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Numerical simulation of natural convection of square enclosure filled with Cu/Al2O3-water mixed nanofluid based on lattice Boltzmann method

Qi Cong He Guang-Yan Li Yi-Min He Yu-Rong


Numerical simulation of natural convection of square enclosure filled with Cu/Al2O3-water mixed nanofluid based on lattice Boltzmann method

Qi Cong, He Guang-Yan, Li Yi-Min, He Yu-Rong
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  • As an effective heat transfer medium, Nanofluid is used widely in heat transfer field. However, due to the contradiction between the heat conductivity coefficient of nanofluid and the cost of nanoparticles, a new mixed nanofluid is developed. In order to investigate the natural convection heat transfer characteristics and the interaction mechanism between nanoparticles, the lattice Boltzmann equations of nanofluid flow and temperature fields are deduced by multi-scale technique based on considering the interaction forces between nanoparticles, and the lattice Boltzmann model of Cu/Al2O3-water mixed nanofluid is established by coupling the evolution equations of flow with temperature fields. Nanoparticles distribution in enclosure and interaction forces between nanoparticles are investigated, it is found that Brownian motion force is far bigger than any other forces, and the effects of temperature difference driving force and Brownian motion force on nanoparticles distribution are biggest. In addition, the effects of nanoparticles fractions and Rayleigh number on natural convection are investigated, and the natural convection heat transfer characteristics of mixed nanofluid (Cu/Al2O3-water) are compared with those of single metal nanoparticle nanofluid (Al2O3-water). It is found that the mixed nanofluid has a higher heat transfer characteristic than other common nanofluid.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. 2014QNA23).

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  • [1]

    Choi U S 1995 ASME FED. 1995 99


    Li Y T, Shen L P, Wang H, Wang H B 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 124401 (in Chinese) [李屹同, 沈谅平, 王浩, 汪汉斌 2013 62 124401]


    Ahmad A, Asghar S, Alsaedi A 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 074401


    Salem A M, Ismail G, Fathy R 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 044402


    Hatat T, Imtiaz M, Alsaedi A, Mansoor R 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 054701


    Khalili S, Dinarvand S, Hosseini R, Tamim H, Pop I 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 048203


    Xiao B Q 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 014402


    Xiao B Q, Yang Y, Xu X F 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 026601


    Oztop H F, Abu-Nada E 2008 Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 29 1326


    Ho C J, Chen M W, Li Z W 2008 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 51 4506


    Saleh H, Roslan R, Hashim I 2011 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 54 194


    Ghasemi B, Aminossadati S M 2010 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 49 931


    Xie H Q, Chen L F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2513 (in Chinese) [谢华清, 陈立飞 2009 58 2513]


    Xiao B Q, Fan J T, Jiang G P, Chen L X 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 154401 (in Chinese) [肖波齐, 范金土, 蒋国平, 陈玲霞 2012 61 154401]


    Xie H Q, Zeng Z, Zhang L Q, Liang G Y, Hiroshi M, Youshiyuki K 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 124703


    He Y B, Lin X Y, Dong X L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 194701 (in Chinese) [何郁波, 林晓艳, 董晓亮 2013 62 194701]


    Ren S, Zhang J Z, Zhang Y M, Wei D 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 024702 (in Chinese) [任晟, 张家忠, 张亚苗, 卫丁 2014 63 024702]


    Guo Z L, Shi B C, Wang N C 2000 J. Comput. Phys. 165 288


    Guo Z, Shi B, Zheng C 2002 Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 39 325


    Guo Z, Zheng C, Shi B, Zhao T S 2007 Phys. Rev. E 75 1


    Xuan Y, Yao Z 2005 Heat Mass Transfer 41 199


    Wang Y, He Y L, Tong C Q, Liu Y W 2007 J. Eng. Thermophys. 28 313 (in Chinese) [王勇, 何雅玲, 童长青, 刘迎文 2007 工程热 28 313]


    Guo Z L, Li Q, Zheng C G 2002 Chin. J. Comput. Phys. 19 483 (in Chinese) [郭照立, 李青, 郑楚光 2002 计算物理 19 483]


    Zhou L J, Xuan Y M, Li Q 2009 Chin. J. Comput. Phys. 26 631 (in Chinese) [周陆军, 宣益民, 李强 2009 计算物理 26 631]


    Guo Y L, Xu H H, Shen S Q, Wei L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 144704 (in Chinese) [郭亚丽, 徐鹤函, 沈胜强, 魏兰 2013 62 144704]


    Kefayati G H R, Hosseinizadeh S F, Gorji M, Sajjadi H 2011 Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer 38 798


    Lai F H, Yang Y T 2011 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 50 1930


    Guiet J, Reggio M, Vasseur P 2011 Comput. Therm. Sci. 3 1


    Nemati H, Farhadi M, Sedighi K, Ashorynejad H R, Fattahi E 2012 Sci. Iran. B 19 303


    Zhou L J, Xuan Y M, Li Q 2010 Int. J. Multiphase Flow 36 364


    Russel W B, Saville D A, Schowalter W R 1989 Colloidal Dispersion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp30-45


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    Zhou T, Li H Z 1999 Chem. React. Eng. Technol. 115 1 (in Chinese) [周涛, 李洪钟 1999 化学反应工程与工艺 115 1]


    He C, Ahmadi G 1999 J. Aerosol. Sci. 30 739


    Abu-Nada E 2009 Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 30 679


    Abu-Nada E, Oztop H F 2009 Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 30 669


    L X Y 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Shanghai: Fudan University) (in Chinese) [吕晓阳2006 博士学位论文 (上海:复旦大学)]


    Hortmann M, Perić M, Scheuerer G 1990 Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 11 189


    Khanafer K, Vafai K, Lightstone M 2003 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 3639


    D'Orazio A, Corcione M, Celata G P 2004 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 43 575


    De Vahl Davis G 1983 Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 3 249


    Barakos G, Mistoulis E, Assimacopoulos D 1994 Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 18 695


    Fusegi T, Hyun J M, Kuwahara K, Farouk B 1991 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 34 1543


    Krane R J, Jessee J 1983 Proceedings of the 1th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference Honolulu, Hawaii 1983 p323

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  • Received Date:  08 June 2014
  • Accepted Date:  22 July 2014
  • Published Online:  05 January 2015

