Cavity optomechanics, as a cross-discipline between nanophotonics and quantum mechanics, provides a unique platform for the research of optomechanical coupling between photons in microcavities and phonons from mechanical modes. It has a wide range of potential applications in the field of quantum physics and has become a hot topic nowadays. A theoretical scheme to enhance the sum sideband generation (SSG) via two-level atom ensemble is proposed. The effect of the atomic ensemble’s detuning frequency on the efficiency of the SSG is considered by introducing a two-level atom medium. The results indicate that the efficiency of the sum sideband generation can be significantly enhanced under either red or blue detuning of the atoms, with a greater dependence and more pronounced enhancement under red detuning. In addition, we also consider the effect of pump power, which can effectively enhance the intensity of the output signal by selecting the appropriate pump power. More interestingly, the sensitivity of SSG to atomic detuning also indicates that precise control of the atomic detuning frequency can enable fine-tuning of the SSG process. Furthermore, the cavity-atom coupling strength and atom decay rate are discussed for the transmission characteristics of the sum sideband signals. It was found that the efficiency of SSG can be effectively adjusted by the cavity-atom coupling strength and atom decay rate. The results show that the efficiency of SSG can be significantly improved by optimizing system parameters. The enhanced SSG method may have potential application prospects in realizing the measurement of high-precision weak forces and on-chip manipulation of light propagation.
- cavity optomechanics /
- two-level atoms /
- optomechanical nonlinearity /
- sum sideband effects
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