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Study of energy partitioning and its feedback on the microclimate over different surfaces in an arid zone

Li Hong-Yu Fu Cong-Bin Guo Wei-Dong Ma Fang


Study of energy partitioning and its feedback on the microclimate over different surfaces in an arid zone

Li Hong-Yu, Fu Cong-Bin, Guo Wei-Dong, Ma Fang
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  • Model simulations show that land use and land cover changes(LUCC) may alter surface energy budget and influence surface microclimate, but up to now, it still lacks of sufficient observations for explaining the mechanism of climate change brought about by LUCC. Grasslands and shrub lands are typical land covers in the mid-latitude arid zone of the northern hemisphere. The data used in this paper was collected from four sites which are related to grassland, open shrubland, savanna and closed shrubland, and all located in New Mexico, USA. The four sites are near each other and have the same background in climate and weather. Thus, the difference in surface energy partitioning over the four surfaces is induced by different land processes, which was explained in our study. The paper also analyzed the feedbacks of different land surface parameters and energy partitioning for the surface microclimate.We find that the leaf area index(LAI) and surface roughness of the four sites increases from the desert grassland to the closed shrubland. The difference in vegetation structures and functions also affects aerodynamic resistance and surface resistance to heat transfer and the resistances exhibit larger over sparse surfaces. Generally, the sites with high vegetation cover have higher net radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes, particularly in the growing season. In addition, the contributions of impacting factors to the turbulent fluxes are diagnosed by Penman-Monteith equation and a mathematical formula combining net radiation with Bowen ratio. Compared to the desert grassland, the variations in net radiation over other three surfaces indicate positive contributions to both sensible and latent heat fluxes and govern their changes. The variations in the aerodynamic resistance and the surface resistance lead to opposite contributions. Besides, both radiative surface temperature and surface air temperature over the sparse surfaces are significantly higher than that over the closed shrubland. Larger aerodynamic resistance and Bowen ratio over the sparse vegetation dominate the warming trend accompanying the vegetation degradation and simultaneously offset the cooling effect induced by the decrease in net radiation, showing the land surface process over different surfaces factually has an evident feedback on surface micro-climate in the same climate and weather background.
    • Funds: Project supported by the State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (Grant No. 2011CB952002).

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    Gao X J, Luo Y, Lin W T Zhao ZC, Giorgi F 2003 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 20 583


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    Pitman A J, Noblet D N, Cruz F T, Davin E L, Bonan G B 2009 Geophys. Res. Lett. 36 L14814


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    Feng J W, Liu H Z, Wang L, Du Q, Shi L Q 2012 Sci. China Earth Sci. 55 254


    Zhao Q F, Guo W D, Ling X L, Liu Y, Wang G Y, Xie J 2013 Climatic Environ. Res. 18 415 (in Chinese) [赵钱飞, 郭维栋, 凌肖露, 刘野, 王国印, 解静 2013 气候与环境研究 18 415]


    Yuan H, Dai Y, Xiao Z, Ji D Y, Shangguan W 2011 Remote Sens. Environ. 115 1171


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    Huang R H, Zhou D G, Chen W, Zhou L T, Wei Z G, Zhang Q, Gao X Q, Wei G A, Hou X H 2013 Chin J Atmos Sci 37 189 (in Chinese) [黄荣辉, 周德刚, 陈文, 周连童, 韦志刚, 张强, 高晓清, 卫国安, 侯旭宏 2013 大气科学 37 189]


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Zhao W, Wang J S, Wang R Y, Yao Y B, Wang S, Hao X C, Yang F L, Wang R A 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 209201 (in Chinese) [岳平, 张强, 赵文, 王劲松, 王润元, 姚玉璧, 王胜, 郝小翠, 阳伏林, 王若安 2013 62 209201]


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    Yang K, Guo X F, Wu B Y 2011 Sci China Earth Sci 54 19


    Chen Y, Yang K, He J, Qin J, Shi J C, Du J Y, He Q 2011 J. Geophys. Res. 116 D20104


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    Feng C, Gu S, Zhao L, Xu S X, Zhou H K, Li Y N, Xu W X, Wu L B 2010 Plateau Meteorology 29 70 (in Chinese) [冯超, 古松, 赵亮, 徐世晓, 周华坤, 李英年, 徐维新, 吴力博 2010 高原气象 29 70]


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    Wilson K B, Baldocchi D 2000 Agri. Forest Meteorol. 00 1


    Min Q 1992 Meteor Mon 18 17 (in Chinese) [闵骞 1992 气象 18 17]


    Fu C B 2003 Glob Planet Change 37 219


    Stoy P C, Katul G G, Siqueira M B S 2006 Glob. Change Biol. 12 2115


    Liu H, Randerson J T 2008 J. Geophys. Res. 113 G01006.


    Houghton R A 1995 Glob Change Biol 1 275


    Churkina G, Brown D G, Keoleian G 2010 Glob Change Biol 16 135


    Li S, Zhong Z 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 029201


    Ran L K, Yang W X, Chu Y L 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 079201

  • [1]

    Shao P, Zeng X D 2012 Climatic Environ. Res. 17 103 (in Chinese) [邵璞, 曾晓东 2012 气候与环境研究 17 103]


    Fu C B, An Z S 2002 Earth Sci. Front. 9 271 (in Chinese) [符淙斌, 安芷生 2002 地学前缘 9 271]


    DeFries R, Houghton R., Hansen M 2002 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99 14256


    Brown M, Black T A, Nesic Z, Foord V N, Spittlehouse D L, Fredeen A L, Grant N J, Burton P J, Trofymow J A 2010 Agri. Forest Meteorol. 150 254


    Randerson J T, Liu H, Flanner M G 2006 Chambers S D, Jin Y, Hess P G Science 314 1130


    International Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2013 the Physical Science Basis. Working Group 1 Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the International Panel on Climate Change. International Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge, New York, 2013


    Bounoua L, DeFries R, Collatz G J, Sellers P, Khan H 2002 Climatic Change 52 29


    Werth D, Avissar R. 2002 J. Geophys. Res. 107 8087


    Mcalpine C A, Syktus J, Ryan J G, Deo R C, Mckeon G M 2009 Glob. Change Biol. 15 2206


    Gao X J, Luo Y, Lin W T Zhao ZC, Giorgi F 2003 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 20 583


    Fu C B, Yuan H L 2001 Chinese Sci. Bull. 46 1199


    Pitman A J, Noblet D N, Cruz F T, Davin E L, Bonan G B 2009 Geophys. Res. Lett. 36 L14814


    Kalnay E, Cai M 2003 Nature 423 528


    Trenberth K E 2004 Nature 427 213


    Baldocchi D, Falge E, Gu L H, Olson R, Hollingger D, Running S, Anthoni P 2001 Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 82 2415


    Lee X, Goulden M L, Hollinger D Y 2011 Nature 479 384


    Zhang Q, Wang S 2005 Acta Ecol. Sin. 25 2459 (in Chinese) [张强, 王胜 2005 生态学报 25 2459]


    Zhang Q, Wei G A 2003 J. Desert Res. 23 82 (in Chinese) [张强, 卫国安 2003 中国沙漠 23 82]


    Feng J W, Liu H Z, Wang L, Du Q, Shi L Q 2012 Sci. China Earth Sci. 55 254


    Zhao Q F, Guo W D, Ling X L, Liu Y, Wang G Y, Xie J 2013 Climatic Environ. Res. 18 415 (in Chinese) [赵钱飞, 郭维栋, 凌肖露, 刘野, 王国印, 解静 2013 气候与环境研究 18 415]


    Yuan H, Dai Y, Xiao Z, Ji D Y, Shangguan W 2011 Remote Sens. Environ. 115 1171


    Chen J Y, Wang J M, Yasushi M 1993 Chin J. Atmos. Sci. 17 21 (in Chinese) [陈家宜, 王介民, 光田宁 1993 大气科学 17 21]


    Baldocchi D, Ma S Y 2013 Tellus B 65 19994


    Monteith J L 1965 Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 19 205


    Wang K, Dickinson R E 2012 Rev. Geophys. 50 RG2005.


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Shi J S, Zhao J H, Wang S 2012 Acta Meteor Sin 70 1137 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 史晋森, 赵建华, 王胜 2012 气象学报 70 1137]


    Huang R H, Zhou D G, Chen W, Zhou L T, Wei Z G, Zhang Q, Gao X Q, Wei G A, Hou X H 2013 Chin J Atmos Sci 37 189 (in Chinese) [黄荣辉, 周德刚, 陈文, 周连童, 韦志刚, 张强, 高晓清, 卫国安, 侯旭宏 2013 大气科学 37 189]


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Zhao W, Wang J S, Wang R Y, Yao Y B, Wang S, Hao X C, Yang F L, Wang R A 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 209201 (in Chinese) [岳平, 张强, 赵文, 王劲松, 王润元, 姚玉璧, 王胜, 郝小翠, 阳伏林, 王若安 2013 62 209201]


    Zhu D Q, Gao X Q, Chen W 2006 J Desert Res 26 466 (in Chinese) [朱德琴, 高晓清, 陈文 2006 中国沙漠 26 466]


    Fang Y L, Sun S F, Li Q 2010 Chin J Atmos Sci 34 290 (in Chinese) [房云龙, 孙菽芬, 李倩 2010 大气科学 34 290]


    Yang K, Guo X F, Wu B Y 2011 Sci China Earth Sci 54 19


    Chen Y, Yang K, He J, Qin J, Shi J C, Du J Y, He Q 2011 J. Geophys. Res. 116 D20104


    Zhang Q, Wang S, Wei G A 2003 Chin J Geophys 46 616 (in Chinese) [张强, 王胜, 卫国安 2003 地球 46 616]


    Yao T, Zhang Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 089201 (in Chinese) [姚彤, 张强 2014 63 089201]


    Feng C, Gu S, Zhao L, Xu S X, Zhou H K, Li Y N, Xu W X, Wu L B 2010 Plateau Meteorology 29 70 (in Chinese) [冯超, 古松, 赵亮, 徐世晓, 周华坤, 李英年, 徐维新, 吴力博 2010 高原气象 29 70]


    Zhang Q, Zhao Y D, Wang S, Ma F 2007 Adv Earth Sci 22 1150 (in Chinese) [张强, 赵映东, 王胜, 马芳 2007 地球科学进展 22 1150]


    Hu Z, Yu G R, ZhouY L, Sun X M, Li Y N 2009 Agr. Forest Meteorol. 149 1410


    Wilson K B, Baldocchi D, Aubinet M 2002 Water Resour. Res. 38 1294


    Wilson K B, Baldocchi D 2000 Agri. Forest Meteorol. 00 1


    Min Q 1992 Meteor Mon 18 17 (in Chinese) [闵骞 1992 气象 18 17]


    Fu C B 2003 Glob Planet Change 37 219


    Stoy P C, Katul G G, Siqueira M B S 2006 Glob. Change Biol. 12 2115


    Liu H, Randerson J T 2008 J. Geophys. Res. 113 G01006.


    Houghton R A 1995 Glob Change Biol 1 275


    Churkina G, Brown D G, Keoleian G 2010 Glob Change Biol 16 135


    Li S, Zhong Z 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 029201


    Ran L K, Yang W X, Chu Y L 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 079201

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  • Received Date:  19 July 2014
  • Accepted Date:  14 October 2014
  • Published Online:  05 March 2015

