Infrared focal plane array (IRFPA) detector, a key research focus in next-generation infrared detection technology, plays a crucial role in optoelectronic sensing. Here, we report the integration and reliability of a PbSe-based IRFPA employing a row-column scanning readout architecture. The design features a surface passivation layer and through-hole structures to ensure robust electrical connectivity, enhancing both stability and performance. The detector, with dimensions of 3.5 mm×3.5 mm, a pixel size of 200 μm
x 100 μm, and a pixel pitch of 200 μm, demonstrates structural integrity validated by electro-thermal simulations. At room temperature, pixel-level and imaging assessments reveal an average detectivity of 9.86×109 Jones and a responsivity of 1.03 A/W, with a 100% effective pixel yield. Remarkably, the device retains high stability, exhibiting only a 3.6% performance decline after 150 days of air exposure, attributed to the protective effects of the passivation layer. Infrared imaging across varied light intensities shows pronounced contrast, confirming the detector’s sensitivity to illumination gradients. These results offer critical technical insights and a theoretical framework for advancing high-performance, stable PbSe-based IRFPA detectors. -
- PbSe /
- Focal plane /
- Array /
- Infrared imaging
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