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Upconversion flourescence characteristics of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped NaYF4 and LiYF4 microcrystals

Gao Wei Dong Jun Wang Rui-Bo Wang Zhao-Jin Zheng Hai-Rong


Upconversion flourescence characteristics of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped NaYF4 and LiYF4 microcrystals

Gao Wei, Dong Jun, Wang Rui-Bo, Wang Zhao-Jin, Zheng Hai-Rong
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  • Lanthanide-doped upconverting fluoride nano-and micro-materials have aroused much research interest due to their potential applications in phosphors, color displays, optical storages, solid-state lasers, solar cells and biomedical imaging. In order to synthesize Ln3+ doped crystals with favorable optical properties, such as high upconversion (UC) efficiency and controllable emission profile, the two major parameters that affect luminescence processes including host materials and lanthanide activator ions should be selected appropriately in the synthesis process. Majority of scientists deem that lanthanide doped fluoride nano-and micro-materials with low phonon energy are currently the efficient UC host materials. In this work, Yb3+ and Er3+ ions codoped NaYF4 and LiYF4 microcrystals are synthesized by a facile hydrothermal method with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) as a chelator. The NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ and LiYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM), and the photo-luminescence spectra method. The influences of EDTA on the crystal phase, shape and upconversion luminescence are explored in detail. According to the results of XRD and SEM, the pure hexagonal phased NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ rod-like microcrystals each with smooth surface are all around 12 m in the length. While the pure tetragonal phased LiYF4: Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals each with smooth surface are octahedral in shape, and their average size is around 12 m. Under near infrared (NIR) 980 nm excitation, the two dominant emission peaks of Er3+ ions at 544 nm and at 650 nm are observed in NaYF4 and LiYF4 microcrystals, which can be assigned to the transitions of (2H11/2/4S3/2)4I15/2 and 4F9/24I15/2, respectively. It is found that the upconversion luminescence intensity of NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals is about two times that of LiYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals under the same excitation conditions. The ratio of red-to-green emission of Er3+ ions in LiYF4 microcrystals is higher than that of the NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+microcrystals. The changes of the spectra in the different hosts could stem from two sources: one is that the nonradiation relaxation probability relative to phonon energy of matrix, the other is that the radiative transition probability relative to the site symmetry of the crystal field acting on the ion. The ratios between 5D07F1 and 5D07F2 transitions of Eu3+ ions in NaYF4:Yb3+/Eu3+ and LiYF4:Yb3+/Eu3+ microcrystals are employed to compare and elucidate the site symmetry of the crystal field for Ln3+ ions. Note that the ratio of 5D07F1 and 5D07F2 transitions in NaYF4:Yb3+/Eu3+ microcrystals is smaller than that of the LiYF4:Yb3+/Eu3+ microcrystals, which indicates a much higher radiative relaxation rate in NaYF4 microcrystals than in LiYF4 microcrystals. The organic ligands of EDTA on the surface of microparticles affect the properties of luminescence through changing the nonradiative relaxation rate, resulting in the different R/G ratios in NaYF4 and LiYF4 microcrystals. This result can be further supported by the comparison between NaYF4 and LiYF4 microcrystals without EDTA added in the preparation process. The micro-sized luminescence materials usually present stronger upconversion luminescence because of their higher degree of crystallinity and less surface quenching centers. Thus, the Er3+ codoped NaYF4 and LiYF4 microcrystals exhibit strong green upconversion emission, which has potential applications in full-color displays and microelectronic devices.
      Corresponding author: Zheng Hai-Rong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11304247, 11574190) and the Shaanxi Provincial Research Plan for Young Scientific and Technological New Stars, China (Grant No. 2015KJXX-40).

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    Zhuang J L, Wang J, Yang X F, Williams I D, Zhang W, Zhang Q Y, Feng Z M, Yang Z M, Liang C L, Wu M M, Su Q 2009 Chem. Mater. 21 160


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    Zhang F, Che R C, Li X M, Yao C, Yang J P, Shen D K, Hu P, Li W, Zhao D Y 2012 Nano. Lett. 12 2852


    Wang Y, Tu L P, Zhao J W, Sun Y J, Kong X H, Zhang H 2009 J. Phys. Chem. C. 113 7164


    Song J B, Ni Y R, Xu Z Z 2013 J. Mater. Sci. 48 4989


    Gao W, Zheng H R, Han Q Y, He E J, Wang R B 2014 Cryst. Eng. Comm. 16 6697


    Ma D K, Yang D P, Jiang J L, Cai P, Huang S M 2010 Cryst. Eng. Comm. 12 1650


    Wang Q, Qu J B, Song Z G, Zhou D C, Xu X H 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 064211


    Yi J, Qu J B, Wang Y A, Zhou D C 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 0104224


    Liang Z Q, Zhao S L, Cun Y, Tian L J, Zhang J J, Xu Z 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 037801


    Yang J Z, Qiu J B, Yang Z W, Song Z G, Yang Y, Zhou D C 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 138101 (in Chinese) [杨健芝, 邱建备, 杨正文, 宋志国, 杨勇, 周大成 2015 64 138101]


    Dou Q Q, Zhang Y 2011 Langmuir 27 13236


    Zhang X Y, Wang M Q, Ding J J, Deng J P, Ran C X, Yang Z 2014 Dalton Trans. 43 5453


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    Chen G Y, Ohulchanskyy T Y, Kachynski A, gren H, Prasa P N 2011 ACS Nano 5 4981


    Gao W, Zheng H R, Li J, Gao D L, He E J, Tu Y X 2012 Sci. Sin. Phys. Mech. Astron. 42 1003 (in Chinese) [高 伟, 郑海荣, 李娇, 高当丽, 何恩节, 涂银勋2012 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 42 1003]


    Ding M Y, Lu C H, Cao L H, Huang W J, Nia Y R, Xu Z Z 2013 Cryst. Eng. Comm. 15 6015


    Zhuang J L, Liang L F, Sung H H Y, Yang X F, Wu M M, Williams I D, Feng S H, Su Q 2007 Inorg. Chem. 46 5404


    Judd B R 1962 Phys. Rev. 127 750


    Ofelt G S 1962 J. Chem. Phys. 37 511


    Kirby A F, Richardson F S 1983 J. Phys. Chem. 87 2544


    Tsang W S, Yu W M, Mak C L, Tsui1 W L, Wong K H, Hui1et H K 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 91 1871


    Chen X P, Zhang Q Y, Yang C H, Chen D D, Zhao C 2009 Spectrochim. Acta A 74 441


    Lu C H, Huang W J, Ni Y R, Xu Z Z 2011 Mater. Res. Bull. 46 216


    Gao W, Zheng H R, He E J, Lu Y, Gao F Q 2014 J. Lumin. 152 44


    Zhao J W, Sun Y J, Kong X G, Tian L J, Wang Y, Tu L P, Zhao J L, Zhang H 2008 J. Chem. Phys. B 112 15666

  • [1]

    Danielson E, Devenney M, Giaquinta D M, Golden J H, Haushalter R C, McFarland E W, Poojary D M, Reaves C M, Weinberg W H, Wu X D 1998 Science 279 837


    Zhao C, Meng Q Y, Sun W J 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 107803 (in Chinese) [赵聪, 孟庆裕, 孙文军 2015 64 107803]


    Shalav A, Richards B S, Trupke T, Krmer K W, Gdel H U 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 13503


    Dong H, Sun L D, Yan C H 2015 Chem. Soc. Rev. 44 1608


    Zheng W, Huang P, Tu D T, Ma E, Zhu H M, Chen X Y 2015 Chem. Soc. Rev. 44 1379


    Wang L, Yan R, Huo Z Y, Wang L, Zeng J H, Bao J, Wang X, Peng Q, Li Y D 2005 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44 6054


    Lima M E, Lee Y L, Zhang Y, Chu J J H 2012 Biomaterials 33 1912


    Gao D L, Zhang X Y, Gao W 2012 J. Appl. Phys. 111 033505


    Gao D L, Zheng H R, Tian Y, Lei Y, Cui M, He E J, Zhang X S 2010 Sci. Sin. Phys, Mech. Astron. 40 287 (in Chinese) [高当丽, 郑海荣, 田宇, 雷瑜, 崔敏, 何恩节, 张喜生 2010 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 40 287]


    Fu J, Fu X, Wang C M, Yang X F, Zhuang J L, Zhang G G, Lai B Y, Wu M M, Wang J 2013 Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 8 1269


    Mai H X, Zhang Y W, Sun L D, Yan C H 2007 J. Phys. Chem. C 111 13721


    Sun L D, Dong H, Zhang P Z, Yan C H 2015 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 66 619


    Zhang F, Wan Y, Yu T, Zhang F Q, Shi Y F, Xie S H, Li Y G, Xu L, Tu B, Zhao D Y 2007 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 46 7976


    Ma D K, Yang D P, Cai P, Huang S M 2010 Cryst. Eng. Comm. 12 1650


    Zhuang J L, Wang J, Yang X F, Williams I D, Zhang W, Zhang Q Y, Feng Z M, Yang Z M, Liang C L, Wu M M, Su Q 2009 Chem. Mater. 21 160


    Sun Y J, Chen Y, Tian L J, Yu Y, Kong X G1, Zhao J W, Zhang H 2007 Nanotechnology 18 275609


    Zhang F, Che R C, Li X M, Yao C, Yang J P, Shen D K, Hu P, Li W, Zhao D Y 2012 Nano. Lett. 12 2852


    Wang Y, Tu L P, Zhao J W, Sun Y J, Kong X H, Zhang H 2009 J. Phys. Chem. C. 113 7164


    Song J B, Ni Y R, Xu Z Z 2013 J. Mater. Sci. 48 4989


    Gao W, Zheng H R, Han Q Y, He E J, Wang R B 2014 Cryst. Eng. Comm. 16 6697


    Ma D K, Yang D P, Jiang J L, Cai P, Huang S M 2010 Cryst. Eng. Comm. 12 1650


    Wang Q, Qu J B, Song Z G, Zhou D C, Xu X H 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 064211


    Yi J, Qu J B, Wang Y A, Zhou D C 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 0104224


    Liang Z Q, Zhao S L, Cun Y, Tian L J, Zhang J J, Xu Z 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 037801


    Yang J Z, Qiu J B, Yang Z W, Song Z G, Yang Y, Zhou D C 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 138101 (in Chinese) [杨健芝, 邱建备, 杨正文, 宋志国, 杨勇, 周大成 2015 64 138101]


    Dou Q Q, Zhang Y 2011 Langmuir 27 13236


    Zhang X Y, Wang M Q, Ding J J, Deng J P, Ran C X, Yang Z 2014 Dalton Trans. 43 5453


    Mahalingam V, Naccache R, Vetrone F, Capobianco J A 2009 Chem.-Eur. J. 15 9660


    Mahalingam V, Vetrone F, Naccache R, Speghini A, Capobianco J 2009 Adv. Mater. 21 4025


    Chen G Y, Ohulchanskyy T Y, Kachynski A, gren H, Prasa P N 2011 ACS Nano 5 4981


    Gao W, Zheng H R, Li J, Gao D L, He E J, Tu Y X 2012 Sci. Sin. Phys. Mech. Astron. 42 1003 (in Chinese) [高 伟, 郑海荣, 李娇, 高当丽, 何恩节, 涂银勋2012 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 42 1003]


    Ding M Y, Lu C H, Cao L H, Huang W J, Nia Y R, Xu Z Z 2013 Cryst. Eng. Comm. 15 6015


    Zhuang J L, Liang L F, Sung H H Y, Yang X F, Wu M M, Williams I D, Feng S H, Su Q 2007 Inorg. Chem. 46 5404


    Judd B R 1962 Phys. Rev. 127 750


    Ofelt G S 1962 J. Chem. Phys. 37 511


    Kirby A F, Richardson F S 1983 J. Phys. Chem. 87 2544


    Tsang W S, Yu W M, Mak C L, Tsui1 W L, Wong K H, Hui1et H K 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 91 1871


    Chen X P, Zhang Q Y, Yang C H, Chen D D, Zhao C 2009 Spectrochim. Acta A 74 441


    Lu C H, Huang W J, Ni Y R, Xu Z Z 2011 Mater. Res. Bull. 46 216


    Gao W, Zheng H R, He E J, Lu Y, Gao F Q 2014 J. Lumin. 152 44


    Zhao J W, Sun Y J, Kong X G, Tian L J, Wang Y, Tu L P, Zhao J L, Zhang H 2008 J. Chem. Phys. B 112 15666

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  • Received Date:  13 November 2015
  • Accepted Date:  10 January 2016
  • Published Online:  05 April 2016

