The orbital angular momentum (OAM) carried by acoustic vortex beam can be transmitted to objects, which has a good application prospect in particle manipulation. In addition, the acoustic vortex beam also has great potentials in acoustic communication. The acoustic vortex beams with different OAM modes are orthogonal to each other, so the OAM mode can be introduced into the traditional acoustic communication, which provides a potential solution for realizing the high-speed, large-capacity and high-spectral efficiency of underwater acoustic communication technology in future. In this paper, we summarize the research progress of acoustic vortex beam, in which we mainly introduce the generation and detection scheme of acoustic vortex beam, its transmission characteristics, and its typical research cases in communication. Finally, the future development trend and the outlook of acoustic vortex beam are also analyzed and prospected.
- orbital angular momentum /
- acoustic vortex /
- acoustic communication
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图 1 (a) 利用换能器阵列产生OAM声束示意图[56]; (b) 利用螺旋型有源衍射声栅产生OAM声束示意图[57]; (c) 利用声学SPP产生m = 4的OAM声束示意图(c1)和3D打印实物图(c2)[62]; (d) 用于产生OAM声束的(d1)轴对称声栅[63]、(d2)对数螺旋声栅[64]、(d3)阿基米德螺旋声栅[66]、(d4)菲涅耳半波片声栅[67,68]、(d5)费马螺旋声栅[69]; (e) 共振型环形超表面产生OAM声束示意图[72]; (f) 复合迷宫型环形超表面产生OAM声束示意图[73]
Figure 1. (a) Schematics of generating acoustic OAM beams using transducers array[56]; (b) schematics of generating acoustic OAM beams by spiral active diffraction grating[57]; (c) schematics of a SPP with topological charge m = 4 (c1), picture of the 3D printed thermoplastic acoustic SPP (c2)[62]; (d) using the axisymmetric sound grating[63] (d1), logarithmic spiral sound grating[64] (d2), Archimedes spiral sound grating[66] (d3), Fresnel zone plate sound grating[67,68] (d4), Fermat spiral sound grating[69] (d5) to generate acoustic OAM beams; (e) acoustic OAM beams generated by resonant ring metasurface[72]; (f) acoustic OAM beams generated by the complex labyrinth type ring metasurface[73].
图 2 (a)采用声学共振结构实现高阶和复合OAM声束的产生[74], (a1)结构示意图及不同检测平面上的声压与相位分布, (a2)产生复合OAM声束的相位全息图, (a3)加载到超表面上的离散化相位全息图, (a4)检测产生声场组成的结构示意图; (b)采用费马螺旋实现高阶和复合OAM声束的产生[69], (b1)结构示意图、声压和相位分布以及模式检测结果, (b2)进行模式分离的原理图及(b3)结果
Figure 2. (a) Generation of high-order and multiplexed acoustic OAM beams by acoustic resonance structure[74], (a1) structure and the distributions of pressure and phase of different planes, (a2) multiplexed phase hologram of OAM sound beams, (a3) discretization phase hologram, (a4) structure to detect vortex field; (b) generation OAM sound beams by Fermat’s spiral diffraction grating[69], (b1) structural diagram, sound pressure, phase distribution, and power density spectrum, (b2) schematic diagram for detection, and (b3) results.
图 3 (a)利用内积算法检测OAM声束示意[83]; (b)利用抛物线型解码超表面检测OAM声束示意图(b1)和拓扑荷值m和反射角α的函数关系(b2)[87]; (c)利用圆孔阵列干涉屏检测OAM声束的(c1)示意图和(c2)远场强度分布图[89]; (d)利用(d1)环形三角孔径与(d2)环形椭圆孔径实现OAM声束检测示意图(d1), (d2)及远场强度分布(d3), (d4)[90]
Figure 3. (a) Inner product algorithm is used to detect OAM sound beams[83]; (b) detection of OAM sound beams by using parabolic decoding metasurface (b1), relationship between the reflection angle, α, and OAM charge, m[87] (b2); (c) detection principle of multipoints interferometer (c1), far-field intensity distributions (c2)[89]; (d) sketch map (d1), (d2) and far-field intensity distributions (d3), (d4) for (d1) annular triangle aperture and (d2) annular ellipse aperture[90].
图 4 OAM声束通过(a)一维声透镜和(b)二维声透镜的非线性传播[97], 其中上图显示XOZ平面的均方根振幅. 下图是基波和二次谐波在虚线表示的不同距离(Z = 0.07, 0.23, 0.32和0.85)的XY平面上的相位
Figure 4. Nonlinear propagation of a single OAM sound beams through (a) a 1D acoustical lens and (b) a 2D acoustical lens[97]. Top view presents the RMS (root mean square) amplitude in the XOZ plane. Bottom views are representations of the phase for the fundamental frequency and the second harmonic across plane X, Y at different distances: Z = 0.07, 0.23, 0.32, and 0.85 the positions of these planes are indicated by dashed lines on the top view.
图 5 (a) 携带拓扑荷m = 1 (左)和m = 3 (右)的非线性OAM声束在不同时刻的瞬时声压(黑色箭头表示其中一个激波的位置)[98]; (b) (b1)分层介质中OAM声束弯曲的模拟, (b2)深度与声速的关系, (b3)在不同的传播距离x下, 相位在y-z截面上的拉伸和变形, (b4)在分层海洋中(左)的相位(彩色图)和能量通量(黑色箭头和白色流线)(顶部)以及与在非分层海洋中(右)的传播的比较[99]
Figure 5. (a) Instantaneous sound pressure of a nonlinear OAM beam carrying topological charge m = 1 (left) and m = 3 (right) at different moments[98]. The black arrows indicate the position of one of the three shocks. (b) (b1) Simulation of OAM sound beams bending in a stratified medium, (b2) the sound speed profile, (b3) stretching and distorting of the phase on y-z cross sections at different propagating distances x, (b4) vortex phases (color plots) and energy flux (black arrows and white streamlines) in the stratified ocean (left) and a comparison with propagation in an unstratified ocean (right)[99].
图 6 (a) (a1)实验原理示意图, (a2)单词“Berkly”对应的ASCII编码方式, (a3)实验测量得到的单词“Berkly”对应的调制信号包含的八种拓扑荷的声压幅度与相位[83]; (b) (b1)基于OAM声束的调制-解调原理示意图, (b2)不同复合信号在解码端两个区域中的分布情况, (b3)用超表面解码前后的信号幅度(左侧)及相位(右侧)分布图[84,102]
Figure 6. (a) (a1) Schematic diagram of the experiment, (a2) the ASCII code corresponding to the word “Berkly”, (a3) the amplitude and phase of the eight topological charges contained in the modulation signal corresponding to the word “Berkly” as measured by the experiment[83]; (b) (b1) schematic diagram of the modulation-demodulation principle based on the OAM sound beams, (b2) distribution of different composite signals in two regions of the decoding terminal, (b3) distribution diagram of signal amplitude (left) and phase (right) before and after the decoding with the hypersurface[84,102].
图 7 (a) 水声通信系统多路复用8 OAM模式的概念示意图; (b) (b1) 通信系统传输的256 × 256像素的灰度图像lena (lena.jpg); (b2) 在20 dB信噪比下, 仅考虑加性高斯白噪声得到的接收图像[103]
Figure 7. (a) Notion of underwater acoustic communication system multiplexing 8 OAM topological charges; (b) (b1) the gray scale image with 256 × 256 pixels of lena (lena.jpg) to be transmitted through the communication system, (b2) the receiving image obtained at 20 dB SNR where additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) was only concerned[103].
表 1 不同涡旋声束产生方案性能比较
Table 1. Performance comparison of different schemes of generating acoustic vortex beams.
有源方法 无源方法 螺旋相控源 螺旋型源 相位板 螺旋声栅 超表面 成本 高 高 低 低 低 速度 正常 正常 正常 正常 正常 可靠性 高 高 高 高 高 复杂性 高 高 低 低 低 OAM模式 复合 复合 单一 复合 复合 工作频段 宽 宽 窄 宽 窄 表 2 不同涡旋声束解调方案性能比较
Table 2. Performances comparison of different demodulation schemes of acoustic vortex beams.
内积算法 降低OAM模式的阶数 机器学习 螺旋波导 抛物线型解码超表面 圆孔阵列/环形孔径 成本 高 低 低 低 低 低 速度 正常 正常 正常 正常 正常 正常 可靠性 高 高 高 高 高 高 复杂型 复杂 复杂 简单 简单 简单 简单 OAM模式 复合 复合 复合 仅能分辨符号 复合 单一 工作频段 宽 窄 宽 窄 窄 宽 -
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