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温涛 马宇航 王德全 谌浩然 李艳芳 许洋 王志广



温涛, 马宇航, 王德全, 谌浩然, 李艳芳, 许洋, 王志广
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241498

Dual-mode low noise large range magnetic sensor based on giant magnetoimpedance effect

WEN Tao, MA Yuhang, WANG Dequan, CHEN Haoran, LI Yanfang, XU Yang, WANG Zhiguang
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241498
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 磁传感器在导航、交通运输、机器人、自动化、医疗设备等领域有着广泛的应用, 对传感器的性能要求越来越高. 本文提出了一种具有两种工作模式的磁传感器, 兼具大量程和低噪声两种优点. 该传感器由一个640 μH磁芯绕线电感与一个100 pF电容串联构成. 传感器工作于阻抗模式时, 具有噪声低的优点, 当传感器驱动信号频率为1 MHz, 偏置磁场为7.66 Oe (1 Oe = 103/(4π) A/m)时, 传感器等效磁噪声水平最小, 约为200 $ {\text{pT/}}\sqrt {{\text{Hz}}} @1 \;{\text{Hz}} $, 线性范围为2 Oe; 工作于频率模式时, 具有量程大的优点, 量程可以达到25 Oe, 当偏置磁场为7.66 Oe时, 传感器灵敏度最大, 约为47 kHz/Oe. 该传感器与多种型号的商用磁传感器相比, 其低噪声、大量程、低成本的优点依然具有显著的市场竞争力.
    Magnetic sensors are widely used in the fields of navigation, transportation, robotics, automation, and medical equipment, and the performance requirements of sensors are getting higher and higher. In this work, a bimodal magnetic sensor with two operating modes, which has the advantages of large range and low noise, is proposed. The sensor consists of a 640 μH core-wound inductor in series with a 100 pF capacitor. When the external magnetic field changes, the magnetization state of the iron core in the inductor will change, the inductance value will change accordingly. The resonant frequency and impedance value of the sensor will also change with the magnetic field. In this work, the giant magnetic impedance characteristics of an RLC series circuit are analyzed, and the relationship between magnetic permeability, inductance value, and external magnetic field is established, and the series resonant frequency of the circuit is simulated to calculate the characteristics of the circuit with respect to the inductance variation. Then, two testing systems are set up to test the relationship between resonance frequency and magnetic field, as well as the noise characteristics of the sensor. In the impedance mode, the effects of capacitance, drive signal frequency, and static bias magnetic field on the sensor noise floor are first analyzed to determine the optimal parameters of the sensor. When the series capacitance of the sensor is 100 pF, the drive signal frequency will be 1 MHz and the static bias magnetic field will be 7.66 Oe. The sensor has the optimal performance with an equivalent noise floor of about $ {200}\;{\text{pT/}}\sqrt {{\text{Hz}}} @1 \;{\text{Hz}} $, an impedance rate of change sensitivity of 160.6%/Oe, and a linear range of about 2 Oe. In the frequency mode, the sensor operates linearly up to 25 Oe. A logistic regression model is used to fit the resonant frequency to the magnetic field variation, and the fitted value reaches 0.9974. When the static bias magnetic field is about 7.66 Oe, the sensor sensitivity will be about 47 kHz/Oe. Moreover, compared with other common types of magnetic sensors on the market, this sensor has the commercial component cost of only ¥10, and excellent performance, and huge market potential.
      通信作者: 王志广, zgwang18@xjtu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2022YFB3206800)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 62371385)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: WANG Zhiguang, zgwang18@xjtu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFB3206800) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62371385).

    Auster H U, Glassmeier K H, Magnes W, Aydogar O, Baumjohann W, Constantinescu D, Fischer D, Fornacon K H, Georgescu E, Harvey P, Hillenmaier O, Kroth R, Ludlam M, Narita Y, Nakamura R, Okrafka K, Plaschke F, Richter I, Schwarzl H, Stoll B, Valavanoglou A, Wiedemann M 2008 Space Sci. Rev. 141 235Google Scholar


    Du A M, Zhang Y, Li H Y, Qiao D H, Yi Z, Zhang T L, Meng L F, Ge Y S, Luo H, Zhao L, Sun S Q, Ou J M, Li Z, Feng X, Dai J L 2020 Space Sci. Rev. 216 135Google Scholar


    Fimbombaya H S, Mvungi N H, Hamisi N Y, Iddi H U 2018 Modell. Simul. Eng. 2018 2591304Google Scholar


    Kim H J, Hirayama H, Kim S, Han K J, Zhang R, Choi J W 2017 IEEE Access 5 21264Google Scholar


    Kuwahata A, Tanaka R, Matsuda S, Amada E, Irino T, Mayanagi S, Chikaki S, Saito I, Tanabe N, Kawakubo H, Takeuchi H, Kitagawa Y, Kusakabe M, Sekino M 2020 Sci. Rep. 10 1798Google Scholar


    Limes M E, Foley E L, Kornack T W, Caliga S, McBride S, Braun A, Lee W, Lucivero V G, Romalis M V 2020 Phys. Rev. Appl. 14 011002Google Scholar


    Liu X Y, Liu C H, Han W, Pong P W T 2019 IEEE Sens. J. 19 1683Google Scholar


    Wang S X, Peng D L, Wu Z Y 2019 IEEE Sens. J. 19 9818Google Scholar


    Sekino M, Kuwahata A, Ookubo T, Shiozawa M, Ohashi K, Kaneko M, Saito I, Inoue Y, Ohsaki H, Takei H, Kusakabe M 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 1195Google Scholar


    Tsukada K, Hayashi M, Nakamura Y, Sakai K, Kiwa T 2018 IEEE Trans. Magn. 54 6202205Google Scholar


    Ennen I, Kappe D, Rempel T, Glenske C, Hütten A 2016 Sensors 16 904Google Scholar


    韩秀峰, 张雨, 丰家峰, 陈川, 邓辉, 黄辉, 郭经红, 梁云, 司文荣, 江安烽, 魏红祥 2022 71 238502Google Scholar

    Han X F, Zhang Y, Feng J F, Chen C A, Deng H, Huang H, Guo J H, Liang Y, Si W R, Jiang A F, Wei H X 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 238502Google Scholar


    Han X F, Zhang Y, Wang Y Z, Huang L, Ma Q L, Liu H F, Wan C H, Feng J F, Yin L, Yu G Q, Yu T, Yan Y 2021 Chin. Phys. Lett. 38 128501Google Scholar


    Khan M A, Sun J, Li B D, Przybysz A, Kosel J 2021 Eng. Res. Express 3 022005Google Scholar


    Lenz J, Edelstein A S 2006 IEEE Sens. J. 6 631Google Scholar


    Narod B B, Miles D M 2024 Geosci. Instrum. Methods Data Syst. 13 131Google Scholar


    Wang Z G, Wen T, Su W, Hu C J, Chen Y C, Hu Z Q, Wu J G, Zhou Z Y, Liu M 2021 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 68 7577Google Scholar


    Panina L V, Mohri K 1994 Appl. Phys. Lett. 65 1189Google Scholar


    Phan M H, Peng H X 2008 Prog. Mater Sci. 53 323Google Scholar


    Kurlyandskaya G V, Sánchez M L, Hernando B, Prida V M, Gorria P, Tejedor M 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 3053Google Scholar


    Panina L V, Mohri K, Bushida K, Noda M 1994 J. Appl. Phys. 76 6198Google Scholar


    Wen T, Wang Z G, Du Q, Su W, Guan M M, Zhao, S S, Wu J, Hu Z Q, Zhou Z Y, Liu M 2022 Adv. Mater. Technol. 7 2100919Google Scholar


    Vazquez M, Knobel M, Sanchez M L, Valenzuela R, Zhukov A P 1997 Sens. Actuator A Phys. 59 20Google Scholar


    Butta M, Yamashita S, Sasada I 2011 IEEE Trans. Magn. 47 3748Google Scholar


    Malatek M, Dufay B, Saez S, Dolabdjian C 2013 Sens. Actuator A Phys. 204 20Google Scholar


    Malátek M, Kraus L 2010 Sens. Actuator A Phys. 164 41Google Scholar


    Dufay B, Saez S, Dolabdjian C P, Yelon A, Ménard D 2013 IEEE Sens. J. 13 379Google Scholar


    Ding L H, Saez S, Dolabdjian C, Melo L G C, Yelon A, Ménard D 2009 IEEE Sens. J. 9 159Google Scholar


    Dufay B, Saez S, Dolabdjian C, Yelon A, Ménard D 2013 IEEE Trans. Magn. 49 85Google Scholar


    Dufay B, Saez S, Dolabdjian C P, Yelon A, Ménard D 2011 IEEE Sens. J. 11 1317Google Scholar


    Melo L G C, Ménard D, Yelon A, Ding L, Saez S, Dolabdjian C 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 033903Google Scholar


    Traoré P S, Asfour A, Yonnet J P, Dolabdjian C P 2017 IEEE Sens. J. 17 6175Google Scholar


    Traore P S, Asfour A, Yonnet J P 2021 Sens. Actuator A Phys. 331 112972Google Scholar


    Jin F, Wang J C, Zhu L, Mo W Q, Dong K F, Song J L 2019 IEEE Sens. J. 19 9172Google Scholar


    Fernández E, García-Arribas A, Barandiarán J M, Svalov A V, Kurlyandskaya G V, Dolabdjian C P 2015 IEEE Sens. J. 15 6707Google Scholar


    Kim J Y, Cho I K, Lee H J, Lee J, Moon J I, Kim S M, Kim S W, Ahn S, Kim K 2020 IEEE Access 8 193091Google Scholar

  • 图 1  电感与电容串联后的等效电路模型

    Fig. 1.  Equivalent circuit model of inductor and capacitor in series.

    图 2  等效电路串联谐振仿真 (a) RLC串联等效电路模型仿真结果; (a) 串联谐振频率随电感的变化

    Fig. 2.  Equivalent circuit series resonance simulation: (a) Simulation results obtained by RLC series equivalent circuit model; (b) variation of series resonance frequency with inductance.

    图 3  电感元件特征 (a) 电感实物图; (b) 电感值随磁场的变化

    Fig. 3.  Inductor characteristic: (a) Physical drawings of inductors; (b) variation of inductance value with magnetic field.

    图 4  谐振频率-磁场传感器测试平台

    Fig. 4.  Resonant frequency-magnetic field sensor test platform.

    图 5  阻抗-磁场传感器测试平台

    Fig. 5.  Impedance-magnetic field sensor test platform.

    图 6  不同条件下的最小等效磁噪声与激励信号频率关系 (a) 电容为91 pF; (b) 电容为100 pF; (c) 电容为110 pF; (d) 电容为120 pF

    Fig. 6.  Relationship between minimum equivalent magnetic noise and frequency of excitation signal under different conditions: (a) The capacitance is 91 pF; (b) the capacitance is 100 pF; (c) the capacitance is 110 pF; (d) the capacitance is 120 pF.

    图 7  GMI传感器特性 (a)不同频率激励信号时GMI传感器的阻抗随磁场的变化; (b) 不同频率激励信号时GMI传感器阻抗变化率随磁场的变化; (c) 不同频率激励信号时GMI传感器阻抗变化率灵敏度随磁场的变化; (d) 在施加3 nT和300 pT的微弱磁信号时GMI传感器的等效磁噪声幅度谱; (e) 传感器阻抗随外加磁场的变化以及线性拟合曲线; (f) 施加1 Hz正弦交流磁信号时传感器的阻抗变化量随磁场强度的变化

    Fig. 7.  GMI sensor characteristics: (a) The impedance of GMI sensor vs. magnetic field for different frequency excitation signals; (b) the impedance variation of GMI sensor vs. magnetic field for different frequency excitation signals; (c) impedance change rate sensitivity of GMI sensor vs. magnetic field for different frequency excitation signals; (d) the equivalent magnetic noise amplitude spectrum of the GMI sensor when a weak magnetic signal of 3 nT or 300 pT is applied; (e) sensor impedance vs. applied magnetic field and corresponding linear fitting curve; (f) sensor impedance variation vs. magnetic field intensity when 1 Hz sinusoidal AC magnetic signal is applied.

    图 8  磁传感器谐振频率随磁场强度的变化及拟合曲线

    Fig. 8.  Resonance frequency of magnetic sensor vs. magnetic field intensity curve and corresponding fitting curve.

    图 9  谐振频率-磁场数值拟合曲线及灵敏度曲线

    Fig. 9.  Resonance frequency vs. magnetic field fitting curve and sensitivity curve.

    表 1  最小等效磁噪声及其对应参数

    Table 1.  Minimum equivalent magnetic noise and its corresponding parameters.

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    表 2  双模态磁传感器与商用磁传感器对比

    Table 2.  Comparison of dual-mode magnetic sensor and commercial magnetic sensor.

    类型 型号 厂家 本底噪声/
    (nT@1 Hz)
    灵敏度 截止频率 价格
    AMR MMC5983MA 美新半导体 40 8 1 kHz ~34
    AMR HMC1001 霍尼韦尔 0.5 5 3.2 mV/(V·Oe) 5 MHz ~100
    GMR AA002 NVE 2 15 36 mV/(V·Oe) 1 MHz ~150
    TMR TMR2901 多维 2 8 25 mV/(V·Oe) ~350
    TMR TLI5590-A6W 英飞凌 50 1.85 mV/(V·Oe) 5 kHz ~20
    TMR CT815X Allegro 80 5 mV/(V·Oe) 100 Hz ~10
    Microfluxgate DRV425 德州仪器 4 20 1.22 mA/Oe 32 kHz ~30
    Fluxgate Mag651 Bartington ~0.02 0.6 5 V/Oe 5 Hz >35000
    Hall DRV5055
    德州仪器 130 210 10 mV/Oe 20 kHz ~10
    GMI MI-CB-1DJ Aichi ~0.1 0.02 500 V/Oe 10 kHz ~10000
    GMI GC-CC-101A 国创智能 ~0.06 0.6 2 kHz ~5000
    LC串联磁传感器 阻抗模式 ~0.2 6—8 Oe 160.6%/Oe ~10
    频率模式 5—30 Oe 47 kHz/Oe(max) ~10
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  • [1]

    Auster H U, Glassmeier K H, Magnes W, Aydogar O, Baumjohann W, Constantinescu D, Fischer D, Fornacon K H, Georgescu E, Harvey P, Hillenmaier O, Kroth R, Ludlam M, Narita Y, Nakamura R, Okrafka K, Plaschke F, Richter I, Schwarzl H, Stoll B, Valavanoglou A, Wiedemann M 2008 Space Sci. Rev. 141 235Google Scholar


    Du A M, Zhang Y, Li H Y, Qiao D H, Yi Z, Zhang T L, Meng L F, Ge Y S, Luo H, Zhao L, Sun S Q, Ou J M, Li Z, Feng X, Dai J L 2020 Space Sci. Rev. 216 135Google Scholar


    Fimbombaya H S, Mvungi N H, Hamisi N Y, Iddi H U 2018 Modell. Simul. Eng. 2018 2591304Google Scholar


    Kim H J, Hirayama H, Kim S, Han K J, Zhang R, Choi J W 2017 IEEE Access 5 21264Google Scholar


    Kuwahata A, Tanaka R, Matsuda S, Amada E, Irino T, Mayanagi S, Chikaki S, Saito I, Tanabe N, Kawakubo H, Takeuchi H, Kitagawa Y, Kusakabe M, Sekino M 2020 Sci. Rep. 10 1798Google Scholar


    Limes M E, Foley E L, Kornack T W, Caliga S, McBride S, Braun A, Lee W, Lucivero V G, Romalis M V 2020 Phys. Rev. Appl. 14 011002Google Scholar


    Liu X Y, Liu C H, Han W, Pong P W T 2019 IEEE Sens. J. 19 1683Google Scholar


    Wang S X, Peng D L, Wu Z Y 2019 IEEE Sens. J. 19 9818Google Scholar


    Sekino M, Kuwahata A, Ookubo T, Shiozawa M, Ohashi K, Kaneko M, Saito I, Inoue Y, Ohsaki H, Takei H, Kusakabe M 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 1195Google Scholar


    Tsukada K, Hayashi M, Nakamura Y, Sakai K, Kiwa T 2018 IEEE Trans. Magn. 54 6202205Google Scholar


    Ennen I, Kappe D, Rempel T, Glenske C, Hütten A 2016 Sensors 16 904Google Scholar


    韩秀峰, 张雨, 丰家峰, 陈川, 邓辉, 黄辉, 郭经红, 梁云, 司文荣, 江安烽, 魏红祥 2022 71 238502Google Scholar

    Han X F, Zhang Y, Feng J F, Chen C A, Deng H, Huang H, Guo J H, Liang Y, Si W R, Jiang A F, Wei H X 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 238502Google Scholar


    Han X F, Zhang Y, Wang Y Z, Huang L, Ma Q L, Liu H F, Wan C H, Feng J F, Yin L, Yu G Q, Yu T, Yan Y 2021 Chin. Phys. Lett. 38 128501Google Scholar


    Khan M A, Sun J, Li B D, Przybysz A, Kosel J 2021 Eng. Res. Express 3 022005Google Scholar


    Lenz J, Edelstein A S 2006 IEEE Sens. J. 6 631Google Scholar


    Narod B B, Miles D M 2024 Geosci. Instrum. Methods Data Syst. 13 131Google Scholar


    Wang Z G, Wen T, Su W, Hu C J, Chen Y C, Hu Z Q, Wu J G, Zhou Z Y, Liu M 2021 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 68 7577Google Scholar


    Panina L V, Mohri K 1994 Appl. Phys. Lett. 65 1189Google Scholar


    Phan M H, Peng H X 2008 Prog. Mater Sci. 53 323Google Scholar


    Kurlyandskaya G V, Sánchez M L, Hernando B, Prida V M, Gorria P, Tejedor M 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 3053Google Scholar


    Panina L V, Mohri K, Bushida K, Noda M 1994 J. Appl. Phys. 76 6198Google Scholar


    Wen T, Wang Z G, Du Q, Su W, Guan M M, Zhao, S S, Wu J, Hu Z Q, Zhou Z Y, Liu M 2022 Adv. Mater. Technol. 7 2100919Google Scholar


    Vazquez M, Knobel M, Sanchez M L, Valenzuela R, Zhukov A P 1997 Sens. Actuator A Phys. 59 20Google Scholar


    Butta M, Yamashita S, Sasada I 2011 IEEE Trans. Magn. 47 3748Google Scholar


    Malatek M, Dufay B, Saez S, Dolabdjian C 2013 Sens. Actuator A Phys. 204 20Google Scholar


    Malátek M, Kraus L 2010 Sens. Actuator A Phys. 164 41Google Scholar


    Dufay B, Saez S, Dolabdjian C P, Yelon A, Ménard D 2013 IEEE Sens. J. 13 379Google Scholar


    Ding L H, Saez S, Dolabdjian C, Melo L G C, Yelon A, Ménard D 2009 IEEE Sens. J. 9 159Google Scholar


    Dufay B, Saez S, Dolabdjian C, Yelon A, Ménard D 2013 IEEE Trans. Magn. 49 85Google Scholar


    Dufay B, Saez S, Dolabdjian C P, Yelon A, Ménard D 2011 IEEE Sens. J. 11 1317Google Scholar


    Melo L G C, Ménard D, Yelon A, Ding L, Saez S, Dolabdjian C 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 033903Google Scholar


    Traoré P S, Asfour A, Yonnet J P, Dolabdjian C P 2017 IEEE Sens. J. 17 6175Google Scholar


    Traore P S, Asfour A, Yonnet J P 2021 Sens. Actuator A Phys. 331 112972Google Scholar


    Jin F, Wang J C, Zhu L, Mo W Q, Dong K F, Song J L 2019 IEEE Sens. J. 19 9172Google Scholar


    Fernández E, García-Arribas A, Barandiarán J M, Svalov A V, Kurlyandskaya G V, Dolabdjian C P 2015 IEEE Sens. J. 15 6707Google Scholar


    Kim J Y, Cho I K, Lee H J, Lee J, Moon J I, Kim S M, Kim S W, Ahn S, Kim K 2020 IEEE Access 8 193091Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2024-10-25
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  • 上网日期:  2024-12-11
  • 刊出日期:  2025-02-05

