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Preparation and formation process of high efficient and stable CsPbBr3-Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals with mixed phase

Chen Xue-Lian Jiao Hu-Po Shen Yan-Bing Pan Xi-Qiang


Preparation and formation process of high efficient and stable CsPbBr3-Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals with mixed phase

Chen Xue-Lian, Jiao Hu-Po, Shen Yan-Bing, Pan Xi-Qiang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • CsPbBr3-Cs4PbBr6 dual-phase nanocrystals are prepared by adding the mixture ligand of oleylamine and tetradecyl-phosphonic acid (OLA-TDPA) to CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals through ligand post-treatment. The structure, the morphology, optical property and the stability of CsPbBr3-Cs4PbBr6 dual-phase nanocrystals are characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (high-resolution TEM), UV-vis spectrophotometer, fluorescence spectrophotometer, and transient fluorescence spectrophotometer. The as-obtained nanocrystals have a high photoluminescence quantum yield of 78% and long fluorescence lifetime of 476 ns when prepared at the optimal molar ratio of CsPbBr3, TDPA and OLA (1∶1∶15). Moreover, the nanocrystal is quite stable at room temperature for at least 25 days, and has a good thermal stability in five heating-cooling cycles at temperature in a range between 293 K and 328 K. The formation of dual-phase nanocrystals go through two stages of surface passivation/dissolution and recrystallization to generate CsPbBr3-Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals. In the first stage (t ≤ 1 h), the m OLA-TDPA mixing ligand can form (RNH3)2PO3 X type ligand and exchanges with [RNH3]+-[RCOO] at the surface of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals, which can effectively passivate surface defects by strong interaction with Pb2+ and high ligand content at surface, thus improving the quantum yield and fluorescence life of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals with spherical shape. In the second stage, with the increase of reaction time, PbBr2 partially dissolves from the surface of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals, then some CsPbBr3 nanocrystals transform into lead-depleted Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals with hexagonal phase, thus improving the stability of nanocrystals. This work has a certain reference value for promoting the applications of high efficient and stable perovskite nanocrystals.
      Corresponding author: Chen Xue-Lian, ; Pan Xi-Qiang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62104191) and the Postgraduate Innovation and Practical Ability Training Program of Xi’an Shiyou University, China (Grant No. YCS21112073).

    Uddin M A, Mobley J K, Masud A A, Liu T, Calabro R L, Kim D Y, Richards C I, Graham K R 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 18103Google Scholar


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    林月明, 巨博, 李燕, 陈雪莲 2021 70 128803Google Scholar

    Lin M Y, Ju B, Li Y, Chen X L 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 128803Google Scholar


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    Krieg F, Ochsenbein S T, Yakunin S, Ten Brinck S, Aellen P, Suess A, Clerc B, Guggisberg D, Nazarenko O, Shynkarenko Y, Kumar S, Shih C J, Infante I, Kovalenko M V 2018 ACS Energy Lett. 3 641Google Scholar


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    Park S, Cho H, Choi W, Zou H, Jeon D Y 2019 Nanoscale Adv. 1 2828Google Scholar


    Li Z J, Hofman E, Li J, Davis A H, Tung C H, Wu L Z, Zheng W 2017 Adv. Funct. Mater. 28 1704288Google Scholar


    Qiao B, Song P J, Cao J, Zhao S L, Shen Z, Di G, Liang Z Q, Xu Z, Song D, Xu X R 2017 Nano Energy 28 445602Google Scholar


    Quan L N, Quintero-Bermudez R, Voznyy O, Walters G, Jain A, Fan J Z, Zheng X, Yang Z, Sargent E H 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1605945Google Scholar


    Palazon F, Dogan S, Marras S, Locardi F, Nelli I, Rastogi P, Ferretti M, Prato M, Krahne R, Manna L 2017 J. Phys. Chem. C 121 11956Google Scholar


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    Peng X G, Chen J, Wang F C, Zhang C Y, Yang B B 2020 Optik 208 164579Google Scholar


    Su Y, Zeng Q H, Chen X J, Ye W G, She L S, Gao X M, Ren Z Y, Li X M 2019 J. Mater. Chem. C 7 7548Google Scholar


    Akkerman Q A, Abdelhady A L, Manna L 2018 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 2326Google Scholar


    Nie Z H, Gao X Z, Ren Y J, Xia S Y, Wang Y H, Shi Y L, Zhao J, Wang Y 2020 Nano Lett. 20 4610Google Scholar


    Natalia R, Mingrui Y, Paul G, Natalia K, Pavel M, Eckard H, Luis R R, Dmitry P, Dmitriy K, Zamkov M 2018 Chem. Mater. 30 1391Google Scholar


    Akkerman Q A, Park S, Radicchi E, Nunzi F, Mosconi E, De Angelis F, Brescia R, Rastogi P, Prato M, Manna L 2017 Nano Lett. 17 1924Google Scholar


    Li F, Liu Y, Wang H L, Zhan Q, Liu Q L, Xia Z G 2018 Chem. Mater. 30 8546Google Scholar


    Wang L, Liu H, Zhang Y, Mohammed O F 2020 ACS Energy Lett. 5 87Google Scholar


    Liang Z Q, Zhao S L, Xu Z, Qiao B, Song P J, Gao D, Xu X R 2016 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 28824Google Scholar


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    Xuan T T, Yang X F, Lou S Q, Huang J J, Liu Y, Yu J B, Li H L, Wong K L, Wang C X, Wang J 2017 Nanoscale 9 15286Google Scholar


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    De Roo J, Ibanez M, Geiregat P, Nedelcu G, Walravens W, Maes J, Martins J C, Van Driessche I, Kovalenko M V, Hens Z 2016 ACS Nano 10 2071Google Scholar


    Luschtinetz R, Seifert G, Jaehne E, Adler H J P 2007 Macromol. Symp. 254 248Google Scholar


    Son J G, Choi E, Piao Y, Han S W, Lee T G J N 2016 Nanoscale 8 4573Google Scholar


    Sun W, Yun R, Liu Y, Zhang X, Yuan M, Zhang L, Li X 2023 Small 19 2205950Google Scholar


    Wei Y, Cheng Z, Lin J 2019 Chem. Soc. Rev. 48 310Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  CsPbBr3 NCs和OLA-TDPA-PNCs的 X 射线衍射图

    Figure 1.  X-ray diffraction patterns of CsPbBr3 NCs and OLA-TDPA-PNCs.

    图 2  CsPbBr3 NCs的TEM图像(a)及其对应的HRTEM图(b); OLA-TDPA-PNCs 的TEM图像(c)及其对应的HRTEM图(d)和(e)

    Figure 2.  TEM image of CsPbBr3 NCs (a) and the corresponding HRTEM image (b); TEM image of OLA-TDPA-PNCs (c) and the corresponding HRTEM images (d) and (e).

    图 3  (a) CsPbBr3 NCs和OLA-TDPA-PNCs在日光照射(上)和365 nm紫外照射下(下)的实物照片; CsPbBr3 NCs和OLA-TDPA-PNCs 的PL图谱(b)、UV-vis图谱(c)和时间衰减曲线(d)

    Figure 3.  (a) Photographs of CsPbBr3 NCs and OLA-TDPA-PNCs under ambient light (top) and 365 nm UV irradiation (bottom); PL spectra (b), UV-vis absorption spectra (c), and time-resolved PL decay curves (d) of pristine CsPbBr3 NCs and OLA-TDPA-PNCs in hexane.

    图 4  (a)在紫外灯的连续照射下, CsPbBr3 NCs和OLA-TDPA-PNCs的相对PL强度随光照时间的变化; (b)在常温密封条件下连续监测CsPbBr3 NCs和OLA-TDPA-PNCs的相对PL强度, 持续时间长达26 d; (c) CsPbBr3 NCs和OLA-TDPA-PNCs在298—328 K时的相对PL强度变化; (d) OLA-TDPA-PNCs在经历5次加热-冷却循环的相对PL强度变化

    Figure 4.  Variations of relative PL intensity of pristine CsPbBr3 NCs and OLA-TDPA-PNCs under continuous UV 365 nm illumination (a); and stored under ambient conditions with sealing (b). Change of relative PL intensity of CsPbBr3 NCs and OLA-TDPA-PNCs between 298 and 328 K (c); change of relative PL intensity of OLA-TDPA-PNCs recorded during 5 heating-cooling cycles between 298 and 328 K (d).

    图 5  OLA, TDPA, OLA-TDPA , OLA-TDPA-PNCs, TDPA-PNCs和CsPbBr3 NCs的FTIR光谱 (a) 800—1800 cm–1; (b) 2000—3500 cm–1

    Figure 5.  FTIR spectra of OLA, TDPA, OLA-TDPA , OLA-TDPA-PNCs, TDPA-PNCs and CsPbBr3 NCs at 800–1800 cm–1 (a) and (b) 2000–3500 cm–1

    图 6  OLA-TDPA-PNCs (上), TDPA-PNCs (中)和CsPbBr3 NCs (下)的XPS光谱图全谱(a), 以及Cs 3d (b), Pb 4f (c), Br 3d (d), N 1s (e), P 2p (f)的XPS核级谱

    Figure 6.  Survey XPS spectra (a), XPS core level spectra of Cs 3d (b), Pb 4f (c), Br 3d (d), N 1s (e) and P 2p (f) of OLA-TDPA-PNCs (top), TDPA-PNCs (middle) and CsPbBr3 NCs (bottom).

    图 7  OLA-TDPA- PNCs随时间变化的光学监测 (a) UV-vis吸收光谱; (b)荧光光谱, 内插图为纳米晶在1—96 h间的荧光光谱图

    Figure 7.  Optical monitoring of the OLA-TDPA- PNCs over time: (a) UV-vis absorption spectra; (b) PL spectra, inset shows the PL spectra of OLA-TDPA- PNCs between 1 and 96 h.

    表 1  CsPbBr3 NCs和OLA-TDPA-PNCs的荧光寿命拟合

    Table 1.  Lifetime and fractional contribution of different decay channels for samples of CsPbBr3 NCs and OLA-TDPA-PNCs.

    Sampleτ1/nsτ2/nsτ3/nsKnr/(106 s–1)Kr/(106 s–1)Knr/Krτavg/nsPLQY/%
    CsPbBr3 NCs6.8342.13277.425.480.975.6515515
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Uddin M A, Mobley J K, Masud A A, Liu T, Calabro R L, Kim D Y, Richards C I, Graham K R 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 18103Google Scholar


    Nedelcu G, Protesescu L, Yakunin S, Bodnarchuk M I, Grotevent M J, Kovalenko M V 2015 Nano Lett. 15 5635Google Scholar


    陈雪莲, 巨博, 焦琥珀, 李燕, 钟玉洁 2022 71 096802Google Scholar

    Chen X L, Ju B, Jiao H P, Li Y, Zhong Y J 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 096802Google Scholar


    Meyns M, Peralvarez M, Heuer-Jungemann A, Hertog W, Ibanez M, Nafria R, Genc A, Arbiol J, Kovalenko M V, Carreras J, Cabot A, Kanaras A G 2016 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 19579Google Scholar


    Liu P Z, Chen W, Wang W G, Xu B, Wu D, Hao J J, Cao W Y, Fang F, Li Y, Zeng Y Y, Pan R K, Chen S M, Cao W Q, Sun X W, Wang K 2017 Chem. Mater. 29 5168Google Scholar


    Li S, Shi Z F, Zhang F, Wang L T, Ma Z Z, Yang D W, Yao Z Q, Wu D, Xu T T, Tian Y T, Zhang Y T, Shan C X, Li X J 2019 Chem. Mater. 31 3917Google Scholar


    Wang Y R, Zhang M, Xiao K, Lin R X, Luo X, Han Q L, Tan H R 2020 J. Semicond. 41 051201Google Scholar


    林月明, 巨博, 李燕, 陈雪莲 2021 70 128803Google Scholar

    Lin M Y, Ju B, Li Y, Chen X L 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 128803Google Scholar


    Li J Z, Dong H X, Xu B, Zhang S F, Cai Z P, Wang J, Zhang L 2017 Photonics Res. 5 457Google Scholar


    Sun S B, Yuan D, Xu Y, Wang A F, Deng Z T 2016 ACS Nano 10 3648Google Scholar


    De Roo J, De Keukeleere K, Hens Z, Van Driessche I 2016 Dalton Trans. 45 13277Google Scholar


    Xiao M, Hao M, Lyu M, Moore E G, Zhang C, Luo B, Hou J, Lipton-Duffin J, Wang L 2019 Adv. Funct. Mater. 29 1905683Google Scholar


    Han D B, Imran M, Zhang M J, Chang S, Wu X G, Zhang X, Tang J L, Wang M S, Ali S, Li X G, Yu G, Han J B, Wang L X, Zou B S, Zhong H Z 2018 ACS Nano 12 8808Google Scholar


    Krieg F, Ochsenbein S T, Yakunin S, Ten Brinck S, Aellen P, Suess A, Clerc B, Guggisberg D, Nazarenko O, Shynkarenko Y, Kumar S, Shih C J, Infante I, Kovalenko M V 2018 ACS Energy Lett. 3 641Google Scholar


    Pan J, Shang Y, Yin J, De Bastiani M, Peng W, Dursun I, Sinatra L, El-Zohry A M, Hedhili M N, Emwas A H, Mohammed O F, Ning Z, Bakr O M 2018 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140 562Google Scholar


    Bi C H, Kershaw S V, Rogach A L, Tian J J 2019 Adv. Funct. Mater. 29 1902446Google Scholar


    Park S, Cho H, Choi W, Zou H, Jeon D Y 2019 Nanoscale Adv. 1 2828Google Scholar


    Li Z J, Hofman E, Li J, Davis A H, Tung C H, Wu L Z, Zheng W 2017 Adv. Funct. Mater. 28 1704288Google Scholar


    Qiao B, Song P J, Cao J, Zhao S L, Shen Z, Di G, Liang Z Q, Xu Z, Song D, Xu X R 2017 Nano Energy 28 445602Google Scholar


    Quan L N, Quintero-Bermudez R, Voznyy O, Walters G, Jain A, Fan J Z, Zheng X, Yang Z, Sargent E H 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1605945Google Scholar


    Palazon F, Dogan S, Marras S, Locardi F, Nelli I, Rastogi P, Ferretti M, Prato M, Krahne R, Manna L 2017 J. Phys. Chem. C 121 11956Google Scholar


    Liang W C, Li T, Zhu C C, Guo L D 2022 Optik 267 169705Google Scholar


    Peng X G, Chen J, Wang F C, Zhang C Y, Yang B B 2020 Optik 208 164579Google Scholar


    Su Y, Zeng Q H, Chen X J, Ye W G, She L S, Gao X M, Ren Z Y, Li X M 2019 J. Mater. Chem. C 7 7548Google Scholar


    Akkerman Q A, Abdelhady A L, Manna L 2018 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 2326Google Scholar


    Nie Z H, Gao X Z, Ren Y J, Xia S Y, Wang Y H, Shi Y L, Zhao J, Wang Y 2020 Nano Lett. 20 4610Google Scholar


    Natalia R, Mingrui Y, Paul G, Natalia K, Pavel M, Eckard H, Luis R R, Dmitry P, Dmitriy K, Zamkov M 2018 Chem. Mater. 30 1391Google Scholar


    Akkerman Q A, Park S, Radicchi E, Nunzi F, Mosconi E, De Angelis F, Brescia R, Rastogi P, Prato M, Manna L 2017 Nano Lett. 17 1924Google Scholar


    Li F, Liu Y, Wang H L, Zhan Q, Liu Q L, Xia Z G 2018 Chem. Mater. 30 8546Google Scholar


    Wang L, Liu H, Zhang Y, Mohammed O F 2020 ACS Energy Lett. 5 87Google Scholar


    Liang Z Q, Zhao S L, Xu Z, Qiao B, Song P J, Gao D, Xu X R 2016 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 28824Google Scholar


    Vallés-Pelarda M, Gualdrón-Reyes A F, Felip-León C, Angulo-Pachón C A, Agouram S, Muñoz-Sanjosé V, Miravet J F, Galindo F, Mora-Seró I 2021 Adv. Opt. Mater. 9 2001786Google Scholar


    Xuan T T, Yang X F, Lou S Q, Huang J J, Liu Y, Yu J B, Li H L, Wong K L, Wang C X, Wang J 2017 Nanoscale 9 15286Google Scholar


    Zhang C, Lian L Y, Zhang J B, Su X M, Liu S S, Gao Y L, Lian Z Y, Sun D Z, Luo W, Zheng H M, Zhang D L 2022 J. Phys. Chem. C 126 4172Google Scholar


    De Roo J, Ibanez M, Geiregat P, Nedelcu G, Walravens W, Maes J, Martins J C, Van Driessche I, Kovalenko M V, Hens Z 2016 ACS Nano 10 2071Google Scholar


    Luschtinetz R, Seifert G, Jaehne E, Adler H J P 2007 Macromol. Symp. 254 248Google Scholar


    Son J G, Choi E, Piao Y, Han S W, Lee T G J N 2016 Nanoscale 8 4573Google Scholar


    Sun W, Yun R, Liu Y, Zhang X, Yuan M, Zhang L, Li X 2023 Small 19 2205950Google Scholar


    Wei Y, Cheng Z, Lin J 2019 Chem. Soc. Rev. 48 310Google Scholar


    Liu Z, Bekenstein Y, Orcid X Y, Nguyen S C, Orcid J S, Orcid D Z, Lee S T, Orcid P Y, Orcid W M, Alivisatos A P 2017 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139 5309Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  12 January 2023
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  • Available Online:  06 April 2023
  • Published Online:  05 May 2023

