As an important imaging diagnostic manner in Z-pinch experiments, an X-ray streak camera can record a continuous time evolution of X-ray emission and has a better temporal resolution of about several picoseconds. Unfortunately, during experiment the transient strong electromagnetic noise produced by the device interferes with sensitive electronic components of the X-ray streak camera, making it unworkable frequently. In addition, the camera’s position is close to the load chamber so that the photocathode and metallic grid of the camera may suffer the risk of being broken by high speed charged particles and exploding debris. In order to solve this problem, a novel soft X-ray streak imaging system based on the conversion of fast scintillator and an optical streak camera is designed. In the streak camera system, the plastic scintillator foil and fiber bundles are used to convert X-ray image into optical image and transmit it into an optical streak camera which is placed in a shielding cabinet far from the target chamber. The camera system proves efficient in avoiding the damage caused by high speed particles and suppressing the electromagnetic interference. The scope of response spectrum of the camera system is given by theoretical calculation and roughly from 0.2 to 10 keV. The spatial resolution of the camera system is designed to be less than 120 microns and the temporal resolution of the camera system is calibrated to be about 1 ns in X-pinch experiments. The camera system is used in aluminum wire-array experiments to capture the time-resolved and 1D space-resolved images of imploding plasmas. The spatiotemporal distribution information about the X-ray emission is presented. On the other hand, because of the transmission of the filter in sub-kilo-electron-volt emission, the spectral response of the camera system in the sub-kilo-electron-volt photon energy range decreases obviously, which affects the physical analysis of the image. In addition, because of the slow response time of the scintillator to X-rays, the temporal resolution of the camera system decreases obviously and is about1 ns. How to solve these problems will be carried out in the future work. -
- Z-pinch /
- X-ray /
- plastic scintillator /
- streak camera
[1] Spielman R B, Deeney C, Chandler G A, Douglas M R, Fehl D L, Matzen M K, McDaniel D H, Nash T J, Porter J L, Sanford T W L, Seamen J F, Stygar W A, Struve K W, Breeze S P, McGurn J S, Torres J A, Zagar D M, Gilliland T L, Jobe D O, McKenney J L, Mock R C, Vargas M, Wagoner T, Peterson D L 1998 Phys. Plasmas 5 2105
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[2] Cuneo M E, Herrmann M C, Sinars D B, Slutz S A, Stygar W A, Vesey R A, Sefkow A B, Rochau G A, Chandler G A, Bailey J E, Porter J L, McBride R D, Rovang D C, Mazarakis M G, Yu E P, Lamppa D C, Peterson K J, Nakhleh C, Hansen S B, Lopez A J, Savage M E, Jennings C A, Martin M R, Lemke R W, Atherton B W, Smith I C, Rambo P K, Jones M, Lopez M R, Christenson P J, Sweeney M A, Jones B, McPherson L A, Harding E, Gomez M R, Knapp P F, Awe T J, Leeper R J, Ruiz C L, Cooper G W, Hahn K D, McKenney J, Owen A C, McKee G R, Leifeste G T, Ampleford D J, Waisman E M, Harvey-Thompson A, Kaye R J, Hess M H, Rosenthal S E, Matzen M K 2012 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40 3222
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[3] Bailey J E, Chandler G A, Cohen D, Cuneo M E, Foord M E, Heeter R F, Jobe D, Lake P W, MacFarlane J J, Nash T J, Nielson D S, Smelser R, Torres J 2002 Phys. Plasmas 9 2186
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[4] Nash T J, Derzon M S, Chandler G A, Fehl D L, Leeper R J, Porter J L, Spielman R B, Ruiz C, Cooper G, McGurn J, Hurst M, Jobe D, Torres J, Seaman J, Struve K, Lazier S, Gilliland T, Ruggles L A, Simpson W A, Adams R, Seaman J A, Wenger D, Nielsen D, Riley P, French R, Stygar B, Wagoner T, Sanford T W L, Mock R, Asay J, Hall C, Knudson M, Armijo J, McKenney J, Hawn R, Schroen-Carey D, Hebron D, Cutler T, Dropinski S, Deeney C, LePell P D, Coverdale C A, Douglas M, Cuneo M, Hanson D, Bailey J E, Lake P, Carlson A, Wakefield C, Mills J, Slopek J, Dinwoodie T, Idzorek G 2001 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72 1167
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[5] 郑志坚, 丁永坤, 丁耀南, 刘忠礼, 刘慎业, 孙可煦, 成金秀, 江少恩, 祁兰英, 张保汉, 杨存榜, 杨家敏, 苏春晓, 陈家斌, 李文洪, 易荣请, 唐道源, 黄天y, 曹磊峰, 温树槐, 彭翰生, 蒋小华, 缪文勇 2003 强激光与粒子束 15 1073
Zheng Z J, Ding Y K, Ding Y N, Liu Z L, Liu S Y, Sun K X, Cheng J X, Jiang S E, Qi L Y, Zhang B H, Yang C B, Yang J M, Su C X, Chen J B, Li W H, Yi R Q, Tang D Y, Huang T X, Cao L F, Wen S H, Peng H S, Jiang X H, Miao W Y 2003 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 15 1073
[6] 盛亮, 王亮平, 李阳, 彭博栋, 张美, 吴坚, 王培伟, 魏福利, 袁媛 2011 60 105201
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Sheng L, Wang L P, Li Y, Peng B D, Zhang M, Wu J, Wang P W, Wei F L, Yuan Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 105201
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[7] 盛亮, 彭博栋, 袁媛, 张美, 李奎念, 张信军, 赵晨, 赵吉祯, 李沫, 王培伟, 李阳 2014 63 235205
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Sheng L, Peng B D, Yuan Y, Zhang M, Li K N, Zhang X J, Zhao C, Zhao J Z, Li M, Wang P W, Li Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 235205
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[8] Keiter P, Gunderson M, Foster J, Rosen P, Comley A, Taylor M, Perry T 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 056901
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[9] Moore A S, Cooper A B R, Schneider M B, Maclaren S, Graham P, Lu K, Seugling R, Satcher J, Klingmann J, Comley A J, Marrs R, May M, Widmann K, Glendinning G, Castor J, Sain J, Back C A, Hund J, Baker K, Hsing W W, Foster J, Young B, Young P 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 063303
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[10] 胡昕, 江少恩, 崔延莉, 黄翼翔, 丁永坤, 刘忠礼, 易荣清, 李朝光, 张景和, 张华全 2007 54 1447
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Hu X, Jiang S E, Cui Y L, Huang Y X, Ding Y K, Liu Z L, Yi R Q, Li C G, Zhang J H, Zhang H Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1447
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[11] Deng J J, Xie W P, Feng S P, Wang M, Li H T, Song S Y, Xia M H, He A, Tian Q, Gu Y C, Guan Y C, Wei B, Zou W K, Huang X B, Wang L J, Zhang Z H, He Y, Yang L B 2013 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 41 2580
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[12] Huang X B, Zhou S T, Ren X D, Dan J K, Wang K L, Zhang S Q, Li J, Xu Q, Cai H C, Duan S C, Ouyang K, Chen G H, Ji C, Wang M, Feng S P, Yang L B, Xie W P, Deng J J 2014 AIP Conf. Proc. 1639 96
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[13] Huang X B, Ren X D, Dan J K, Wang K L, Xu Q, Zhou S T, Zhang S Q, Cai H C, Li J, Wei B, Ji C, Feng S P, Wang M, Xie W P, Deng J J 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 092704
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[14] Ren X D, Huang X B, Zhou S T, Zhang S Q, Dan J K, Li J, Cai H C, Wang K L, Ouyang K, Xu Q, Duan S C, Chen G H, Wang M, Feng S P, Yang L B, Xie W P, Deng J J 2014 9th International Conference on Dense Z Pinches 1639 142
[15] Kimbrough J R, Bell P M, Christianson G B, Lee F D, Kalantar D H, Perry T S, Sewall N R, Wootton A J 2001 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72 748
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[16] 但加坤, 任晓东, 黄显宾, 张思群, 周少彤, 段书超, 欧阳凯, 蔡红春, 卫兵, 计策, 何安, 夏明鹤, 丰树平, 王勐, 谢卫平 2013 62 245201
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Dan J K, Ren X D, Huang X B, Zhang S Q, Zhou S T, Duan S C, Ouyang K, Cai H C, Wei B, Ji C, He A, Xia M H, Feng S P, Wang M, Xie W P 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 245201
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[17] 何安, 任济, 丰树平, 谢卫平, 王勐, 卫兵, 计策, 夏明鹤, 王玉娟, 傅贞, 李勇, 王治, 姚斌, 丁瑜 2012 强激光与粒子束 24 839
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He A, Ren J, Feng S P, Xie W P, Wang M, Wei B, Ji C, Xia M H, Wang Y J, Fu Z, Li Y, Wang Z, Yao B, Ding Y 2012 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 24 839
Google Scholar
[18] 周少彤 2018 硕士学位论文 (绵阳: 流体物理研究所) 第33页
Zhou S T 2018 M. S. Thesis (Mianyang: Institute of Fluid Physics) p33 (in Chinese)
[19] 周少彤, 李军, 黄显宾, 蔡红春, 张思群, 李晶, 段书超, 周荣国 2012 61 165202
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Zhou S T, Li J, Huang X B, Cai H C, Zhang S Q, Li J, Duan S C, Zhou R G 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 165202
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[20] 肖德龙, 宁成, 蓝可, 丁宁 2010 59 430
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Xiao D L, Ning C, Lan K, Ding N 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 430
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图 2 Mylar膜对X射线的透过率曲线(红色虚线)、铝膜对X射线的透过率曲线(蓝色点)、塑料闪烁体对X射线的吸收效率曲线(绿色实线)以及诊断系统的光谱吸收曲线(黑色实线)
Fig. 2. The red dash is the transmission of 2 μm thick Mylar film, the blue dot is the transmission of 200 nm thick aluminum, the green line is the absorption of the 0.05 mm thick plastic scintillator foil, and the black line is spectral response curve of the diagnostic system.
图 4 诊断系统拍摄的X射线条纹图像结果 (a)铝等离子体的X射线条纹图像; (b)X射线在不同时刻沿轴向方向的辐射强度分布曲线; (c)成像系统和XRD探测器获取的X射线辐射强度随时间变化的归一化曲线比较
Fig. 4. Images obtained by the diagnostic system are shown: (a) The X-ray streak image of aluminum plasmas; (b) the radiation intensity distribution of x-ray source in the axial direction at different time; (c) the normalized curve of X-ray radiation measured by the diagnostic system and XRD detector.
[1] Spielman R B, Deeney C, Chandler G A, Douglas M R, Fehl D L, Matzen M K, McDaniel D H, Nash T J, Porter J L, Sanford T W L, Seamen J F, Stygar W A, Struve K W, Breeze S P, McGurn J S, Torres J A, Zagar D M, Gilliland T L, Jobe D O, McKenney J L, Mock R C, Vargas M, Wagoner T, Peterson D L 1998 Phys. Plasmas 5 2105
Google Scholar
[2] Cuneo M E, Herrmann M C, Sinars D B, Slutz S A, Stygar W A, Vesey R A, Sefkow A B, Rochau G A, Chandler G A, Bailey J E, Porter J L, McBride R D, Rovang D C, Mazarakis M G, Yu E P, Lamppa D C, Peterson K J, Nakhleh C, Hansen S B, Lopez A J, Savage M E, Jennings C A, Martin M R, Lemke R W, Atherton B W, Smith I C, Rambo P K, Jones M, Lopez M R, Christenson P J, Sweeney M A, Jones B, McPherson L A, Harding E, Gomez M R, Knapp P F, Awe T J, Leeper R J, Ruiz C L, Cooper G W, Hahn K D, McKenney J, Owen A C, McKee G R, Leifeste G T, Ampleford D J, Waisman E M, Harvey-Thompson A, Kaye R J, Hess M H, Rosenthal S E, Matzen M K 2012 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40 3222
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[3] Bailey J E, Chandler G A, Cohen D, Cuneo M E, Foord M E, Heeter R F, Jobe D, Lake P W, MacFarlane J J, Nash T J, Nielson D S, Smelser R, Torres J 2002 Phys. Plasmas 9 2186
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[4] Nash T J, Derzon M S, Chandler G A, Fehl D L, Leeper R J, Porter J L, Spielman R B, Ruiz C, Cooper G, McGurn J, Hurst M, Jobe D, Torres J, Seaman J, Struve K, Lazier S, Gilliland T, Ruggles L A, Simpson W A, Adams R, Seaman J A, Wenger D, Nielsen D, Riley P, French R, Stygar B, Wagoner T, Sanford T W L, Mock R, Asay J, Hall C, Knudson M, Armijo J, McKenney J, Hawn R, Schroen-Carey D, Hebron D, Cutler T, Dropinski S, Deeney C, LePell P D, Coverdale C A, Douglas M, Cuneo M, Hanson D, Bailey J E, Lake P, Carlson A, Wakefield C, Mills J, Slopek J, Dinwoodie T, Idzorek G 2001 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72 1167
Google Scholar
[5] 郑志坚, 丁永坤, 丁耀南, 刘忠礼, 刘慎业, 孙可煦, 成金秀, 江少恩, 祁兰英, 张保汉, 杨存榜, 杨家敏, 苏春晓, 陈家斌, 李文洪, 易荣请, 唐道源, 黄天y, 曹磊峰, 温树槐, 彭翰生, 蒋小华, 缪文勇 2003 强激光与粒子束 15 1073
Zheng Z J, Ding Y K, Ding Y N, Liu Z L, Liu S Y, Sun K X, Cheng J X, Jiang S E, Qi L Y, Zhang B H, Yang C B, Yang J M, Su C X, Chen J B, Li W H, Yi R Q, Tang D Y, Huang T X, Cao L F, Wen S H, Peng H S, Jiang X H, Miao W Y 2003 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 15 1073
[6] 盛亮, 王亮平, 李阳, 彭博栋, 张美, 吴坚, 王培伟, 魏福利, 袁媛 2011 60 105201
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Sheng L, Wang L P, Li Y, Peng B D, Zhang M, Wu J, Wang P W, Wei F L, Yuan Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 105201
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[7] 盛亮, 彭博栋, 袁媛, 张美, 李奎念, 张信军, 赵晨, 赵吉祯, 李沫, 王培伟, 李阳 2014 63 235205
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Sheng L, Peng B D, Yuan Y, Zhang M, Li K N, Zhang X J, Zhao C, Zhao J Z, Li M, Wang P W, Li Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 235205
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[8] Keiter P, Gunderson M, Foster J, Rosen P, Comley A, Taylor M, Perry T 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 056901
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[9] Moore A S, Cooper A B R, Schneider M B, Maclaren S, Graham P, Lu K, Seugling R, Satcher J, Klingmann J, Comley A J, Marrs R, May M, Widmann K, Glendinning G, Castor J, Sain J, Back C A, Hund J, Baker K, Hsing W W, Foster J, Young B, Young P 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 063303
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[10] 胡昕, 江少恩, 崔延莉, 黄翼翔, 丁永坤, 刘忠礼, 易荣清, 李朝光, 张景和, 张华全 2007 54 1447
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Hu X, Jiang S E, Cui Y L, Huang Y X, Ding Y K, Liu Z L, Yi R Q, Li C G, Zhang J H, Zhang H Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1447
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[11] Deng J J, Xie W P, Feng S P, Wang M, Li H T, Song S Y, Xia M H, He A, Tian Q, Gu Y C, Guan Y C, Wei B, Zou W K, Huang X B, Wang L J, Zhang Z H, He Y, Yang L B 2013 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 41 2580
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[12] Huang X B, Zhou S T, Ren X D, Dan J K, Wang K L, Zhang S Q, Li J, Xu Q, Cai H C, Duan S C, Ouyang K, Chen G H, Ji C, Wang M, Feng S P, Yang L B, Xie W P, Deng J J 2014 AIP Conf. Proc. 1639 96
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[13] Huang X B, Ren X D, Dan J K, Wang K L, Xu Q, Zhou S T, Zhang S Q, Cai H C, Li J, Wei B, Ji C, Feng S P, Wang M, Xie W P, Deng J J 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 092704
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[14] Ren X D, Huang X B, Zhou S T, Zhang S Q, Dan J K, Li J, Cai H C, Wang K L, Ouyang K, Xu Q, Duan S C, Chen G H, Wang M, Feng S P, Yang L B, Xie W P, Deng J J 2014 9th International Conference on Dense Z Pinches 1639 142
[15] Kimbrough J R, Bell P M, Christianson G B, Lee F D, Kalantar D H, Perry T S, Sewall N R, Wootton A J 2001 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72 748
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[16] 但加坤, 任晓东, 黄显宾, 张思群, 周少彤, 段书超, 欧阳凯, 蔡红春, 卫兵, 计策, 何安, 夏明鹤, 丰树平, 王勐, 谢卫平 2013 62 245201
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Dan J K, Ren X D, Huang X B, Zhang S Q, Zhou S T, Duan S C, Ouyang K, Cai H C, Wei B, Ji C, He A, Xia M H, Feng S P, Wang M, Xie W P 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 245201
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[17] 何安, 任济, 丰树平, 谢卫平, 王勐, 卫兵, 计策, 夏明鹤, 王玉娟, 傅贞, 李勇, 王治, 姚斌, 丁瑜 2012 强激光与粒子束 24 839
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He A, Ren J, Feng S P, Xie W P, Wang M, Wei B, Ji C, Xia M H, Wang Y J, Fu Z, Li Y, Wang Z, Yao B, Ding Y 2012 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 24 839
Google Scholar
[18] 周少彤 2018 硕士学位论文 (绵阳: 流体物理研究所) 第33页
Zhou S T 2018 M. S. Thesis (Mianyang: Institute of Fluid Physics) p33 (in Chinese)
[19] 周少彤, 李军, 黄显宾, 蔡红春, 张思群, 李晶, 段书超, 周荣国 2012 61 165202
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Zhou S T, Li J, Huang X B, Cai H C, Zhang S Q, Li J, Duan S C, Zhou R G 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 165202
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[20] 肖德龙, 宁成, 蓝可, 丁宁 2010 59 430
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Xiao D L, Ning C, Lan K, Ding N 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 430
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