Rydberg atoms are a type of atoms characterized by high principal quantum numbers. Due to their large polarizability, electric field sensors based on Rydberg atoms have attracted considerable attention. However, research on direct current (DC) electric fields or lowfrequency electric fields utilizing Rydberg atoms is currently scarce, primarily due to the shielding effects associated with atomic vapor cells in regard to low-frequency electric fields, which make precise measurements of the electric field extremely challenging.
In this paper, we construct a Rydberg ladder configuration using probe laser at 852 nm and coupling laser at 510 nm in a room temperature cesium vapor cell with integrated electrode plates. Thereby this enables the realization of a Floquet-EIT (electromagnetically induced transparency) spectrum dressed by a radio frequency (RF) field in the presence of a DC electric field, and we further study the influence from DC electric field on spectral characteristic. In experiments, it has been observed that when only the RF electric field is applied, the EIT spectrum displays solely even-order sidebands. Furthermore, when both the RF field and the DC electric field are simultaneously present, the first-order sideband signal of the Floquet-EIT are observed. As the intensity of the DC electric field increases, the amplitude of the firstorder sidebands gradually increases. However, increasing the DC electric field to a sufficient magnitude induces sidebands interference, which results in a reduction of the sideband amplitudes. Furthermore, increasing the RF frequency can alleviate the interference effects induced by the DC electric field on the first-order sidebands. Finally, comparing the relative standard deviation of the sideband amplitudes of the Floquet-EIT spectra with the frequency shifts of the DC-Stark spectra under weak DC electric fields, we find that the measurement accuracy of the former is significantly superior to the latter.
This work make use of a Cs atomic vapor cell with an integrated electrode to avoid shielding effects. By observing Floquet-EIT spectra, the response of the spectra to DC electric fields is investigated. This experiment offers novel insights for quantum sensing measurements of DC and low-frequency electric fields.-
- Rydberg atoms /
- Electromagnetically induced transparency /
- Floquet-EIT sideband /
- Radio-frequency modulation
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