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Digital simulation for coherent X-ray diffractive imaging

Zhou Guang-Zhao Tong Ya-Jun Chen Can Ren Yu-Qi Wang Yu-Dan Xiao Ti-Qiao


Digital simulation for coherent X-ray diffractive imaging

Zhou Guang-Zhao, Tong Ya-Jun, Chen Can, Ren Yu-Qi, Wang Yu-Dan, Xiao Ti-Qiao
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  • Phase retrieval is one of the most important steps for coherent X-ray diffractive imaging (CXDI), Which uses the oversampled far-field diffraction pattern for phase retrieval iterative algorithm in order to achieve the lost phase information. Here we used a small nonperiodic 2D digital image as the object for studying the effect of the oversampling ratio and obtained the optimum oversampling ratio of 3—7 when the iteration times was 1000. We also added random noise to the diffraction pattern to examine the applicability of this approach to real data. We found the reconstruction failed when the signal to noise ratio is less than 10. As the reconstruction process may fail when the twin image or stochastic shift appears in the reconstructed image simultaneously, we explained why these phenomena come into being, and found methods to overcome the difficulty effectively.

    Liu L X, Du G H, Hu W, Xie H L, Xiao T Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 4556(in Chinese) [刘丽想、杜国浩、胡 雯、谢红兰、肖体乔 2007 56 4556]


    Shi S M, Chen R C, Xue Y L, Ren Y Q, Du G H, Deng B, Xie H L, Xiao T Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6319(in Chinese) [师绍猛、陈荣昌、薛艳玲、任玉琦、杜国浩、邓 彪、谢红兰、肖体乔 2008 57 6319]


    Xue Y L, Xiao T Q, Wu L H, Chen C, Guo R Y, Du G H, Xie H L, Deng B, Ren Y Q, Xu H J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5496(in Chinese) [薛艳玲、肖体乔、吴立宏、陈 灿、郭 荣怡、杜国浩、谢红兰、邓 彪、任玉琦、徐洪杰 2010 59 5496] 〖4] Xie H L, Hu W, Luo H X, Du G H, Deng B, Chen R C, Xue Y L, Shi S M, Xiao T Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7044(in Chinese) [谢红兰、胡 雯、罗红心、杜国浩、邓 彪、陈荣昌、薛艳玲、师绍猛、肖体乔 2008 57 7044]


    Marchesini S, Chapman H N, Hau-Riege S P, London R A, Szoke A 2003 Opt. Express. 11 2344


    Miao J W, Ishikawa T, Shen Q, Earnest T 2008 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 59 387


    Sayre D 1952 Acta Cryst. 5 843


    Sayre D, Schlenker M 1980 Lectare Notes in physics (vol.112)(Berlin:Springer) p229


    Fienup J R 1982 Appl. Opt. 21 2758


    Miao J W, Charalambous P, Kirz J, Sayre D 1999 Nature 400 342


    Miao J W, Chen C C, Song C Y, Nishino Y, Kohmura Y, Ishikawa T, Damien R J, Lee T K, Risbud S H 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 215503


    Chapman H N, Barty A, Marchesini S, Noy A, Cui C, Howells M R, Rosen R, He H, Spence J C H, Weierstall U, Beetz T, Jacobsen C, Shapiro D 2006 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 23 1179


    Abbey B, Williams G J, Pfeifer M A, Clark J N, Putkunz C T, Torrance A, McNulty I, Levin T M, Peele A G, Nugent K A 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 214101


    Thibault P, Elser V, Jacobsen C, Shapiro D, Sayre D 2006 Acta Cryst. 62 248


    Hau-Riege S P, London R A, Szoke A 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 051906


    Hau-Riege S P, Chapman H N, Krzywinski J, Sobierajski R, Bajt S, London R A, Bergh M, Caleman C, Nietubyc R, Juha L, Kuba J, Spiller E, Baker S, Bionta R, Tinten K S, Stojanovic N, Kjornrattanawanich B, Gullikson E, Plnjes E, Toleikis S, Tschentscher T 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 145502


    Raines K S, Sara S, Richard L S, Jiang H D, Jose A R, Benjamin P F, Henry C K, Du J C, Miao J W 2009 Nature 463 214


    Gerchberg R W, Saxton W O 1972 Optik 35 237


    Henke B L, Gullikson E M, Davis J C 1993 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 54 181


    Miao J W, Sayre D, Chapman H N 1998 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15 1662

  • [1]

    Liu L X, Du G H, Hu W, Xie H L, Xiao T Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 4556(in Chinese) [刘丽想、杜国浩、胡 雯、谢红兰、肖体乔 2007 56 4556]


    Shi S M, Chen R C, Xue Y L, Ren Y Q, Du G H, Deng B, Xie H L, Xiao T Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6319(in Chinese) [师绍猛、陈荣昌、薛艳玲、任玉琦、杜国浩、邓 彪、谢红兰、肖体乔 2008 57 6319]


    Xue Y L, Xiao T Q, Wu L H, Chen C, Guo R Y, Du G H, Xie H L, Deng B, Ren Y Q, Xu H J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5496(in Chinese) [薛艳玲、肖体乔、吴立宏、陈 灿、郭 荣怡、杜国浩、谢红兰、邓 彪、任玉琦、徐洪杰 2010 59 5496] 〖4] Xie H L, Hu W, Luo H X, Du G H, Deng B, Chen R C, Xue Y L, Shi S M, Xiao T Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7044(in Chinese) [谢红兰、胡 雯、罗红心、杜国浩、邓 彪、陈荣昌、薛艳玲、师绍猛、肖体乔 2008 57 7044]


    Marchesini S, Chapman H N, Hau-Riege S P, London R A, Szoke A 2003 Opt. Express. 11 2344


    Miao J W, Ishikawa T, Shen Q, Earnest T 2008 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 59 387


    Sayre D 1952 Acta Cryst. 5 843


    Sayre D, Schlenker M 1980 Lectare Notes in physics (vol.112)(Berlin:Springer) p229


    Fienup J R 1982 Appl. Opt. 21 2758


    Miao J W, Charalambous P, Kirz J, Sayre D 1999 Nature 400 342


    Miao J W, Chen C C, Song C Y, Nishino Y, Kohmura Y, Ishikawa T, Damien R J, Lee T K, Risbud S H 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 215503


    Chapman H N, Barty A, Marchesini S, Noy A, Cui C, Howells M R, Rosen R, He H, Spence J C H, Weierstall U, Beetz T, Jacobsen C, Shapiro D 2006 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 23 1179


    Abbey B, Williams G J, Pfeifer M A, Clark J N, Putkunz C T, Torrance A, McNulty I, Levin T M, Peele A G, Nugent K A 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 214101


    Thibault P, Elser V, Jacobsen C, Shapiro D, Sayre D 2006 Acta Cryst. 62 248


    Hau-Riege S P, London R A, Szoke A 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 051906


    Hau-Riege S P, Chapman H N, Krzywinski J, Sobierajski R, Bajt S, London R A, Bergh M, Caleman C, Nietubyc R, Juha L, Kuba J, Spiller E, Baker S, Bionta R, Tinten K S, Stojanovic N, Kjornrattanawanich B, Gullikson E, Plnjes E, Toleikis S, Tschentscher T 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 145502


    Raines K S, Sara S, Richard L S, Jiang H D, Jose A R, Benjamin P F, Henry C K, Du J C, Miao J W 2009 Nature 463 214


    Gerchberg R W, Saxton W O 1972 Optik 35 237


    Henke B L, Gullikson E M, Davis J C 1993 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 54 181


    Miao J W, Sayre D, Chapman H N 1998 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15 1662

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  • Published Online:  05 January 2011

