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Experimentally characterizing multiparticle entanglement based on measuring quantum Fisher information

Liu Ran Wu Ze Li Yu-Chen Chen Yu-Quan Peng Xin-Hua


Experimentally characterizing multiparticle entanglement based on measuring quantum Fisher information

Liu Ran, Wu Ze, Li Yu-Chen, Chen Yu-Quan, Peng Xin-Hua
科大讯飞翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Quantum Fisher information plays a vital role in the field of quantum metrology and quantum information, because it not only quantifies the ultimate precision bound of parameter estimation but also provides criteria for entanglement detection. Nevertheless, experimentally extracting quantum Fisher information is intractable. Quantum state tomography is a typical approach to obtaining the complete information about a quantum system and extract quantum Fisher information. However it becomes infeasible for large-scale quantum systems owing to the exponentially growing complexity. In this paper, we present a general relationship between quantum Fisher information and the overlap of quantum states. Specifically, we show that for pure states, the quantum Fisher information can be exactly extracted from the overlap, whereas for mixed states, only the lower bound can be obtained. We also develop a protocol for measuring the overlap of quantum states, which only requires one additional auxiliary qubit and a single measurement for pure state. Our protocol is more efficient and scalable than previous approaches because it requires less time and fewer measurements. We use this protocol to characterize the multiparticle entanglement in a three-body interaction system undergoing adiabatic quantum phase transition, and experimentally demonstrate its feasibility for the first time in a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum system. We conduct our experiment on a 4-qubit nuclear magnetic resonance quantum simulator, three of which are used to simulate the quantum phase transition in a three-body interaction system, and the remaining one is used as the auxiliary qubit to detect the overlap of the quantum state. We use gradient ascent pulse engineering pulses to implement the process of evolution. By measuring the auxiliary qubit, the experimental results of quantum Fisher information are obtained and match well with the theoretical predictions, thus successfully characterizing the multiparticle entanglement in a practical quantum system. We further confirm our results by performing quantum state tomography on some quantum states in the adiabatic process. The experimentally reconstructed quantum states are close to the corresponding instantaneous ground states.
      Corresponding author: Peng Xin-Hua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R & D Program of China (Grant No. 2018 YFA0306600), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11927811, 1192780017), the Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology (Grant No. 2021 ZD0303205), and the Initiative in Quantum Information Technologies of Anhui Province, China (Grant No. AHY050000)

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    Li J, Cui J Y, Yang X D, Luo Z H, Pan J, Yu Q, Li Z K, Peng X H, Du J F 2018 Acta. Phys. Sin. 64 167601Google Scholar


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    Wang T L, Wu L N, Yang W, Jin G R, Lambert N, Nori F 2014 New J. Phys. 16 063039Google Scholar


    Yin S Y, Song J, Zhang Y J, Liu S T 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 184417Google Scholar

  • 图 1  测量量子态重叠的量子线路 (a) 当待测量子系统S是混态时, 系统中需要添加一个辅助量子比特A和额外的待测系统S的复制来测量${\mathscr{D}}$; (b) 当待测量子系统S是纯态时, 系统中仅需要添加一个额外的辅助量子比特A来测量${\mathscr{D}}$

    Figure 1.  Quantum circuit for measuring the overlap ${\mathscr{D}}$ of quanum states: (a) An auxiliary qubit A and an additional copy of the system S are added into the system for measuring ${\mathscr{D}}$ when S is mixed; (b) only an auxiliary qubit A are added into the system for measuring ${\mathscr{D}}$ when S is pure.

    图 2  利用量子Fisher信息实现实验多体纠缠刻画示意图 (a) 基于平均量子Fisher信息的多体纠缠判据; (b) 用于实验模拟耦合了辅助量子比特的三自旋相互作用系统13C-iodotriuroethylene样品分子结构及其他相关参数. 对角部分与非对角部分分别表示化学位移与J耦合大小(单位均为Hz)

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of experimentally characterizing the multiparticle entanglement in three-body interaction system with quantum Fisher information: (a) Criteria for multiparticle entanglement based on the average of quantum Fisher information; (b) molecular structure and the relevant parameters of 13C-iodotriuroethylene for simulating the three-body interaction system coupling with an auxiliary qubit. The diagonal and off-diagonal elements represent chemical shifts and J-couplings (all in Hz), respectively.

    图 3  利用量子态重叠提取到的平均量子Fisher信息的实验结果 (a), (b), (c)分别对应哈密顿量$H_{zz}, H_{zzz}, H_{zzz}^\prime$的结果

    Figure 3.  Experimental result of the average of quantum Fisher information extracted from overlap: (a), (b), (c) correspond to the result of Hamiltonian $H_{zz}, H_{zzz}, H_{zzz}^\prime$, respectively.

    图 4  绝热过程制备的基态密度矩阵的实验重构结果 (a), (b), (c)分别对应哈密顿量$H_{zz}, H_{zzz}, H_{zzz}^\prime$

    Figure 4.  Experimentally reconstructed density matrices of ground states prepared by adiabatic process: (a), (b), (c) correspond to the result of Hamiltonian $H_{zz}, H_{zzz}, H_{zzz}^\prime$, respectively.

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    Marciniak C D, Feldker T, Pogorelov I, Kaubruegger R, Vasilyev D V, van Bijnen R, Schindler P, Zoller P, Blatt R, Monz T 2022 Nature 603 604Google Scholar


    Hyllus P, Laskowski W, Krischek R, Schwemmer C, Wieczorek W, Weinfurter H, Pezze L, Smerzi A 2012 Phys. Rev. A 85 022321Google Scholar


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    Li J, Cui J Y, Yang X D, Luo Z H, Pan J, Yu Q, Li Z K, Peng X H, Du J F 2018 Acta. Phys. Sin. 64 167601Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  10 March 2023
  • Accepted Date:  25 April 2023
  • Available Online:  26 April 2023
  • Published Online:  05 June 2023

