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Quantum imaging of cooperative target based on photon-counting regime

Li Ming-Fei Yang Ran Huo Juan Zhao Lian-Jie Yang Wen-Liang Wang Jun Zhang An-Ning


Quantum imaging of cooperative target based on photon-counting regime

Li Ming-Fei, Yang Ran, Huo Juan, Zhao Lian-Jie, Yang Wen-Liang, Wang Jun, Zhang An-Ning
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  • Quantum imaging is such an technique that the total light intensity transmitted through or reflected by an object is collected by a bucket detector, which generally is a photodiode with a collection lens in front and with no spatial resolution, and an image of the object can be retrieved through the assistance of another spatially correlated reference beam which does not interact with the object. In this paper, Quantum imaging scheme is investigated, instead of using the conventional linear detector, and a single photon detector working in a photon-counting mode is used as a bucket detector, which is the most sensitive detector in the present. It is experimentally demonstrated that quantum imaging illuminating by pseudo-thermal light can be retrieved through using the single-photon detector working in the photon-counting mode, and the averaged power received by the bucket detector is only 2 femto-Watt. It is also experimentally and theoretically demonstrated that the image of the cooperative target can be recovered through the wake scattering medium, which cannot be realized by the classical imaging method. Furthermore, it is found that the wake scattering medium has the potential application in reducing the size of the collection lens of the bucket detector, in other words, enlarging the field of view. Besides, quantum imaging recovered by correlation of intensity fluctuations and compressive sensing algorithm are compared, and the most effective ways to retrieve the image are discussed. The scheme of our experiment which is different from the traditional ways, offers a novel method to make the quantum imaging technique step further toward its applications in wake light imaging or remote sensing.
      Corresponding author: Zhang An-Ning,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11204011).

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    Liu X F, Yao X R, Li M F, Yu W K, Chen X H, Sun Z B, Wu L A, Zhai G J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 184205 (in Chinese) [刘雪峰, 姚旭日, 李明飞, 俞文凯, 陈希浩, 孙志斌, 吴令安, 翟光杰 2013 62 184205]


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  • Received Date:  10 February 2015
  • Accepted Date:  09 June 2015
  • Published Online:  05 November 2015

