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High speed gate driver circuit basd on metal oxide thin film transistors

Zhang Li-Rong Ma Xue-Xue Wang Chun-Fu Li Guan-Ming Xia Xing-Heng Luo Dong-Xiang Wu Wei-Jing Xu Miao Wang Lei Peng Jun-Biao


High speed gate driver circuit basd on metal oxide thin film transistors

Zhang Li-Rong, Ma Xue-Xue, Wang Chun-Fu, Li Guan-Ming, Xia Xing-Heng, Luo Dong-Xiang, Wu Wei-Jing, Xu Miao, Wang Lei, Peng Jun-Biao
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  • This paper presents a new high speed gate driver circuit driven by In-Zn-O thin film transistors. Two methods are employed to improve the speed of this dirver: First, the input stage multiplex structure is adopted, one input stage drives three output stages; this could reduce the quantity of thin film transistors and also could achieve the narrow bezels in the AMOLED or AMLCD displays. Even the work frequency of the input stage becomes 1/3 of the output stage. When the speed of the circuit increass, there is enough time for input stage charging and discharging. So this kind of driver is suitable for high speed driving method. Second, three times the capacitance coupled effect generated in the gate driver can pull up the voltage level of the key nodes in the circuit, ensuring the signal integrity, While the first time the effect generated in the input stage is to reduce the charge time of the cascade signal and improve the speed of input stage. The second time that generated between input stage and output stage contrbutes to the integrity of cascade ouput signal and output control signal. A diode-connected thin film transistor applied to connect the output control signal and the gate of pull-up thin film transistors in output stage generates the three time capacitance coupled effects. Since the capacitance coupled effect can pull up the gate voltage of the pull-up thin film transistors during output period, the driving ability of the pull-up thin film transistors and the working speed could be promoted effectively. Simulation result shows that the capacitance coupled effect of each key node can pull up the voltage level considerably and the gate driver can normally work at the speed of 4 s. Finally, ten stage gate driver circuits have been fabricated successfully including ten input stages and thirty output stages. The test result shows that the proposed gate driver could work normally with a load of R=5 k and C=100 pF. Furthermore, the high speed test result shows that the output signal pulse width of the circuit is 2 s meeting the driving demands of the 4 k8 k display at the frame rate of 120 Hz. The power consumption of the gate dirver circuit is measured in different resolutions under the frame frequencies of 60 and 120 Hz respectively.
      Corresponding author: Wu Wei-Jing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No. 2015CB6500), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61204089), the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant Nos. S2012010008648, 2014A030310253), the Guangdong Province (Institute) Research Project, China (Grant No. 2013B090500015), the Pearl River ST Nova Program of Guangzhou, China (Grant No. 201506010015), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2015M572313), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. 2015ZM072, 2015ZM070).

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    Wu W J, Song X F, Zhang L R, Zhou L, Xu M, Wang L, Peng J B Transations On Electron Devices 61 3335


    Binn K, Lee Y U, Han M K, Seung C C, Yong H J, Park K S, Kim C D 2011 Society for Information Display 27 1191


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  • [1]

    Liu B Q, Lan L F, Zou J H, Peng J B 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 087302 (in Chinese) [刘佰全, 兰林锋, 邹建华, 彭俊彪 2013 62 087302]


    Liu B Q, Tao H, Su Y J, Gao D Y, Lan L F, Zou J H, Peng J B 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 077303


    Liu Y, Wu W J, Li B, SI Y F, Wang L, Liu Y R 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 098503 (in Chinese) [刘远, 吴为敬, 李斌, 思云飞, 王磊, 刘玉荣 2014 63 098503]


    Cao Y,Tao H,Zou J H, Xu M, Lan L F, Wang L,Peng J B 2012 Journal of South China University of Technology 40 1 (in Chinese) [曹镛, 陶洪, 邹建华, 徐苗, 兰林锋, 王磊, 彭俊彪 2012 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) 40 1]


    Lan L, Xiong N, Xiao P, Li M, Xu H, Yao R, Wen S, Peng J 2013 Appl. Phys Lett. 102 242102


    Xu H, Lan L F, Li M, Luo D X, Xiao P, Lin Z G, Ning H L, Peng J B 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 038501 (in Chinese) [徐华, 兰林锋, 李民, 罗东向, 肖鹏, 林振国, 宁洪龙, 彭俊彪 2014 63 038501]


    Zhou L, Xu M, Wu W J, Xia X H, Wang L, Peng J B 2015 Chinese Journal of Luminescence 36 577 (in Chinese) [周雷, 徐苗, 吴为敬, 夏兴衡, 王磊, 彭俊彪 2015 发光学报 36 577]


    Chih L L, Chun D T, Min C C, Jian S Y 2011 Journal of Display Technology 7 10


    Jae E P, Min K R, Chi S H, Shin H Y, Sang H K P, Sung M Y, Hong K L, Youn K K, Joon D K, Hwan S O, Kee C P 2012 Electron Device Letters 33 1144


    Arokia N, Anil K, Kapil S, Peyman S, Sanjiv S, Denis S 2004 Journal of Solid-State Circuit 39 1477


    Lee Y W, Kim S J, Lee S Y, Lee W G, Yoon K S, Park J W, Kwon J Y, Han M K 2012 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 15 H126


    Binn K, Seung C C, Jeong S L, Sun J K, Yong H J, Soo Y Y, Chang D K, Min K H 2011 Transations On Electron Devices 58 3012


    Wu W J, Li G M, Xia X H, Zhang L R, Zhou L, Xu M 2014 Journal Of Display Technology 10 523


    Wu W J, Song X F, Zhang L R, Zhou L, Xu M, Wang L, Peng J B Transations On Electron Devices 61 3335


    Binn K, Lee Y U, Han M K, Seung C C, Yong H J, Park K S, Kim C D 2011 Society for Information Display 27 1191


    Li M, Lan L F, Xu M, Luo D X, Xiao P, Peng J B 2014 Solid State Electron 91 9


    Di G, Dong H K, Man J S, Mallory M, Jin J 2012 Society for Information Display 3 38

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  • Received Date:  20 July 2015
  • Accepted Date:  06 October 2015
  • Published Online:  20 January 2016

