等离子体技术在现代材料制备和表面处理过程中起着重要的作用. 本文聚焦于非热等离子体(NTP)材料表面处理及功能化应用, 重点综述NTP在材料表面处理及功能化过程中的最新研究进展, 包括激励产生等离子体的等离子体源、NTP材料表面处理及功能化工艺以及具体应用. 其中, 激励产生等离子体的等离子体源包括感应耦合等离子体/容性耦合等离子体、电子回旋共振/表面波等离子体、螺旋波等离子体、大气压射流等离子体和介质阻挡放电等; NTP材料表面处理及功能化工艺包括等离子体表面接枝和聚合、等离子体增强化学气相沉积和等离子体辅助原子层沉积、等离子体增强反应刻蚀和等离子体辅助原子层刻蚀工艺等; 等离子体表面处理及功能化的具体应用领域包括亲水/疏水表面改性、表面微纳加工、生物组织表面处理、催化剂表面处理等. 最后提出了NTP技术材料表面处理及功能化的应用前景与发展趋势.Plasma technology plays an important role in preparing and processing materials nowadays. This review focuses on the applications of non-thermal plasma (NTP) in the surface treatment and functionalization of materials, including the plasma sources for generating plasmas, NTP techniques and specific application fields. The plasma sources include inductively coupled plasma, capacitively coupled plasma, electron cyclotron resonance plasma, surface wave plasma, helicon wave plasma, atmospheric pressure plasma jet, and dielectric barrier discharge plasma. The NTP techniques for material surface treatment and functionalization include plasma surface grafting and polymerization, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, plasma assisted atomic layer deposition, plasma enhanced reactive ion etching, and plasma assisted atomic layer etching. Specific applications of plasma surface treatment and functionalization cover hydrophilic/hydrophobic surface modification, surface micro-nano processing, biological tissue surface treatment, and catalyst surfaces treatment. Finally, the application prospects and development trends of NTP technology for material surface treatment and functionalization are proposed.
- plasma /
- surface treatment /
- grafting /
- polymerization /
- deposition /
- etching
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图 5 H2等离子体表面处理石墨烯 (a)处理700 s时石墨烯的水接触角从原始样品的93°下降至16°; (b)改性石墨烯表面亲水性区域对癌细胞的吸附定位[114]
Fig. 5. Modification of graphene by H2 plasma: (a) Control of the graphene wettability via hydrogenation. The as-grown graphene is hydrophobic, with a large wetting angle of 93°. As hydrogenation proceeds, leading to a very small wetting angle of 16° at 700 s. (b) Optical microscopic image of cancer cells positioned on the hydrophilic surface of patterned graphene[114].
表 1 几种非热等离子体源放电参数
Table 1. Discharge parameters of several NTP sources.
NTP源 频率/MHz 气压/Pa 电子温度/eV 电子密度/cm–3 磁场强度/G 参考文献 CCP 0.05—13.56 1—102 1—5 109—1011 0 蒲以康等[45] ICP 1—100 (常用13.56) 10–1—1 1—10 1011—1012 0 戴忠玲等[46] ECR 300—2450 (常用2450, 915) 10–2—10–1 2—20 1011—1013 0—1000 (与频率有关) Weng等[47] SWP 1—10000 (常用2450) 10–1—102 1—10 1011—1012 0 Moisan等[48] HWP 1—50 (常用13.56) 10–2—10 2—20 1011—1014 100—2000 Boivin等[49] APPJ 0—10000 105 1—5 1011—1014 0 吴淑群等[36] DBD 0.05—10 105 1—10 1014—1015 0 Wang等[39] 表 2 非热等离子体聚合物基材表面接枝和聚合
Table 2. Polymer substrate surface grafting and polymerization by NTP.
NTP源 改性气氛 改性基材 主要结论 参考文献 RF-CCP (13.56 MHz) Ar 棉、麻织物 超疏水性(↑)、穿着舒适度(↑) Xu等[74] RF-CCP (13.56 MHz, 20 W) C2H2 聚乳酸、聚已酸内酯 涂层附着性(↑)、氧气阻隔性(↑) Bélard等[75] RF-ICP (27.12 MHz, 200 W) O2, CO2 PET 亲水性(↑)、含氧基团数量(↑) Tkavc等[76] RF-ICP (13.56 MHz, 400 W) O2 PET 表面粗糙度(↑)、水接触角(↓)、
含氧基团数量(↑)Han等[77] MW-ECR (2.45 GHz, 300 W) Ar, AAc PP 表面张力(↑)、Cu涂层附着性(↑) Dayss等[78] MW-SWP (2.45 GHz, 250 W) CO2 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) 水接触角(↓)、含氧基团数量(↑) Vasilets等[60] MW-SWP (2.45 GHz, 1600 W) Ar 氟基三聚物(THV) 含氧基团数量(↑) Sasai等[21] APPJ (50 kHz, 0—20 kV) TEOS/O2/Ar 聚全氟乙丙烯(FEP) 含硅基团数量(↑)、沿面闪络电压(↑) 胡多等[38] DBD (1 kHz, 25 kV) 空气 PET 表面粗糙度(↑)、水接触角(↓)、
含氧基团数量(↑)Fang等[79] DBD (RTR, 40 kHz) AAc, C2H6O, C3H7N PE 水接触角(↓)、Al 涂层附着性(↑) Zhang等[44] 表 3 非热等离子体沉积无机功能涂层
Table 3. Inorganic functional coatings deposited by NTP.
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Table 4. Material surface etching assisted by NTP.
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