Ag-doped ZnO nanorods with different morphologies and optical properties are synthesized by hydrothermal method on the DC magnetron-sputtered Al-doped ZnO (AZO) seed layers. The influences of the molar ratio of Ag ions to Zn ions (RAg/Zn) and the AZO seed layer on the structural and optical properties of the Ag-doped ZnO nanorods are carefully studied by using X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, spectrophotometry, EDS spectrum, etc. The changes in the microstructure and optical property of Ag-doped ZnO nanorods are closely related to the change in the average head-face dimension induced by Ag doping as RAg/Zn increases, owing to the different relative proportions of Ag ions doped in ZnO nanorods resulting from the different particle sizes and densities of the seed layers. The photoluminescence intensity in the visible region for the ZnO nanorods growing on the 15 min-sputtered AZO is stronger than that of the ZnO nanorods growing on the 10 min-sputtered AZO seed layer at the same RAg/Zn, which results from the increased defects in ZnO. More point defects caused by Ag doping are produced as RAg/Zn increases, resulting in the broadening of PL envelope in the visible region. The microstructure of pure ZnO nanorod is related to the seed layer thickness-related degree of crystallinity and particle size.
- ZnO nanorods /
- hydrothermal method /
- Ag doping /
- DC magnetron sputtering
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[1] Wang Y, Xu X L, Xie W Y, Wang Z B, Lv L, Zhao Y L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2582 (in Chinese) [王烨, 许小亮, 谢炜宇, 汪壮兵, 吕柳, 赵亚丽 2008 57 2582]
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[13] Tang B, Deng H, Shui Z W, Wei M, Chen J J, Hao X 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 5176 (in Chinese) [唐斌, 邓宏, 税正伟, 韦敏, 陈金菊, 郝昕 2007 56 5176]
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[18] Wang B Q, Xia C H, Fu Q, Wang P W, Dan X D, Yu D P 2008 Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. 24 1165 (in Chinese) [王百齐, 夏春辉, 富强, 王朋伟, 单旭东, 俞大鹏 2008 物理化学学报 24 1165]
[19] Segmuller A, Murakami M, Rosenberg R 1988 Analytical Techniques for Thin Films (Boston: Academic Press) p143
[20] Cebulla R, Wendi R, Ellmer K 1998 J. Appl. Phys. 83 1087
[21] Ji L W, Peng S M, Wu J S, Shih W S, Wu C Z, Tang I T 2009 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 70 1359
[22] Yang J H, Lang J H, Yang L L, Zhang Y J, Wang D D, Fan H G, Liu H L, Wang Y X, Gao M, Feng B 2008 Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 2500
[23] Yang J H, Lang J H, Yang L L, Zhang Y J, Wang D D, Fan H G, Liu H L, Wang Y X, Gao M 2008 J. Alloys Compd 450 521
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