The spatial chirp based single-shot pump-probe technique represents a pivotal technology for studying electron non-equilibrium dynamics in warm dense matter created with intense laser pulses. Notably, its time resolution can reach tens of femtoseconds. In this work, we introduce the single-shot measurement technique of ac conductivity of warm dense matter, as well as a detailed account of the experimental setup. In addition, the main factors limiting the time resolution of the system are discussed in depth. We show the system can achieve a resolution of 13.8 femtoseconds. Nevertheless, during practical application, several aspects, namely the calibration of the zero-delay, the depth of field of the imaging system, and the low-pass filtering effect inherent in the imaging system, will exert a substantial influence on the time-resolution. This research has important reference for enhancing the time accuracy of single-shot measurement of ac conductivity of warm dense matter. Moreover, it serves as a potent tool for the in-depth study of the ultrafast dynamic processes of materials under strong-field conditions.
图 1 WDM交流电导率时间演化的单发测量原理 (a) 实验系统示意图, 其中CM1和CM2为两个柱面镜, RCam和Tcam分别为反射光成像相机和透射光成像相机; (b) 空间啁啾把不同延时映射在不同空间位置上的原理
Figure 1. Single-shot measurement principle for time-dependent AC conductivity evolution in WDM: (a) Schematic of the experimental system, where CM1 and CM2 are two cylindrical mirrors, and RCam and Tcam are the reflection light imaging camera and transmission light imaging camera, respectively; (b) principle of spatial chirp which maps different time delays to different spatial positions.
图 2 成像分辨率与延时标定 (a) USAF 1951分辨率板的像, 成像系统在水平方向能分辨至第7组第1个元素 (128 lp/mm); (b) 在偏振选通法(PG)中测得的透射光光强变化($ \Delta I $)随空间的分布; (c) 利用PG标定延时, 图中9条曲线代表9个间隔为33.3 fs的不同延时点测得的$ \Delta I $的空间分布
Figure 2. Imaging resolution and time delay calibration: (a) Image of the USAF 1951 resolution target, where the imaging system resolves down to the Group 7 Element 1 (128 lp/mm) in the horizontal direction; (b) spatial distribution of transmitted light intensity variation (∆I) measured via the polarization gating (PG) method; (c) time delay calibration using PG, where the 9 curves represents 9 different measurements of ∆I vs. space with delay increment of 33.3 fs.
图 4 样品平面与标定平面不重合时带来的延时误差, 其中O点是利用偏振门方案标定的延时零点, A点是透射相机“认为”的样品上的延时零点, B点是反射相机“认为”的样品上的延时零点
Figure 4. Delay error introduced when sample plane and calibration plane do not coincide. Point O is the delay zero point calibrated using the polarization gate method, Point A is the delay zero point on the sample perceived by the transmission camera, Point B is the delay zero point on the sample perceived by the reflection camera.
图 5 突变结构的成像模拟 (a)一个瞬时突变结构(real)经过成像系统后的像(imaged)带有衍射振荡结构; (b) 5—20 fs缓变结构的像
Figure 5. Imaging simulation of abrupt structures: (a) An instantaneous abrupt structure (real) after passing through the imaging system, the image (imaged) exhibits a diffractive oscillatory structure; (b) images of 5, 10, 12, 15 and 20 fs gradually varying structures.
表 1 单发测量温稠密交流电导率演化的误差分析
Table 1. Error analysis of conductivity evolution in single-shot measurements of warm dense matter.
系统物理量 误差来源 依赖关系 典型值 系统时间分辨率$ \Delta \tau $ 泵浦光脉宽$ {\tau }_{1} $ $ \Delta \tau =\sqrt{{\tau }_{1}^{2}+{\tau }_{2}^{2}+{\left(\chi {{\Delta }}x\right)}^{2}} $ $ {\tau }_{1}=9.7{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}}; {\tau }_{2}=5{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}} $
$ \chi =2.1{\mathrm{ }}{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}}/\text{μm} $,
$ \Delta x=4\text{μm} $
$ \Delta \tau =13.8{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}} $探测光脉宽$ {\tau }_{2} $ 成像系统分辨率$ \Delta x $ 延时零点标定误差$ \Delta {\tau }_{0} $ 融石英片厚度$ L $ $ \Delta {\tau }_{0}\left[{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}}\right]\approx 0.42 L\left[\text{μm}\right] $ $ L=30\text{ μm} $
$ \Delta {\tau }_{0}=12.7\;{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}} $透射延时零点定位误差$ \Delta {\tau }_{0 T} $ 成像定位精度$ d $ $ {\Delta \tau }_{0 T}\left[{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}}\right]\approx -0.72 d\left[\text{μm}\right] $, $ d=35\text{ μm} $
$ \Delta {\tau }_{0 T}=25.2{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}} $反射延时零点定位误差$ \Delta {\tau }_{0 R} $ $ {\Delta \tau }_{0 R}\left[{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}}\right]\approx 0.038 d\left[\text{μm}\right] $ $ d=35\text{ μm} $
$ \Delta {\tau }_{0 T}=1.33{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}} $动力学突变的时间分辨率$ \Delta {\tau }_{{\mathrm{f}}} $ 成像系统数值孔径$ {\mathrm{N}}{\mathrm{A}} $ $ \Delta {\tau }_{{\mathrm{f}}}\propto \dfrac{1}{{\mathrm{N}}{\mathrm{A}}} $ $ {\mathrm{N}}{\mathrm{A}}=0.1 $
$ \Delta {\tau }_{{\mathrm{f}}} > 20{\mathrm{f}}{\mathrm{s}} $ -
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