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Measurement and analysis of neutron spectrum responses of ST401 scintillators with different thickness

Li Yang Zhang Yan-Hong Sheng Liang Zhang Mei Yao Zhi-Ming Duan Bao-Jun Zhao Ji-Zhen Guo Quan Yan Wei-Peng Li Guo-Guang Hu Jia-Qi Li Hao-Qing Li Lang-Lang


Measurement and analysis of neutron spectrum responses of ST401 scintillators with different thickness

Li Yang, Zhang Yan-Hong, Sheng Liang, Zhang Mei, Yao Zhi-Ming, Duan Bao-Jun, Zhao Ji-Zhen, Guo Quan, Yan Wei-Peng, Li Guo-Guang, Hu Jia-Qi, Li Hao-Qing, Li Lang-Lang
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241198
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In the measurement of pulsed neutrons in the MeV energy range, plastic scintillators are one of the most widely used materials, and their neutron energy spectrum responses are key data of pulsed neutron energy spectrum measurement. The neutron energy spectrum responses of ST401 plastic scintillators with 5 different thickness values ranging from 0.5 to 10 mm in an energy range from 0.5 MeV to 100 MeV are measured by using the time-of-flight (TOF) method on the white neutron source (WNS) beamline of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). The effects of in-beam gamma rays, the gamma flash produced slow component of scintillator, and the pulse width of the neutron source on the measurement of neutron spectrum response are analyzed. Owing to the boundary effect of the finite volume of the scintillator, the neutron energy spectrum response curves of ST401 with different thickness values present approximately logarithmic shape, and proton escape is the main reason for the deviation of the curve from linearity. The thicker the scintillator, the higher the neutron energy deviates from linearity.
      Corresponding author: Sheng Liang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12175183 ) and the Distinguished Youth Science Fund of National Defense Science and Technology of China (Grant No. JQZQ021901).

    刘兆庆 1994 脉冲辐射场诊断技术 (北京: 科学出版社)第12页

    Liu Z Q, 1994 Pulse Radiation Field Diagnostic Technology (Beijing: Science Press) p12


    易义成, 宋朝晖, 管兴胤, 韩和同, 卢毅, 郝帅 2023 现代应用物理 14 10202Google Scholar

    Yi Y C, Song Z H, Guan X Y, Han H T, Lu Y, Hao S 2023 Mod. Appl. Phys. 14 10202Google Scholar


    杨洪琼, 彭太平, 杨建伦, 唐正元, 杨高照, 李林波, 胡孟春, 王振通, 张建华, 李忠宝, 王立宗 2004 核电子学与探测技术 24 640

    Yang H Q, Peng T P, Yang J L, Tang Z Y, Yang G Z, Li L B, Hu M C, Wang Z T, Zhang J H, Li Z B, Wang L Z 2004, Nucl. Electron. & Detect. Technol. 24 640


    姚志明, 段宝军, 宋顾周, 严维鹏, 马继明, 韩长材, 宋岩 2017 66 062401Google Scholar

    Yao Z M, Duan B J, Song G Z, Yan W P, Ma J M, Han C C, Song Y 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 062401Google Scholar


    Verbinski V V, Burrus W R, Love T A, Zobel W, Hill N W, Textor R 1968 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 65 8Google Scholar


    张国光, 欧阳晓平, 张建福, 王志强, 张忠兵, 马彦良, 张显鹏, 陈军, 张小东, 潘洪波, 骆海龙, 刘毅娜 2006 55 2165Google Scholar

    Zhang G G, Ouyang X P, Zhang J F, Wang Z Q, Zhang Z B, Ma Y L, Zhang X P, Chen J, Zhang X D, Pan H B, Luo H L, Liu Y N 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2165Google Scholar


    Madey R, Waterman F M, Baldwin A R, Knudson J N, Carlson J D, Rapaport J 1978 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 151 445Google Scholar


    张传飞, 彭太平, 罗小兵, 李如荣, 张建华, 夏宜君, 杨志华, 林理彬 2002 四川大学学报(自然科学版) 39 487

    Zhang C F, Peng T P, Luo X B, Li R R, Zhang J H, Xia Y J, Yang Z H, Lin L B 2002 J. Sichuan Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed. ) 39 487


    彭太平, 罗小兵, 张传飞, 李如荣, 张建华, 夏宜君, 杨志华 2002 原子核物理评论 19 357Google Scholar

    Peng T P, Luo X B, Zhang C F, Li R R, Zhang J H, Xia Y J, Yang Z H 2002 Nucl. Phys. Rev. 19 357Google Scholar


    罗小兵, 张传飞, 彭太平, 李如荣, 张建华, 夏宜军, 杨志华 2004 核电子学与探测技术 24 186

    Luo X B, Zhang C F, Peng T P, Li R R, Zhang J H, Xia Y J, Yang Z H 2004 Nucl. Electron. & Detect. Technol. 24 186


    宋顾周, 谢红卫, 王奎禄, 朱宏权 2008 核电子学与探测技术 28 845Google Scholar

    Song G Z, Xie H W, Wang K L, Zhu H Q 2008 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol. 28 845Google Scholar


    杨建伦, 彭先觉, 杨洪琼, 杨高照, 王立宗, 钟耀华 2004 核电子学与探测技术 24 346Google Scholar

    Yang J L, Peng X J, Yang H Q, Yang G Z, Wang L Z, Zhong Y H 2004 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol. 24 346Google Scholar


    Edelstein R M, Russ J S, Thatcher R C, Elfield M, Miller E L, Reay N W, Stanton N R, Abolins M A, Lin M T, Edwards K W, Gill D R 1972 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 100 355Google Scholar


    Betti G, Guerra A D, Giazotto A, Giorgi M A, Stefanini A, Botterill D R, Braben D W, Clarke D, Norton P R 1976 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 135 129


    Cecil R A, Anderson B D, Madey R 1979 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 161 439Google Scholar


    Wei J, Chen H S, Chen Y W, et al. 2009 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 600 10Google Scholar


    Chen Y H, Luan G Y, Bao J, et al. 2019 Eur. Phys. J. A 55 145Google Scholar


    任杰, 阮锡超, 陈永浩 等 2020 69 172901Google Scholar

    Ren J, Ruan X C, Chen Y H, et al. 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 172901Google Scholar


    袁秀丽, 姚岁劳, 王丹妮, 阎珍德, 唐兆荣, 蒋李君, 高兴兵, 殷生华, 贾景光, 张志雄, 林德雨2024 GB/T13181-2024(北京: 中国标准出版社)

    Yuan X L, Yao S L, Wang D N, Yan Z D, Tang Z R, Jiang L J, Gao X B, Yin S H, Jia J G, Zhang Z X, Lin D Y 2024 GB/T13181-2024 (Beijing: China Standard Press


    汲长松 1990 核辐射探测器及其实验技术手册 (北京: 原子能出版社)

    Ji C S 1990 Handbook of Nuclear Radiation Detectors & Their Experiment Techniques (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press

    [21] [2024-8-30]


    Gohil M, Banerjee K, Bhattacharya S, Bhattacharya C, Kundu S, Rana T K , Mukherjee G, Meena J K, Pandey R, Pai H, Ghosh T K, Dey A, Mukhopadhyay S, Pandit D, Pal S, Banerjee S R, Bandhopadhyay T 2012 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 664 304


    杨洋, 党同强, 王志刚, 王明煌, 杨战国, 常博, 宋勇, 周涛 2024 现代应用物理 15 10201Google Scholar

    Yang Y, Dang T Q, Wang Z G, Wang M H, Yang Z G, Chang B, Song Y, Zhou T 2024 Mod. Appl. Phys. 15 10201Google Scholar


    秋妍妍, 谭志新, 易晗, 贺永宁, 赵小龙, 樊瑞睿 2023 现代应用物理 14 30203

    Qiu Y Y, Tan Z X, Yi H, He Y N, Zhao X L, Fan R R 2023 Mod. Appl. Phys. 14 30203

  • 图 1  闪烁体中子能谱响应测量布局示意图

    Figure 1.  Sketch of measuring the neutron spectrum response of a scintillator on WNS of CSNS.

    图 2  闪烁体能谱响应测量波形

    Figure 2.  Typical waveforms measured in our experiments.

    图 3  束内伽马对塑料闪烁体中子能谱响应测量的影响

    Figure 3.  Influence of in-beam gamma on plastic scintillators’ neutron spectrum response measurements.

    图 4  ST401闪烁体慢成分测量结果

    Figure 4.  Measured slow component of a ST401 scintillator.

    图 5  伽马峰后不同时刻到达闪烁体处中子能谱 (a)伽马峰后1268.7 ns; (b) 伽马峰后1890.4 ns; (c) 伽马峰后3326.2 ns; (d) 伽马峰后5404.3 ns

    Figure 5.  The neutron spectrum at the scintillator at different time intervals after the γ flash peak: (a) 1268.7 ns; (b) 1890.4 ns; (c) 3326.2 ns; (d) 5404.3 ns.

    图 6  白光中子源能谱 (0.5—200 MeV)

    Figure 6.  The neutron spectrum of WNS (0.5–200 MeV).

    图 7  不同厚度塑料ST401中子能谱响应 (a) 线性坐标; (b) 对数坐标

    Figure 7.  The neutron spectrum responses of ST401 scintillators with different thicknesses: (a) Linear coordinates; (b) logarithmic coordinates.

    图 8  中子能量0.01—100 MeV的n-p和n-C作用截面曲线

    Figure 8.  n-p and n-C cross sections from 0.01 to 100 MeV.

    图 9  塑料闪烁体对不同种类粒子的光响应函数

    Figure 9.  Light response function of plastic scintillators to different particles.

    图 10  0.01—100 MeV质子(中子)在塑料闪烁体中的平均射程(迁移长度) (a) 对数坐标; (b) (a)图中蓝色虚线方框内曲线在线性坐标下的放大展示

    Figure 10.  The average range (migration length) of 0.01–100 MeV protons (neutrons) in plastic scintillators: (a) Range and migration length in logarithmic coordinates; (b) enlargement of the curves in the blue square in (a).

    图 11  10, 5, 2和1 mm与0.5 mm塑料闪烁体中子灵敏度的比值

    Figure 11.  The ratios of 10, 5, 2 and 1 mm-thick plastic scintillators’ neutron sensitivities to 0.5 mm.

  • [1]

    刘兆庆 1994 脉冲辐射场诊断技术 (北京: 科学出版社)第12页

    Liu Z Q, 1994 Pulse Radiation Field Diagnostic Technology (Beijing: Science Press) p12


    易义成, 宋朝晖, 管兴胤, 韩和同, 卢毅, 郝帅 2023 现代应用物理 14 10202Google Scholar

    Yi Y C, Song Z H, Guan X Y, Han H T, Lu Y, Hao S 2023 Mod. Appl. Phys. 14 10202Google Scholar


    杨洪琼, 彭太平, 杨建伦, 唐正元, 杨高照, 李林波, 胡孟春, 王振通, 张建华, 李忠宝, 王立宗 2004 核电子学与探测技术 24 640

    Yang H Q, Peng T P, Yang J L, Tang Z Y, Yang G Z, Li L B, Hu M C, Wang Z T, Zhang J H, Li Z B, Wang L Z 2004, Nucl. Electron. & Detect. Technol. 24 640


    姚志明, 段宝军, 宋顾周, 严维鹏, 马继明, 韩长材, 宋岩 2017 66 062401Google Scholar

    Yao Z M, Duan B J, Song G Z, Yan W P, Ma J M, Han C C, Song Y 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 062401Google Scholar


    Verbinski V V, Burrus W R, Love T A, Zobel W, Hill N W, Textor R 1968 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 65 8Google Scholar


    张国光, 欧阳晓平, 张建福, 王志强, 张忠兵, 马彦良, 张显鹏, 陈军, 张小东, 潘洪波, 骆海龙, 刘毅娜 2006 55 2165Google Scholar

    Zhang G G, Ouyang X P, Zhang J F, Wang Z Q, Zhang Z B, Ma Y L, Zhang X P, Chen J, Zhang X D, Pan H B, Luo H L, Liu Y N 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2165Google Scholar


    Madey R, Waterman F M, Baldwin A R, Knudson J N, Carlson J D, Rapaport J 1978 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 151 445Google Scholar


    张传飞, 彭太平, 罗小兵, 李如荣, 张建华, 夏宜君, 杨志华, 林理彬 2002 四川大学学报(自然科学版) 39 487

    Zhang C F, Peng T P, Luo X B, Li R R, Zhang J H, Xia Y J, Yang Z H, Lin L B 2002 J. Sichuan Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed. ) 39 487


    彭太平, 罗小兵, 张传飞, 李如荣, 张建华, 夏宜君, 杨志华 2002 原子核物理评论 19 357Google Scholar

    Peng T P, Luo X B, Zhang C F, Li R R, Zhang J H, Xia Y J, Yang Z H 2002 Nucl. Phys. Rev. 19 357Google Scholar


    罗小兵, 张传飞, 彭太平, 李如荣, 张建华, 夏宜军, 杨志华 2004 核电子学与探测技术 24 186

    Luo X B, Zhang C F, Peng T P, Li R R, Zhang J H, Xia Y J, Yang Z H 2004 Nucl. Electron. & Detect. Technol. 24 186


    宋顾周, 谢红卫, 王奎禄, 朱宏权 2008 核电子学与探测技术 28 845Google Scholar

    Song G Z, Xie H W, Wang K L, Zhu H Q 2008 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol. 28 845Google Scholar


    杨建伦, 彭先觉, 杨洪琼, 杨高照, 王立宗, 钟耀华 2004 核电子学与探测技术 24 346Google Scholar

    Yang J L, Peng X J, Yang H Q, Yang G Z, Wang L Z, Zhong Y H 2004 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol. 24 346Google Scholar


    Edelstein R M, Russ J S, Thatcher R C, Elfield M, Miller E L, Reay N W, Stanton N R, Abolins M A, Lin M T, Edwards K W, Gill D R 1972 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 100 355Google Scholar


    Betti G, Guerra A D, Giazotto A, Giorgi M A, Stefanini A, Botterill D R, Braben D W, Clarke D, Norton P R 1976 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 135 129


    Cecil R A, Anderson B D, Madey R 1979 Nucl. Instrum. Methods 161 439Google Scholar


    Wei J, Chen H S, Chen Y W, et al. 2009 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 600 10Google Scholar


    Chen Y H, Luan G Y, Bao J, et al. 2019 Eur. Phys. J. A 55 145Google Scholar


    任杰, 阮锡超, 陈永浩 等 2020 69 172901Google Scholar

    Ren J, Ruan X C, Chen Y H, et al. 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 172901Google Scholar


    袁秀丽, 姚岁劳, 王丹妮, 阎珍德, 唐兆荣, 蒋李君, 高兴兵, 殷生华, 贾景光, 张志雄, 林德雨2024 GB/T13181-2024(北京: 中国标准出版社)

    Yuan X L, Yao S L, Wang D N, Yan Z D, Tang Z R, Jiang L J, Gao X B, Yin S H, Jia J G, Zhang Z X, Lin D Y 2024 GB/T13181-2024 (Beijing: China Standard Press


    汲长松 1990 核辐射探测器及其实验技术手册 (北京: 原子能出版社)

    Ji C S 1990 Handbook of Nuclear Radiation Detectors & Their Experiment Techniques (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press

    [21] [2024-8-30]


    Gohil M, Banerjee K, Bhattacharya S, Bhattacharya C, Kundu S, Rana T K , Mukherjee G, Meena J K, Pandey R, Pai H, Ghosh T K, Dey A, Mukhopadhyay S, Pandit D, Pal S, Banerjee S R, Bandhopadhyay T 2012 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 664 304


    杨洋, 党同强, 王志刚, 王明煌, 杨战国, 常博, 宋勇, 周涛 2024 现代应用物理 15 10201Google Scholar

    Yang Y, Dang T Q, Wang Z G, Wang M H, Yang Z G, Chang B, Song Y, Zhou T 2024 Mod. Appl. Phys. 15 10201Google Scholar


    秋妍妍, 谭志新, 易晗, 贺永宁, 赵小龙, 樊瑞睿 2023 现代应用物理 14 30203

    Qiu Y Y, Tan Z X, Yi H, He Y N, Zhao X L, Fan R R 2023 Mod. Appl. Phys. 14 30203

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  • Received Date:  28 August 2024
  • Accepted Date:  11 October 2024
  • Available Online:  29 October 2024
  • Published Online:  05 December 2024

