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A second-order gradiometric superconducting quantum interference device current sensor with cross-coupled structure

Xu Da Zhong Qing Cao Wen-Hui Wang Xue-Shen Wang Shi-Jian Li Jin-Jin Liu Jian-She Chen Wei


A second-order gradiometric superconducting quantum interference device current sensor with cross-coupled structure

Xu Da, Zhong Qing, Cao Wen-Hui, Wang Xue-Shen, Wang Shi-Jian, Li Jin-Jin, Liu Jian-She, Chen Wei
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) has extremely high magnetic field sensitivity, current sensitivity, and can detect a low-noise weak current signal. The SQUID current sensor has become the only option of the readout of low-noise detector, such as transition-edge sensor (TES). In this paper, a second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor for TES application is developed. According to the requirements for TES detectors, the structure and various parameters of SQUID current sensor are designed. The SQUID loop, input coil and feedback coil of the SQUID current sensor all use the second-order gradiometric structure. All the couple ways between SQUID loop and input coil or feedback coil adopt cross-coupling mode in different planes, which can effectively weaken the parasitic capacitance. A second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor based on Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Josephson junction is successfully fabricated on a silicon wafer by optimizing the process. The properties of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor are measured at liquid helium temperature. The bias current of SQUID is 215 μA when the modulation depth of V-Φ modulation curve is maximum. The maximum modulation peak of SQUID is 31 μV. The flux-to-voltage transfer coefficient of SQUID is 108 μV/Φ0. The input coil current sensitivity is 17 μA/Φ0, the mutual inductance between SQUID loop and input coil is 117 pH. The current sensitivity of feedback coil is 86 μA/Φ0, the mutual inductance between SQUID loop and feedback coil is 23 pH. The second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor has a white flux noise of 2 μΦ0/$ \sqrt{{\rm{H}}{\rm{z}}} $ and a white current noise of 34 pA/$ \sqrt{{\rm{H}}{\rm{z}}} $ with 1/f corner frequency around 200 Hz. The result of noise level under the condition without magnetic shielding shows that the SQUID current sensor with second-order gradiometric cross-coupled structure has an excellent capability of weakening the environmental electromagnetic interference. In the future, we will further improve the mutual inductance of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor between SQUID loop and input coil, optimize the size and critical current of Josephson junction, in order to improve the input sensitivity of SQUID device, reduce the current noise level and the 1/f corner frequency, and meet more requirements for TES applications.
      Corresponding author: Zhong Qing, ; Li Jin-Jin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFF0206105), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61701470, 20161361354), and the National Institute of Metrology China (Grant Nos. AKY1946, AKYZD2012)

    Clarke J, Braginski A I 2004 The SQUID Handbook (Vol. 1) (KgaA, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.) pp1−210


    Granata C, Vettoliere A, Russo R, Fretto M, de Leo N, Lacquaniti V 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 102602Google Scholar


    Ullom J N, Bennett D A 2015 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 084003Google Scholar


    Jackson B D, Korte P A J, Kuur J, Mauskopf P D, Beyer J, Bruijn M P, Cros A, Gao J R, Griffin D, Hartog R, Kiviranta M, Lange G, Leeuwen B J, Macculi C, Ravera L, Trappe N, Weers H, Withington S 2012 IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. and Technol. 2 12Google Scholar


    Henderson S W, Ahmed Z, Austermann J, Becker D, Bennett D A, Brown D, Chaudhuri S, Cho H M S, D'Ewart J M, Dober B, Duff S M, Dusatko J E, Fatigoni S, Frisch J C, Gard J D, Halpern M, Hilton G C, Hubmayr J, Irwin K D, Karpel E D, Kernasovskiy S S, Kuenstner S E, Kuo C L, Li D, Mates J A B, Reintsema C D, Smith S R, Ullom J, Vale L R, Winkle D D V, Vissers M, Yu C 2018 Proc. SPIE, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX Texas, United States, June 10−15 2018 p1070819


    Cui W, Chen L B, Gao B, Guo F L, Jin H, Wang G L, Wang J J, Wang W, Wang Z S, Wang Z, Yuan F, Zhang W 2020 J. Low Temp. Phys. 199 502Google Scholar


    Schmidt M, Helversen M, López M, Gericke F, Schlottmann E, Heindel T, Kück S, Reitzenstein S, Beyer J 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 1243Google Scholar


    Irwin K D 2002 Physica C 368 203Google Scholar


    Kempf S, Wegner M, Fleischmann A, Gastaldo L, Herrmann F, Papst M, Richter D, Enss C 2017 AIP Adv. 7 015007Google Scholar


    Bennett D A, Mates J A B, Gard J D, Hoover A S, Rabin M W, Reintsema C D, Schmidt D R, Vale L R, Ullom J N 2015 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 2101405Google Scholar


    Drung D, Abmann C, Beyer J, Kirste A, Peters M, Ruede F, Schurig T 2007 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 699Google Scholar


    Stiehl G M, Cho H M, Hilton G C, Irwin K D, Mates J A B, Reintsema C D, Zink B L 2011 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21 298Google Scholar


    Beyer J, Drung D 2008 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21 095012Google Scholar


    Schurig T 2014 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 568 032015Google Scholar


    Silva-Feaver M, Arnold K, Barron D, Denison E V, Dobbs M, Groh J, Hilton G, Hubmayr J, Irwin K, Lee A, Vale L R 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 600Google Scholar


    Schurig T, Trahms L 2009 IEEE CSC & ESAS European Superconductivity News Forum 3 RN9Google Scholar


    韩昊轩, 张国峰, 张雪, 梁恬恬, 应利良, 王永良, 彭炜, 王镇 2019 68 138501Google Scholar

    Han H X, Zhang G F, Zhang X, Liang T T, Ying L L, Wang Y L, Peng W, Wang Z 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 138501Google Scholar


    Drung D 2016 IEEE CSC & ESAS European Supercon- ductivity News Forum 10 CR70


    SQUID sensors, Magnicon GmbH [2021-02-07]


    LTS Sensors, STAR Cryoelectronics [2021-02-07]


    Cantor R, Hall J A, Matlachov A N, Volegov P L 2007 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 672Google Scholar


    Kempf S, Ferring A, Fleischmann A, Gastaldo L, Enss C, 2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 065012Google Scholar


    Kempf S, Ferring A, Fleischmann A, Enss C 2015 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 045008Google Scholar


    Doriese W B, Morgan K M, Bennett D A, Denison E V, Fitzgerald C P, Fowler J W, Gard J D, Hays-Wehle J P, Hilton G C, Irwin K D, Joe Y I, Mates J A B, O’Neil G C, Reintsema C D, Robbins N O, Schmidt D R, Swetz D S, Tatsuno H, Vale L R, Ullom J N 2016 J. Low Temp Phys 184 389Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Zhang G, Wang Y, Rong L, Zhang S, Wu J, Qiu L, Xie X, Wang Z 2019 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 1600503Google Scholar


    Kuriki S, Isobe Y, Mizutani Y 1987 J. Appl. Phys. 61 781Google Scholar


    Carelli P, Chiaventi L, Leoni R, Pullano M, Spagnolo G S 1991 Clin. Phys. Physiol. Meas. 12 13Google Scholar


    Beyer J, Drung D, Peters M, Schurig T, Bandler S R 2009 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 19 505Google Scholar


    Xu D, Li J, Cao W, Liu J, Chen W 2020 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements Denver, United States, August 24−28 2020 p9191689


    Fourie C J, Perold W J 2005 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 15 300Google Scholar


    Drung D, Hinnrichs C, Barthelmess H 2006 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 S235Google Scholar


    Drung D, Ludwig F, Müller W, Steinhoff U, Trahms L, Koch H, Shen Y Q, Jensen M B, Vase P, Holst T, Freltoft T, Curio G 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 1421Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) SQUID环路示意图; (b) 一阶梯度并联SQUID环路结构示意图; (c) 一阶梯度串联SQUID环路结构示意图; (d) 二阶梯度并联SQUID环路结构示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagrams of (a) SQUID loop, (b) a first-order gradiometric parallel SQUID loop, (c) a first-order gradiometric series SQUID loop, and (d) a second-order gradiometric parallel SQUID loop.

    图 2  二阶梯度交叉耦合SQUID电流传感器扫描电子显微镜图

    Figure 2.  Scanning electron microscope picture of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor.

    图 3  二阶梯度交叉耦合SQUID电流传感器等效电路图

    Figure 3.  Equivalent circuit of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor.

    图 4  二阶梯度交叉耦合SQUID电流传感器的电流-电压曲线

    Figure 4.  Current-voltage curves of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor.

    图 5  二阶梯度交叉耦合SQUID输入线圈的电压-磁通调制曲线

    Figure 5.  Voltage-flux curve for the input coil of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID.

    图 6  二阶梯度交叉耦合SQUID反馈线圈的电压-磁通调制曲线

    Figure 6.  Voltage-flux curve for the feedback coil of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID.

    图 7  二阶梯度交叉耦合SQUID电流传感器的噪声曲线

    Figure 7.  Noise curves of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor.

    表 1  二阶梯度交叉耦合SQUID电流传感器的设计参数

    Table 1.  Design parameters of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor.

    约瑟夫森结尺寸S/(µm × µm)7 × 7
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  二阶梯度交叉耦合SQUID电流传感器的性能参数

    Table 2.  Property parameters of the second-order gradiometric cross-coupled SQUID current sensor.

    偏置电流Ib, max/μA215
    磁通白噪声$\sqrt{S_{\varPhi}} $/(μΦ0·$ \sqrt{{\rm{H}}{\rm{z}}} $–1)2
    电流白噪声$\sqrt{S_I} $/(pA·$ \sqrt{{\rm{H}}{\rm{z}}} $–1)34
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Clarke J, Braginski A I 2004 The SQUID Handbook (Vol. 1) (KgaA, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.) pp1−210


    Granata C, Vettoliere A, Russo R, Fretto M, de Leo N, Lacquaniti V 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 102602Google Scholar


    Ullom J N, Bennett D A 2015 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 084003Google Scholar


    Jackson B D, Korte P A J, Kuur J, Mauskopf P D, Beyer J, Bruijn M P, Cros A, Gao J R, Griffin D, Hartog R, Kiviranta M, Lange G, Leeuwen B J, Macculi C, Ravera L, Trappe N, Weers H, Withington S 2012 IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. and Technol. 2 12Google Scholar


    Henderson S W, Ahmed Z, Austermann J, Becker D, Bennett D A, Brown D, Chaudhuri S, Cho H M S, D'Ewart J M, Dober B, Duff S M, Dusatko J E, Fatigoni S, Frisch J C, Gard J D, Halpern M, Hilton G C, Hubmayr J, Irwin K D, Karpel E D, Kernasovskiy S S, Kuenstner S E, Kuo C L, Li D, Mates J A B, Reintsema C D, Smith S R, Ullom J, Vale L R, Winkle D D V, Vissers M, Yu C 2018 Proc. SPIE, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX Texas, United States, June 10−15 2018 p1070819


    Cui W, Chen L B, Gao B, Guo F L, Jin H, Wang G L, Wang J J, Wang W, Wang Z S, Wang Z, Yuan F, Zhang W 2020 J. Low Temp. Phys. 199 502Google Scholar


    Schmidt M, Helversen M, López M, Gericke F, Schlottmann E, Heindel T, Kück S, Reitzenstein S, Beyer J 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 1243Google Scholar


    Irwin K D 2002 Physica C 368 203Google Scholar


    Kempf S, Wegner M, Fleischmann A, Gastaldo L, Herrmann F, Papst M, Richter D, Enss C 2017 AIP Adv. 7 015007Google Scholar


    Bennett D A, Mates J A B, Gard J D, Hoover A S, Rabin M W, Reintsema C D, Schmidt D R, Vale L R, Ullom J N 2015 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 2101405Google Scholar


    Drung D, Abmann C, Beyer J, Kirste A, Peters M, Ruede F, Schurig T 2007 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 699Google Scholar


    Stiehl G M, Cho H M, Hilton G C, Irwin K D, Mates J A B, Reintsema C D, Zink B L 2011 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21 298Google Scholar


    Beyer J, Drung D 2008 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21 095012Google Scholar


    Schurig T 2014 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 568 032015Google Scholar


    Silva-Feaver M, Arnold K, Barron D, Denison E V, Dobbs M, Groh J, Hilton G, Hubmayr J, Irwin K, Lee A, Vale L R 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 600Google Scholar


    Schurig T, Trahms L 2009 IEEE CSC & ESAS European Superconductivity News Forum 3 RN9Google Scholar


    韩昊轩, 张国峰, 张雪, 梁恬恬, 应利良, 王永良, 彭炜, 王镇 2019 68 138501Google Scholar

    Han H X, Zhang G F, Zhang X, Liang T T, Ying L L, Wang Y L, Peng W, Wang Z 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 138501Google Scholar


    Drung D 2016 IEEE CSC & ESAS European Supercon- ductivity News Forum 10 CR70


    SQUID sensors, Magnicon GmbH [2021-02-07]


    LTS Sensors, STAR Cryoelectronics [2021-02-07]


    Cantor R, Hall J A, Matlachov A N, Volegov P L 2007 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 672Google Scholar


    Kempf S, Ferring A, Fleischmann A, Gastaldo L, Enss C, 2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 065012Google Scholar


    Kempf S, Ferring A, Fleischmann A, Enss C 2015 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 045008Google Scholar


    Doriese W B, Morgan K M, Bennett D A, Denison E V, Fitzgerald C P, Fowler J W, Gard J D, Hays-Wehle J P, Hilton G C, Irwin K D, Joe Y I, Mates J A B, O’Neil G C, Reintsema C D, Robbins N O, Schmidt D R, Swetz D S, Tatsuno H, Vale L R, Ullom J N 2016 J. Low Temp Phys 184 389Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Zhang G, Wang Y, Rong L, Zhang S, Wu J, Qiu L, Xie X, Wang Z 2019 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 1600503Google Scholar


    Kuriki S, Isobe Y, Mizutani Y 1987 J. Appl. Phys. 61 781Google Scholar


    Carelli P, Chiaventi L, Leoni R, Pullano M, Spagnolo G S 1991 Clin. Phys. Physiol. Meas. 12 13Google Scholar


    Beyer J, Drung D, Peters M, Schurig T, Bandler S R 2009 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 19 505Google Scholar


    Xu D, Li J, Cao W, Liu J, Chen W 2020 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements Denver, United States, August 24−28 2020 p9191689


    Fourie C J, Perold W J 2005 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 15 300Google Scholar


    Drung D, Hinnrichs C, Barthelmess H 2006 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 S235Google Scholar


    Drung D, Ludwig F, Müller W, Steinhoff U, Trahms L, Koch H, Shen Y Q, Jensen M B, Vase P, Holst T, Freltoft T, Curio G 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 1421Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  31 October 2020
  • Accepted Date:  05 February 2021
  • Available Online:  07 June 2021
  • Published Online:  20 June 2021

