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Effects of suface hydroxylated strontium titanate nanofibers on dielectric and energy storage properties of polyvinylidene fluoride composites

Wang Jiao Liu Shao-Hui Zhou Meng Hao Hao-Shan Zhai Ji-Wei


Effects of suface hydroxylated strontium titanate nanofibers on dielectric and energy storage properties of polyvinylidene fluoride composites

Wang Jiao, Liu Shao-Hui, Zhou Meng, Hao Hao-Shan, Zhai Ji-Wei
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • With the rapid development of the electronics industry, the dielectric materials with high energy storage density, fast charge and discharge speed, easy-to-process and easy-to-mold, and stable performance are urgently needed to meet the requirements for lightweight and miniaturization of electronic component equipment. Dielectric ceramics has a high dielectric constant, but low breakdown field strength. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) has the advantages of good flexibility, high breakdown field strength, and light weight, but its dielectric constant is low. Achieving the ability to tailor the interface between dielectric ceramics filler and PVDF polymer matrix is a key issue for realizing the desirable dielectric properties and high energy density in the nanocomposites. As a result, much effort has been made to prepare the polymer composites through the surface modification of the nanoparticles with high dielectric constant fillers dispersed in a matrix, with the hope of preparing composites containing the high dielectric constant of the ceramic fillers and the high breakdown strength of polymers. In this work, in order to obtain the high dielectric-constant and high-energy-storage-density dielectric ceramics, the electrospinning method is used to prepare the SrTiO3 one-dimensional nanofibers as the inorganic fillers and the casting method is adopted to prepare PVDF as the polymer matrix. To improve the interface between inorganic nanofiber fillers and PVDF matrix, the SrTiO3 nanofibers are modified by surface hydroxylation. The effects of suface hydroxylated SrTiO3 nanofibers on the dielectric properties and energy storage properties of PVDF composites are studied. The correlation between interface modification and energy storage performance of composites is investigated to reveal the mechanism of enhanced energy storage performance of SrTiO3 nanofibers/PVDF composites. The results show that the dispersion of surface-hydroxylating SrTiO3 nanofibers in PVDF polymer can be improved. The composites exhibit improved dielectric properties and enhanced breakdown strength. When the filling quantity of the surface-hydroxylating SrTiO3 nanofiber fillers is 2.5 vol%, the energy storage density of the composite reaches 7.96 J/cm3. Suface-hydroxylating SrTiO3 nanofibers exhibit excellent dispersion in the PVDF polymer matrix and strong interfacial adhesion with the matrix, leading the composites to possess excellent dielectric constant and energy storage performance. The surface hydroxylation of ceramic fillers can improve the energy storage performance of the composites.
      Corresponding author: Wang Jiao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51902088), the Programs for Tackling Key Problems in Science and Technology of Henan Province, China (Grant Nos. 202102210002, 202102210041), and the Henan Province College Students′ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, China (Grant No. S201911517008)

    Wang Y, Wang L, Yuan Q, Niu Y, Chen J, Wang Q, Wang H 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 10849Google Scholar


    Luo H, Roscow J, Zhou X, Chen S, Han X, Zhou K, Zhang D, Bowen C R 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 7091Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Shen Y, Xu B, Zhang Q H, Gu L, Jiang J Y, Ma J, Lin Y H, Nan C W 2016 Adv. Mater. 28 2055Google Scholar


    Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Huang X, Chen J, Li Q, He J, Jiang P 2019 Adv. Energy Mater. 9 1901826Google Scholar


    Luo H, Ma C, Zhou X, Chen S, Zhang D 2017 Macromolecules 50 5132Google Scholar


    Shen Z H, Wang J J, Jiang J Y, Lin Y H, Nan C W, Chen L Q, Shen Y 2018 Adv. Energy Mater. 8 1800509Google Scholar


    Zhang D, Zhou X, Roscow J, Zhou K, Wang L, Luo H, Bowen C R 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 45179Google Scholar


    Dang Z M, Yuan J K, Zha J W, Zhou T, Li S T, Hu G H 2012 Prog. Mate.r Sci. 57 660Google Scholar


    Zhou Y, Li Q, Dang B, Yang Y, Shao T, Li H, Hu J, Zeng R, He J, Wang Q 2018 Adv. Mater. 30 1805672Google Scholar


    Yao Z, Song Z, Hao H, Yu Z, Cao M, Zhang S, Lanagan M T, Liu H 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1601727Google Scholar


    赵学童, 廖瑞金, 李建英, 王飞鹏 2015 64 127701Google Scholar

    Zhao X T, Liao R J, Li J Y, Wang F P 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 127701Google Scholar


    冯奇, 李梦凯, 唐海通, 王晓东, 高忠民, 孟繁玲 2016 65 188101Google Scholar

    Feng Q, Li M K, Tang H T, Wang X D, Gao Z M, Meng F L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 188101Google Scholar


    Song Y, Shen Y, Liu H Y, Lin Y H, Li M, Nan C W 2012 J. Mate.r Chem. 22 8063Google Scholar


    Song Y, Shen Y, Hu P H, Lin Y H, Li M, Nan C W 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 152904Google Scholar


    Xie L Y, Huang X Y, Wu C, Jiang P K 2011 J. Mater. Chem. 21 5897Google Scholar


    Xie L Y, Huang X Y, Yang K, Li S T, Jiang P K 2014 J. Mater. Chem. A 2 5244Google Scholar


    Thakur V K, Lin M F, Tan E J, Lee P S 2012 J. Mater. Chem. 22 5951Google Scholar


    Thakur V K, Tan E J, Lin M F, Lee P S 2011 Polym. Chem. 2 2000Google Scholar


    Thakur V K, Yan J, Lin M F, Zhi C Y, Golberg D, Bando Y, Sim R, Lee P S 2012 Polym. Chem. 3 962Google Scholar


    Wang X, Dai Y Y, Wang W M, Ren M M, Li B Y, Fan C, Liu X Y 2014 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6 16182Google Scholar


    Almadhoun M N, Bhansali U S, Alshareef H N 2012 J. Mater. Chem. 22 11196Google Scholar


    Yuan X P, Matsuyama Y, Chung T C M 2010 Macromolecules 43 4011Google Scholar


    Zhang Q P, Xia W M, Zhu Z G, Zhang Z C 2013 J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 127 3002Google Scholar


    Zhang Z C, Chung T C M 2007 Macromolecules 40 9391Google Scholar


    Yu K, Wang H, Zhou Y C, Bai Y Y, Niu Y J 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 113 034105Google Scholar


    Wang Z P, Nelson J K, Miao J J, Linhardt R J, Schadler L S, Hillborg H, Zhao S 2012 IEEE Trans. Dielect. El. In. 19 960Google Scholar


    Kim P, Doss N M, Tillotson J P, Hotchkiss P J, Pan M J, Marder S R, Li J Y, Calame J P, Perry J W 2009 ACS Nano 3 2581Google Scholar


    王璐, 孔文杰, 罗行, 周学凡, 周科朝, 张斗 2018 无机材料学报 33 1060

    Wang L, Kong W J, Luo H, Zhou X F, Zhou K C, Zhang D 2018 Journal of Inorganic Materials 33 1060


    Xia W M, Xu Z, Wen F, Zhang Z C 2012 Ceram. Int. 38 1071Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a)静电纺丝法制备的ST NF的SEM图; (b)表面羟基化改性前后ST NF的XRD图

    Figure 1.  (a) SEM image of ST NF; (b) XRD patterns of ST NF and ST NF—OH.

    图 2  ST NF和ST NF—OH的FTIR图

    Figure 2.  FTIR of ST NF and ST NF—OH.

    图 3  (a) ST NF的XPS全谱扫描图; (b) ST NF—OH的XPS全谱扫描图; 插图为O 1 s元素的精细扫描谱线

    Figure 3.  (a) XPS spectra of ST NF; (b) XPS spectra of ST NF—OH. High-resolution XPS spectra of O 1 s are shown in the inset.

    图 4  (a) 羟基化处理前ST NF的SEM图; (b) 羟基化处理后ST NF的SEM图

    Figure 4.  (a) SEM image of ST NF before hydroxylation; (b) SEM image of ST NF—OH.

    图 5  5% (体积分数)填充量ST NF—OH/PVDF复合材料的(a)表面形貌和(b)截面形貌

    Figure 5.  (a) Surface SEM and (b) cross-section SEM of 5% (volume fraction) ST NF—OH/PVDF composites

    图 6  羟基化改性后ST NF与PVDF形成氢键的示意图

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagrams of formation a bridge between the F atoms on the PVDF and the —OH groups of the hydroxylation of ST NF.

    图 7  室温条件下不同填充量(体积分数) ST NF—OH/PVDF复合材料的(a)介电常数和(b)介电损耗随频率的变化

    Figure 7.  Frequency dependence of the dielectric constant (a) and loss tangent (b) of ST NF—OH/PVDF composites with various concentrations (volume fraction) of filler.

    图 8  不同填充量ST NF—OH/PVDF复合材料的介电常数测量值和数值模拟

    Figure 8.  Dielectric constant measurement and numerical simulation of ST NF—OH/PVDF composites with different loading.

    图 9  (a) 不同填充量ST NF—OH/PVDF复合材料的Weibull分布曲线; (b)不同填料浓度下ST NF—OH/PVDF复合材料的室温耐击穿强度

    Figure 9.  (a) Weibull plots and (b) breakdown strength for ST NF—OH/PVDF composites with various concentrations of fillers.

    图 10  (a)室温条件下不同ST NF—OH填料复合材料的P-E曲线; (b)不同ST NF—OH填料的复合材料的储能密度、放电效率随电场的变化

    Figure 10.  (a) P-E curves and (b) the efficiency and energy storage density of ST NF—OH/PVDF composites with various concentration (volume fration) fillers.

    表 1  羟基化处理前后样品的晶体结构

    Table 1.  Crystal structure of the samples before and after hydroxylation.

    ST NF35-0734立方相Pm-3ma = b = c = 0.3911
    ST NF—OH35-0734立方相Pm-3ma = b = c = 0.3915
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    表 2  前期文献报道的PVDF基复合材料的储能密度与本文实验结果比较

    Table 2.  Comparison of the energy storage density of PVDF-based composite materials reported in previous literatures and the experimental results in this paper.

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    Wang Y, Wang L, Yuan Q, Niu Y, Chen J, Wang Q, Wang H 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 10849Google Scholar


    Luo H, Roscow J, Zhou X, Chen S, Han X, Zhou K, Zhang D, Bowen C R 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 7091Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Shen Y, Xu B, Zhang Q H, Gu L, Jiang J Y, Ma J, Lin Y H, Nan C W 2016 Adv. Mater. 28 2055Google Scholar


    Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Huang X, Chen J, Li Q, He J, Jiang P 2019 Adv. Energy Mater. 9 1901826Google Scholar


    Luo H, Ma C, Zhou X, Chen S, Zhang D 2017 Macromolecules 50 5132Google Scholar


    Shen Z H, Wang J J, Jiang J Y, Lin Y H, Nan C W, Chen L Q, Shen Y 2018 Adv. Energy Mater. 8 1800509Google Scholar


    Zhang D, Zhou X, Roscow J, Zhou K, Wang L, Luo H, Bowen C R 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 45179Google Scholar


    Dang Z M, Yuan J K, Zha J W, Zhou T, Li S T, Hu G H 2012 Prog. Mate.r Sci. 57 660Google Scholar


    Zhou Y, Li Q, Dang B, Yang Y, Shao T, Li H, Hu J, Zeng R, He J, Wang Q 2018 Adv. Mater. 30 1805672Google Scholar


    Yao Z, Song Z, Hao H, Yu Z, Cao M, Zhang S, Lanagan M T, Liu H 2017 Adv. Mater. 29 1601727Google Scholar


    赵学童, 廖瑞金, 李建英, 王飞鹏 2015 64 127701Google Scholar

    Zhao X T, Liao R J, Li J Y, Wang F P 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 127701Google Scholar


    冯奇, 李梦凯, 唐海通, 王晓东, 高忠民, 孟繁玲 2016 65 188101Google Scholar

    Feng Q, Li M K, Tang H T, Wang X D, Gao Z M, Meng F L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 188101Google Scholar


    Song Y, Shen Y, Liu H Y, Lin Y H, Li M, Nan C W 2012 J. Mate.r Chem. 22 8063Google Scholar


    Song Y, Shen Y, Hu P H, Lin Y H, Li M, Nan C W 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 152904Google Scholar


    Xie L Y, Huang X Y, Wu C, Jiang P K 2011 J. Mater. Chem. 21 5897Google Scholar


    Xie L Y, Huang X Y, Yang K, Li S T, Jiang P K 2014 J. Mater. Chem. A 2 5244Google Scholar


    Thakur V K, Lin M F, Tan E J, Lee P S 2012 J. Mater. Chem. 22 5951Google Scholar


    Thakur V K, Tan E J, Lin M F, Lee P S 2011 Polym. Chem. 2 2000Google Scholar


    Thakur V K, Yan J, Lin M F, Zhi C Y, Golberg D, Bando Y, Sim R, Lee P S 2012 Polym. Chem. 3 962Google Scholar


    Wang X, Dai Y Y, Wang W M, Ren M M, Li B Y, Fan C, Liu X Y 2014 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6 16182Google Scholar


    Almadhoun M N, Bhansali U S, Alshareef H N 2012 J. Mater. Chem. 22 11196Google Scholar


    Yuan X P, Matsuyama Y, Chung T C M 2010 Macromolecules 43 4011Google Scholar


    Zhang Q P, Xia W M, Zhu Z G, Zhang Z C 2013 J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 127 3002Google Scholar


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    Yu K, Wang H, Zhou Y C, Bai Y Y, Niu Y J 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 113 034105Google Scholar


    Wang Z P, Nelson J K, Miao J J, Linhardt R J, Schadler L S, Hillborg H, Zhao S 2012 IEEE Trans. Dielect. El. In. 19 960Google Scholar


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    王璐, 孔文杰, 罗行, 周学凡, 周科朝, 张斗 2018 无机材料学报 33 1060

    Wang L, Kong W J, Luo H, Zhou X F, Zhou K C, Zhang D 2018 Journal of Inorganic Materials 33 1060


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  • Received Date:  22 April 2020
  • Accepted Date:  06 July 2020
  • Available Online:  21 October 2020
  • Published Online:  05 November 2020

