The perovskite crystal structure determines the appearance of ferroelectricity and the polarization direction of ferroelectric ceramics. When the polarization direction has a certain order, different domain structures will combine to form a multiparticle system with a specific morphology, i.e. the topological structure existing in ferroelectrics. In this study, the domain structures of potassium sodium niobate (
$ {\rm{K}}_{0.5}{\rm{N}\rm{a}}_{0.5}\rm{N}\rm{b}{\rm{O}}_{3} $ ) thin films under different hysteresis electric fields and thickness are simulated and observed by the phase field method. According to the different switching paths of the domain structure under the electric field, the domain is divided into fast and slow switching process. Based on this, a method is proposed to first determine the domain switching state of the desired experiment and then conduct directional observation. Through the analysis of the domain structures combined with the polarization vector, a clear multi-domain combined with vortex-antivortex pair topological structure is observed for the first time in$ {\rm{K}}_{0.5}{\rm{N}\rm{a}}_{0.5}\rm{N}\rm{b}{\rm{O}}_{3} $ film. The vortex structure is further analyzed for its switching process, and it is observed that this vortex topological microstructure can make the domain more likely to switch, so that more small-scale polarization vectors can be ordered, forming the desired multiparticle system topology. The mechanism of improving the dielectric properties of ferroelectric material by this polarization vector ordering is similar to that of the microscopic phase boundary formed by the specific polarization directions on both sides of the quasi morphotropic phase boundary.-
- ferroelectric ceramics /
- topological defects /
- phase field method
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图 4 (a)—(f)快速翻转电畴结构图, 其中(a) t = 1110, (b) t = 1120, (c) t = 1140, (d) t = 1150, (e) t = 1160, (f) t = 1170; (g)—(i) 慢速翻转电畴结构图, 其中(g) t = 1300, (h) t = 1400, (i) t = 1500
Figure 4. (a)–(f) Diagrams of domain structure at fast speed: (a) t = 1110; (b) t = 1120; (c) t = 1140; (d) t = 1150; (e) t = 1160; (f) t = 1170. (g)–(i) Diagrams of domain structure at slow speed: (g) t = 1300; (h) t = 1400; (i) t = 1500.
图 8 (a)—(c) 不同厚度下的底层(上图)和顶层(下图)电畴结构图, 其中(a) 20 nm, (b) 10 nm, (c) 6 nm; (d)—(i) 涡旋电畴结构翻转过程, 其中(d) t = 20, (e) t = 40, (f) t = 50, (g) t = 60, (h) t = 70, (i) t = 80
Figure 8. (a)–(c) Bottom (upper panel) and top (bottom panel) layer domain structures at different thicknesses: (a) 20 nm; (b) 10 nm; (c) 6 nm. (d)–(i) Vortex domain structure switching stages: (d) t = 20; (e) t = 40; (f) t = 50; (g) t = 60; (h) t = 70; (i) t = 80.
[1] Wada S, Muraoka K, Kakemoto H, Tsurumi T, Kumagai H 2004 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 6692
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[2] Wang B, Li F, Chen L Q 2021 Adv. Mater. 33 2105071
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[3] Braun H B 2012 Adv. Phys. 61 1
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[16] Tang Y L, Zhu Y L, Ma X L, Borisevich A Y, Morozovska A N, Eliseev E A, Wang W Y, Wang Y J, Xu Y B, Zhang Z D, Pennycook S J 2015 Science 348 547
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[17] Chu K, Yang C H 2018 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89 123704
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[18] Kim J, You M, Kim K E, Chu K, Yang C H 2019 npj Quantum Mater. 4 29
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[19] Li Z, Shen H, Dawson G, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Nan F, Song G, Li G, Wu Y, Liu H 2022 J. Mater. Chem. C 10 3071
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[20] Bai G, Ma W 2010 Physica B 405 1901
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[25] von Helden L, Schmidbauer M, Liang S J, Hanke M, Wordenweber R, Schwarzkopf J 2018 Nanotechnology 29 415704
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[26] Zhou M J, Wang B, Ladera A, Bogula L, Liu H X, Chen L Q, Nan C W 2021 Acta Mater. 215 117038
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[27] Chen L Q, Shen J 1998 Comput. Phys. Commun. 108 147
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[29] Scott J F, Paz de Araujo C A 1989 Science 246 1400
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[30] Li Y L, Hu S Y, Liu Z K, Chen L Q 2002 Acta Mater. 50 395
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[34] Nagaosa N, Tokura Y 2013 Nat. Nanotechnol. 8 899
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[35] Xue F, Wang X, Shi Y, Cheong S W, Chen L Q 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 104109
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[36] Trieloff M, Jessberger E K, Herrwerth I, Hopp J, Fieni C, Ghelis M, Bourot-Denise M, Pellas P 2003 Nature 422 502
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[37] Yang W, Tian G, Fan H, Zhao Y, Chen H, Zhang L, Wang Y, Fan Z, Hou Z, Chen D, Gao J, Zeng M, Lu X, Qin M, Gao X, Liu J M 2022 Adv. Mater. 34 e2107711
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[38] Yan M, Wang H, Campbell C E 2008 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320 1937
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[39] Vasudevan R K, Liu Y, Li J, Liang W I, Kumar A, Jesse S, Chen Y C, Chu Y H, Nagarajan V, Kalinin S V 2011 Nano Lett. 11 3346
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[40] Ke X, Wang D, Ren X, Wang Y 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 127602
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[41] Sato Y, Hirayama T, Ikuhara Y 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 187601
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[42] Janolin P E 2009 J. Mater. Sci. 44 5025
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