Semiconductor single-photon avalanche detectors (SPADs) have played an important role in practical quantum communication technology due to their advantages of small size, low cost and easy operation. Among them, InGaAs/InP SPADs have been widely used in fiber-optic quantum key distribution systems due to their response wavelength range in a near-infrared optical communication band. In order to avoid the influence of dark count and afterpulsing on single photon detection, the gated quenching technologies are widely applied to the InGaAs/InP SPADs. Typically, the duration of gate pulse is set to be as short as a few nanoseconds or even less. As the detection of the arrival of single photons depends on the coincidence between the arrival time of gate pulse and the arrival time of photon, the gate pulse duration of the InGaAs/InP SPADs inevitably affects the effective detection of the single photons. Without the influence of dispersion, the temporal width of the transmitted photons is usually on the order of picoseconds or even less, which is much shorter than the gate width of the InGaAs/InP SPAD. Therefore, the gate width normally has no influence on the temporal measurement of the detected photons. However, in quantum systems involving large dispersion, such as the long-distance fiber-optic quantum communication system, the temporal width of the transmitted photons is significantly broadened by the experienced dispersion so that it may approach to or even exceed the gate width of the single-photon detector. As a result, the effect of the gate width on the recording of the arrival time of the dispersed photons should be taken into account. In this paper, the influence of the gate width coupled to the InGaAs/InP single photon detectors on the measurement of the two-photon coincidence time width is studied both theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical analysis and experimental results are in good agreement with each other, showing that the finally measured coincidence time width of the two-photon state after dispersion is not more than half of the effective gate pulses width. The maximum observable coincidence time width based on the gated single photon detector is fundamentally limited by the gate width, which restricts its applications in quantum information processing based on the two-photon temporal correlation measurement.
- coincidence detection /
- single-photon detectors /
- gate pulses /
- temporal filtering
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图 2 不同光子带宽的纠缠光源在不同门控信号下, 双光子符合FWHM随SMF长度变化的理论曲线 (a)
$\Delta \lambda = 7.17\;{\rm{nm}}$ ; (b)$\Delta \lambda = 2.46\;{\rm{nm}}$ Figure 2. The theoretical temporal FWHM result versus the different SMF length under different gate signal for the entangled light with different bandwidth: (a)
$\Delta \lambda = 7.17\;{\rm{nm}}$ ; (b)$\Delta \lambda = 2.46\;{\rm{nm}}$ .图 3 通信波段频率反关联纠缠光源的产生及其双光子符合测量实验装置图 (a1), (a2)基于I类和II类SPDC的频率纠缠源产生过程; (b)信号光子和闲置光子分别经过光纤SMF1和SMF2的传输过程; (c1), (c2)基于超导纳米线单光子探测器(SNSPD)和InGaAs/InP单光子探测器(SPD4)的测量系统
Figure 3. Experimental setup diagram of the generation of frequency anti-correlated entangled light sources in the telecommunication band and their two-photon joint distribution measurement after dispersive propagation: (a1), (a2) The generation process of entangled sources from type-I and type-II SPDC pumped by 780 nm quasi-monochromatic laser; (b) photon transmission through sperate single-mode fiber SMF1 and SMF2; (c1), (c2) coincidence measurement system based on the Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPD) and InGaAs/InP single-photon detectors (SPD4).
[1] Li L, Davis L M 1993 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 64 1524
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[36] Ware M, Migdall A L, Bienfang J C, Polyakov S V 2007 J. Mod. Opt. 54 361
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[37] ID Quantique, Photon Counting for Brainies, id https://www. optoscience.com/maker/id/pdf/IDQ_Photon_counting_for_Brainies.pdf [2020-10-06]
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