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Plasma characteristics of helical streamers induced by pulsed discharges

Zou Dan-Dan Cai Zhi-Chao Wu Peng Li Chun-Hua Zeng Han Zhang Hong-Li Cui Chun-Mei


Plasma characteristics of helical streamers induced by pulsed discharges

Zou Dan-Dan, Cai Zhi-Chao, Wu Peng, Li Chun-Hua, Zeng Han, Zhang Hong-Li, Cui Chun-Mei
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  • The plasma discharge channel in three-dimensional helical shape induced by pulsed direct current (DC) discharge without external stable magnetic field is discovered experimentally. It can be observed by intensified charge-coupled device camera that a luminous plasma structure fast propagates along a helical path in the form of guided streamer (ionization wave). And the propagation of the streamer is stable and repeatable. We take this streamer which propagates along the helical discharge path as the study object, and explain its mechanism by constructing an electromagnetic model. The result shows that the helical shape plasma plumes can exhibit two different chiral characteristics (right-handed and left-handed helical pattern). While the discharge parameters such as pulse frequency, boundary condition, etc. can all affect the propagating characteristics of helical streamers. The electromagnetic radiation driven by pulsed DC power inside the dielectric tube which forms the wave mode is an important source of the poloidal electrical field. The helical steamers form when the poloidal electrical field is close to the axial electrical field. The velocities of the propagation in poloidal and axial direction are estimated respectively, and the hybrid propagation modes involving the interchangeable helical pattern and the straight-line pattern propagating plasmas are explained from the viewpoint of multi-wave interaction.
      Corresponding author: Li Chun-Hua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.51077063,51277087,51477066) and the Doctoral ProductionLearningResearch Special Fund,China (Grant Nos.XC2015JZBZ25,2003416013).

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    Zhang Y C, Yang K, Li H, Zhu X D 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 145201 (in Chinese) [张一川, 杨宽, 李唤, 朱晓东 2016 65 145201]


    Li X C, Li Y R, Zhang P P, Jia P Y, Dong L F 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 35653


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    Shi X M, Zhang G J, Wu X L, Li Y X, Ma Y, Shao X J 2011 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 39 1591


    Lu X P, Naidis G V, Laroussi M, Ostrikov K 2014 Phy. Rep. 540 123


    Teschke M, Kedziersk J, Finantu-Dinu E G, Korzec D, Engemann J 2005 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 33 310


    Li S Z, Huang W T, Wang D Z 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 093501


    Fridman G 2008 Plasma Proc. Polym. 5 503


    Morfill G 2009 New J. Phys. 11 115011


    Huang J, Li H, Chen W, L G H, Wang X Q, Zhang G P, Ostrikov K, Wang P Y, Yang S Z 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 253701


    Lu Y, Wang L Y, Ma K, Li G, Zhang C, Zhao H X, Lai Q H, Li H P, Xing X H 2011 Biochem. Eng. 55 17


    Xu L, Liu P, Zhan R J, Wen X H, Ding L L, Nagatsu M 2006 Thin Solid Films 506-507 400


    Liu L J, Zhang Y, Tian W J, Meng Y, Ouyang J T 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 244108


    Snir Y, Kamien R D 2005 Science 307 1067


    Tans S J, Devoret M H, Dai H J, Thess A, Smalley R E, Geerligs L J, Dekker C 1997 Nature 386 474


    Wang Z K, Yang Z Y, Tao H, Zhao M 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 217802 (in Chinese) [汪肇坤, 杨振宇, 陶欢, 赵茗 2016 65 217802]


    Matthaeus W H, Goldstein M L 1982 Phys. Rev. Lett. 48 1256


    Pan F, Wang X Y, Wang P, Li W X, Tang G N 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 198201 (in Chinese) [潘飞, 王小艳, 汪芃, 黎维新, 唐国宁 2016 65 198201]


    Zeng Y H, Jiang W G, Qin Q H 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 148802 (in Chinese) [曾永辉, 江五贵, Qin Qing-Hua 2016 65 148802]


    Wang H F, Dong L F, Liu F C, Liu S H, Liu W L 2007 J. Heibei Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.) 27 475 (in Chinese) [王红芳, 董丽芳, 刘富成, 刘书华, 刘微粒 2007 河北大学学报 27 475]


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    Strumpel C, Astrov Yu A, Ammelt E, Purwins H G 2000 Phys. Rev. E 61 4899


    Zou D D, Cao X, Lu X P, Ostrikov K 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 103517


    Lieberman M, Booth J, Chabert P, Rax J, Turner M 2002 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 11 283

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  • Received Date:  31 March 2017
  • Accepted Date:  23 May 2017
  • Published Online:  05 August 2017

