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Theoretical study of photovoltaic performance for inverted halide perovskite solar cells

Zhang Ao Zhang Chun-Xiu Chen Yun-Lin Zhang Chun-Mei Meng Tao


Theoretical study of photovoltaic performance for inverted halide perovskite solar cells

Zhang Ao, Zhang Chun-Xiu, Chen Yun-Lin, Zhang Chun-Mei, Meng Tao
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The existence of serious hysteresis effect for regular perovskite solar cells (PSCs) will affect their performances, however, the inverted PSCs can significantly suppress the hysteresis effect. To data, it has been very rarely reported to simulate the inverted planar heterojunction PSCs. In this paper, the effects of hole transport material (HTM), electron transport material (ETM), and ITO work function on performance of inverted MAPbI3 solar cells are carefully investigated in order to design the high-performance inverted PSCs. The inverted MAPbI3 solar cells using Cu2O, CuSCN, or NiOx as HTM, and PC61BM, TiO2, or ZnO as ETM are simulated with the program AMPS-1D. Simulation results reveal that i) the inverted MAPbI3 solar cells choosing NiOx as HTM can effectively improve the photovoltaic performance, and the excellent photovoltaic performance obtained by using TiO2 as ETM is almost the same as by using ZnO as ETM; ii) the ITO work function increasing from 4.6 eV to 5.0 eV can significantly enhance the photovoltaic performances of Cu2O— based and CuSCN— based inverted MAPbI3 solar cells, and the NiOx— based inverted MAPbI3 solar cells have only a minor photovoltaic performance enhancement; iii) based on the reported ITO work function between 4.6 eV and 4.8 eV, the maximum power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 27.075% and 29.588% for CuSCN— based and NiOx— based inverted MAPbI3 solar cells are achieved when the ITO work function reaches 4.8 eV. The numerical simulation gives that the increase of hole mobility in CuSCN and NiOx for ITO/CuSCN/MAPbI3/TiO2/Al and ITO/NiOx/MAPbI3/TiO2/Al can greatly improve the device performance. Experimentally, the maximum hole mobility 0.1 cm2·V–1·s–1 in CuSCN restricts the photovoltaic performance improvement of CuSCN— based inverted MAPbI3 solar cells, which means that there is still room for the improvement of cell performance through increasing the hole mobility in CuSCN. It is found that NiOx with a reasonable energy-band structure and high hole mobility 120 cm2·V–1·s–1 is an ideal HTM in inverted MAPbI3 solar cells. However, the increasing of electron mobility in TiO2 cannot improve the device photovoltaic performance of inverted MAPbI3 solar cells. These simulation results reveal the effects of ETM, HTM, and ITO work function on the photovoltaic performance of inverted MAPbI3 solar cells. Our researches may help to design the high-performance inverted PSCs.
      Corresponding author: Chen Yun-Lin,

    Zhou H P, Chen Q, Li G, Luo S, Song T B, Duan H S, Hong Z, You J B, Liu Y S, Yang Y 2014 Science 345 542Google Scholar


    Yin W J, Shi T T, Yan Y T 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 063903Google Scholar


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    Akihiro K, Kenjiro T, Yasuo S, Tsutomu M 2009 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 6050Google Scholar


    Meng L, You J B, Yang Y 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 5265Google Scholar


    Snaith H J, Abate A, Ball J M, Eperon G E, Leijtens T, Noel N K, Stranks S D, Wang J T, Wojciechowski K, Zhang W 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1511Google Scholar


    Saliba M 2018 Science 359 388Google Scholar


    Yu S, Yan Y, Chen Y, Chábera P, Zheng K, Liang Z 2019 J. Mater. Chem. A 7 2015Google Scholar


    Liu T H, Chen K, Hu Q, Zhu R, Gong Q H 2016 Adv. Energy Mater. 6 1600457Google Scholar


    Jeng J Y, Chiang Y F, Lee M H, Peng S R, Guo T F, Chen P, Wen T C 2013 Adv. Mater 25 3727Google Scholar


    Li J W, Dong Q S, Li N, Wang L D 2017 Adv. Energy Mater. 7 1602922Google Scholar


    Shi J J, Zhang H Y, Xu X, Li D M, Luo Y H, Meng Q B 2016 Small 12 5288Google Scholar


    Kakavelakis G, Maksudov T, Konios D, Paradisanos I, Kioseoglou G, Stratakis E, Kymakis E 2017 Adv. Energy Mater. 7 1602120Google Scholar


    Wang K C, Shen P S, Li M H, Chen S, Lin M W, Chen P, Guo T F 2014 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6 11851Google Scholar


    Chen W, Wu Y Z, Yue Y F, Liu J, Zhang W J, Yang X D, Chen H, Bi E B, Ashraful I, Grätzel M, Han L Y 2015 Science 350 944Google Scholar


    Bi C, Wang Q, Shao Y, Yuan Y, Xiao Z, Huang J 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 8747Google Scholar


    Shao Y C, Yuan Y B, Huang J S 2016 Nat. Energy 1 15001Google Scholar


    Kuang C Y, Tang G, Jiu T G, Yang H, Liu H B, Li B R, Luo W N, Li X G, Zhang W J, Lu F S, Fang J F, Li Y L 2015 Nano Lett. 15 2756Google Scholar


    Luo D Y, Yang W Q, Wang Z P, Sadhanala A, Hu Q, Su R, Shivanna R, Trindade G F, Watts J F, Xu Z J, Liu T H, Chen K, Ye F J, Wu P, Zhao L C, Wu J, Tu Y G, Zhang Y F, Yang X Y, Zhang W, Friend R H, Gong Q H, Snaith H J, Zhu R 2018 Science 360 1442Google Scholar


    Fonash S, Arch J, Cuiffi J, et al. A One-Dimensional Device Simulation Program for the Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures[1997-1-1]


    Zhang A, Chen Y L, Yan J 2016 Ieee J. Quantum Elect. 52 1600106Google Scholar


    Onoda-Yamamuro N, Matsuo T, Suga H 1992 J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 53 935Google Scholar


    Laban W A, Etgar L 2013 Energ. Environ Sci. 6 3249Google Scholar


    Stoumpos C C, Malliakas C D, Kanatzidis M G 2013 Inorg. Chem. 52 9019Google Scholar


    Rode D L 1975 Semiconductors and Semimetals (New York: Academic) pp1–89


    Muth J F, Kolbas R M, Sharma A K, Oktabrsky S, Narayan J 1999 J. Appl. Phys. 85 7884Google Scholar


    Moormann H, Kohl D, Heiland G 1980 Surf. Sci. 100 302Google Scholar


    Hagemark K J, Chacka L C 1975 J. Solid State Chem. 15 261Google Scholar


    Kim K J, Park Y R 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 78 475Google Scholar


    Wojciechowski K, Saliba M, Leijtens T, Abate A, Snaith H J 2014 Energ. Environ. Sci. 7 1142Google Scholar


    Liu F, Zhu J, Wei J F, Li Y, Lv M, Yang S F, Zhang B, Yao J X, Dai S Y 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 253508Google Scholar


    Jaffe J E, Kaspar T C, Droubay T C, Varga T, Bowden M E, Exarhos G J 2010 J. Phys. Chem. C 114 9111Google Scholar


    Kaiser I, Ernst K, Fischer C H, Konenkamp R, Rost C, Sieber I, Lux-Steiner M C 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells. 67 89Google Scholar


    Pattanasattayavong P, Ndjawa G O N, Zhao K, Chou K W, Yaacobi-Gross N, O’Regan B C, Amassian A, Anthopoulos T D 2013 Chem. Commun. 49 4154Google Scholar


    Pattanasattayavong P, Yaacobi-Gross N, Zhao K, Ndjawa G O N, Li J H, Yan F, O’Regan B C, Amassiann A, Anthopoulos T D 2013 Adv. Mater 25 1504Google Scholar


    Rao V, Smakula A 1965 J. Appl. Phys. 36 2031Google Scholar


    Ratcliff E L, Meyer J, Steirer K X, Armstrong N R, Olson D, Kahn A 2012 Org. Electron. 13 744Google Scholar


    Wu H B, Wang L S 1997 J. Chem. Phys. 107 16Google Scholar


    Liu M H, Zhou Z J, Zhang P P, Tian Q W, Zhou W H, Kou D X, Wu S X 2016 Opt. Express 24 1349Google Scholar


    Rakhshani A E 1991 J. Appl. Phys. 69 2365Google Scholar


    Ghijsen J, Tjeng L H, van Elp J, Eskes H, Westerink J, Sawatzky G A 1988 Phys. Rev. B 38 11322Google Scholar


    Zuo C T, Ding L M 2015 Small 11 5528Google Scholar


    Matsumura H, Fujii A, Kitatani T 1996 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 35 5631Google Scholar


    Shewchun J, Dubow J, Wilmsen C W, Singh R, Burk D, Wager J F 1979 J. Appl. Phys. 50 2832Google Scholar


    Park Y, Choong V, Gao Y, Hsieh B R, Tang C W 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 2699Google Scholar


    Balasubramanian N, Subrahmanyam A 1991 J. Electrochem. Soc. 138 322Google Scholar


    Nehate S D, Prakash A, DossMani P, Sundaram, K B 2018 ECS J. Solid State Sc. 7 87

  • 图 1  (a) 反式结构和(b) 正式结构平面异质结 MAPbI3太阳能电池的工作原理示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of working principle in (a) inverted and (b) regular planar heterojunction MAPbI3 solar cells.

    图 2  模拟反式钙钛矿太阳电池 (a) ITO/HTM/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al, (b) ITO/HTM/MAPbI3/TiO2/Al, (c) ITO/HTM/MAPbI3/ZnO/Al的PCE随MAPbI3厚度的变化, 前、后电极的功函数分别是4.6 eV (ITO) 和4.3 eV (Al)

    Figure 2.  The PCE of inverted perovskite solar cells for (a) ITO/HTM/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al, (b) ITO/HTM/MAPbI3/TiO2/Al, and (c) ITO/HTM/MAPbI3/ZnO/Al simulated with the MAPbI3 thickness. Front and back contact work function: 4.6 eV (ITO) and 4.3 eV (Al), respectively.

    图 3  模拟反式钙钛矿太阳电池 (a) ITO/CuO2/MAPbI3/ETM/Al; (b) ITO/CuSCN/MAPbI3/ETM/Al; (c) ITO/NiOx/MAPbI3/ETM/Al的PCE和FF随ITO功函数的变化, ETM表示PC61BM, TiO2, ZnO

    Figure 3.  Simulation for PCE and FF of inverted perovskite solar cells for (a) ITO/CuO2/MAPbI3/ETM/Al, (b) ITO/CuSCN/MAPbI3/ETM/Al, and (c) ITO/NiOx/MAPbI3/ETM/Al solar cells as a function of ITO work function, here ETM is PC61BM, TiO2, or ZnO.

    图 4  太阳能电池的伏安特性随CuSCN和NiOx中空穴迁移率变化的函数, 前、后电极的功函数分别是: 4.6 eV (ITO) 和4.3 eV (Al) (a) ITO/CuSCN/MAPbI3/TiO2/Al; (b) ITO/NiOx/MAPbI3/TiO2/Al

    Figure 4.  J-V characteristics of solar cell as a function of hole mobility in CuSCN and NiOx. Front and back contact work function is 4.6 eV (ITO) and 4.3 eV (Al), respectively: (a) ITO/CuSCN/MAPbI3/TiO2/Al; (b) ITO/NiOx/MAPbI3/TiO2/Al.

    表 1  AMPS-1D采用的MAPbI3 和ETM参数

    Table 1.  AMPS-1D parameters set for MAPbI3 and ETM.

    Dielectric constant23.3[22]8.12[25]100[30]3.9[18]
    Band gap/eV1.51[23]3.40[26]3.2[31]1.9[9]
    Electron affinity/eV3.93[23]4.19[27]4.0[31]3.9[9]
    Electron and hole mobility/cm2·V–1·s–150, 50[24]150, 0.0001[28]0.006, 0.006[30]0.0005, 0.0001[18]
    Acceptor concentration/cm–3(2.14 × 1017)[23]000
    Donor concentration/cm–30(5 × 1019)[29](5 × 1019)[30]5 × 1019
    Effective conduction band density/cm–31.66 × 10194.49 × 10181.0 × 10212.5 × 1020
    Effective valence band density/cm–35.41 × 10185.39 × 10182.0 × 10202.5 × 1020
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  AMPS-1D采用的HTM参数

    Table 2.  AMPS-1D parameters set for HTM.

    Dielectric constant10[32]11.9[36]8.8[40]
    Band gap/eV3.4[33]3.7[37]2.17[41]
    Electron affinity/eV1.9[33]1.5[38]3.3[42]
    Electron and hole mobility/cm2·V–1·s–10.0001, 0.01—0.10[34]0.0001, 120[39]0.0001, 10[43]
    Acceptor concentration/cm–3(5 × 1018)[35](2.66 × 1017)[15](5 × 1015)[43]
    Donor concentration/cm–3000
    Effective conduction band density/cm–31.79 × 10192.5 × 10192.5 × 1019
    Effective valence band density/cm–32.51 × 10192.5 × 10192.5 × 1019
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Zhou H P, Chen Q, Li G, Luo S, Song T B, Duan H S, Hong Z, You J B, Liu Y S, Yang Y 2014 Science 345 542Google Scholar


    Yin W J, Shi T T, Yan Y T 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 063903Google Scholar


    Boix P P, Nonomura K, Mathews N, Mhaisalkar S G 2014 Mater. Today 17 16Google Scholar


    Akihiro K, Kenjiro T, Yasuo S, Tsutomu M 2009 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 6050Google Scholar


    Meng L, You J B, Yang Y 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 5265Google Scholar


    Snaith H J, Abate A, Ball J M, Eperon G E, Leijtens T, Noel N K, Stranks S D, Wang J T, Wojciechowski K, Zhang W 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1511Google Scholar


    Saliba M 2018 Science 359 388Google Scholar


    Yu S, Yan Y, Chen Y, Chábera P, Zheng K, Liang Z 2019 J. Mater. Chem. A 7 2015Google Scholar


    Liu T H, Chen K, Hu Q, Zhu R, Gong Q H 2016 Adv. Energy Mater. 6 1600457Google Scholar


    Jeng J Y, Chiang Y F, Lee M H, Peng S R, Guo T F, Chen P, Wen T C 2013 Adv. Mater 25 3727Google Scholar


    Li J W, Dong Q S, Li N, Wang L D 2017 Adv. Energy Mater. 7 1602922Google Scholar


    Shi J J, Zhang H Y, Xu X, Li D M, Luo Y H, Meng Q B 2016 Small 12 5288Google Scholar


    Kakavelakis G, Maksudov T, Konios D, Paradisanos I, Kioseoglou G, Stratakis E, Kymakis E 2017 Adv. Energy Mater. 7 1602120Google Scholar


    Wang K C, Shen P S, Li M H, Chen S, Lin M W, Chen P, Guo T F 2014 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6 11851Google Scholar


    Chen W, Wu Y Z, Yue Y F, Liu J, Zhang W J, Yang X D, Chen H, Bi E B, Ashraful I, Grätzel M, Han L Y 2015 Science 350 944Google Scholar


    Bi C, Wang Q, Shao Y, Yuan Y, Xiao Z, Huang J 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 8747Google Scholar


    Shao Y C, Yuan Y B, Huang J S 2016 Nat. Energy 1 15001Google Scholar


    Kuang C Y, Tang G, Jiu T G, Yang H, Liu H B, Li B R, Luo W N, Li X G, Zhang W J, Lu F S, Fang J F, Li Y L 2015 Nano Lett. 15 2756Google Scholar


    Luo D Y, Yang W Q, Wang Z P, Sadhanala A, Hu Q, Su R, Shivanna R, Trindade G F, Watts J F, Xu Z J, Liu T H, Chen K, Ye F J, Wu P, Zhao L C, Wu J, Tu Y G, Zhang Y F, Yang X Y, Zhang W, Friend R H, Gong Q H, Snaith H J, Zhu R 2018 Science 360 1442Google Scholar


    Fonash S, Arch J, Cuiffi J, et al. A One-Dimensional Device Simulation Program for the Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures[1997-1-1]


    Zhang A, Chen Y L, Yan J 2016 Ieee J. Quantum Elect. 52 1600106Google Scholar


    Onoda-Yamamuro N, Matsuo T, Suga H 1992 J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 53 935Google Scholar


    Laban W A, Etgar L 2013 Energ. Environ Sci. 6 3249Google Scholar


    Stoumpos C C, Malliakas C D, Kanatzidis M G 2013 Inorg. Chem. 52 9019Google Scholar


    Rode D L 1975 Semiconductors and Semimetals (New York: Academic) pp1–89


    Muth J F, Kolbas R M, Sharma A K, Oktabrsky S, Narayan J 1999 J. Appl. Phys. 85 7884Google Scholar


    Moormann H, Kohl D, Heiland G 1980 Surf. Sci. 100 302Google Scholar


    Hagemark K J, Chacka L C 1975 J. Solid State Chem. 15 261Google Scholar


    Kim K J, Park Y R 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 78 475Google Scholar


    Wojciechowski K, Saliba M, Leijtens T, Abate A, Snaith H J 2014 Energ. Environ. Sci. 7 1142Google Scholar


    Liu F, Zhu J, Wei J F, Li Y, Lv M, Yang S F, Zhang B, Yao J X, Dai S Y 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 253508Google Scholar


    Jaffe J E, Kaspar T C, Droubay T C, Varga T, Bowden M E, Exarhos G J 2010 J. Phys. Chem. C 114 9111Google Scholar


    Kaiser I, Ernst K, Fischer C H, Konenkamp R, Rost C, Sieber I, Lux-Steiner M C 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells. 67 89Google Scholar


    Pattanasattayavong P, Ndjawa G O N, Zhao K, Chou K W, Yaacobi-Gross N, O’Regan B C, Amassian A, Anthopoulos T D 2013 Chem. Commun. 49 4154Google Scholar


    Pattanasattayavong P, Yaacobi-Gross N, Zhao K, Ndjawa G O N, Li J H, Yan F, O’Regan B C, Amassiann A, Anthopoulos T D 2013 Adv. Mater 25 1504Google Scholar


    Rao V, Smakula A 1965 J. Appl. Phys. 36 2031Google Scholar


    Ratcliff E L, Meyer J, Steirer K X, Armstrong N R, Olson D, Kahn A 2012 Org. Electron. 13 744Google Scholar


    Wu H B, Wang L S 1997 J. Chem. Phys. 107 16Google Scholar


    Liu M H, Zhou Z J, Zhang P P, Tian Q W, Zhou W H, Kou D X, Wu S X 2016 Opt. Express 24 1349Google Scholar


    Rakhshani A E 1991 J. Appl. Phys. 69 2365Google Scholar


    Ghijsen J, Tjeng L H, van Elp J, Eskes H, Westerink J, Sawatzky G A 1988 Phys. Rev. B 38 11322Google Scholar


    Zuo C T, Ding L M 2015 Small 11 5528Google Scholar


    Matsumura H, Fujii A, Kitatani T 1996 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 35 5631Google Scholar


    Shewchun J, Dubow J, Wilmsen C W, Singh R, Burk D, Wager J F 1979 J. Appl. Phys. 50 2832Google Scholar


    Park Y, Choong V, Gao Y, Hsieh B R, Tang C W 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 2699Google Scholar


    Balasubramanian N, Subrahmanyam A 1991 J. Electrochem. Soc. 138 322Google Scholar


    Nehate S D, Prakash A, DossMani P, Sundaram, K B 2018 ECS J. Solid State Sc. 7 87

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  • Received Date:  13 January 2020
  • Accepted Date:  06 February 2020
  • Published Online:  05 June 2020

