A three-layer-core single-mode large-mode-area fiber with low bending loss is investigated in this paper. The three-layer structure in the core which is comprised of core-index layer, cladding-index layer and depression-index layer, can achieve large-effective-area Aeff while maintaining low-bending-loss without deteriorating cutoff behaviors. The large-mode-area of 100–330 μm2 can be achieved in the fiber. The effective area Aeff can be further enlarged by adjusting the layer parameters. Furthermore, the bending property can be improved in this three-layer-core structure. The bending loss can decrease by 2–4 orders of magnitude compared with the bending loss of the conventional step-index fiber with the same Aeff. These characteristics of three-layer-core fiber suggest that it can be used in large-mode-area wide-bandwidth high-capacity transmission, or high-power optical fiber laser and amplifier in the optical communications, which can be conducive to studying the basic physical layer structure of big data storage, reading, calculation and transmission applications and so on.
- three-layer-core /
- single mode operation /
- large mode area /
- bending loss
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[1] Cai J, Cai Y, Davidson C, Lucero A, Zhang H, Foursa D, Sinkin O, Patterson W, Pilipetskii A, Mohs G, Bergano N 2011 National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) Los Angeles, California, March 6, 2011 pPDPB4
[2] Sano A, Masuda H, Kobayashi T, Fujiwara M, Horikoshi K, Yoshida E, Miyamoto Y, Matsui M, Mizoguchi M, Yamazaki H, Sakamaki Y, Ishii H 2010 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) San Diego, California, March 21, 2010 pPDPB7
[3] Qian D, Huang M, Ip E, Huang Y, Shao Y, Hu J, Wang T 2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) Los Angeles, California, March 6, 2011 pPDPB5
[4] Dong L, Wu T W, Mckay H A, Fu L, Li J, Winful H G 2009 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15 1
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[15] Kumar A, Rastogi V 2011 Applied Optics 50 25
[16] 吴重庆 2005 光波导理论第二版(北京: 清华大学出版社)
Wu C Q 2015 Theoretical Basis of Optical Waveguide (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) (in Chinese)
[17] 林桢 2014博士学位论文 (北京: 北京交通大学)
Lin Z 2014 P. h. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University) (in Chinese)
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Li C S, Li L Y, Yang S X, Gan L, Song Z T, Li X S 2013 Mearments Standard 2 72
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[23] Baggett J C, Monro T M, Furusawa K, Finazzi V, Richardson D J 2003 Optics Commun. 227 4
[24] Dutt A, Mahapatra S, Varshney S K 2011 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28 6
[25] Ulrich R, Rashleigh S C, Eickhoff W 1980 Opt. Lett. 5 6
[26] Jeunhomme L B 1989 Single-Mode Fiber Optics 2 nd ed. (New York: Marcel Dekker)
[27] Matsuo S, Ikeda M, Kutami H, Himeno K 2005 IEICE Trans. Electron. E88-C5
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