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Variations of topological surface states of nodal line semimetal AlB2 after adsorption in aqueous environment

Zhu Pang-Dong Wang Chang-Hao Wang Ru-Zhi


Variations of topological surface states of nodal line semimetal AlB2 after adsorption in aqueous environment

Zhu Pang-Dong, Wang Chang-Hao, Wang Ru-Zhi
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Topological semimetals have aroused great research interest due to their intrinsic topological physics and potential applications in devices. A key feature for all topological materials is the so-called bulk-boundary correspondence, which means that if there is non-trivial band topology in the bulk, then we can expect unique topologically protected conducting states in the surface, i.e. the topological surface state (TSS). Previously, the studies of the surface states of topological materials mainly focused on the pristine surfaces, while the topological nodal line semimetal surface states with adsorbates are rarely systematically studied. In this paper, the topological properties of the topological semimetal AlB2 are studied by first-principles calculations, and the TSS position is calculated by constructing the Al- and B-terminated slab models. Observing the topological surface state, it is found that the drumhead-like TSS connects two Dirac nodes with no energy gaps on the node line, and the TSS of the Al end-terminated slab has a smaller energy dispersion than that of the B-terminated slab. The adsorption characteristics of AlB2 (010) surface are studied, and it is found that the Gibbs free energy ($ {\Delta }{G}_{{{\mathrm{H}}}^{*}} $) for hydrogen adsorption on the surface of Al is only –0.031 eV, demonstrating excellent hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performance. The changes of TSS after H, OH and H2O are adsorbed on the surface of AlB2 in aqueous solution environment are observed. The TSS change is the most significant when H is adsorbed, followed by OH adsorption. And the influence of H2O on TSS due to its electrical neutrality and weak surface adsorption is very weak. Before and after adsorption, because the topology protection TSS still exists, only the energy changes, which confirms its robustness in the environment. The results of this work provide a systematic understanding of the effects of different adsorbents on the TSS of AlB2, paving the way for future theoretical and experimental research in related fields, and alsopresent theoretical support for putting the topological materials into practical applications .
      Corresponding author: Wang Chang-Hao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11804012) and the Urban Carbon Neutral Science and Technology Innovation Fund Project of Beijing University of Technology, China (Grant No. 048000514123695).

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    Li G W, Huang J, Yang Q, Zhang L G, Mu Q G, Sun Y, Parkin S, Chang K, Felser C 2021 J. Energy Chem. 62 516Google Scholar


    Wei Y H, Ma D S, Yuan H K, Wang X, Kuang M Q 2023 Phys. Rev. B 107 235414Google Scholar


    Rajamathi C R, Gupta U, Kumar N, Yang H, Sun Y, Süß V, Shekhar C, Schmidt M, Blumtritt H, Werner P, Yan B, Parkin S, Felser C, Rao C N R 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1606202Google Scholar


    Liu W, Zhang X M, Meng W Z, Liu Y, Dai X F, Liu G D 2022 iScience 25 103543Google Scholar


    Kong X P, Jiang T, Gao J J, Shi X B, Shao J, Yuan Y H, Qiu H J, Zhao W W 2021 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12 3740Google Scholar


    Li J X, Ma H, Xie Q, Feng S B, Ullah S, Li R H, Dong J H, Li D Z, Li Y Y, Chen X Q 2018 Sci. China Mater. 61 23Google Scholar


    Jovic V, Consiglio A, Smith K E, Jozwiak C, Bostwick A, Rotenberg E, Di Sante D, Moser S 2021 ACS Catal. 11 1749Google Scholar


    Wang L R, Zhang X M, Meng W Z, Liu Y, Dai X F, Liu G D 2021 J. Mater. Chem. A 9 22453Google Scholar


    Ren Z B, Zhang H N, Wang S H, Huang B B, Dai Y, Wei W 2022 J. Mater. Chem. A 10 8568Google Scholar


    Tang M Y, Shen H M, Qie Y, Xie H H, Sun Q 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 2837Google Scholar


    Kong X P, Shi X B, Zhao W W 2023 J. Phys. Chem. C 127 5271Google Scholar


    Zhang X M, Wang L R, Li M H, et al. 2023 Mater. Today 67 23Google Scholar


    Loa I, Kunc K, Syassen K, Bouvier P 2002 Phys. Rev. B 66 134101Google Scholar


    Takane D, Souma S, Nakayama K, Nakamura T, Oinuma H, Hori K, Horiba K, Kumigashira H, Kimura N, Takahashi T, Sato T 2018 Phys. Rev. B 98 041105Google Scholar


    Greeley J, Jaramillo T F, Bonde J, Chorkendorff I B, Norskov J K 2006 Nat. Mater. 5 909Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) AlB2晶体结构; (b) 体相BZ和 (010)表面BZ, 绿线为不同ksy值的$ \bar{X}—\bar{\varGamma } $高对称路径

    Figure 1.  (a) AlB2 crystal structure; (b) bulk BZ and (010) surface BZ, the green line is the $ \bar{X}-\bar{\varGamma } $ high symmetry path with different ksy values.

    图 2  (a) AlB2的体相材料电子能带结构; (b) AlB2节线分布示意图, 其中K点处的红圈为贝里相位计算路径

    Figure 2.  (a) Band structure of AlB2; (b) schematic diagram of the node line distribution of AlB2, where the red circle at K point is the calculation path of Berry phase.

    图 3  AlB2 (010) 20层平板的能带结构 (a)表面BZ中ksy = 0, 0.06, 0.15和0.3时, Al端面能带结构图; (b) ksy = 0, 0.1, 0.15和0.3处B端面能带结构图, 动量位置如图1(b)所示; (c) Al端面平板模型在图3(a)中红色标记的能带$ \bar{X} $高对称点处的部分电荷密度图; (d) B端面平板模型在图3(b)中红色标记的能带$ \bar{\varGamma } $高对称点处的部分电荷密度图

    Figure 3.  Band structure of AlB2 (010) 20-layer slab: (a) Band structure of Al-terminated slab when ksy = 0, 0.06, 0.15 and 0.3 in surface BZ; (b) band structure of B-terminated slab at ksy = 0, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.3, and the position of high symmetry path, as shown in Fig. 1(b); (c) partial charge density of Al-terminated slab at the high symmetry point $ \bar{X} $ of the energy band marked in red in Fig. 3(a); (d) partial charge density diagram of B-terminated slab at the high symmetry point $ \bar{\varGamma } $ of the energy band marked in red in Fig. 3(b).

    图 4  AlB2 (010)表面吸附最佳位点图 (a) Al端面top点位吸附H; (b) Al端面top点位吸附OH; (c) Al端面top点位吸附H2O; (d) B端面top点位吸附H; (e) B端面top点位吸附OH; (f) B端面top点位吸附H2O

    Figure 4.  Optimal sites for the adsorption of AlB2 (010) surface: (a) Al-terminated slab adsorbing H on the top site; (b) Al-terminated slab adsorbing OH on the top site; (c) Al-terminated slab adsorbing H2O on the top site; (d) B-terminated slab adsorbing H on the top site; (e) B-terminated slab adsorbing OH on the top site; (f) B-terminated slab adsorbing H2O on the top site.

    图 5  AlB2 (010) 表面TSS吸附H后的变化 (a) Al端面平板单侧吸附H; (b) Al端面平板两侧吸附H; (c) B端面平板单侧吸附H; (d) B端面平板两侧吸附H; 红色标记处为两节线间的鼓膜状TSS

    Figure 5.  Changes of TSS adsorbing H of AlB2 (010) surface: (a) Al-terminated slab adsorbing H on a single side; (b) Al-terminated slab adsorbing H on both sides; (c) B-terminated slab adsorbing H on a single side; (d) B-terminated slab adsorbing H on both sides. The red line represents the drumhead-like TSS between two nodal lines.

    图 6  AlB2 TSS吸附OH后的变化 (a) Al端面平板单侧吸附OH; (b) Al端面平板两侧吸附OH; (c) B端面单侧吸附OH; (d) B端面平板两侧吸附OH; 红色标记处为两节线间的鼓膜状TSS

    Figure 6.  Changes of TSS adsorbing OH of AlB2 (010) surface: (a) Al-terminated slab adsorbing OH on a single side; (b) Al-terminated slab adsorbing OH on both sides; (c) B-terminated slab adsorbing OH on a single side; (d) B-terminated slab adsorbing OH on both sides. The red line represents the drumhead-like TSS between two nodal lines.

    图 7  AlB2 TSS吸附H2O后的变化 (a) Al端面平板单侧吸附H2O; (b) Al端面平板两侧吸附H2O; (c) B端面平板单侧吸附H2O; (d) B端面平板两侧吸附H2O; 红色标记处为两节线间的鼓膜状TSS

    Figure 7.  Changes of TSS adsorbing H2O of AlB2 (010) surface: (a) Al-terminated slab adsorbing H2O on a single side; (b) Al-terminated slab adsorbing H2O on both sides; (c) B-terminated slab adsorbing H2O on a single side; (d) B-terminated slab adsorbing H2O on both sides. The red line represents the drumhead-like TSS between two nodal lines.

    表 1  AlB2 (010) 表面吸附性能参数表, 对于Bader电荷分析“+”表示电荷的增益, 而“–”表示电荷的损失(单位为$ {{\mathrm{e}}}^{-} $)

    Table 1.  Parameters of adsorption properties of AlB2 (010) surface. For the Bader charge analysis, “+” means the gain of the charge, while “–” means the loss of the charge (unit in $ {{\mathrm{e}}}^{-} $).

    材料 端面 吸附物 最佳位点 $ \Delta G/{\mathrm{eV}}$ Bader电荷分析/e
    吸附物 B Al
    AlB2 Al H top –0.031 +0.543 +0.073 –0.553
    OH top –0.253 +0.737 +0.002 –0.751
    H2O top 0.682 +0.368 +0.178 –0.556
    B H top –1.659 +0.517 –0.174 –0.019
    OH top –1.815 +0.717 –0.244 –0.008
    H2O top 0.009 +0.384 –0.127 –0.001
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    Wang Z J, Sun Y, Chen X Q, Franchini C, Xu G, Weng H M, Dai X, Fang Z 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 195320Google Scholar


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    Liu Z K, Zhou B, Zhang Y, Wang Z J, Weng H M, Prabhakaran D, Mo S K, Shen Z X, Fang Z, Dai X, Hussain Z, Chen Y L 2014 Science 343 864Google Scholar


    Li G, Zhu S Y, Fan P, Cao L, Gao H J 2022 Chin. Phys. B 31 080301Google Scholar


    Hasan M Z, Xu S Y, Belopolski I, Huang S M 2017 Annu. Rev. Conden. Ma. P. 8 289Google Scholar


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    Li L Q, Zeng J, Qin W, Cui P, Zhang Z Y 2019 Nano Energy 58 40Google Scholar


    Qu Q, Liu B, Liang J, Li H, Wang J N, Pan D, Sou I K 2020 ACS Catal. 10 2656Google Scholar


    Li G W, Huang J, Yang Q, Zhang L G, Mu Q G, Sun Y, Parkin S, Chang K, Felser C 2021 J. Energy Chem. 62 516Google Scholar


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    Rajamathi C R, Gupta U, Kumar N, Yang H, Sun Y, Süß V, Shekhar C, Schmidt M, Blumtritt H, Werner P, Yan B, Parkin S, Felser C, Rao C N R 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1606202Google Scholar


    Liu W, Zhang X M, Meng W Z, Liu Y, Dai X F, Liu G D 2022 iScience 25 103543Google Scholar


    Kong X P, Jiang T, Gao J J, Shi X B, Shao J, Yuan Y H, Qiu H J, Zhao W W 2021 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12 3740Google Scholar


    Li J X, Ma H, Xie Q, Feng S B, Ullah S, Li R H, Dong J H, Li D Z, Li Y Y, Chen X Q 2018 Sci. China Mater. 61 23Google Scholar


    Jovic V, Consiglio A, Smith K E, Jozwiak C, Bostwick A, Rotenberg E, Di Sante D, Moser S 2021 ACS Catal. 11 1749Google Scholar


    Wang L R, Zhang X M, Meng W Z, Liu Y, Dai X F, Liu G D 2021 J. Mater. Chem. A 9 22453Google Scholar


    Ren Z B, Zhang H N, Wang S H, Huang B B, Dai Y, Wei W 2022 J. Mater. Chem. A 10 8568Google Scholar


    Tang M Y, Shen H M, Qie Y, Xie H H, Sun Q 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 2837Google Scholar


    Kong X P, Shi X B, Zhao W W 2023 J. Phys. Chem. C 127 5271Google Scholar


    Zhang X M, Wang L R, Li M H, et al. 2023 Mater. Today 67 23Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  21 March 2024
  • Accepted Date:  10 April 2024
  • Available Online:  06 May 2024
  • Published Online:  20 June 2024

