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The boundary effect of s quark matter and self-similarity structure influence of K meson on quark-gluon plasma-hadron phase transition

DAI Tingting CHENG Luan DING Huiqiang ZHANG Weining WANG Enke

The boundary effect of s quark matter and self-similarity structure influence of K meson on quark-gluon plasma-hadron phase transition

DAI Tingting, CHENG Luan, DING Huiqiang, ZHANG Weining, WANG Enke
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241640
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • We investigate the boundary effect of small-scale s quark matter and the self-similarity structure influence of strange hadrons in the hadron gas on quark-gluon plasma (QGP)-hadron phase transition. In this study, the multiple reflection expansion method is used to investigate the boundary effect of QGP droplets containing s quarks. The calculation reveals that under the influence of boundary effect, small-scale s quark matter exhibits that energy density, entropy density, and pressure are all lower. In the hadron phase, there exists a two-body self-similarity structure between K mesons and neighboring π mesons, subjected to collective flow, quantum correlations, and strong interactions. By using two-body fractal model to study the self-similarity structure of the K meson in meson and quark aspects, it is found that the self-similarity structure of the K meson exists in hadron phase, resluting in an increase in the energy density, entropy density, and pressure of the K meson. Furthermore, under the influence of self-similarity structure, the derived transverse momentum spectrum of K meson shows excellent agreement with experimental data (Fig. (a)). This study predicts that in the HIAF energy region, the self-similarity structure factor of K meson q1 approaches 1.042. Additionaly, under the combined influence of boundary effects and self-similarity structure of K and π mesons, the phase transition temperature of s quark matter increases (Fig. (b)). Morover, if the boundary of s quark matter is more curved, the increase of phase transition temperature becomes more pronounced compared to the effect of self-similarity structure alone.
      Corresponding author: CHENG Luan, luancheng@dlut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12175031) and the Key Laboratory of Nuclear Science of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2019B121203010).

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    Gunkel P J, Fischer C S 2021 Phys. Rev. D 104 054022Google Scholar

  • 图 1  QGP热滴的势场示意图

    Figure 1.  The potential field of QGP droplet.

    图 2  QGP热滴半径分别为r=1,1.5,6 fm的(a1)−(a3)能量密度; (b1)−(b3)熵密度; (c1)−(c3)压强

    Figure 2.  (a1)−(a3) Energy density; (b1)−(b3) entropy density and (c1)−(c3) pressure of QGP droplets with radius r=1,1.5,6 fm respectively.

    图 3  半径为r=1 fm的QGP热滴, 包含s, u, d三种夸克, 和包含 u, d两种夸克的热力学量 (a)能量密度; (b)压强; (c)熵密度

    Figure 3.  Thermodynamic quantities of QGP droplet r=1 fm considering s, u, d quarks and u, d quarks in it, respectively: (a) Energy density; (b) pressure; (c) entropy density.

    图 4  (a) 介子层次和(b) 夸克层次下, 介子与介子-介子之间的自相似结构

    Figure 4.  Self-similarity structure of a meson and a resonant state in (a) meson aspect and (b) quark aspect.

    图 5  Au+Au碰撞能量sNN=39 GeV中临界温度附近的两体自相似结构影响因子q1的变化

    Figure 5.  The relationship between the factor q1 and the temperature T near to the critical temperature in Au+Au collision at sNN=39GeV.

    图 6  Au+Au碰撞能量sNN=7.7,11.5,19.6,27,39 GeV, 0−5%对心度下, K介子的自相似结构影响的修正因子q1和化学势的变化关系图

    Figure 6.  The relationship between the factor q1 for K meson and chemical potential μ in Au+Au collisions at sNN=7.7,11.5,19.6,27,39 GeV for 0−5% centrality.

    图 7  Au+Au碰撞能量sNN=19.6,39 GeV中, 受自相似结构影响的K介子的热力学量在临界相变温度时的变化 (a)能量密度; (b)压强; (c)熵密度

    Figure 7.  Thermodynamic quantities of kaon with and without the self-similarity structure influence in Au+Au collisions at sNN=39,19.6GeV near the phase transition temperature: (a) Energy density; (b) pressure; (c) entropy density.

    图 8  Au+Au碰撞能量sNN=7.7,11.5,19.6,27,39 GeV, 0—5%对心度, |y|<0.1下, K介子受自相似结构影响下(K++K)/2的横动量谱分布. 与之比对的实验数据来自STAR实验组[63]

    Figure 8.  Transverse momentum spectrum of (K++K)/2 mesons in Au+Au collisions at sNN=7.7,11.5,19.6,27,39 GeV for 0–5% centrality, in mid-rapidity |y|<0.1. The experimental data are from STAR[63].

    图 9  Au+Au碰撞能量sNN=39 GeV中, QGP热滴半径分别为r=1,1.5,6 fm的压强随温度的变化, 以及分别考虑强子气体为理想气体和受K,π介子自相似结构影响的压强随温度的变化

    Figure 9.  The pressure in hadron phase with and without the influence of self-similarity structure on K and πmesons in Au+Au collisions at sNN=39 GeV, and the pressure of QGP droplets at radius r=1,1.5,6 fm as a function of temperature T.

    图 10  不同情况下的相图结果: (1) QGP相处于热力学极限(TL), 强子气体(HG)为理想气体(IHG); (2)QGP相处于热力学极限(TL), 强子气体受自相似结构影响; (3)—(5) QGP热滴半径分别为r=1,1.5,6 fm, 受边界效应(BE)影响, 强子气体为理想气体; (6) QGP热滴半径为r=1 fm受边界效应影响, 强子气体受自相似结构影响. 同时也列出了泛函重整化群(fRG)方法[64], Dyson-Schwinger方程模型[65,66]和格点QCD[42,43]在有限化学势区域的相图结果, 以便比较

    Figure 10.  The phase diagram with considering (1) QGP in thermodynamic limit (TL) and ideal hadron gas (IHG), (2) QGP in thermodynamic limit and hadron gas (HG) with the influence of self-similarity structure (SSS), (3)–(5) QGP droplet with the boundary effect (BE) at radius r=1,1.5,6 fm and ideal hadron gas (IHG), respectively, (6) QGP droplet with the boundary effect (BE) at radius r=1 fm and hadron gas with the influence of self-similarity structure (SSS). We also list the results from fRG model[64], DSE[65,66] and lattice QCD[42,43] for comparison.

    表 1  Au+Au碰撞能量sNN=7.7,11.5,19.6,27,39 GeV, 0−5%对心度下, 通过TBFM方法求解出K介子的自相似结构影响修正因子q1q2

    Table 1.  The factors q1 and q2 for K meson in Au+Au collisions at sNN=7.7,11.5,19.6,27,39 GeV for 0−5% centrality solved by TBFM.

    sNN/GeV T/GeV μB/GeV rmin/fm r0/fm q1 q2
    7.7 0.1424 ± 0.00137 0.42 0.11 6.3 1.04222 ± 0.003525 1.13941 ± 0.010415
    11.5 0.1483 ± 0.00142 0.316 0.11 6.5 1.04204 ± 0.004635 1.12682 ± 0.01063
    19.6 0.1527 ± 0.00147 0.206 0.09 6.75 1.04129 ± 0.002445 1.14432 ± 0.005105
    27 0.1541 ± 0.00148 0.156 0.1 6.8 1.04470 ± 0.001435 1.12251 ± 0.00039
    39 0.155 ± 0.00149 0.112 0.1 6.85 1.04710 ± 0.001615 1.11388 ± 0.00012
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  • Received Date:  26 November 2024
  • Accepted Date:  06 December 2024
  • Available Online:  02 January 2025
  • Published Online:  05 March 2025

