Based on semiconductor physics and the essential structure of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), the model of dV_{CE}/\d t is established through reasonable simplification and theoretical derivation. The influencing factors and temperature characteristics of dV_{CE}/\d t are studied in depth. It is concluded that dV_{CE}/\d t increases linearity with the increase of voltage or current, and decreases with the increase of junction temperature also linearly. On the basis of the model for dV_{CE}/\d t, the prediction model of junction temperature is established. Results of simulations and experiments verify the correctness and accuracy of the models. It is significant in theory and practical application for realizing IGBT junction temperature monitoring on-line and improving the reliability of IGBT module and power electronic equipment.
- carrier concentration /
- carrier mobility /
- rate of voltage change /
- prediction model of junction temperature
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[41] -
[1] Du M X, Wei K X 2010 World Sci-tech R D 32 741 (in Chinese)[杜明星, 魏克新2010世界科技研究与发展32 741]
[2] Zhang W L 2012 M. S. Dissertation (Wuhan: Wuhan University of Technology) (in Chinese)[张文璐2012硕士学位论文(武汉: 武汉理工大学)]
[3] [4] [5] Chen M, Hu A 2012 Electric Machines and Control 15 44 (in Chinese)[陈明, 胡安2012电机与控制学报15 44]
[6] Ma K, Blaabjerg F 2012 Energies 5 2559
[7] [8] [9] Czerny B, Lederer M, Nagl B, Trnka A, Khatibi G, Thoben M 2012 Microelectronics Reliability 52 2353
[10] [11] Benmansour A, Azzopardi S, Martin J C, Woirgard E 2007 Microelectronics Reliability 47 1730
[12] Wang B, Hu A, Tang Y 2012 Electric Machines and Control 16 87 (in Chinese)[汪波, 胡安, 唐勇2012电机与控制学报16 87]
[13] [14] [15] Zheng L B, Han L, Liu J, Wen X H 2011 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society 26 242 (in Chinese)[郑利兵, 韩立, 刘钧, 温旭辉 2011 电工技术学报 26 242]
[16] [17] Mei Y H, Wang T, Cao X, Chen G, Lu G Q, Chen X 2012 Journal of Electronic Materials 41 3152
[18] Bouarroudj M, Khatir Z, Ousten J P, Lefebvre S 2008 IEEE Transactions on device and materials reliability 8 471
[19] [20] [21] Yang X, Zhou L W, Du X, Shen G, Xu M W 2012 Electrical Measurement Instrumentation 49 7 (in Chinese)[杨旭, 周雒维, 杜雄, 沈刚, 徐铭伟 2012 电测与仪表 49 7]
[22] Yang S Y, Xiang D W, Bryant A, Mawby P, Ran L, Tavner P 2010 IEEE Transctions on Power Electronics 25 2734
[23] [24] Yang X 2012 M. S. Dissertation (Chongqing: Chongqing University) (in Chinese)[杨旭2012硕士学位论文(重庆: 重庆大学)]
[25] [26] Bryant A, Yang S Y, Mawby P, Xiang D W, Ran L, Tavner P, Palmer P R 2011 IEEE Transctions on Power Electronics 26 3019
[27] [28] [29] Liu B L, Liu D Z, Luo Y F, Tang Y, Wang B 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 057202 (in Chinese)[刘宾礼, 刘德志, 罗毅飞, 唐勇, 汪波 2013 62 057202]
[30] Tang Y 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuhan: Naval University of Engineering) (in Chinese)[唐勇 2010 博士学位论文 (武汉: 海军工程大学)]
[31] [32] [33] Zhang J P, Li Z H, Zhang B, Li Z J 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 0685046
[34] [35] Li X J, Zhao D G, Liu Z S, Chen P 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 0285032
[36] Xu M M, Zhou L W, Du X, Shen G, Yang X 2013 Electric Power Automation Equipment 33 134 (in Chinese)[徐铭伟, 周雒维, 杜雄, 沈刚, 杨旭 2013 电力自动化设备 33 134]
[37] [38] [39] Du M X, Wei K X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 108401 (in Chinese)[杜明星, 魏克新 2011 60 108401]
[40] Xu M M 2012 M. S. Dissertation (Chongqing: Chongqing University) (in Chinese)[徐铭伟2012硕士学位论文(重庆: 重庆大学)]
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