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Theoretical study on the stability and photoelectric properties of APbI3 perovskite

Liu Na Wei Yang Ma Xin-Guo Zhu Lin Xu Guo-Wang Chu Liang Huang Chu-Yun


Theoretical study on the stability and photoelectric properties of APbI3 perovskite

Liu Na, Wei Yang, Ma Xin-Guo, Zhu Lin, Xu Guo-Wang, Chu Liang, Huang Chu-Yun
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  • The rapid development of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells has recently attracted the worldwide attention because their power conversion efficiency has risen from 4% to higher than 20% within just six years. It is well known that the perovskite materials with APbI3 crystal structure have a 3D framework of corner-sharing PbI6 octahedra, in which each Pb atom bonds with six I atoms, and the A cations fill in the octahedral interstices. At present, a lot of researches have focused on the synthesis and doping modification of perovskite materials. However, it is hard to detect directly the weak interactions between A cations and PbI6 skeleton in the APbI3 crystal structure through experiments, which have effect on the structural stability and electronic properties. To provide a full understanding of the interplay among size, structure, and organic/inorganic interactions, the stability, electronic structures and optical properties of APbI3 (A denotes Cs+, NH4+, MA+, FA+) were investigated by the plane-wave ultra soft pseudo potentials. Two dispersion corrections were taken into account in the weak interactions between A cations and PbI6 skeleton in the APbI3 crystal structure, respectively. The results show that the type and size of cations affect the distortion of PbI framework, indicating that the larger the radius of the A cation is, the stronger the interaction between the A cation and the PbI framework is. Further, it is identified that after geometry relaxation, the orientation of A cations (A denotes NH4+, MA+, FA+) is easy to change, and the PbI frameworks present structural distortion. CsPbI3 is more stable energetically than other three kinds of perovskite materials. For the PbI6 octahedra, the large dipole moments of 0.23D and 0.32D for the generalized-gradient approximation method or 0.28D and 0.29D for the local-density approximation method are also present in MAPbI3 and FAPbI3, respectively. In addition, the energy band structures, which affect the generation and migration of photon-generated carriers and optical properties, will alter with the structural distortion of PbI frameworks. By analyzing the energy band structures and corresponding density of states, we find that four systems have similar band structures near the Fermi energy, namely, the top of valance band is mainly contributed by I 5p orbitals, while the bottom of conduction band is dominated by Pb 6p orbitals and partly contributed by I 5p orbitals. A little difference of their electronic structures and optical absorption spectra originates from the distortion of PbI6 octahedra in APbI3 crystal structures. It is noted that the contribution of the ions Cs+ and FA+ on the top of valance band is slightly larger than that of the ions NH4+ and MA+. Compared with other three kinds of perovskite materials, CsPbI3 presents the narrowest direct band gap, the lowest effective carrier mass and excellent visible-light and infrared absorption. The results may provide some theoretical guidance for further research on perovskite materials in the application of solar cells.
      Corresponding author: Ma Xin-Guo,; ; Huang Chu-Yun,;
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51472081), the Foundation of Hubei University of Technology for High-Level Talents (Grant No. GCRC13014), the Leading Plan of Green Industry (Grant No. YXQN2016005), and the Development Founds of Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center (Grant Nos. HBSKFZD2014003, HBSKFZD2014011, HBSKFZD2015004).

    Mei A Y, Li X, Liu L F, Ku Z L, Liu T F, Rong Y G, Xu M, Hu M, Chen J Z, Yang Y, Grtzel M, Han H W 2014Science 345 295


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    Baikie T, Fang Y A, Kadro J M, Schreyer M, Wei F X, Mhaisalkar S G, Grtzel M, White T J 2013J.Mater.Chem.A 1 5628


    Motta C, Mellouhi F E, Kais S, Tabet N, Alharbi F, Sanvito S 2015Nat.Commun. 6 7026


    Filippetti A, Mattoni A 2014Phys.Rev.B 89 12503


    Mosconi E, Amat A, Nazeeruddin M K, Grtzel M, De Angelis F 2013J.Phys.Chem.C 117 13902


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    Wang Y, Gould T, Dobson J F, Zhang H M, Yang H G, Yao X D, Zhao H J 2014J.Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 16 1424


    Umari P, Mosconi E, De Angelis F 2014Sci.Rep. 4 4467


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    Gao X, Uehara K, Klug D D, Patchkovskii S, Tse J S, Tritt T M 2005Phys.Rev.B 72 125202


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    Schulz P E, Edri E, Kirmayer S, Hodes G, Cahen D, Kahn A 2014Energy Environ.Sci. 7 1377


    Jeon N J, Noh J H, Yang W S, Kim Y C, Ryu S 2015Nature 517 476


    Lee C, Hong J, Stroppa A, Whangbo M H, Shim J H 2015RSC Advances 5 78701

  • [1]

    Mei A Y, Li X, Liu L F, Ku Z L, Liu T F, Rong Y G, Xu M, Hu M, Chen J Z, Yang Y, Grtzel M, Han H W 2014Science 345 295


    Kim H S, Lee C R, Im J H, Lee K B, Moehl T, Marchioro A, Moon S J, Baker R H, Yum J H, Moser J E, Grtzel M, Park N G 2012Sci.Rep. 2 591


    Wang F Z, Tan Z A, Dai S Y, Li Y F 2015Acta Phys.Sin. 64 038401(in Chinese)[王福芝, 谭占鳌, 戴松元, 李永舫2015 64 038401]


    Kojima A, Teshima K, Shirai Y, Miyasaka T 2009J.Am.Chem.Soc. 131 6050


    Yang W S, Noh J H, Jeon N J, Kim Y C, Ryu S, Seo J, Seok S Ⅱ 2015Science 348 1234


    Zhang D F, Zheng L L, Ma Y Z, Wang S F, Bian Z Q, Huang C H, Gong Q H, Xiao L X 2015Acta Phys.Sin. 64 038803(in Chinese)[张丹霏, 郑灵灵, 马英壮, 王树峰, 卞祖强, 黄春辉, 龚旗煌, 肖立新2015 64 038803]


    Cappel U B, Daeneke T, Bach U 2012Nano Lett. 12 4925


    Liu M Z, Johnston M B, Snaith H J 2013Nature 501 395


    Knop O, Wasylishen R E, White M A, Oort M J M V 1990Can.J.Chem. 68 412


    Lee J W, Seol D J, Cho A N 2014Adv.Mater. 26 4991


    Zhou Y Y, Yang M J, Pang S P, Zhu K, Padture N P 2016J.Am.Chem.Soc. 138 5535


    Pang S P, Hu H, Zhang J L, Lv S L, Yu Y M, Wei F, Qin T S, Xu H X, Liu Z L, Cui G L 2014Chem.Mater. 26 1485


    Choi H, Jeong J, Kim H B, Kim S, Walker B, Kim G H, Kim J Y 2014Nano Energy 7 80


    Saliba M, Matsui T, Seo J Y, Domanski K, Correa-Baena J P, Nazeeruddin M K, Zakeeruddin S M, Tress W, Abate A, Hagfeldt A, Grtzel M 2016Energy Environ.Sci. 9 1989


    Baikie T, Fang Y A, Kadro J M, Schreyer M, Wei F X, Mhaisalkar S G, Grtzel M, White T J 2013J.Mater.Chem.A 1 5628


    Motta C, Mellouhi F E, Kais S, Tabet N, Alharbi F, Sanvito S 2015Nat.Commun. 6 7026


    Filippetti A, Mattoni A 2014Phys.Rev.B 89 12503


    Mosconi E, Amat A, Nazeeruddin M K, Grtzel M, De Angelis F 2013J.Phys.Chem.C 117 13902


    Geng W, Zhang L, Zhang Y N, Lau W M, Liu L M 2014J.Phys.Chem.C 118 19565


    Wang Y, Gould T, Dobson J F, Zhang H M, Yang H G, Yao X D, Zhao H J 2014J.Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 16 1424


    Umari P, Mosconi E, De Angelis F 2014Sci.Rep. 4 4467


    Kawamura Y, Mashiyama H, Hasebe K 2002J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 71 1694


    Vanderbilt D 1990Phys.Rev.B 41 7892


    Tkatchenko A, Scheffler M 2009Phys.Rev.Lett. 102 073005


    Ortmann F, Bechstedt F, Schmidt W G 2006Phys.Rev.B 73 205101


    Monkhorst H J, Pack J D 1976Phys.Rev.B 13 5188


    Segall M D, Lindan P J D, Probert M J, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Clark S J, Payne M C 2002J.Phys:Condens.Matter. 14 2717


    Chung L, Lee B, He J Q, Chang R P H, Kanatzidis M G 2012Nature 485 486


    Gao X, Uehara K, Klug D D, Patchkovskii S, Tse J S, Tritt T M 2005Phys.Rev.B 72 125202


    Tanaka K, Takahashi T, Ban T, Kondo T, Uchida K, Miura N 2003Solid State Commun. 127 619


    Schulz P E, Edri E, Kirmayer S, Hodes G, Cahen D, Kahn A 2014Energy Environ.Sci. 7 1377


    Jeon N J, Noh J H, Yang W S, Kim Y C, Ryu S 2015Nature 517 476


    Lee C, Hong J, Stroppa A, Whangbo M H, Shim J H 2015RSC Advances 5 78701

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  • Received Date:  29 July 2016
  • Accepted Date:  04 December 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

