铁电陶瓷在高电场下的击穿问题是困扰铁电陶瓷应用的关键问题之一. 本文统计了铁电陶瓷在正向脉冲电场(4.5 kV/mm)失效概率与脉冲次数的分布关系, 对通过第10次脉冲耐压样品第11次的失效概率进行了分析, 开展了铁电陶瓷经历万次以上的脉冲耐压后压电常数与电滞回线测试研究. 结果表明: 铁电陶瓷的击穿概率与脉冲加电压次数曲线呈现典型的浴盆曲线分布, 经历10次脉冲高压测试合格的样品, 其脉冲耐压失效概率相比于未经历脉冲高压陶瓷样品, 降低了4个数量级以上, 且上述脉冲高压加载接近无损. 考虑到裂纹扩展速度, 多个缺陷导致的裂纹同时扩展并连通是铁电陶瓷在脉冲高电压下断裂的主要原因.Dielectric breakdown at high electric field plays an important role in the application of ferroelectric ceramics. In this paper, the failure probability versus electric shock time of ferroelectric ceramics under positive pulse electric field is analyzed statistically. The failure probability distribution of ceramics after 10 electric shocks is studied. Piezoelectric constant, P-E loop of ferroelectric ceramics after 10 thousand electric shocks are measured and the breakdown mechanism is discussed. The results indicate that the relation between failure probability and electric shock number of ferroelectric ceramics is shown by a bath-tube curve and the failure probability of samples after 10 electric shocks decreases by 4 orders of magnitudes compared with that of origin sample. According to the results of piezoelectric constant and P-E loop, the samples subjected to positive pulse electric field many times do not show obvious fatigue or aging effect. So pulse electric field loading at 4.5 kV/mm is close to non-destructive condition. Considering the spread speed of cracks, it can be found that the rupture of ferroelectric ceramics under pulsed electric field roots from extension and connection of multi-cracks from multi-defects.
- ferroelectric ceramics /
- pulsed electric field /
- failure probability
[1] Zhang F P, Du J M, Liu Y S, He H L 2007 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90 2639
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[4] 张福平, 杜金梅, 刘雨生, 刘艺, 刘高旻, 贺红亮 2011 60 057701
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Zhang F P, Du J M, Liu Y S, Liu Y, Liu G M, He H L 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 057701
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[5] Cao H, Evans A G 1994 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 77 1783
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[8] Bourne N K, Rosenberg Z, Field J E 1995 J. Appl. Phy. 78 3736
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[9] Heaton T H 1990 Phys. Earth Planet. In. 64 1
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表 1 正向脉冲电场下铁电陶瓷加压次数与击穿概率统计表(共15000片)
Table 1. Statistic breakdown time with electric shock time of ferroelectric ceramic under pulse electric field (total 15000 pieces).
第几次加电压 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 击穿发生次数 293 11 5 4 6 2 3 3 3 1 击穿发生概率/‰ 19.5 0.7 0.3 0.27 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.067 表 2 铁电陶瓷经历10次脉冲高压老炼后的击穿电场 (kV/mm)
Table 2. Breakdown field strength of ferroelectric ceramics after 10 times pulsed electric shock (kV/mm).
编号 电场 编号 电场 编号 电场 编号 电场 编号 电场 编号 电场 编号 电场 编号 电场 编号 电场 编号 电场 1 8.80 2 8.55 3 8.35 4 8.30 5 8.85 6 8.90 7 8.85 8 8.50 9 8.90 10 8.85 11 8.35 12 8.80 13 8.90 14 8.50 15 8.90 16 8.75 17 8.80 18 8.15 19 8.65 20 8.80 21 8.30 22 8.85 23 8.75 24 8.45 25 8.90 26 8.85 27 8.30 28 8.75 29 8.75 30 8.85 31 8.80 32 8.75 33 8.75 34 8.95 35 8.95 36 8.85 37 9.00 38 8.90 39 8.30 40 10.2 41 8.70 42 8.85 43 9.00 44 8.95 45 8.85 46 8.60 47 8.70 48 8.80 49 8.95 50 8.85 51 8.50 52 8.70 53 8.90 54 8.55 55 8.85 56 8.50 57 8.90 58 8.85 59 8.95 60 7.90 61 8.40 62 8.90 63 8.75 64 8.85 65 8.85 66 8.95 67 8.60 68 8.85 69 8.85 70 8.30 71 8.80 72 8.75 73 8.95 74 8.80 75 8.80 76 8.85 77 8.95 78 8.65 79 8.95 80 8.80 81 8.50 82 8.55 83 8.90 84 8.90 85 8.45 86 8.40 87 8.65 88 8.80 89 8.80 90 8.05 91 8.50 92 8.65 93 8.85 94 8.60 95 8.95 96 8.90 97 8.65 98 8.90 99 7.80 100 8.75 表 3 经历10次脉冲高压合格的铁电陶瓷失效概率表
Table 3. Breakdown possibility of PZT 95/5 after 10 times pulsed electric shock.
Emean – 2σ Emean – 3σ Emean – 4σ Emean – 6σ 电场/
(kV·mm–1)8.07 7.79 7.5 6.93 击穿发生
概率/%4.6 0.3 0.01 10–6 -
[1] Zhang F P, Du J M, Liu Y S, He H L 2007 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90 2639
Google Scholar
[2] Setchell R E 2007 J. Appl. Phy. 101 053525
Google Scholar
[3] Wang H, Singh R 1997 J. Appl. Phy. 81 7471
Google Scholar
[4] 张福平, 杜金梅, 刘雨生, 刘艺, 刘高旻, 贺红亮 2011 60 057701
Google Scholar
Zhang F P, Du J M, Liu Y S, Liu Y, Liu G M, He H L 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 057701
Google Scholar
[5] Cao H, Evans A G 1994 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 77 1783
Google Scholar
[6] White G S, Raynes A S, Vaudin M D, Freiman S W 1994 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 77 2603
Google Scholar
[7] Watanabe Y, Okano M, Masuda A 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 332
Google Scholar
[8] Bourne N K, Rosenberg Z, Field J E 1995 J. Appl. Phy. 78 3736
Google Scholar
[9] Heaton T H 1990 Phys. Earth Planet. In. 64 1
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