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Theoretical study of 14CO2 spectrum measurement technology based on sub-Doppler wm-NICE-OHMS

LI Yong ZHOU Xiaobin ZHAO Gang YIN Runtao YANG Jiaqi YAN Xiaojuan MA Weiguang


Theoretical study of 14CO2 spectrum measurement technology based on sub-Doppler wm-NICE-OHMS

LI Yong, ZHOU Xiaobin, ZHAO Gang, YIN Runtao, YANG Jiaqi, YAN Xiaojuan, MA Weiguang
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241482
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  • The massive emission of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, has led to severe damage to the Earth’s ecological environment and poses a threat to human health. Many countries have therefore proposed policies to curb the greenhouse effect. Carbon monitoring is a critical prerequisite for realizing these goals, and tracking carbon emission sources can support the precise implementation and advancement of related policies more effectively. The contribution of fossil fuel combustion to greenhouse gas emissions can be inferred by detecting the abundance of 14C in carbon dioxide in a specific region. Conventional 14CO2 detection methods have significant drawbacks, including complicated operation, high cost and large equipment size. Laser absorption spectroscopy (LAS) offers advantages such as real-time, online in-situ measurement and simple operation, making it suitable for the online detection of isotopes. Among the various LAS techniques, noise immunity cavity enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectroscopy (NICE-OHMS) is the most sensitive. This method integrates frequency modulation spectroscopy (FMS) into cavity enhanced spectroscopy (CES) to suppress the low-frequency noise while increasing the absorption paths, providing a minimum detectable absorption coefficient as low as 10–13. Additionally, the accumulation of high intracavity laser power in NICE-OHMS can stimulate saturation absorption, which has a narrow spectral width that can mitigate spectral overlap. In this work, we model the spectral signals of 14CO2 at different locations and select the transition line of 14CO2 at 2209.108 cm–1 as an optimal measurement target based on the principles of high-intensity and well-resolution. The theoretical analysis of the NICE-OHMS technique is then carried out, and theoretical simulations of a mixed sample of 14CO2 and its nearby interfering gases (13CO2, 12CO2, and N2O), are performed under the simulated experimental conditions. The results of the simulation show that the Doppler broadened spectral signal of 14CO2 is covered by the other gases’ signals with a very low amplitude, which is adverse to the detection of 14CO2. To eliminate the linear slope of the Doppler broadened signal and to further improve the signal-to-noise ratio, we perform 14CO2 spectral measurements by using wavelength-modulated NICE-OHMS (wm-NICE-OHMS). The results of the simulation show that the spectral lines are effectively separated, and the detection accuracy of the 14CO2 ratio is greatly improved. Finally, the effects of pressure and modulation index on the 14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS signal are analyzed. The results show that when the pressure is 42 mTorr and the modulation index is 1.07, the signal amplitude of wm-NICE-OHMS reaches its maximum. This work lays a theoretical foundation for the high precision detection of 14CO2 in real-time environmental monitoring. The potential for large-scale application of wm-NICE-OHMS in carbon emission tracking is highlighted, providing a more cost-effective alternative to traditional detection methods. Furthermore, the technology is able to suppress spectral interference from other gases and achieve high resolution in 14CO2 measurements, which will greatly help monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
      Corresponding author: ZHAO Gang, ; MA Weiguang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2023YFF0614000, 2022YFC3703900), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62327813, 62175139, 62375161, 61975103), the Shanxi Province Science and Technology Activities for Returned Overseas Researcher, China (Grant No. 20220001), and the Dreams Foundation of Jianghuai Advance Technology Center, China (Grant No. 2023-ZM01C007).

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    Jiao K, Gao J, Yang J Q, Zhao G, Shi Z, Wang X P, Zhu D, He H Y, Qing J, Yan X J, Ma W G, Jia S T 2024 Microwaves Opt. Technol. Lett. 66 33946Google Scholar


    Galli I, Bartalini S, Ballerini R, Barucci M, Cancio P, De Pas M, Giusfredi G, Mazzotti D, Akikusa N, De Natale P 2016 Optica 3 385Google Scholar


    齐汝宾, 赫树开, 李新田, 汪献忠 2015 光谱学与光谱分析 35 172Google Scholar

    Qi R B, He S K, Li X T, Wang X Z 2015 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 35 172Google Scholar


    Jiang J, McCartt A D 2022 International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA, June 20-24, 2022 p1


    Zhou X B, Zhao G, Li Y, Cheng Z W, Jiao K, Zhang B F, Zhang Z H, Li Y K, Yan X J, Ma W G, Jia S T 2024 Opt. Lett. 49 202Google Scholar


    Zak E J, Tennyson J, Polyansky O L, Lodi L, Zobov N F, Tashkun S A, Perevalov V I 2017 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 189 267Google Scholar


    Gagliardi G, Loock H-P 2014 Cavity-Enhanced Spectro- scopyand Sensing (Vol. 179) (Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg) p231


    Foltynowicz A, Ma W, Schmidt F M, Axner O 2009 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 26 1384Google Scholar


    Ma W G, Foltynowicz A, Axner O 2008 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 25 1144Google Scholar


    Foltynowicz A 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Sweden: Umeå University


    Šimečková M, Jacquemart D, Rothman L, Gamache R, Goldman A 2006 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 98 130Google Scholar

  • 图 1  不同波数的14CO2, N2O, 12CO2, 13CO2混合气体直接吸收模拟信号(黑线), 以及不同波数的14CO2直接吸收模拟信号(红线)

    Figure 1.  Directly absorbed analog signals for 14CO2, N2O, 12CO2, 13CO2 gas mixtures with different wave numbers (black line); directly absorbed analog signals for 14CO2 with different wave numbers (red line).

    图 2  NICE-OHMS原理图[27]

    Figure 2.  NICE-OHMS schematic[27].

    图 3  14CO2, N2O, 12CO213CO2混合气体的亚多普勒模拟信号

    Figure 3.  Sub-Doppler analog signal for gas mixtures such as 14CO2, N2O, 12CO2, 13CO2.

    图 4  14CO2, N2O, 12CO213CO2混合气体的wm-NICE-OHMS模拟信号

    Figure 4.  wm-NICE-OHMS analog signal for gas mixtures such as 14CO2, N2O, 12CO2, 13CO2.

    图 5  (a) β = 0.5, 1, 1.5时14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS信号; (b) 14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS信号幅度随调制系数β的变化

    Figure 5.  (a) 14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS signal when β = 0.5, 1, 1.5; (b) variation of 14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS signal amplitude with β.

    图 6  (a) 压强为100, 200, 300 mTorr时14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS信号; (b) 14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS信号幅度随压强的变化

    Figure 6.  (a) 14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS signal when pressure is 100, 200, 300 mTorr; (b) variation of 14CO2 wm-NICE-OHMS signal amplitude with pressure.

    表 1  14CO2, N2O, 12CO213CO2光谱的其他参数

    Table 1.  Other parameters of 14CO2, N2O, 12CO2 and 13CO2 spectra.

    波数/cm–1 线强$ /({\rm cm}^{-1}{\cdot}{\rm molecule}^{-1}{\cdot}{\rm cm}^{-2}) $ 跃迁底态能量/cm–1 总配分函数
    14CO2 2209.107679 2.83×10–18 163.8828 2033.395
    12CO2 2209.124896 1.802×10–29 5785.2772 286.09
    13CO2 2209.115876 4.23×10–27 3394.9427 576.64
    13CO2 2209.11747 1.54×10–27 3648.8668 576.64
    N2O 2209.08543 3.41×10–21 1282.3324 4984.9
    N2O 2209.11444 6.61×10–22 654.1553 4984.9
    DownLoad: CSV
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    Zhao X, Ma X, Chen B, Shang Y, Song M 2022 Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 176 105959Google Scholar


    Kong W, Wan F, Lei Y, Wang C, Sun H, Wang R, Chen W G 2024 Anal. Chem. 96 15313Google Scholar


    Ge H, Kong W P, Wang R, Zhao G, Ma W G, Chen W G, Wan F 2023 Opt. Lett. 48 2186Google Scholar


    Hou X L 2018 J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 318 1597Google Scholar


    Hua Q 2009 Quat. Geochronol. 4 378Google Scholar


    Levin I, Naegler T, Kromer B, Diehl M, Francey R, Gomez-Pelaez A J, Steele P, Wagenbach D, Weller R, Worthy D 2010 Tellus B: Chem. Phys. Meteorol. 62 26Google Scholar


    Povinec P 2018 J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 318 1573Google Scholar


    Maity A, Maithani S, Pradhan M 2021 Anal. Chem. 93 388Google Scholar


    Lehmann B, Wahlen M, Zumbrunn R, Oeschger H, Schnell W 1977 Appl. Phys. 13 153Google Scholar


    Labrie D, Reid J 1981 Appl. Phys. A 24 381Google Scholar


    McCartt A, Jiang J 2022 ACS Sensors 7 3258Google Scholar


    Zhang Z, Peng T, Nie X Y, Agarwal G S, Scully M O 2022 Light Sci. Appl. 11 274Google Scholar


    Chen W P, Qiao S D, Lang Z, Jiang J C, He Y, Shi Y W, Ma Y F 2023 Opt. Lett. 48 3989Google Scholar


    Hashimoto K, Nakamura T, Kageyama T, Badarla V R, Shimada H, Horisaki R, Ideguchi T 2023 Light Sci. Appl. 12 48Google Scholar


    Ma Y F, Liang T T, Qiao S D, Liu X N, Lang Z T 2023 Ultrafast Sci. 3 0024Google Scholar


    Qiao S D, Ma P Z, Tsepelin V, Han G W, Liang J X, Ren W, Zheng H D, Ma Y F 2023 Opt. Lett. 48 419Google Scholar


    Zhang C, Qiao S D, He Y, Zhou S, Qi L, Ma Y F 2023 Appl. Phys. Lett. 122 241003Google Scholar


    Lang Z T, Qian S D, Ma Y F 2023 Light Adv. Manuf. 4 233Google Scholar


    Galli I, Pastor P C, Di Lonardo G, Fusina L, Giusfredi G, Mazzotti D, Tamassia F, De Natale P 2011 Mol. Phys. 109 2267Google Scholar


    Terabayashi R, Saito K, Sonnenschein V, Okuyama Y, Iwamoto K, Mano K, Kawashima Y, Furumiya T, Tojo K, Ninomiya S, Yoshida K, Tomita H 2022 J. Appl. Phys. 132 083102Google Scholar


    Jiao K, Gao J, Yang J Q, Zhao G, Shi Z, Wang X P, Zhu D, He H Y, Qing J, Yan X J, Ma W G, Jia S T 2024 Microwaves Opt. Technol. Lett. 66 33946Google Scholar


    Galli I, Bartalini S, Ballerini R, Barucci M, Cancio P, De Pas M, Giusfredi G, Mazzotti D, Akikusa N, De Natale P 2016 Optica 3 385Google Scholar


    齐汝宾, 赫树开, 李新田, 汪献忠 2015 光谱学与光谱分析 35 172Google Scholar

    Qi R B, He S K, Li X T, Wang X Z 2015 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 35 172Google Scholar


    Jiang J, McCartt A D 2022 International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA, June 20-24, 2022 p1


    Zhou X B, Zhao G, Li Y, Cheng Z W, Jiao K, Zhang B F, Zhang Z H, Li Y K, Yan X J, Ma W G, Jia S T 2024 Opt. Lett. 49 202Google Scholar


    Zak E J, Tennyson J, Polyansky O L, Lodi L, Zobov N F, Tashkun S A, Perevalov V I 2017 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 189 267Google Scholar


    Gagliardi G, Loock H-P 2014 Cavity-Enhanced Spectro- scopyand Sensing (Vol. 179) (Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg) p231


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    Ma W G, Foltynowicz A, Axner O 2008 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 25 1144Google Scholar


    Foltynowicz A 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Sweden: Umeå University


    Šimečková M, Jacquemart D, Rothman L, Gamache R, Goldman A 2006 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 98 130Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  22 October 2024
  • Accepted Date:  17 December 2024
  • Available Online:  24 January 2025
  • Published Online:  20 March 2025

