The space crafts, such as spaceship, space shuttle and so on, will face a famous blackout problem when they re-enter the earth's atmosphere at high velocity. The plasma sheath severely affects the propagation of the incident electromagnetic wave and causes severe electromagnetic wave attenuation, which results in the communication failures between the space crafts and the ground control center. It is important to study the properties of terahertz wave propagation in non-magnetized plasma, for using the terahertz wave communication is an alternative method to solve the reentry blackout problem. The terahertz wave propagation characteristics in non-magnetized plasma are studied in this paper. The variations of the terahertz wave propagation properties with the terahertz wave frequency, plasma density, plasma collision frequency and the thickness of the plasma are acquired. Some new phenomena are found i.e., there appears periodic oscillation on the reflectivity curve with the increase of terahertz wave frequency, and the period of oscillation is 0.03THz. The oscillation amplitude increases with the increase of terahertz frequency, decreases with the increase of plasma density, and increases with the increase of plasma collision frequency. The oscillation is attributed to the multiple reflections of the electromagnetic wave at the interfaces at z=0 and z=-d. The terahertz wave propagation properties in plasma are studied experimentally with the shock tube, and the experimental results match well with the theoretical ones. Both the theoretical and experimental results indicate that using terahertz wave communication is an effective way to solve the reentry blackout problem.
- plasma /
- terahertz wave /
- non-magnetized
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[19] Zheng L, Zhao Q 2011 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology Harbin, China August 12-14, 2011 p4535
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[21] Tosun Z, Akbar D, Altan H 2009 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terhertz Waves Busan, Korea, September 21-25, 2009, p1
[22] Yuan C X, Zhou Z X, Xiang X L, Sun H G, Pu S Z 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 113304
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[25] Chaudhury B, Chaturvedi S 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 123302
[26] Yuan C X, Zhou Z X, Sun H G 2010 IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci. 38 3348
[27] Jamison S P, Shen J L, Jones D R, Issac R C, Ersfeld B, Clark D, Jaroszynski D A 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 4334
[1] Mitchell F H 1967 Proc. IEEE 55 619
[2] Rybak J P, Churchill R J 1971 IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst. AES-7 879
[3] Zeng X J, Yu Z F, Bu S Q, Liu S, Ma P, Shi A H, Liang S C 2010 Acta Aerodyn. Sin. 28 645
[4] Keidar M, Kim M, Boyd I D 2008 J. Spacecraft Rockets 45 445
[5] Liu J F, Xi X L, Wan G B, Wang L L 2011 IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci. 39 852
[6] Kim M, Keidar M, Boyd I D 2008 J. Spacecraft Rockets 45 1223
[7] Thoma C, Rose D V, Miller C L, Clark R E, Hughes T P 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 106 043301
[8] Chen Y Y, Song Y, Li Z H, H A Z 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 034201
[9] Kim M, Keidar M, Boyd I D 2008 IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci. 36 1198
[10] Yang Y C 2010 M. S. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) (in Chinese) [杨永常 2010 硕士学位论文 (南京: 南京航空航天大学)]
[11] Schexnayder C J, Evans J S, Huber P W 1970 NASA SP-252 277
[12] Wang Y 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese) [王玥 2011 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)]
[13] Shen J E, Rong J, Liu W X 2006 Infrared Laser Eng. 35 342 (in Chinese) [申金娥, 荣健, 刘文鑫 2006 红外与激光工程 35 342]
[14] Koch M 2007 Terahertz Frequency Detection and Identification of Materials and Object (Braunschweig) p325
[15] Wang G Q, Wang J G, Li X Z, Fan R Y, Wang X Z, Wang X F, Tong C J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8459 (in Chinese) [王光强, 王建国, 李小泽, 范如玉, 王行舟, 王雪峰, 童长江 2010 59 8459]
[16] Yang H W, Chen R S, Zhang Y 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3464 (in Chinese) [杨宏伟, 陈如山, 张云 2006 53 3464]
[17] Liu S B, Mo J J, Yuan N C 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 778 (in Chinese) [刘少斌, 莫锦军, 袁乃昌 2004 53 778]
[18] Zheng L, Zhao Q, Liu S Z, Ma P, Huang C, Tang Y F, Chen X L, Xing X J, Zhang C Y, Luo X G 2012 Prog. Electromagn. Res. M 24 179
[19] Zheng L, Zhao Q 2011 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology Harbin, China August 12-14, 2011 p4535
[20] Ma C G, Zhao Q, Luo X G, He G, Zheng L, Liu J W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 055201 (in Chinese) [马春光, 赵青, 罗先刚, 何果, 郑灵, 刘建卫 2011 60 055201]
[21] Tosun Z, Akbar D, Altan H 2009 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terhertz Waves Busan, Korea, September 21-25, 2009, p1
[22] Yuan C X, Zhou Z X, Xiang X L, Sun H G, Pu S Z 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 113304
[23] Yang H W, Tang W C, Kong X K 2007 Int. J. Infrared Milli. Waves 28 547
[24] Liu S B, Mo J J, Yuan N C 2002 Int. J. Infrared Milli. Waves 23 1803
[25] Chaudhury B, Chaturvedi S 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 123302
[26] Yuan C X, Zhou Z X, Sun H G 2010 IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci. 38 3348
[27] Jamison S P, Shen J L, Jones D R, Issac R C, Ersfeld B, Clark D, Jaroszynski D A 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 4334
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