Although the molecular strong-field approximation (SFA) theory has achieved significant achievements in characterising the ultrafast dynamics of molecules in strong laser fields, there are fundamental contradictions in the system itself. On the one hand, the basic principle of SFA requires that the initial state be an eigenstate of the system in the absence of the field, and on the other hand, the spatial translation invariance of the physical process requires that the initial state of the system should be a laser-field-dressed state, and these two contradictory requirements correspond to the two forms of molecular SFA theories, namely, the undressed and the dressed states, respectively, and the two theoretical validity and applicability conditions of these are widely disputed. In this paper we investigate the ionization processes of N2 and Ne2 molecules in (elliptically) circularly polarized laser fields, with the expectation of providing an answer to the above controversies. Elliptically polarized laser can efficiently suppress the re-scattering process and the influence of various interference effects, which makes the ionization process cleaner, and thus can effectively screen the applicable conditions for the dressed and undressed states. We have calculated the photoelectron momentum distributions corresponding to different molecular orbitals in the dressed and undressed states by using the strong-field approximation (SFA) and the Coulomb-corrected strong-field approximation (CCSFA) and compared them with the previous experimental results. For molecules with large nuclear spacing such as Ne$_{2}$, we find that the dressed state is necessary to accurately characterise their ionization, whereas for molecules with small nuclear spacing such as N$_{2}$, the dressed state description is not applicable. The conclusions of this paper provide a reference for the accurate description of laser-induced molecular ultrafast processes and the further development of the corresponding theories, and provides a reference for the further development of molecular ultrafast imaging schemes.
- Elliptically polarized laser field /
- Molecule ionization /
- Dressing /
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