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Characterization and properties of polyimide films prepared in different monomer ratios by vapor deposited polymerization

Hou Kun Zhang Zhan-Wen Huang Yong Wei Jian-Jun


Characterization and properties of polyimide films prepared in different monomer ratios by vapor deposited polymerization

Hou Kun, Zhang Zhan-Wen, Huang Yong, Wei Jian-Jun
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  • The improvement of mechanical and thermal properties of the polyimide (PI) capsule, which is one of the most important ignition capsules in inertial confinement fusion experiment, has great significance to realize the ignition. PI capsules can be prepared by solution method and vapor deposited polymerization (VDP) method. In comparison with the traditional solution method, the polyimide film prepared by the method of vapor deposition has the characteristics of controllable thickness, uniformity, and better surface roughness. At the same time, it can be deposited on the surface of complex structures. Because of its excellent properties, VDP has great advantages in the preparation of PI films and capsules. The difference between the capsule and the film prepared by VDP is mainly caused from the geometric size and the substrate. By adjusting the monomer content, the performance of PI film can be improved, and it is important for enhancing the performance of PI capsules. In this paper, pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and oxydianiline (ODA) are used to prepare poly amic acid (PAA) films in different monomer ratios by vapor deposited polymerization. The evaporation temperature of ODA is 95 ℃, and that of the PMDA may be 120 ℃, 123 ℃, 124 ℃ or 126 ℃ respectively. FT-IR spectra measurement shows that the absorbance of PMDA becomes stronger with increasing evaporation temperature. After heat treatment, the excessive PMDA is evaporated again. There exists only PI in the final product. But the structure, elastic modulus, and hardness of the PI thin films are influenced by the existence of excessive monomer in the progenitor. With the increase of PMDA evaporation temperature, the stretching vibration peaks of C-N bond intensity will be 72.1%, 91.6%, 69.2% and 63.5%, compared with the vibration peaks of benzene ring; this indicates that the molecular weight of PI is reduced by the imbalance of the composition. The XRD curve shows that the film with composition close to it has a higher crystallization degree. FT-IR and XRD curvs indicate that the presence of excess monomer could inhibit further growth of the molecular chain, resulting in the decrease of molecular weight. The elastic modulus and hardness of polyimide film are measured by the nano-indentation tester, and the thermal stability is analyzed by a thermogravimetric analyzer. Samples of low molecular weight show low elastic modulus and hardness, while the thermal stability becomes worse. The temperatures of different samples with 5% molecular weight are 487 ℃, 524 ℃, 542 ℃ and 533 ℃ respectively, showing that increase of molecular weight is beneficial to the improvement of thermal stability of the films. Scanning electron microscopy images show that the polyimide film has a layered structure, the samples having composition close to each other show better surface roughness, being in good agreement with the molecular growth theory of polyimide.

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    Wang H, Cao L H, Zhao Z Q, Yu M Y, Gu Y Q, He X T 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 055202


    Tian C, Shan L Q, Zhou W M, Gao Z, Gu Y Q, Zhang B H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 125205 (in Chinese) [田超, 单连强, 周维民, 高喆, 谷渝秋, 张保汉 2014 63 125205]


    Pu Y D, Zhan J Y, Yang J M, Huang T X, Ding Y K 2011 Chin. Phys. B 23 015202


    Stephan A L, Mitchell A, Steven R B, Evelyn F 2004 Fusion Sci. Technol. 45 181


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    Ding M X, He T B 1998 Polyimide New Material (Beijing: Science Press) p1 (in Chinese) [丁孟贤, 何天白 1998 聚酰亚胺新型材料(北京: 科学出版社) 第1页]


    Yang Y J, Zhang L N, Li S B, Wang Z M, Xu J H, Yang W Y, Jiang Y D 2013 Nano-Micro Lett. 5 40


    Wang Z W, Liu L Y, Chen R F, Zheng C, Su H Q, Huang W 2013 Chin. Sci. Bull. 58 2690 (in Chinese) [王智玮, 刘丽媛, 陈润锋, 郑超, 苏海全, 黄维 2013 科学通报 58 2690]


    Salem J R, Sequedu F O, Duran J 1986 J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. A 4 369


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    Zhang Z W, Huang Y, Tang Y J, Li B, Chen S F, He Z B 2009 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 43 457 (in Chinese) [张占文, 黄勇, 唐永建, 李波, 陈素芬, 何智兵 2009 原子能科学与技术 43 457]


    Liang T, Makita Y, Kimura S 2001 Polymer 42 4867


    Andrea K 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (New York: University of Rochester)


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  • [1]

    Zhang J, Chang T Q 2004 Fundaments of the Target Physics for Laser Fusion (Beijing: National Defend Industry Press) p1 (in Chinese) [张钧, 常铁强 2004 激光核聚变靶物理基础 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第1页]


    Zhang Z W, Huang Y, Liu Y Y, Li B, Tang Y J, Chen S F 2007 Funct. Mater. 38 1678 (in Chinese) [张占文, 黄勇, 刘一扬, 李波, 唐永建, 陈素芬 2007 功能材料 38 1678]


    Zhang Z W, Qi X B, Li B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 145204 (in Chinese) [张占文, 漆小波, 李波 2012 61 145204]


    Wang H, Cao L H, Zhao Z Q, Yu M Y, Gu Y Q, He X T 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 055202


    Tian C, Shan L Q, Zhou W M, Gao Z, Gu Y Q, Zhang B H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 125205 (in Chinese) [田超, 单连强, 周维民, 高喆, 谷渝秋, 张保汉 2014 63 125205]


    Pu Y D, Zhan J Y, Yang J M, Huang T X, Ding Y K 2011 Chin. Phys. B 23 015202


    Stephan A L, Mitchell A, Steven R B, Evelyn F 2004 Fusion Sci. Technol. 45 181


    Tang Y J, Zhang L, Wu W D, Li B 2008 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 20 1773 (in Chinese) [唐永建, 张林, 吴卫东, 李波 2008 强激光与粒子束 20 1773]


    Cao H, Huang Y, Chen S F, Zhan Z W, Wei J J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 196801 (in Chinese) [曹洪, 黄勇, 陈素芬, 张占文, 韦建军 2013 62 196801]


    Yao H, Li S, Zhang Z W, Huang Y, Wang G X 2011 Surf. Technol. 40 53 (in Chinese) [姚红, 李赛, 张占文, 黄勇, 汪国秀 2011 表面技术 40 53]


    Yao H, Zhang Z W, Huang Y, Li S, Li B 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 1861 (in Chinese) [姚红, 张占文, 黄勇, 李赛, 李波 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 1861]


    Cao H, Huang Y, Ye L N, Wei J J, Zhang Z W 2013 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 25 1996 (in Chinese) [曹洪, 黄勇, 叶丽娜, 韦建军, 张占文 2013 强激光与粒子束 25 1996]


    Huang Y, Li B, Zhang Z W, Bai H, Chu Q M, Ma X J, Wei S, Shi T 2008 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 20 1125 (in Chinese) [黄勇, 李波, 张占文, 白宏, 初巧妹, 马小军, 魏胜, 师涛 2008 强激光与粒子束 20 1125]


    Ding M X, He T B 1998 Polyimide New Material (Beijing: Science Press) p1 (in Chinese) [丁孟贤, 何天白 1998 聚酰亚胺新型材料(北京: 科学出版社) 第1页]


    Yang Y J, Zhang L N, Li S B, Wang Z M, Xu J H, Yang W Y, Jiang Y D 2013 Nano-Micro Lett. 5 40


    Wang Z W, Liu L Y, Chen R F, Zheng C, Su H Q, Huang W 2013 Chin. Sci. Bull. 58 2690 (in Chinese) [王智玮, 刘丽媛, 陈润锋, 郑超, 苏海全, 黄维 2013 科学通报 58 2690]


    Salem J R, Sequedu F O, Duran J 1986 J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. A 4 369


    Iijima M, Inagawa K, Itoh A 1987 J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. A 5 2253


    Zhang Z W, Huang Y, Tang Y J, Li B, Chen S F, He Z B 2009 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 43 457 (in Chinese) [张占文, 黄勇, 唐永建, 李波, 陈素芬, 何智兵 2009 原子能科学与技术 43 457]


    Liang T, Makita Y, Kimura S 2001 Polymer 42 4867


    Andrea K 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (New York: University of Rochester)


    Wan J S, Yue Z F 2001 J. Experim. Mech. 17 131 (in Chinese) [万建松, 岳珠峰 2002 实验力学 17 131]


    Liu M H, Wang J, Wang D A 2005 Engineer. Plastics Appl. 33 39 (in Chinese) [刘美华, 王静, 王东爱 2005 工程塑料应用 33 39]

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  • Received Date:  07 August 2015
  • Accepted Date:  09 October 2015
  • Published Online:  05 February 2016

