We report the development of an incoherent broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (IBBCEAS) based on an ultraviolet light emitting diode (UV-LED), and the IBBCEAS instrument is used for simultaneously measuring of the atmospheric HONO and NO2. The cavity-enhanced method is characterized by high sensitivity and spatial resolution. The incoherent broadband light is focused into a high-finesse optical cavity, two highly reflecting mirrors form the ends of the cavity, and the light is then trapped between the two highly reflecting mirrors, resulting in long photon residence time and long optical path length. The effects of the Rayleigh scattering of the gases in the cavity and stability of the UV-LED light source were discussed in this paper. The reflectivity of the highly reflecting mirror was calibrated by the difference of Rayleigh scattering of He and N2, and the optimum averaging time of the IBBCEAS instrument was confirmed to be 320 s by the Allan variance analysis. Detection limits (1) of 0.22 ppb for HONO and 0.45 ppb for NO2 were achieved with an optimum acquisition time of 320 s. In order to test the accuracy of measured results by the IBBCEAS instrument, concentrations of HONO and NO2 were recorded during about continuous three days by the IBBCEAS instrument and compared with the results obtained by a different optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) instrument. The results of HONO show a linear correction factor (R2) of 0.917, in a slope of 0.897 with an offset of 0.13 ppb; NO2 concentration measured by the IBBCEAS instrument accords well with the result obtained by the DOAS instrument, with a linear correlation of R2 = 0.937, in a slope of 0.914 with an offset of-0.17 ppb.
[1] Su H, Cheng Y, Oswald R, Behrendt T, Trebs I, Meixner F X, Andreae M O, Cheng P, Zhang Y, Poschl U 2011 Science 333 1616
[2] Kulmala M, Petaja T 2011 Science 333 1586
[3] Oswald R, Behrendt T, Ermel M, Wu D, Su H, Cheng Y, Breuninger C, Moravek A, Mougin E, Delon C, Loubet B, Pommerening-Roeser A, Soergel M, Poeschl U, Hoffmann T, Andreae M O, Meixner F X, Trebs I 2013 Science 341 1233
[4] Crabtree K N, Talipov M R, Martinez Jr O, O’Connor G D, Khursan S L, McCarthy M C 2013 Science 342 1354
[5] Li X, Rohrer F, Hofzumahaus A, Brauers T, Haeseler R, Bohn B, Broch S, Fuchs H, Gomm S, Holland F, Jaeger J, Kaiser J, Keutsch F N, Lohse I, Lu K, Tillmann R, Wegener R, Wolfe G M, Mentel T F, Kiendler-Scharr A, Wahner A 2014 Science 344 292
[6] Fiedler S E, Hese A, Ruth A A 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 371 284
[7] Ling L Y, Xie P H, Qin M, Fang W, Jiang Y, Hu R Z, Zheng N N 2013 Chin. Opt. Lett. 11 063001
[8] Ball S M, Langridge J M, Jones R L 2004 Chem. Phys. Lett. 398 68
[9] Langridge J M, Ball S M, Jones R L 2006 Analyst 131 916
[10] Kennedy O J, Ouyang B, Langridge J M, Daniels M J S, Bauguitte S, Freshwater R, McLeod M W, Ironmonger C, Sendall J, Norris O, Nightingale R, Ball S M, Jones R L 2011 Atmos. Measur. Tech. 4 1759
[11] Dorn H P, Apodaca R L, Ball S M, Brauers T, Brown S S, Crowley J N, Dubé W P, Fuchs H, Häseler R, Heitmann U, Jones R L, Kiendler-Scharr A, Labazan I, Langridge J M, Meinen J, Mentel T F, Platt U, Pöhler D, Rohrer F, Ruth A A, Schlosser E, Schuster G, Shillings A J L, Simpson W R, Thieser J, Tillmann R, Varma R, Venables D S, Wahner A 2013 Atmos. Measur. Tech. 6 1111
[12] Venables D S, Gherman T, Orphal J, Wenger J C, Ruth A A 2006 Environ. Sci. Technol. 40 6758
[13] Wu T, Coeur-Tourneur C, Dhont G, Cassez A, Fertein E, He X, Chen W 2014 J. Quantit. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 133 199
[14] Vaughan S, Gherman T, Ruth A A, Orphal J 2008 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 4471
[15] Wu T, Chen W, Fertein E, Cazier F, Dewaele D, Gao X 2011 Appl. Phys. B 106 501
[16] Wu T, Zha Q, Chen W, Xu Z, Wang T, He X 2014 Atmos. Environ. 95 544
[17] Gherman T, Venables D S, Vaughan S, Orphal J, Ruth A A 2007 Environ. Sci. Technol. 42 890
[18] Thalman R, Volkamer R 2010 Atmos. Measur. Tech. 3 1797
[19] Hoch D J, Buxmann J, Sihler H, Pöhler D, Zetzsch C, Platt U 2014 Atmos. Measur. Tech. 7 199
[20] Ling L Y, Qin M, Xie P H, Hu R Z, Fang W, Jiang Y, Liu J G, Liu W Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 140703(in Chinese) [凌六一, 秦敏, 谢品华, 胡仁志, 方武, 江宇, 刘建国, 刘文清 2012 61 140703]
[21] Ling L Y, Xie P H, Qin M, Hu R Z, Zheng N N 2013 J. Atmos. Environ. Opt. 1 10(in Chinese) [凌六一, 谢品华, 秦敏, 胡仁志, 郑尼娜 2013 大气与环境光学学报 1 10]
[22] Washenfelder R A, Langford A O, Fuchs H, Brown S S 2008 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 7779
[23] Axson J L, Washenfelder R A, Kahan T F, Young C J, Vaida V, Brown S S 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 11581
[24] Stutz J, Kim E, Platt U, Bruno P, Perrino C, Febo A 2000 J. Geophys. Res. 105 14585
[25] Qin M, Xie P H, Liu W Q, Li A, Dou K, Fang W, Liu J G, Zhang W J 2006 J. Environ. Sci. 18 69
[26] Qin M, Xie P H, Su H, Gu J, Peng F M, Li S W, Zeng L M, Liu J G, Liu W Q, Zhang Y H 2009 Atmos. Environ. 43 5731
[27] Li X, Brauers T, Häseler R, Bohn B, Fuchs H, Hofzumahaus A, Holland F, Lou S, Lu K D, Rohrer F, Hu M, Zeng L M, Zhang Y H, Garland R M, Su H, Nowak A, Wiedensohler A, Takegawa N, Shao M, Wahner A 2012 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12 1497
[1] Su H, Cheng Y, Oswald R, Behrendt T, Trebs I, Meixner F X, Andreae M O, Cheng P, Zhang Y, Poschl U 2011 Science 333 1616
[2] Kulmala M, Petaja T 2011 Science 333 1586
[3] Oswald R, Behrendt T, Ermel M, Wu D, Su H, Cheng Y, Breuninger C, Moravek A, Mougin E, Delon C, Loubet B, Pommerening-Roeser A, Soergel M, Poeschl U, Hoffmann T, Andreae M O, Meixner F X, Trebs I 2013 Science 341 1233
[4] Crabtree K N, Talipov M R, Martinez Jr O, O’Connor G D, Khursan S L, McCarthy M C 2013 Science 342 1354
[5] Li X, Rohrer F, Hofzumahaus A, Brauers T, Haeseler R, Bohn B, Broch S, Fuchs H, Gomm S, Holland F, Jaeger J, Kaiser J, Keutsch F N, Lohse I, Lu K, Tillmann R, Wegener R, Wolfe G M, Mentel T F, Kiendler-Scharr A, Wahner A 2014 Science 344 292
[6] Fiedler S E, Hese A, Ruth A A 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 371 284
[7] Ling L Y, Xie P H, Qin M, Fang W, Jiang Y, Hu R Z, Zheng N N 2013 Chin. Opt. Lett. 11 063001
[8] Ball S M, Langridge J M, Jones R L 2004 Chem. Phys. Lett. 398 68
[9] Langridge J M, Ball S M, Jones R L 2006 Analyst 131 916
[10] Kennedy O J, Ouyang B, Langridge J M, Daniels M J S, Bauguitte S, Freshwater R, McLeod M W, Ironmonger C, Sendall J, Norris O, Nightingale R, Ball S M, Jones R L 2011 Atmos. Measur. Tech. 4 1759
[11] Dorn H P, Apodaca R L, Ball S M, Brauers T, Brown S S, Crowley J N, Dubé W P, Fuchs H, Häseler R, Heitmann U, Jones R L, Kiendler-Scharr A, Labazan I, Langridge J M, Meinen J, Mentel T F, Platt U, Pöhler D, Rohrer F, Ruth A A, Schlosser E, Schuster G, Shillings A J L, Simpson W R, Thieser J, Tillmann R, Varma R, Venables D S, Wahner A 2013 Atmos. Measur. Tech. 6 1111
[12] Venables D S, Gherman T, Orphal J, Wenger J C, Ruth A A 2006 Environ. Sci. Technol. 40 6758
[13] Wu T, Coeur-Tourneur C, Dhont G, Cassez A, Fertein E, He X, Chen W 2014 J. Quantit. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 133 199
[14] Vaughan S, Gherman T, Ruth A A, Orphal J 2008 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 4471
[15] Wu T, Chen W, Fertein E, Cazier F, Dewaele D, Gao X 2011 Appl. Phys. B 106 501
[16] Wu T, Zha Q, Chen W, Xu Z, Wang T, He X 2014 Atmos. Environ. 95 544
[17] Gherman T, Venables D S, Vaughan S, Orphal J, Ruth A A 2007 Environ. Sci. Technol. 42 890
[18] Thalman R, Volkamer R 2010 Atmos. Measur. Tech. 3 1797
[19] Hoch D J, Buxmann J, Sihler H, Pöhler D, Zetzsch C, Platt U 2014 Atmos. Measur. Tech. 7 199
[20] Ling L Y, Qin M, Xie P H, Hu R Z, Fang W, Jiang Y, Liu J G, Liu W Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 140703(in Chinese) [凌六一, 秦敏, 谢品华, 胡仁志, 方武, 江宇, 刘建国, 刘文清 2012 61 140703]
[21] Ling L Y, Xie P H, Qin M, Hu R Z, Zheng N N 2013 J. Atmos. Environ. Opt. 1 10(in Chinese) [凌六一, 谢品华, 秦敏, 胡仁志, 郑尼娜 2013 大气与环境光学学报 1 10]
[22] Washenfelder R A, Langford A O, Fuchs H, Brown S S 2008 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 7779
[23] Axson J L, Washenfelder R A, Kahan T F, Young C J, Vaida V, Brown S S 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 11581
[24] Stutz J, Kim E, Platt U, Bruno P, Perrino C, Febo A 2000 J. Geophys. Res. 105 14585
[25] Qin M, Xie P H, Liu W Q, Li A, Dou K, Fang W, Liu J G, Zhang W J 2006 J. Environ. Sci. 18 69
[26] Qin M, Xie P H, Su H, Gu J, Peng F M, Li S W, Zeng L M, Liu J G, Liu W Q, Zhang Y H 2009 Atmos. Environ. 43 5731
[27] Li X, Brauers T, Häseler R, Bohn B, Fuchs H, Hofzumahaus A, Holland F, Lou S, Lu K D, Rohrer F, Hu M, Zeng L M, Zhang Y H, Garland R M, Su H, Nowak A, Wiedensohler A, Takegawa N, Shao M, Wahner A 2012 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12 1497
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