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Experimental study on coaxial gun pulse discharge plasma density change in transport process

Yang Liang Zhang Jun-Long Yan Hui-Jie Hua Yue Ren Chun-Sheng


Experimental study on coaxial gun pulse discharge plasma density change in transport process

Yang Liang, Zhang Jun-Long, Yan Hui-Jie, Hua Yue, Ren Chun-Sheng
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  • Coaxial gun discharge plasma with high density and velocity has a number of potential applications in fusion energy, plasma refueling, disruption mitigation in tokamaks, plasma space propulsion, acceleration of dust particles to hypervelocity etc., and thus has become an important research topic in fields of nuclear physics and aerospace engineering. In this paper, we report the experimental investigation on electrical and transport characteristics of coaxial gun discharge plasma. Based on electrical and optical diagnoses, the discharge voltage, discharge current and axial velocity of plasma transport are measured. Meanwhile, the emission spectrum technology is employed to measure the Stark broadening of H spectral line and then plasma density is calculated. The experimental results show that the discharges in the coaxial gun present a feature of multiple discharges and blow-by instability phenomena are observed by photomultiplier acquired signals. In addition, the plasma velocity and density in the transport process are not constant. It is found that the axial plasma velocity in the transport process decreases due to mass gain caused by the snowplow model and the change tendency of plasma density in the transport process is dependent on various settings. A systematic study has been carried out for exploring plasma density change in transport process, and different experimental parameters are adopted in order to further analyze the physical mechanism of plasma density change in transport process. When the air pressure in the coaxial gun is changed from 4.0 Pa to 10 Pa, for 1.08 kJ applied power energy, an obvious difference appears in transport properties of plasma density, i.e., plasma density increases gradually in 4.0 Pa air while it increases first and then decreases in 10 Pa air. However, the plasma density increases continually in air pressure of 10 Pa when the power energy is increased to 7.68 kJ. Moreover, when the working gas is replaced with argon and discharge setting is 4.0 Pa pressure and 1.08 kJ applied power energy, the plasma density decreases continually in the transport process. The distinct behaviors, as analyzed, are mainly caused by plasma energy transformation difference in the transport process. As it is known, the plasma movement at high velocity in coaxial guns can ionize neutral particles and consume its energy, which results in the increasing plasma density and the decreasing electron and ion temperatures in the transport process. Then, a maximum density is present in the transport process when the electron and ion temperatures are lower than that at which gas ionization occurs. The axial location of maximum density changes with applied power energy, working gas pressure and species, which means that plasma energy transformation and density change properties in transport process strongly rely on different external parameters. The study provides some insight into how to better apply the coaxial gun discharge plasma to practical engineering field.
      Corresponding author: Ren Chun-Sheng,

    Ticos C M, Wang Z H, Wurden G A, Kline J L, Montgomery D S 2008Phys.Plasmas 15 103701


    Turchi P J, Roderick N F, Degnan J H, Frese M H, Amdahl D J 2008IEEE Tran.Plasma Sci. 36 92


    Gao Z X, Feng C H, Yang X Z, Huang J G 2012Acta Phys.Sin. 61 145201(in Chinese)[高著秀, 冯春华, 杨宣宗, 黄建国2012 61 145201]


    Ticos C M, Wang Z H, Wurden G A, Kline J L, Montgomery D S, Dorf L A, Shukla P K 2008Phys.Rev.Lett. 100 155002


    Asai T, Itagaki H, Numasawa H, Terashima Y, Hirano Y, Hirose A 2010Rev.Sci.Instrum. 81 10E119


    Case A, Messer S, Brockington S, Wu L, Witherspoon F D, Elton R 2013Phys.Plasmas 20 012704


    Case A, Messer S, Bomgardner R, Witherspoon F D 2010Phys.Plasmas 17 053503


    Hsu S C, Merritt E C, Moser A L, Awe T J, Brockington S, Davis J S, Adams C S, Case A, Cassibry J T, Dunn J P, Gilmore M A, Messer S J, Witherspoon F D 2012Phys.Plasmas 19 123514


    Ticos C M, Wang Z H, Wurden G A 2011IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 39 2088


    Messer S, Case A, Bomgardner R, Phillips M, Witherspoon F D 2009Phys.Plasmas 16 064502


    Woodruff S, Hill D N, Stallard B W, Bulmer R, Cohen B, Holcomb C T, Hooper E B, McLean H S, Moller J, Wood R D 2003Phys.Rev.Lett. 90 095001


    Kikuchi Y, Nakanishi R, Nakatsuka M, Fukumoto N, Nagataet M 2010IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 38 232


    Cassibry J T, Thio Y C, Markusic T E, Wu S T 2006J.Propul.Power. 22 628


    Cassibry J T 2008IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 36 2180


    Markusic T E, Thio Y C, Cassibry J T 2002Proceedings of the 38th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference Indianapolis, Indiana, July 7-10, 2002, p1


    McNab I R 2009IEEE Trans.Magn. 45 381


    Voronin A V, Gusev V K, Petrov Y V, Sakharov N V, Abramova K B, Sklyarova E M, Tolstyakov S Y 2005Nucl Fusion 45 1039


    Voronin A V, Gusev V K, Petrov Y V, Mukhin E E, Tolstyakov S Y, Kurskiev G S, Kochergin M M, Hellblom K G 2008Nukleonika 53 103


    Ticos C M, Wang Z H, Wurden G A 2008IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 36 2770


    Wang Z H, Ticos C M, Wurden G A 2007Phys.Plasmas 14 103701


    Gao Z X, Huang J G, Han J W, Yang X Z, Feng C H 2010Spacecraft Environment Engineering 27 285(in Chinese)[高著秀, 黄建国, 韩建伟, 杨宣宗, 冯春华2010航天器环境工程27 285]


    Han J W, Zhang Z L, Huang J G, Li X Y, Chen Z F, Quan R H, Li H W 2006Spacecraft Environment Engineering 23 205(in Chinese)[韩建伟, 张振龙, 黄建国, 李小银, 陈赵峰, 全荣辉, 李宏伟2006航天器环境工程23 205]


    Yang L, Yan H J, Zhang J L, Hua Y, Ren C S 2014High Voltage Engineering 40 13(in Chinese)[杨亮, 闫慧杰, 张俊龙, 滑跃, 任春生2014高电压技术40 13]


    Wiechula J, Hock C, Iberler M, Manegold T, Schnlein A, Jacoby J 2015Phys.Plasmas 22 043516


    Wu Y, Bai S B, Wang J Y, Chen J P, Ni X W 2007Optoelectronic Technology 27 49(in Chinese)[吴莹, 白顺波, 王俊彦, 陈建平, 倪晓武2007光电子技术27 49]


    Warner K, Hieftje G M 2002Spectrochim Acta B 57 201


    Clements R M 1978J.Vac.Sci.Technol. 15 193


    Yuan F Y, Lu W Q, Lin G Q 2009Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 29 509(in Chinese)[袁方园, 陆文琪, 林国强2009真空科学与技术学报29 509]


    Li S, Liu Z W, Chen Q, Liu F P, Wang Z D, Yang L Z 2012Spectrosc.Spectr.Anal. 32 33(in Chinese)[李森, 刘忠伟, 陈强, 刘福平, 王正铎, 杨丽珍2012光谱学与光谱分析32 33]


    Qian M Y, Ren C S, Wang D Z, Zhang J L, Wei G D 2010J.Appl.Phys. 107 063303


    Witherspoon F D, Case A, Messer S J, Bomgardner R, Phillips M W, Brockington S, Elton R 2009Rev.Sci.Instrum. 80 083506


    Hart P J 1962Phys.Fluids 5 38


    Hart P J 1964J.Appl.Phys. 35 3425


    Zhang J L, Yang L, Yan H J, Hua Y, Ren C S 2015Acta Phys.Sin. 64 075201(in Chinese)[张俊龙, 杨亮, 闫慧杰, 滑跃, 任春生2015 64 075201]


    Cassibry J T, Thio Y C, Wu S T 2006Phys.Plasmas 13 053101


    Huang J G, Han J W, Li H W, Cai M H, Li X Y, Zhang Z L, Chen Z F, Wang L, Yang X Z, Feng C H 2009Chinese Science Bulletin 54 150(in Chinese)[黄建国, 韩建伟, 李宏伟, 蔡明辉, 李小银, 张振龙, 陈赵峰, 王龙, 杨宣宗, 冯春华2009科学通报54 150]


    Chen Z F 2006M.S.Thesis(Beijing:Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)(in Chinese)[陈赵峰2006硕士学位论文(北京:中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心)]


    Kubo H, Kawashima N, Itoh T 1971Plasma Physics 13 131


    Qian M Y 2011 Ph.D.Dissertation (Dalian:Dalian University of Technology)(in Chinese)[钱沐杨2011博士学位论文(大连:大连理工大学)]


    Wu L F 2010 M.S.Thesis (Wuhan:Wuhan Institute of Technology)(in Chinese)[吴利峰2010硕士学位论文(武汉:武汉工程大学)]


    Raizer Y P 1991Gas Discharge Physics(Berlin:Springer-Verlag) pp58-59


    Roy S, Singh K P, Gaitonde D V 2007Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Reno, Nevada, January 8-11, p1


    Kossyi I A, Kostinsky A Y, Matveyev A A, Silakov V P 1992Plasma Sources Sci.Technol. 1 207


    Singh K P, Roya S 2007J.Appl.Phys. 101 123308

  • [1]

    Ticos C M, Wang Z H, Wurden G A, Kline J L, Montgomery D S 2008Phys.Plasmas 15 103701


    Turchi P J, Roderick N F, Degnan J H, Frese M H, Amdahl D J 2008IEEE Tran.Plasma Sci. 36 92


    Gao Z X, Feng C H, Yang X Z, Huang J G 2012Acta Phys.Sin. 61 145201(in Chinese)[高著秀, 冯春华, 杨宣宗, 黄建国2012 61 145201]


    Ticos C M, Wang Z H, Wurden G A, Kline J L, Montgomery D S, Dorf L A, Shukla P K 2008Phys.Rev.Lett. 100 155002


    Asai T, Itagaki H, Numasawa H, Terashima Y, Hirano Y, Hirose A 2010Rev.Sci.Instrum. 81 10E119


    Case A, Messer S, Brockington S, Wu L, Witherspoon F D, Elton R 2013Phys.Plasmas 20 012704


    Case A, Messer S, Bomgardner R, Witherspoon F D 2010Phys.Plasmas 17 053503


    Hsu S C, Merritt E C, Moser A L, Awe T J, Brockington S, Davis J S, Adams C S, Case A, Cassibry J T, Dunn J P, Gilmore M A, Messer S J, Witherspoon F D 2012Phys.Plasmas 19 123514


    Ticos C M, Wang Z H, Wurden G A 2011IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 39 2088


    Messer S, Case A, Bomgardner R, Phillips M, Witherspoon F D 2009Phys.Plasmas 16 064502


    Woodruff S, Hill D N, Stallard B W, Bulmer R, Cohen B, Holcomb C T, Hooper E B, McLean H S, Moller J, Wood R D 2003Phys.Rev.Lett. 90 095001


    Kikuchi Y, Nakanishi R, Nakatsuka M, Fukumoto N, Nagataet M 2010IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 38 232


    Cassibry J T, Thio Y C, Markusic T E, Wu S T 2006J.Propul.Power. 22 628


    Cassibry J T 2008IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 36 2180


    Markusic T E, Thio Y C, Cassibry J T 2002Proceedings of the 38th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference Indianapolis, Indiana, July 7-10, 2002, p1


    McNab I R 2009IEEE Trans.Magn. 45 381


    Voronin A V, Gusev V K, Petrov Y V, Sakharov N V, Abramova K B, Sklyarova E M, Tolstyakov S Y 2005Nucl Fusion 45 1039


    Voronin A V, Gusev V K, Petrov Y V, Mukhin E E, Tolstyakov S Y, Kurskiev G S, Kochergin M M, Hellblom K G 2008Nukleonika 53 103


    Ticos C M, Wang Z H, Wurden G A 2008IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci. 36 2770


    Wang Z H, Ticos C M, Wurden G A 2007Phys.Plasmas 14 103701


    Gao Z X, Huang J G, Han J W, Yang X Z, Feng C H 2010Spacecraft Environment Engineering 27 285(in Chinese)[高著秀, 黄建国, 韩建伟, 杨宣宗, 冯春华2010航天器环境工程27 285]


    Han J W, Zhang Z L, Huang J G, Li X Y, Chen Z F, Quan R H, Li H W 2006Spacecraft Environment Engineering 23 205(in Chinese)[韩建伟, 张振龙, 黄建国, 李小银, 陈赵峰, 全荣辉, 李宏伟2006航天器环境工程23 205]


    Yang L, Yan H J, Zhang J L, Hua Y, Ren C S 2014High Voltage Engineering 40 13(in Chinese)[杨亮, 闫慧杰, 张俊龙, 滑跃, 任春生2014高电压技术40 13]


    Wiechula J, Hock C, Iberler M, Manegold T, Schnlein A, Jacoby J 2015Phys.Plasmas 22 043516


    Wu Y, Bai S B, Wang J Y, Chen J P, Ni X W 2007Optoelectronic Technology 27 49(in Chinese)[吴莹, 白顺波, 王俊彦, 陈建平, 倪晓武2007光电子技术27 49]


    Warner K, Hieftje G M 2002Spectrochim Acta B 57 201


    Clements R M 1978J.Vac.Sci.Technol. 15 193


    Yuan F Y, Lu W Q, Lin G Q 2009Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 29 509(in Chinese)[袁方园, 陆文琪, 林国强2009真空科学与技术学报29 509]


    Li S, Liu Z W, Chen Q, Liu F P, Wang Z D, Yang L Z 2012Spectrosc.Spectr.Anal. 32 33(in Chinese)[李森, 刘忠伟, 陈强, 刘福平, 王正铎, 杨丽珍2012光谱学与光谱分析32 33]


    Qian M Y, Ren C S, Wang D Z, Zhang J L, Wei G D 2010J.Appl.Phys. 107 063303


    Witherspoon F D, Case A, Messer S J, Bomgardner R, Phillips M W, Brockington S, Elton R 2009Rev.Sci.Instrum. 80 083506


    Hart P J 1962Phys.Fluids 5 38


    Hart P J 1964J.Appl.Phys. 35 3425


    Zhang J L, Yang L, Yan H J, Hua Y, Ren C S 2015Acta Phys.Sin. 64 075201(in Chinese)[张俊龙, 杨亮, 闫慧杰, 滑跃, 任春生2015 64 075201]


    Cassibry J T, Thio Y C, Wu S T 2006Phys.Plasmas 13 053101


    Huang J G, Han J W, Li H W, Cai M H, Li X Y, Zhang Z L, Chen Z F, Wang L, Yang X Z, Feng C H 2009Chinese Science Bulletin 54 150(in Chinese)[黄建国, 韩建伟, 李宏伟, 蔡明辉, 李小银, 张振龙, 陈赵峰, 王龙, 杨宣宗, 冯春华2009科学通报54 150]


    Chen Z F 2006M.S.Thesis(Beijing:Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)(in Chinese)[陈赵峰2006硕士学位论文(北京:中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心)]


    Kubo H, Kawashima N, Itoh T 1971Plasma Physics 13 131


    Qian M Y 2011 Ph.D.Dissertation (Dalian:Dalian University of Technology)(in Chinese)[钱沐杨2011博士学位论文(大连:大连理工大学)]


    Wu L F 2010 M.S.Thesis (Wuhan:Wuhan Institute of Technology)(in Chinese)[吴利峰2010硕士学位论文(武汉:武汉工程大学)]


    Raizer Y P 1991Gas Discharge Physics(Berlin:Springer-Verlag) pp58-59


    Roy S, Singh K P, Gaitonde D V 2007Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Reno, Nevada, January 8-11, p1


    Kossyi I A, Kostinsky A Y, Matveyev A A, Silakov V P 1992Plasma Sources Sci.Technol. 1 207


    Singh K P, Roya S 2007J.Appl.Phys. 101 123308

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  • Received Date:  27 August 2016
  • Accepted Date:  07 December 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

