and α-Si layer appearing in gray, light yellow, white, and brown, respectively; (b)–(e) Typical 2D potential landscapes of the nSQUID qubit [40].
图 9 (a)铌基耦合10比特器件中心区域; (b)跨过控制线的空气桥; (c)包含两个约瑟夫森结的SQUID环区域; (d)样品能量弛豫时间测量结果[39]
Figure 9. Microscope images of (a) the central region of Nb-based coupled 10-qubit device; (b) an airbridge across the control line; (c) the SQUID loop area containing two Josephson junctions; (d) measurement results of sample energy relaxation time[39].
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Table 2. Growth of niobium thin films by different methods and fabricated resonator properties [57].
Processa In vacuo cleaning w/μm f0/GHz Qi-H×106 Qi-L×106 (A) Sputter 100 eV Ar+ mill for 2 min 3
0.40(B) E-beam 60 eV Ar+ mill for 2 min 3
0.72(C) MBE None 6
0.76(D) MBE LLb anneal 3
0.80(E) MBE LLb and 850 ℃ anneal 3
0.92 -
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