To investigate the mechanism of electrification from aero-engine jet and the electrification effect on the overall charging characteristics of vehicle, a simulation model of concentration of charged particles in aero-engine is build based on the equations of fluid motion. And concentration changes of various particles are simulated. To verify the simulation result, a special electrostatic induction sensor for detecting the electrification of engine jet is designed, according to the principle of the Faraday cup, to measure the dynamic potential when the turbofan engine starts, operates steadily, accelerates, decelerates and stops. The simulation and experimental results show that the aircraft is negatively charged by the electrification from aero-engine jet and the mechanism of electrification from aero-engine jet is described specifically. The research may provide a guidance to the further study on analyzing the overall charging characteristics of vehicle during the flight.
- aircraft engines /
- jet electrification /
- sensors
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[1] Cao H F, Liu S H, Sun Y W, Yuan Q Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 149402 (in Chinese) [曹鹤飞, 刘尚合, 孙永卫, 原青云 2013 62 149402]
[2] Cao H F, Liu S H, Sun Y W, Yuan Q Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 119401 (in Chinese) [曹鹤飞, 刘尚合, 孙永卫, 原青云 2013 62 119401]
[3] Huang J G, Han J W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2907 (in Chinese) [黄建国, 韩建伟 2010 59 2907]
[4] Tanner R L 1953 Radio Interference from Corona Discharges (California: Stanford Electronics Labs) pp3–23
[5] Tanner R L, Nanevicz J E 1961 Precipitation Charging and Corona-generated Interference in Aircraft (California: Staford Electronics Labs) pp7–32
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[9] Li Y L 2000 M. S. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology) (in Chinese) [李银林 2000 硕士学位论文 (北京: 北京理工大学)]
[10] Nanevicz J E 1975 Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (London: Royal Aeronautical Soc) p14
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[12] Trinks H, Haseborg J L T 1982 IEEE Trans. Aero. Elect. Syst. 3 268
[13] Penner J, Lister D, Griggs D 1999 Aviation and the Global Atmosphere (Cambridge: The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge) pp15–29
[14] Xu M Y, Zhang J P, Mi J C, Nathan G J, Kalt P A M 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 034701
[15] Vatazhin A B, Starik A M, Kholshchevnikova E K 2004 Fluid Dynamics 39 384
[16] Guo H, Tang P 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 054204
[17] Li Y X, Chen X, Cui Z Z 2009 Trans. Beijing I. Technol. 27 1 (in Chinese) [李彦旭, 陈曦, 崔占忠 2009 北京理工大学学报 27 1]
[18] Li Y H, Zuo H F, Wen Z H 2009 Acta Aeronaut. Et Astronaut. Sin. 30 604 (in Chinese) [李耀华, 左洪福, 文振华 2009 航空学报 30 604]
[19] Powrie H, Smiths Aerosp, Hampshire, Novis A 2006 Aerospace Conference (Big Sky, MT: IEEE) p8
[20] Gerhardt P, Homann K H 1990 Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fr Physikalische Chemie 94 1086
[21] Guo J, Goodings J M 2000 Chem. Phys. Lett. 329 393
[22] Mätzing H 1991 Adv. Chem. Phys. 80 315
[23] Sorokin A, Vancassel X, Mirabel P 2003 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 3 325
[24] Liu S H, Wei G H, Liu Z C, Wu Z C, Li H J 1999 Electrostatic Theory and Protection (Beijing: Weapon Industry Press) p365 (in Chinese) [刘尚合, 魏光辉, 刘直承, 武占成, 李宏建 1999 静电理论与防护(北京: 兵器工业出版社)第365页]
[25] Liu S H 1990 P. R. C. Patent CN90203259.3 (in Chinese) [刘尚合 1990 专利 CN90203259.3]
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