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Butt-joint design in a uni-traveling carrier photodiode array monolithic with an arrayed waveguide grating by the selective area growth technique

Ye Han Han Qin Lü Qian-Qian Pan Pan An Jun-Ming Wang Yu-Bing Liu Rong-Rui Hou Li-Li


Butt-joint design in a uni-traveling carrier photodiode array monolithic with an arrayed waveguide grating by the selective area growth technique

Ye Han, Han Qin, Lü Qian-Qian, Pan Pan, An Jun-Ming, Wang Yu-Bing, Liu Rong-Rui, Hou Li-Li
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  • Monolithic integration of an InP-based O-band 4-channel arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) to a uni-traveling carrier photodiode (UTC-PD) array is realized by the selective area growth (SAG) technique. The passive-active buttjoint design is introduced and experimentally proved to ensure both good compatibility between the PD fabrication process and the SAG technique, and high photodiode quantum efficiency under the complex butt-joint geometry. An extended coupling layer is adopted between the AWG output waveguides and the PD mesa. The extended coupling layer length, the regrowth boundary edge position and the AWG etching edge position relative to the heterogeneous butt-joint boundary, and the refractive indices of the PD collector and coupling layer are optically simulated and optimized by a finite-difference time-domain method. It is found that the extended coupling layer, compared with the un-extended situation, ensures a good matched optical field from AWG to PD and could reduce nearly 30% quantum efficiency loss when connecting seamlessly to the regrown InP AWG top cladding layer. A stable high efficiency around 80% is maintained within an extended layer length from 7.5 m to 15.0 m. The regrowth boundary edge into the coupling region will cause a drastic efficiency oscillation up to 20% period with the increase of distance. The efficiency drop is also attributed to the light scattering at the regrowth boundary edge, caused by the optical field mismatch, while the oscillation comes from the alternative light power concentration between the coupling layer and the core layer, for the light scattering is only obvious when the light power is well concentrated in the coupling layer. The AWG etching edge position deviation from the butt-joint boundary, however, exerts little influence on the PD quantum efficiency, which is believed not to bring obvious coupling loss during device fabrication. The higher UTC-PD collector refractive index is proved to be crucial for further better optical coupling from the coupling layer to the PD, with quantum efficiency rapidly increasing from around 0.1 to 0.8 when the index is increased from 3.20 to 3.42. By comparison, the efficiency is little affected by the coupling layer refractive index from 3.34 to 3.42.All things considered, we select a 10 m extended coupling layer, the refractive indices of both PD collector and the coupling layer to be 3.42, and align both the regrowth boundary edge and the AWG etching edge to the heterogeneous butt-joint boundary, and a PD quantum efficiency of 80% is expected. Owing to the extended coupling layer at the butt-joint, the SAG technique facilitates the PD fabrication process. The overgrown AWG top cladding layer ridge stretches out 4.67 m toward the PD, but not over the mesa yet, hence has little influence on the PD fabrication accuracy. The monolithic chip presents a uniform photodiode quantum efficiency of 76%, which accords well with theoretical value and confirms the butt-joint design. Central wavelengths for the four channels are 1347.0 nm, 1325.0 nm, 1308.0 nm, and 1286.5 nm, respectively. The low crosstalk level (below -22 dB) also indicates a good de-multiplexer performance.
      Corresponding author: Han Qin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.2015AA016902),the National Key Research and Development Plan of China (Grant No.2016YFB0402404),and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.61635010,61674136,61435002).

    Kish F A, Welch D, Nagarajan R, Pleumeekers J L, Lal V, Ziari M, Nilsson A, Kato M, Murthy S, Evans P, Corzine S W, Mitchell M, Samra P, Missey M, DeMars S, Schneider R P, Reffle M S, Butrie T, Rahn J T, Leeuwen M V, Stewart J W, Lambert D J H, Muthiah R C, Tsai H S, Bostak J S, Dentai A, Wu K T, Sun H, Pavinski D J, Zhang J M, Tang J, McNicol J, Kuntz M, Dominic V, Taylor B D, Salvatore R A, Fisher M, Spannagel A, Strzelecka E, Studenkov P, Raburn M, Williams W, Christini D, Thomson K J, Agashe S S, Malendevich R, Goldfarb G, Melle S, Joyner C, Kaufman M, Grubb S G 2011 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 17 1470


    Nagarajan R, Joyner C H, Schneider R P J, Bostak J S, Butrie T, Dentai A G, Dominic V G, Evans P W, Kato M, Kauffman M, Lambert D J H, Mathis S K, Mathur A, Miles R H, Mitchell M L, Missey M J, Murthy S, Nilsson A C, Peters F H, Pennypacker S C, Pleumeekers J L, Salvatore R A, Schlenker R K, Taylor R B, Tsai H S, Leeuwen M F V, Webjorn J, Ziari M, Perkins D, Singh J, Grubb S G, Reffle M S, Mehuys D G, Kish F A, Welch D F 2005 IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. 11 50


    Tolstikhin V 2013 Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim Kyoto, Japan, June 30-July 4,2013 TuN1-3


    Wang Y, Pan J Q, Zhao L J, Zhu H L, Wang W 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 124215


    Bernasconi P, Bhardwaj A, Doerr C R, Zhang L, Sauer N, Buhl L, Yang W, Neilson D T 2007 Proceedings of the 15th Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, July 8, 2007 IMA4


    Yoshikuni Y 2002 IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. 8 1102


    Barbarin Y, Leijtens X J M, Bente E A J M, Louzao C M, Kooiman J R, Smit M K 2004 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16 2478


    Pan P, An J M, Wang Y, Zhang J S, Wang L L, Qi Y, Han Q, Hu X W 2015 Opt. Laser Technol. 75 177


    Ishibashi T, Kodama S, Shimizu N, Furuta T 1997 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 36 6263


    Li Z, Pan H P, Chen H, Beling A, Campbell J C 2010 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 46 626


    Zhang R, Hraimel B, Li X, Zhang P, Zhang X P 2013 Opt. Express 21 6943


    Li J, Xiong B, Luo Y, Sun C Z, Wang J, Hao Z B, Han Y J, Wang L, Li H T 2016 Opt. Express 24 8420


    Kulkova I V, Kadkhodazadeh S, Kuznetsova N, Huck A, Semenova E S, Yvind K 2014 J. Cryst. Growth 402 243


    Zhang X L, Lu D, Zhang R K, Wang W, Ji C 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 064202


    Smit M, Leijtens X, Ambrosius H, Bente E, Tol J V D, Smalbrugge B, Vries T D, Geluk E J, Bolk J, Veldhoven R V, Augustin L, Thijs P, D'Agostino D, Rabbani H, Lawniczuk K, Stopinski S, Tahvili S, Corradi A, Kleijn E, Dzibrou D, Felicetti M, Bitincka E, Moskalenko V, Zhao J, Santos R, Gilardi G, Yao W M, Williams K, Stabile P, Kuindersma P, Pello J, Bhat S, Jiao Y Q, Heiss D, Roelkens G, Wale M, Firth P, Soares F, Grote N, Schell M, Debregeas H, Achouche M, Gentner J L, Bakker A, Korthorst T, Gallagher D, Dabbs A, Melloni A, Morichetti F, Melati D, Wonfor A, Penty R, Broeke R, Musk B, Robbins D 2014 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 29 083001


    Li M, Chen X F, Su Y K, Wang X J, Chen M H, Dai D X, Liu J G, Zhu N H 2016 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 52 0601017


    Guo J C, Zuo Y H, Zhang Y, Zhang L Z, Cheng B W, Wang Q M 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4524 (in Chinese) [郭剑川, 左玉华, 张云, 张岭梓, 成步文, 王启明 2010 59 4524]


    Zang G, Huang Y Q, Luo Y, Duan X F, Ren X M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 208502 (in Chinese) [臧鸽, 黄永清, 骆扬, 段晓峰, 任晓敏 2014 63 208502]


    Beling A, Campbell J C 2009 J. Lightw. Technol. 27 343


    Shi J W, Wu Y S, Wu C Y, Chiu P H 2005 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17 1929


    Pearsall T P 1982 GaInAsP Alloy Semiconductors (New York: VaJ-BalJou Press) pp362-363


    Huang D X 2013 Semiconductor Optoelectronics (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p251 (in Chinese) [黄德修 2013 半导体光电子学 (第2版) (北京:电子工业出版社) 第251页]

  • [1]

    Kish F A, Welch D, Nagarajan R, Pleumeekers J L, Lal V, Ziari M, Nilsson A, Kato M, Murthy S, Evans P, Corzine S W, Mitchell M, Samra P, Missey M, DeMars S, Schneider R P, Reffle M S, Butrie T, Rahn J T, Leeuwen M V, Stewart J W, Lambert D J H, Muthiah R C, Tsai H S, Bostak J S, Dentai A, Wu K T, Sun H, Pavinski D J, Zhang J M, Tang J, McNicol J, Kuntz M, Dominic V, Taylor B D, Salvatore R A, Fisher M, Spannagel A, Strzelecka E, Studenkov P, Raburn M, Williams W, Christini D, Thomson K J, Agashe S S, Malendevich R, Goldfarb G, Melle S, Joyner C, Kaufman M, Grubb S G 2011 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 17 1470


    Nagarajan R, Joyner C H, Schneider R P J, Bostak J S, Butrie T, Dentai A G, Dominic V G, Evans P W, Kato M, Kauffman M, Lambert D J H, Mathis S K, Mathur A, Miles R H, Mitchell M L, Missey M J, Murthy S, Nilsson A C, Peters F H, Pennypacker S C, Pleumeekers J L, Salvatore R A, Schlenker R K, Taylor R B, Tsai H S, Leeuwen M F V, Webjorn J, Ziari M, Perkins D, Singh J, Grubb S G, Reffle M S, Mehuys D G, Kish F A, Welch D F 2005 IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. 11 50


    Tolstikhin V 2013 Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim Kyoto, Japan, June 30-July 4,2013 TuN1-3


    Wang Y, Pan J Q, Zhao L J, Zhu H L, Wang W 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 124215


    Bernasconi P, Bhardwaj A, Doerr C R, Zhang L, Sauer N, Buhl L, Yang W, Neilson D T 2007 Proceedings of the 15th Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, July 8, 2007 IMA4


    Yoshikuni Y 2002 IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. 8 1102


    Barbarin Y, Leijtens X J M, Bente E A J M, Louzao C M, Kooiman J R, Smit M K 2004 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16 2478


    Pan P, An J M, Wang Y, Zhang J S, Wang L L, Qi Y, Han Q, Hu X W 2015 Opt. Laser Technol. 75 177


    Ishibashi T, Kodama S, Shimizu N, Furuta T 1997 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 36 6263


    Li Z, Pan H P, Chen H, Beling A, Campbell J C 2010 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 46 626


    Zhang R, Hraimel B, Li X, Zhang P, Zhang X P 2013 Opt. Express 21 6943


    Li J, Xiong B, Luo Y, Sun C Z, Wang J, Hao Z B, Han Y J, Wang L, Li H T 2016 Opt. Express 24 8420


    Kulkova I V, Kadkhodazadeh S, Kuznetsova N, Huck A, Semenova E S, Yvind K 2014 J. Cryst. Growth 402 243


    Zhang X L, Lu D, Zhang R K, Wang W, Ji C 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 064202


    Smit M, Leijtens X, Ambrosius H, Bente E, Tol J V D, Smalbrugge B, Vries T D, Geluk E J, Bolk J, Veldhoven R V, Augustin L, Thijs P, D'Agostino D, Rabbani H, Lawniczuk K, Stopinski S, Tahvili S, Corradi A, Kleijn E, Dzibrou D, Felicetti M, Bitincka E, Moskalenko V, Zhao J, Santos R, Gilardi G, Yao W M, Williams K, Stabile P, Kuindersma P, Pello J, Bhat S, Jiao Y Q, Heiss D, Roelkens G, Wale M, Firth P, Soares F, Grote N, Schell M, Debregeas H, Achouche M, Gentner J L, Bakker A, Korthorst T, Gallagher D, Dabbs A, Melloni A, Morichetti F, Melati D, Wonfor A, Penty R, Broeke R, Musk B, Robbins D 2014 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 29 083001


    Li M, Chen X F, Su Y K, Wang X J, Chen M H, Dai D X, Liu J G, Zhu N H 2016 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 52 0601017


    Guo J C, Zuo Y H, Zhang Y, Zhang L Z, Cheng B W, Wang Q M 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4524 (in Chinese) [郭剑川, 左玉华, 张云, 张岭梓, 成步文, 王启明 2010 59 4524]


    Zang G, Huang Y Q, Luo Y, Duan X F, Ren X M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 208502 (in Chinese) [臧鸽, 黄永清, 骆扬, 段晓峰, 任晓敏 2014 63 208502]


    Beling A, Campbell J C 2009 J. Lightw. Technol. 27 343


    Shi J W, Wu Y S, Wu C Y, Chiu P H 2005 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17 1929


    Pearsall T P 1982 GaInAsP Alloy Semiconductors (New York: VaJ-BalJou Press) pp362-363


    Huang D X 2013 Semiconductor Optoelectronics (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p251 (in Chinese) [黄德修 2013 半导体光电子学 (第2版) (北京:电子工业出版社) 第251页]

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  • Received Date:  30 March 2017
  • Accepted Date:  07 May 2017
  • Published Online:  05 August 2017

