地表动量和热量输送对全球气候和大气环流变化具有重要影响, Monin-Obukhov (M-O)相似性函数是计算近地层动量和热量通量的重要手段, 获得准确的总体输送系数是提高大气模式模拟能力的关键环节. 本文利用锡林郭勒草原2008年春季近地层湍流通量观测资料, 对M-O相似性函数进行了修订, 拟合出了经验公式, 并建立了10 m高度水平风速与动量总体输送系数和感热总体输送系数的关系. 研究发现, 修订的M-O相似性函数计算的湍流通量与涡旋相关法测量值相比, 动量通量低估了10.8%, 感热通量高估了6.5%; Businger-Dyer通量廓线关系计算的湍流通量与涡旋相关法测量值相比, 动量通量低估了37.0%, 感热通量高估了16.1%. 近地层大气层结不稳定时, 动量总体输送系数与10 m高度水平风速满足关系CD=0.009U-0.322, 感热总体输送系数与10 m高度水平风速满足CH=0.184U-1.978; 近地层大气层结稳定时, 总体输送系数与10 m高度水平风速符合对数规律, 并随风速增大趋于中性或近中性. 修订的M-O相似性函数可显著提高平均梯度观测资料计算草原下垫面湍流通量的准确性; 总体输送系数与10 m高度水平风关系的建立, 为描述草原下垫面湍流输送特征提供了可靠的参数化方案.The turbulent momentum and sensible heat transfer over land surface have a notable influence on the change of global climate and atmospheric circulation, and Monin-Obukhov similarity function is a most important method to calculate the turbulent momentum and sensible heat flux near the surface, and ascertaining the right bulk transfer coefficient is a most effective way of improving the atmospheric model simulation capabilities. The characteristic of Monin-Obukhov similarity function is analyzed and the empirical formula is fitted, and the changes of bulk transfer coefficients of momentum and sensible heat over grassland with mean wind speed at 10 m high are discussed by using the data of the flux observations over Xilin Gol grassland in Spring 2008. Comparison with the observation values by eddy correlation method shows that the revised Monin-Obukhov similarity function underestimates the momentum flux by 10.8% and over estimates the sensible heat flux by 6.5%, but the typical Businger-Dyer similarity function underestimates the momentum flux by 37.0% and over estimates the sensible heat flux by 16.1%. Under unstable stratification, the bulk transfer coefficients of momentum (CD) and sensible heat (CH) vary with mean wind speed at 10 m high (U) according to the power law, which take the forms CD=0.009U-0.322 and CH=0.184U-1.978 respectively. Under stable stratification, the bulk transfer coefficients are found to increase in the manner of the logarithm law over grassland surface and tend to neutral or nearly neutral values with wind speed increasing. The revised Monin-Obukhov similarity function can significantly improve the accuracy of turbulent momentum and sensible heat flux computed by average gradient data, and the relations between bulk transfer coefficients and wind speed at 10 m high provide the useful parameterization schemes for accurately expressing the transportation characteristics of near surface turbulence.
- grassland surface /
- turbulent similarity function /
- turbulent flux /
- bulk transfer coefficient
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[1] Monin A S, Obukhov A M 1954 Tr. Akad. Nauk. SSSR Geofiz. Inst. 24 163
[2] Swinbank W C 1964 Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 90 119
[3] Swinbank W C, Dyer A J 1968 Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 93 494
[4] Tschalikov D V 1968 Trudy GGO 207 170
[5] Businger J A, Wangaard J C, Izumi Y, Bradley E F 1971 J. Atmos. Sci. 28 181
[6] Dyer A J 1974 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 7 363
[7] Miller M J, Beljaars A C M, Palmer T N 1992 J. Climate. 5 418
[8] Zhang Q, Huang R H, Tian H 2003 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 20 111
[9] Foken T 2006 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 119 431
[10] Sorbjan Z 1989 Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (1st Edn.) (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.) p317
[11] Zhang Q, Wei G A, Huang R H, Cao X Y 2002 Sci. China D 45 468
[12] Zhang J A, Black P G, French J R, Drennan W M 2008 Geophys. Res. Lett. 35 L14813
[13] Alappattu D, Subrahamanyam D, Kunhikrishnan P, Ramachandran R, Somayaji K, Venkatesh R, Bhat G, Singh A 2008 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 126 297
[14] Bhat G S, Thomas M A, Raju J V S, Chandrasekhara C P 2002 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 106 263
[15] Piers S, Forrest H, Ranson K J, Hank M, Bob K, Dennis B, den Gerry H, Josef C, Michael R G, Barry G, Patrick C, Dennis L, Wickland Diane E 1994 Bull. Ame. Meteorol. Sci. 76 1549
[16] De Ridder K 2010 Boundary-Layer Meterol. 134 257
[17] Rao K G, Narasimha R 1996 Geophys. Res. Lett. 23 2617
[18] Mahrt L, Vickers D, Sun J L, Jensen N O, Jorgense H, Pardyjak E, Fernando H 2001 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 99 249
[19] Yue P, Niu S J, Hu Y Q, Zhang Q 2010 Sci. China Earth Sci. 53 773
[20] Stull R B 1988 An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology (1st Edn.) (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers) p280
[21] Miao M Q, Qian J P 1996 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 54 95 (in Chinese) [苗曼倩, 钱峻屏 1996 气象学报 54 95]
[22] Deardorff J W 1978 J. Geophys. Res. 83 1889
[23] Guilloteay E 1998 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 87 147
[24] Ban J, Gao Z, Lenschow D H 2010 J. Geophys. Res. 115 D01106
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