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高伟 骆一帆 邢宇 丁鹏 陈斌辉 韩庆艳 严学文 张成云 董军



高伟, 骆一帆, 邢宇, 丁鹏, 陈斌辉, 韩庆艳, 严学文, 张成云, 董军

Red upconversion emission of Er3+ enhanced by building NaErF4@ NaYbF4:2%Er3+ core-shell structure

Gao Wei, Luo Yi-Fan, Xing Yu, Ding Peng, Chen Bin-Hui, Han Qing-Yan, Yan Xue-Wen, Zhang Cheng-Yun, Dong Jun
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 构建核壳结构已被广泛应用于增强及调控稀土掺杂微/纳材料的发光性能. 本工作旨在通过构建NaErF4@NaYbF4:2%Er3+纳米核壳晶体, 实现了Er3+离子的红光发射增强. 实验结果表明: 当NaErF4纳米晶体包覆NaYbF4:2%Er3+活性壳时, 在980 nm激光激发下, 其Er3+离子的红光发射强度相比NaErF4@NaYbF4核壳晶体增强了1.4倍, 且红绿比由5.4提高至6.5. 同时, 当NaErF4@ NaYbF4:2%Er3+ 核壳晶体再次包覆NaYF4惰性壳及引入微量Tm3+离子时, 其Er3+离子的红光发射强度相比于NaErF4@NaYbF4核壳结构分别增强了23.2和40.3倍, 且红绿比分别提高到7.5和10.2. 基于不同核壳晶体的光谱特性、离子间能量传递过程及其发光动力学, 对不同核壳晶体中Er3+离子的红光增强机理进行了讨论. 结果表明Er3+离子的红光增强主要借助高浓度Yb3+离子的双向能量传递及Tm3+离子的能量俘获效应所致, 同时NaYF4惰性壳的包覆也有效降低纳米晶体表面猝灭效应. 本文所构建的具有高效红光发射的NaErF4@NaYbF4:2%Er3+@NaYF4核壳纳米晶体在多彩防伪、 显示及生物成像等领域中具有巨大的应用潜力.
    Building core-shell structures are widely used to enhance and regulate the luminescence properties of rare-earth-doped micro/nano materials. In this work, a variety of different NaErF4 core-shell and core-shell-shell nanocrystals are successfully constructed based on high temperature co-precipitation method by epitaxial growth technology. The upconversion red emission intensities of Er3+ ions in different core-shell structures are effectively enhanced by regulating their structures and doping ions. The experimental structures show that the constructed core-shell nanocrystals each have a hexagonal phase structure, and core-shell structure of about 40 nm. In the near infrared 980 nm laser excitation, the NaErF4 core-shell nanocrystal shows a strong single-band red emission. And the single-band red emission intensity of Er3+ ions is enhanced through constructing the NaErF4@NaYbF4:2%Er3+ core-shell structure. The experimental results show that red emission intensity of Er3+ ions is about 1.4 times higher than that of the NaErF4@NaYbF4 core-shell structure by constructing the NaErF4@NaYbF4:2%Er3+ core-shell structures under 980 nm excitation, and its red/green emission intensity ratio increases from 5.4 to 6.5. Meanwhile, when NaErF4@NaYbF4:2%Er3+ core-shell structure recoats the NaYF4 inert shell and is added with a small quantity of Tm3+ ions, their red emission intensities of Er3+ ions are 23.2 times and 40.3 times that of NaErF4@NaYbF4 core-shell structures, and their red/green emission intensity ratios reach 7.5 and 10.2, respectively. The red emission enhancement of Er3+ ions is mainly caused by bidirectional energy transfer process of high excitation energy of Yb3+ ions and energy trapping center of Tm3+ ions which effectively change the density of population of luminescent energy levels of Er3+ ions. Furthermore, the coated NaYF4 inert shell also effectively weakens the surface quenching effect of nanocrystals. The mechanisms of red enhancement in different core-shell structures are discussed based on the spectral properties, the process of interion energy transfer, and luminescence kinetics. The constructed NaErF4@NaYbF4:2%Er3+@NaYF4 core-shell structures with high-efficiency red emission in this work have great potential applications in the fields of colorful anti-counterfeiting, display and biological imaging.
      通信作者: 高伟, gaowei@xupt.edu.cn ; 董军, dongjun@xupt.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12274341, 12004304, 12104366)、陕西省重点研发计划(批准号: 2022SF-333)、陕西省自然基金重点项目(批准号: 2022JZ-05)、陕西省自然科学基金青年项目(批准号: 2022JQ-041)、陕西省教育厅服务地方专项计划 (批准号: 22JC-057)和西安邮电大学创新基金(批准号: CXJJY2022033)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Gao Wei, gaowei@xupt.edu.cn ; Dong Jun, dongjun@xupt.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12274341, 12004304, 12104366 ), the Key R & D Plan Program of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2022SF-333), the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2022JZ-05), the Natural Science Foundation Youth Program of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2022JQ-041), the Education Department Service Local Special Program of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 22JC057), and the Innovation Fund Project of Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China (Grant No. CXJJY2022033).

    Alkahtani M, Alsofyani N, Alfahd A, Almuqhim A A, Almuqhim F A, Alshehri A A, Qasem H, Hemmer P R 2021 Nanomaterials 11 284Google Scholar


    Sun T Y, Li Y H, Ho W L, Zhu Q, Chen X, Jin L M, Zhu H M, Huang B L, Lin J, Little B E, Chu S T, Wang F 2019 Nat. Commun. 10 1811Google Scholar


    Wang F, Deng R R, Wang J, Wang Q X, Han Y, Zhu H M, Chen X Y, Liu X G 2011 Nat. Mater. 10 968Google Scholar


    Wang Y B, Lei L, Ye R G, Jia G H, Hua Y J, Deng D G, Xu S Q 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 23951Google Scholar


    Bao H Q, Wang W, Li X, Liu X M, Zhang L, Yan X, Wang Y H, Wang C G, Jia X T, Sun P, Kong X G, Zhnag H, Lu G Y 2022 Adv. Optical Mater. 10 2101702Google Scholar


    严学文, 王朝晋, 王博扬, 孙泽煜, 张晨雪, 韩庆艳, 祁建霞, 董军, 高伟 2019 68 174204Google Scholar

    Yan X W, Wang C J, Wang B Y, Sun Z Y, Zhang C X, Han Q Y, Qi J X, Dong J, Gao W 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 174204Google Scholar


    Meng Z P, Zhang S F, Wu S L 2020 J. Lumin. 227 117566Google Scholar


    Tang M, Zhu X H, Zhang Y H, Zhang Z P, Zhang Z M, Mei Q S, Zhang J, Wu M H, Liu J L, Zhang Y 2019 ACS Nano 13 10405Google Scholar


    Wang W, Feng Z, Li B, Chang Y L, Li X, Yan X, Chen R Z, Yu X M, Zhao H Y, Lu G Y, Kong X G, Qian J, Liu X M 2021 J. Mater. Chem. B 9 2899Google Scholar


    Xu F, Sun Y, Gao H P, Jin S Y, Zhang Z L, Zhang H F, Pan G C, Kang M, Ma X Q, Mao Y L 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 2674Google Scholar


    Tan M L, Li F, Wang X, Fan R W, Chen G Y 2020 ACS Nano 14 6532Google Scholar


    Zhang H B, Chen Z H, He Y R, Yang S Y, Wei J 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 4 4340


    Lin H, Xu D K, Li A M, Teng D D, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28051Google Scholar


    Lin H, Xu D K, Li A M, Qiu Z R, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2017 New J. Chem. 41 1193Google Scholar


    Seki K, Uematsu K, Toda K, Sato M 2014 Chem. Lett. 43 1213Google Scholar


    Lin H, Xu D K, Li Y J, Yao L, Xu L Q, Ma Y, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2018 Inorg. Chem. 57 15361Google Scholar


    Joshi R, Perala R S, Shelar S B, Ballal A, Singh B P, Ningthoujam S 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 3481Google Scholar


    Cheng Q, Sui J H, Cai W 2012 Nanoscale 4 779Google Scholar


    Lin H, Cheng Z Y, Xu D K, Zhang X G, Ge J, Xu L Q, Ma Y, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2021 J. Mater. Chem. C 9 4385Google Scholar


    Lin H, Xu D K, Cheng Z Y, Li Y G, Xu L Q, Ma Y, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 514 146074Google Scholar


    Ren P, Zheng X L, Zhang J, Camillis S D, Jia J G, Wang H, Liao X Z, Piper J A, Lu Y Q 2022 ACS Photonics 9 758


    Fu X, Fu S, Lu Q, Zhang J, Wan P P, Liu J L, Zhang Y, Chen C, Li W, Wang H D, Mei Q S 2022 Nat. Commun. 13 4741Google Scholar


    Gong G, Song Y, Tan H H, Xie S W, Zhang C F, Xu L J, Xu J X, Zheng J 2019 Compos. Part B 179 107504Google Scholar


    Jia H, Li D G, Zhang D, Dong Y H, Ma S T, Zhou M, Di W H, Qin W P 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 4402Google Scholar


    Shang Y F, Hao S W, Lv W Q, Chen T, Tian L, Lei Z T, Yang C H 2018 J. Mater. Chem. C 6 3869Google Scholar


    Choi J E, Kim D, Jang H S 2019 Chem. Commun. 55 2261Google Scholar


    Huang J S, Yan L, Liu S B, Song N, Zhang Q Y, Zhou B 2021 Adv. Funct. Mater. 31 2009796Google Scholar


    Xie X Y, Li Q Q, Chen H R, Wang W, Wu F X, Tu L P, Zhang Y L, Kong X G, Chang Y L 2022 Nano Lett. 22 5339Google Scholar


    Li D, Wen S H, Kong M Y, Liu Y T, Hu W, Shi B Y, Shi X Y, Jin D Y 2020 Anal. Chem. 92 10913Google Scholar


    Szczeszak A, Jurga N, Lis S 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 26382Google Scholar


    Tong L M, Lu E, Pichaandi J, Zhao G Y, Winnik M A 2016 J. Phys. Chem. C 120 6269Google Scholar


    Chen Q S, Xie X J, Huang B L, Liang L L, Han S Y, Yi Z G, Wang Y, Li Y, Fan D Y, Huang L, Liu X G 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56 7605Google Scholar


    Gao W, Zheng H R, Han Q Y, He E J, Gao F Q, Wang R B 2014 J. Mater. Chem. C 2 5327Google Scholar


    Cui X S, Cheng Y, Lin H, Wu Q P, Xu J, Wang Y S 2019 J. Rare Earths 37 573Google Scholar


    Qiao Y F, Qiao S Q, Yu X, Min Q H, Pi C J, Qiu J B, Ma H Q, Yi J H, Zhan Q Q, Xu X H 2021 Nanoscale 13 8181Google Scholar


    Gao W, Xing Y, Chen B H, Shao L, Zhang J J, Yan X W, Han Q Y, Zhang C Y, Liu L, Dong J 2023 J. Alloys Compd. 936 168371Google Scholar


    Wu Q X, Xu Z, Wageh S, Al-Ghamdi A, Zhao S L 2021 J. Alloys Compd. 891 162067


    Yan L, Huang J S, An Z C, Zhang Q Y, Zhou B 2022 Nano Lett. 22 7042Google Scholar


    Gao W, Zhang C X, Han Q Y, Lu Y R, Yan X W, Wang Y K, Yang Y, Liu J H, Dong J 2022 J. Lumin. 241 118501Google Scholar


    Gao D L, Zhang X Y, Chong B, Xiao G Q, Tian D P 2017 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 4288Google Scholar


    董军, 张晨雪, 程小同, 邢宇, 韩庆艳, 严学文, 祁建霞, 刘继红, 杨祎, 高伟 2021 70 154208Google Scholar

    Dong J, Zhang C X, Cheng X T, Xing Y, Han Q Y, Yan X W, Qi J X, Liu J H, Yang Y, Gao W 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 154208Google Scholar

  • 图 1  NaErF4@NaYbF4及其包覆不同核壳结构的XRD图谱

    Fig. 1.  The XRD patterns of NaErF4@NaYbF4 and different C-S structures.

    图 2  NaErF4@NaYbF4及其包覆不同核壳结构的TEM和粒径分布

    Fig. 2.  The TEM images and size distribution of NaErF4@NaYbF4 and different C-S structures.

    图 3  在980 nm激发下, NaErF4@NaYbF4及其包覆不同核壳结构的(a)上转换发射光谱, (b)红绿比和(c)红、绿发射光积分强度

    Fig. 3.  (a) The UC emission spectra, (b) R/G ratio (c) red and green emission integration intensity of NaErF4@NaYbF4 and their coating with different C-S structures under 980 nm excitation.

    图 4  在980 nm不同激发功率下 (a)NaErF4:0.5%Tm3+@NaYbF4:2%Er3+@NaYF4 C-S晶体的上转换发射光谱; (b)红、绿光发射与泵浦功率依赖关系; (c)红、绿光发射强度对比(插图为其对应的红绿比)

    Fig. 4.  (a) The UC emission spectra , (b) power density dependence of red and green emission, and (c) comparison of red and green emission intensity of NaErF4:0.5%Tm3+@NaYbF4:2%Er3+ @ NaYF4 C-S structure under different excitation powers of 980 nm (The insert is corresponding R/G ratio).

    图 5  在980 nm激光激发下, NaErF4@NaYbF4及其包覆的不同核壳结构所对应的能级图及可能的跃迁机理图

    Fig. 5.  The corresponding energy level diagrams and possible transition mechanism diagrams of NaErF4@ NaYbF4 and their coating with different C-S structures under 980 nm excitation.

    图 6  在980 nm脉冲激光激发下, NaErF4@NaYbF4及其包覆不同核壳结构的寿命衰减曲线图

    Fig. 6.  The decay curves of NaErF4@NaYbF4 and their coating with different C-S structures under the excitation of a 980 nm pulse laser.

  • [1]

    Alkahtani M, Alsofyani N, Alfahd A, Almuqhim A A, Almuqhim F A, Alshehri A A, Qasem H, Hemmer P R 2021 Nanomaterials 11 284Google Scholar


    Sun T Y, Li Y H, Ho W L, Zhu Q, Chen X, Jin L M, Zhu H M, Huang B L, Lin J, Little B E, Chu S T, Wang F 2019 Nat. Commun. 10 1811Google Scholar


    Wang F, Deng R R, Wang J, Wang Q X, Han Y, Zhu H M, Chen X Y, Liu X G 2011 Nat. Mater. 10 968Google Scholar


    Wang Y B, Lei L, Ye R G, Jia G H, Hua Y J, Deng D G, Xu S Q 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 23951Google Scholar


    Bao H Q, Wang W, Li X, Liu X M, Zhang L, Yan X, Wang Y H, Wang C G, Jia X T, Sun P, Kong X G, Zhnag H, Lu G Y 2022 Adv. Optical Mater. 10 2101702Google Scholar


    严学文, 王朝晋, 王博扬, 孙泽煜, 张晨雪, 韩庆艳, 祁建霞, 董军, 高伟 2019 68 174204Google Scholar

    Yan X W, Wang C J, Wang B Y, Sun Z Y, Zhang C X, Han Q Y, Qi J X, Dong J, Gao W 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 174204Google Scholar


    Meng Z P, Zhang S F, Wu S L 2020 J. Lumin. 227 117566Google Scholar


    Tang M, Zhu X H, Zhang Y H, Zhang Z P, Zhang Z M, Mei Q S, Zhang J, Wu M H, Liu J L, Zhang Y 2019 ACS Nano 13 10405Google Scholar


    Wang W, Feng Z, Li B, Chang Y L, Li X, Yan X, Chen R Z, Yu X M, Zhao H Y, Lu G Y, Kong X G, Qian J, Liu X M 2021 J. Mater. Chem. B 9 2899Google Scholar


    Xu F, Sun Y, Gao H P, Jin S Y, Zhang Z L, Zhang H F, Pan G C, Kang M, Ma X Q, Mao Y L 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 2674Google Scholar


    Tan M L, Li F, Wang X, Fan R W, Chen G Y 2020 ACS Nano 14 6532Google Scholar


    Zhang H B, Chen Z H, He Y R, Yang S Y, Wei J 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 4 4340


    Lin H, Xu D K, Li A M, Teng D D, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28051Google Scholar


    Lin H, Xu D K, Li A M, Qiu Z R, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2017 New J. Chem. 41 1193Google Scholar


    Seki K, Uematsu K, Toda K, Sato M 2014 Chem. Lett. 43 1213Google Scholar


    Lin H, Xu D K, Li Y J, Yao L, Xu L Q, Ma Y, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2018 Inorg. Chem. 57 15361Google Scholar


    Joshi R, Perala R S, Shelar S B, Ballal A, Singh B P, Ningthoujam S 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 3481Google Scholar


    Cheng Q, Sui J H, Cai W 2012 Nanoscale 4 779Google Scholar


    Lin H, Cheng Z Y, Xu D K, Zhang X G, Ge J, Xu L Q, Ma Y, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2021 J. Mater. Chem. C 9 4385Google Scholar


    Lin H, Xu D K, Cheng Z Y, Li Y G, Xu L Q, Ma Y, Yang S H, Zhang Y L 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 514 146074Google Scholar


    Ren P, Zheng X L, Zhang J, Camillis S D, Jia J G, Wang H, Liao X Z, Piper J A, Lu Y Q 2022 ACS Photonics 9 758


    Fu X, Fu S, Lu Q, Zhang J, Wan P P, Liu J L, Zhang Y, Chen C, Li W, Wang H D, Mei Q S 2022 Nat. Commun. 13 4741Google Scholar


    Gong G, Song Y, Tan H H, Xie S W, Zhang C F, Xu L J, Xu J X, Zheng J 2019 Compos. Part B 179 107504Google Scholar


    Jia H, Li D G, Zhang D, Dong Y H, Ma S T, Zhou M, Di W H, Qin W P 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 4402Google Scholar


    Shang Y F, Hao S W, Lv W Q, Chen T, Tian L, Lei Z T, Yang C H 2018 J. Mater. Chem. C 6 3869Google Scholar


    Choi J E, Kim D, Jang H S 2019 Chem. Commun. 55 2261Google Scholar


    Huang J S, Yan L, Liu S B, Song N, Zhang Q Y, Zhou B 2021 Adv. Funct. Mater. 31 2009796Google Scholar


    Xie X Y, Li Q Q, Chen H R, Wang W, Wu F X, Tu L P, Zhang Y L, Kong X G, Chang Y L 2022 Nano Lett. 22 5339Google Scholar


    Li D, Wen S H, Kong M Y, Liu Y T, Hu W, Shi B Y, Shi X Y, Jin D Y 2020 Anal. Chem. 92 10913Google Scholar


    Szczeszak A, Jurga N, Lis S 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 26382Google Scholar


    Tong L M, Lu E, Pichaandi J, Zhao G Y, Winnik M A 2016 J. Phys. Chem. C 120 6269Google Scholar


    Chen Q S, Xie X J, Huang B L, Liang L L, Han S Y, Yi Z G, Wang Y, Li Y, Fan D Y, Huang L, Liu X G 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56 7605Google Scholar


    Gao W, Zheng H R, Han Q Y, He E J, Gao F Q, Wang R B 2014 J. Mater. Chem. C 2 5327Google Scholar


    Cui X S, Cheng Y, Lin H, Wu Q P, Xu J, Wang Y S 2019 J. Rare Earths 37 573Google Scholar


    Qiao Y F, Qiao S Q, Yu X, Min Q H, Pi C J, Qiu J B, Ma H Q, Yi J H, Zhan Q Q, Xu X H 2021 Nanoscale 13 8181Google Scholar


    Gao W, Xing Y, Chen B H, Shao L, Zhang J J, Yan X W, Han Q Y, Zhang C Y, Liu L, Dong J 2023 J. Alloys Compd. 936 168371Google Scholar


    Wu Q X, Xu Z, Wageh S, Al-Ghamdi A, Zhao S L 2021 J. Alloys Compd. 891 162067


    Yan L, Huang J S, An Z C, Zhang Q Y, Zhou B 2022 Nano Lett. 22 7042Google Scholar


    Gao W, Zhang C X, Han Q Y, Lu Y R, Yan X W, Wang Y K, Yang Y, Liu J H, Dong J 2022 J. Lumin. 241 118501Google Scholar


    Gao D L, Zhang X Y, Chong B, Xiao G Q, Tian D P 2017 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 4288Google Scholar


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    Dong J, Zhang C X, Cheng X T, Xing Y, Han Q Y, Yan X W, Qi J X, Liu J H, Yang Y, Gao W 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 154208Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-05-11
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