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Ultra-low-noise laser intensity noise evaluation system in Hz frequency band for ground-based gravitational wave detection

LI Xiang WANG Jiawei LI Fan HUANG Tianshi DANG Hao ZHAO Desheng TIAN Long SHI Shaoping LI Wei YIN Wangbao ZHENG Yaohui


Ultra-low-noise laser intensity noise evaluation system in Hz frequency band for ground-based gravitational wave detection

LI Xiang, WANG Jiawei, LI Fan, HUANG Tianshi, DANG Hao, ZHAO Desheng, TIAN Long, SHI Shaoping, LI Wei, YIN Wangbao, ZHENG Yaohui
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241319
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The direct detection of gravitational waves has opened up a new window for understanding the universe and trailblazed multi-messenger astronomy. The frequency bands of gravitational waves generated by various astronomical events can cover a broadband range, and the detection mechanisms and schemes for gravitational waves in different frequency bands are different. For example, the ground-based gravitational wave detection has a frequency band ranging from 10 Hz to 10 kHz, which is based on Michelson interferometer. The space gravitational wave detection has a frequency band in a range of 0.1 mHz–1 Hz , which is based on space interferometer. The pulsar gravitational wave detection has a frequency band ranging from 1×10–9 Hz to 1×10–7 Hz, which is based on pulsar timing array. The next-generation ground-based gravitational wave project requires higher sensitivity to detect faint signals, necessitating an assessment system with minimal background noise to accurately measure the laser relative intensity noise. At present, the detection frequency band of ground-based gravitational wave detection devices in operation is mainly concentrated in a range of 10 Hz–10 kHz. To satisfy the detection sensitivity requirements, the laser relative intensity noise should be accurately evaluated and suppressed to ≤2.0×10–9 Hz–1/2 at 10 Hz and ≤4.0×10–7 Hz–1/2 at 10 kHz by photoelectric feedback. In this work, an evaluation and characterization system is constructed for ground-based gravitational wave band laser intensity noise, which is based on low noise and high sensitivity photoelectric detection device and combined with LabVIEW and MATLAB algorithm programming for instrument control and data processing. This low noise evaluation system is used to test the background noise of fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyzer SR760, preamplifier SR560, photoelectric detector electronic noise and intensity noise of homemade optical fiber amplifier, and then the data extraction and image processing are carried out by LabVIEW and MATLAB algorithms, and finally the ground-based gravitational wave frequency band system is evaluated. The experimental results show that the electronic noises for the preamplifier SR560 and the FFT analyzer SR760 are lower than 3.8×10–9 Hz–1/2@(10 Hz–10 kHz). The electronic noise for the photodetector is lower than $ 1.4 \times {10^{ - 8}}\;{\text{V}}/\sqrt {{\text{Hz}}} $ at 10 Hz and $ 8.1 \times {10^{ - 9}}\;{\text{V}}/\sqrt {{\text{Hz}}} $ at 10 kHz, and the accuracy of the system is calibrated and tested by the standard sinusoidal signal. Finally, the noise of commercial laser is evaluated and compared with the factory data to verify the accuracy of the evaluation system. Related research, device and system development provide hardware, software and theoretical basis for preparing high-power low-noise laser light source and gravitational wave detection, and also provide the theoretical basis and evaluation criteria for detecting the ground-based gravitational wave .
      Corresponding author: ZHAO Desheng, ; TIAN Long,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62225504, U22A6003, 62027821, 62035015, 12174234, 12274275, 12304399), the Fundamental Research Program of Shanxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 202303021212003, 202303021224006), and the Key R&D Program of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 202302150101015).

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  • 图 1  地基引力波探测频段激光强度噪声测试评估系统架构

    Figure 1.  Architecture of laser intensity noise measurement and evaluation system.

    图 2  地基引力波探测频段激光强度噪声评估系统程序流程图

    Figure 2.  Program flow chart of laser intensity noise evaluation system for ground-based GW detection.

    图 4  高精度测试仪器本底噪声表征 (a) FFT分析仪测试结果; (b)外加前置放大器后电子学噪声测试结果

    Figure 4.  Electronic noise characterization of high precision instruments: (a) The test result of FFT; (b) the electronic noise characterization of pre-amplifier.

    图 3  地基引力波探测频段激光强度噪声评估系统实验装置示意图, 其中Laser为激光器; ISO为光隔离器; λ/4为λ/4波片; λ/2为λ/2波片; PBS为偏振分束棱镜; BS为分束棱镜; len为f = 50 mm透镜; PD为光电探测器; PA为前置放大器; FFT analyzer为傅里叶分析仪; OSC为示波器; Vref为参考电压源; PC为计算机

    Figure 3.  Evaluation system for laser intensity noise at ground-based gravitational wave detection frequency band, where Laser is soild state laser, ISO is isolator, λ/4 is λ/4 waveplate, λ/2 is λ/2 waveplate, PBS is polarization beam splitter, BS is beam splitter, len is f = 50 mm len, PD is photodetector, PA is pre-amplifier, FFT analyzer is SR760, OSC is oscilloscope, Vref is voltage reference, PC is computer.

    图 5  信号源验证结果

    Figure 5.  Verification results with 1 mV sinusoidal signal.

    图 6  (a)光电探测器原理图; (b)不同探测器性能对比测试

    Figure 6.  (a) Schematic diagram of PD; (b) the contrast test of different PD’s performance.

    图 7  不同商用激光器输出激光相对强度噪声测试结果

    Figure 7.  Test relative intensity noise results of different commercial lasers.

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  • Received Date:  19 September 2024
  • Accepted Date:  16 December 2024
  • Available Online:  19 December 2024
  • Published Online:  05 February 2025

