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Coherent optical propagation properties and ultrahigh resolution mass sensing based on double whispering gallery modes cavity optomechanics

Chen Hua-Jun Fang Xian-Wen Chen Chang-Zhao Li Yang


Coherent optical propagation properties and ultrahigh resolution mass sensing based on double whispering gallery modes cavity optomechanics

Chen Hua-Jun, Fang Xian-Wen, Chen Chang-Zhao, Li Yang
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  • Whispering gallery mode (WGM) cavities due to their high quality factors, small mode volumes, and simple fabrications, have potential applications in photonic devices and ultrasensitive mass sensing. Cavity optomechanic systems based on WGM cavities have progressed enormously in recent years due to the fact that they reveal and explore fundamental quantum physics and pave the way for potential applications of optomechanical devices. However, WGM based cavity optomechanics still lies in a single optical mode coupled to a single mechanical mode. Here in this paper, in order to reveal more quantum phenomena and realize remarkable applications, we present a typical multimode cavity optomechanical system composed of two WGM cavities, of which one WGM cavity is an optomechanical cavity driven by a pump laser and a probe laser and the other cavity is an ordinary WGM cavity only driven with a pump laser. The two WGM cavities are coupled with each other via exchanging energy, and the coupling strength depends on the distance between the two cavities. With the standard method of quantum optics and the quantum Langevin equations, the coherent optical spectra are derived. The coherent optical propagation properties and the phenomenon of optomechanically induced transparency based slow-light effect are demonstrated theoretically via manipulating the coupling strength of the two cavities. The results based on the two-WGM cavity optomechanical system are also compared with those based on the single cavity optomechanical system, and the results indicate that the cavity-cavity coupling plays a key role in the system, which indicates a quantum channel, and influences the width of the transparency window. We further theoretically propose a mass sensor based on the double WGM cavity optomechanical system. To implement mass sensing, the first step is to determine the original frequency of the resonator. With adjusting the detuning parameters and the cavity-cavity coupling strength, a straightforward method to measure the resonance frequency of the WGM optomechanical resonator is proposed. The resonance frequency of the mechanical resonator can be determined from the probe transmission spectrum, and the coupling strength between the two cavities will enhance both the line width and the intensity, which will be beneficial to implementing mass sensing. The mass of external nanoparticles deposited onto the WGM optomechanical cavity can be measured conveniently by tracking the mechanical resonance frequency shifts due to the fact that mass changes in the probe transmission spectrum. Compared with those of single-cavity optomechanical mass sensors, the mass sensitivity and resolution are improved significantly due to the cavity-cavity coupling. This double WGM cavity optomechanical system provides a new platform for exploring the on-chip applications in optical storage and ultrahigh resolution sensing devices.
      Corresponding author: Chen Hua-Jun,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11404005, 51502005, 61272153, 61572035).

    Aspelmeyer M, Kippenberg T J, Marquardt F 2014 Rev. Mod. Phys. 86 1391


    Chen H J, Mi X W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 124206 (in Chinese) [陈华俊, 米贤武2011 60 124206]


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    Chan J, Alegre T P M, Safavi-Naeini A H, Hill J T, Krause A, Gröblacher S, Aspelmeyer M, Painter O 2011 Nature 478 89


    Teufel J D, Donner T, Li D, Harlow J W, Allman M S, Cicak K, Sirois A J, Whittaker J D, Lehnert K W, Simmonds R W 2011 Nature 475 359


    Agarwal G S, Huang S M 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 041803


    Weis S, Riviere R, Deleglise S, Gavartin E, Arcizet O, Schliesser A, Kippenberg T J 2010 Science 330 1520


    Teufel J D, Li D, Allman M S, Cicak K, Sirois A J, Whittaker J D, Simmonds R W 2011 Nature 471 204


    Safavi-Naeini A H, Mayer Alegre T P, Chan J, Eichenfield M, Winger M, Lin Q, Hill J T, Chang D E, Painter O 2011 Nature 472 69


    Fiore V, Yang Y, Kuzyk M C, Barbour R, Tian L, Wang H 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 133601


    Zhou X, Hocke F, Schliesser A, Marx A, Huebl H, Gross R, Kippenberg T J 2013 Nat. Phys. 9 179


    Clark J B, Lecocq F, Simmonds R W, Aumentado J, Teufel J D 2016 Nat. Phys. doi:10.1038/nphys3701


    Safavi-Naeini A H, Gröblacher S, Hill J T, Chan J, Aspelmeyer M, Painter O 2013 Nature 500 185


    Wollman E E, Lei C U, Weinstein A J, Suh J, Kronwald A, Marquardt F, Clerk A A, Schwab K C 2015 Science 349 952


    Gavartin E, Verlot P, Kippenberg T J 2012 Nat. Nanotech. 7 509


    Wu M, Hryciw A C, Healey C, Lake D P, Jayakumar H, Freeman M R, Davis J P, Barclay P E 2014 Phys. Rev. X 4 021052


    Krause A G, Winger M, Blasius T D, Lin Q, Painter O 2012 Nat. Photon. 6 768


    Li J J, Zhu K D 2013 Phys. Rep. 525 223


    Fleischhauer M, Imamoglu A, Marangos J P 2005 Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 633


    Massel F, Heikkila T T, Pirkkalainen J M, Cho S U, Saloniemi H, Hakonen P J, Sillanpaa M A 2011 Nature 480 351


    Jiang C, Chen B, Zhu K D 2011 Europhys. Lett. 94 38002


    Basiri-Esfahani S, Akram U, Milburn G J 2012 New J. Phys. 14 085017


    He W, Li J J, Zhu K D 2010 Opt. Lett. 35 339


    Zhang J Q, Li Y, Feng M, Xu Y 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 053806


    Hill J T, Safavi-Naeini A H, Chan J, Painter O 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 1196


    Liu Y C, Xiao Y F, Luan X, Gong Q, Wong C W 2015 Phys. Rev. A 91 033818


    Barzanjeh S, Abdi M, Milburn G J, Tombesi P, Vitali D 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 130503


    Massel F, Cho S U, Pirkkalainen J M, Hakonen P J, Heikkila T T, Sillanpaa M A 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 987


    Wang Y D, Clerk A A 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 153603


    Guo Y, Li K, Nie W, Li Y 2014 Phys. Rev. A 90 053841


    Liu Y C, Xiao, Y F, Luan X S, Chee W W 2015 Sci. China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58 050305


    Liu Y C, Hu Y W, Wong C W, Xiao Y F 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 114213


    Dong C, Fiore V, Kuzyk M C, Wang H 2012 Science 338 1609


    Qu K, Agarwal G S 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 031802


    Liu F, Alaie S, Leseman Z S, Hossein-Zadeh M 2013 Opt. Express 21 19555


    Shao L, Jiang X F, Yu X C, Li B B, Clements W R, Vollmer F, Wang W, Xiao Y F, Gong Q 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 5616


    Ekinci K L, Yang Y T, Roukes M L 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 2682


    Chaste J, Eichler A, Moser J, Ceballos G, Rurali R, Bachtold A 2012 Nat. Nanotechnol. 301 861


    Kolkowitz S, Jayich A C, Unterreithmeier Q P, Bennett S D, Rabl P, Harris J G, Lukin M D 2012 Science 335 1603


    Li J J, Zhu K D 2011 Phys. Rev. B 83 245421


    Peng B, Ozdemir S K, Lei F, Monifi F, Gianfreda M, Long G L, Fan S, Nori F, Bender C M, Yang L 2014 Nat. Phys. 10 394


    Chang L, Jiang X, Hua S, Yang C, Wen J, Jiang L, Li G, Wang G, Xiao M 2014 Nat. Photon. 8 524


    Jing H, Ozdemir S K, Lu X Y, Zhang J, Yang L, Nori F 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 053604


    Schliesser A, Arcizet O, Riviere R, Anetsberger G, Kippenberg T J 2009 Nat. Phys. 5 509


    Boyd R W 2010 Nonlinear Optics (3nd Ed.) (San Diego, California: Academic) p315


    Gardiner C W, Zoller P 2000 Quantum Noise (2nd Ed.) (Berlin: Springer) p 425


    Zhu J, Ozdemir S K, Xiao Y F, Li L, He L, Chen D, Yang L 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 46


    Yi X, Xiao Y F, Liu Y C, Li B B, Chen Y L, Li Y, Gong Q 2011 Phys. Rev. A 83 023803


    Ekinci K L, Yang Y T, Roukes M L 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 2682


    Chen B, Jiang C, Zhu K D 2011 Phys. Rev. A 83 055803


    Jiang C, Liu H, Cui Y, Li X, Chen G, Chen B 2013 Opt. Express 21 12165


    Jiang C, Cui Y, Zhu K D 2014 Opt. Express 22 13773


    Yie Z, Zielke M A, Burgner C B, Turner K L 2011 J. Micromech. Microeng. 21 025027

  • [1]

    Aspelmeyer M, Kippenberg T J, Marquardt F 2014 Rev. Mod. Phys. 86 1391


    Chen H J, Mi X W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 124206 (in Chinese) [陈华俊, 米贤武2011 60 124206]


    Yan X B, Yang L, Tian X D, Liu Y M, Zhang Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 204201 (in Chinese) [严晓波, 杨柳, 田雪冬, 刘一谋, 张岩2014 63 204201]


    Chen X, Liu X W, Zhang K Y, Yuan C H, Zhang W P 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 164211 (in Chinese) [陈雪, 刘晓威, 张可烨, 袁春华, 张卫平2015 64 164211]


    Balram K C, Davanco M, Song J D, Srinivasan K 2016 Nat. Photon. 10 346


    O'Connell A D, Hofheinz M, Ansmann M, Bialczak R C, Lenander M, Lucero E, Neeley M, Sank D, Wang H, Weides M, Wenner J, Martinis J M, Cleland A N 2010 Nature 464 697


    Chan J, Alegre T P M, Safavi-Naeini A H, Hill J T, Krause A, Gröblacher S, Aspelmeyer M, Painter O 2011 Nature 478 89


    Teufel J D, Donner T, Li D, Harlow J W, Allman M S, Cicak K, Sirois A J, Whittaker J D, Lehnert K W, Simmonds R W 2011 Nature 475 359


    Agarwal G S, Huang S M 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 041803


    Weis S, Riviere R, Deleglise S, Gavartin E, Arcizet O, Schliesser A, Kippenberg T J 2010 Science 330 1520


    Teufel J D, Li D, Allman M S, Cicak K, Sirois A J, Whittaker J D, Simmonds R W 2011 Nature 471 204


    Safavi-Naeini A H, Mayer Alegre T P, Chan J, Eichenfield M, Winger M, Lin Q, Hill J T, Chang D E, Painter O 2011 Nature 472 69


    Fiore V, Yang Y, Kuzyk M C, Barbour R, Tian L, Wang H 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 133601


    Zhou X, Hocke F, Schliesser A, Marx A, Huebl H, Gross R, Kippenberg T J 2013 Nat. Phys. 9 179


    Clark J B, Lecocq F, Simmonds R W, Aumentado J, Teufel J D 2016 Nat. Phys. doi:10.1038/nphys3701


    Safavi-Naeini A H, Gröblacher S, Hill J T, Chan J, Aspelmeyer M, Painter O 2013 Nature 500 185


    Wollman E E, Lei C U, Weinstein A J, Suh J, Kronwald A, Marquardt F, Clerk A A, Schwab K C 2015 Science 349 952


    Gavartin E, Verlot P, Kippenberg T J 2012 Nat. Nanotech. 7 509


    Wu M, Hryciw A C, Healey C, Lake D P, Jayakumar H, Freeman M R, Davis J P, Barclay P E 2014 Phys. Rev. X 4 021052


    Krause A G, Winger M, Blasius T D, Lin Q, Painter O 2012 Nat. Photon. 6 768


    Li J J, Zhu K D 2013 Phys. Rep. 525 223


    Fleischhauer M, Imamoglu A, Marangos J P 2005 Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 633


    Massel F, Heikkila T T, Pirkkalainen J M, Cho S U, Saloniemi H, Hakonen P J, Sillanpaa M A 2011 Nature 480 351


    Jiang C, Chen B, Zhu K D 2011 Europhys. Lett. 94 38002


    Basiri-Esfahani S, Akram U, Milburn G J 2012 New J. Phys. 14 085017


    He W, Li J J, Zhu K D 2010 Opt. Lett. 35 339


    Zhang J Q, Li Y, Feng M, Xu Y 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 053806


    Hill J T, Safavi-Naeini A H, Chan J, Painter O 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 1196


    Liu Y C, Xiao Y F, Luan X, Gong Q, Wong C W 2015 Phys. Rev. A 91 033818


    Barzanjeh S, Abdi M, Milburn G J, Tombesi P, Vitali D 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 130503


    Massel F, Cho S U, Pirkkalainen J M, Hakonen P J, Heikkila T T, Sillanpaa M A 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 987


    Wang Y D, Clerk A A 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 153603


    Guo Y, Li K, Nie W, Li Y 2014 Phys. Rev. A 90 053841


    Liu Y C, Xiao, Y F, Luan X S, Chee W W 2015 Sci. China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58 050305


    Liu Y C, Hu Y W, Wong C W, Xiao Y F 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 114213


    Dong C, Fiore V, Kuzyk M C, Wang H 2012 Science 338 1609


    Qu K, Agarwal G S 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 031802


    Liu F, Alaie S, Leseman Z S, Hossein-Zadeh M 2013 Opt. Express 21 19555


    Shao L, Jiang X F, Yu X C, Li B B, Clements W R, Vollmer F, Wang W, Xiao Y F, Gong Q 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 5616


    Ekinci K L, Yang Y T, Roukes M L 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 2682


    Chaste J, Eichler A, Moser J, Ceballos G, Rurali R, Bachtold A 2012 Nat. Nanotechnol. 301 861


    Kolkowitz S, Jayich A C, Unterreithmeier Q P, Bennett S D, Rabl P, Harris J G, Lukin M D 2012 Science 335 1603


    Li J J, Zhu K D 2011 Phys. Rev. B 83 245421


    Peng B, Ozdemir S K, Lei F, Monifi F, Gianfreda M, Long G L, Fan S, Nori F, Bender C M, Yang L 2014 Nat. Phys. 10 394


    Chang L, Jiang X, Hua S, Yang C, Wen J, Jiang L, Li G, Wang G, Xiao M 2014 Nat. Photon. 8 524


    Jing H, Ozdemir S K, Lu X Y, Zhang J, Yang L, Nori F 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 053604


    Schliesser A, Arcizet O, Riviere R, Anetsberger G, Kippenberg T J 2009 Nat. Phys. 5 509


    Boyd R W 2010 Nonlinear Optics (3nd Ed.) (San Diego, California: Academic) p315


    Gardiner C W, Zoller P 2000 Quantum Noise (2nd Ed.) (Berlin: Springer) p 425


    Zhu J, Ozdemir S K, Xiao Y F, Li L, He L, Chen D, Yang L 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 46


    Yi X, Xiao Y F, Liu Y C, Li B B, Chen Y L, Li Y, Gong Q 2011 Phys. Rev. A 83 023803


    Ekinci K L, Yang Y T, Roukes M L 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 2682


    Chen B, Jiang C, Zhu K D 2011 Phys. Rev. A 83 055803


    Jiang C, Liu H, Cui Y, Li X, Chen G, Chen B 2013 Opt. Express 21 12165


    Jiang C, Cui Y, Zhu K D 2014 Opt. Express 22 13773


    Yie Z, Zielke M A, Burgner C B, Turner K L 2011 J. Micromech. Microeng. 21 025027

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  • Received Date:  11 April 2016
  • Accepted Date:  08 July 2016
  • Published Online:  05 October 2016

